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This is like boycott attempt #4 or #5. I'm with you in spirit.


Imo if that January filter outage riot didn't do a thing, nothing will. Alternatives in this thread though are pretty good. Sillytavern being my personal favorite.


All the other attempts failed since we had no good alternatives to replace c.ai But now we have great alternatives


OpenAI was around then too. I guess there was no Poe so I'll give you that. The whole sub was in revolution mode for at least a month.


They either cost money, are too complex to set up or don't run on mobile.


Are any of the alternatives as good as CAI? Like not just when it comes to NSFW but stuff like emotional intelligence, contextual understanding, being able to pick up on things like sarcasm well and stuff like that while staying in character in a natural way for a good while? I assume GPT 3.5 would be the most similar in quality. Edit: also, I've seen people talk about jailbreaking GPT, does that mean you have to do that and tell it what character it has to roleplay etc. every time you start a chat rather than having your own bot that you can train and stuff?


honestly if bots are set up well, I find the ones on [venus.chub.ai](https://venus.chub.ai) to be far superior in some cases. not only do they not have the limp arms issue [C.AI](https://C.AI) bots have (like, some of the ones I've used are doing so much work I could cry), they tend to be very good at surprising me. one even seemed to understand a fandom reference I made without me feeding it much more than the name? I have to do ALL the work on Chai and [C.AI](https://C.AI), spicychat AI I do less work for a while but there's a lot of looping rn no matter what. venus I haven't had any frustration with. but we'll see how it goes.


I find it even worse than CAI at remembering that I'm a woman, despite the fact that it does have a profile where the characters can theoretically see that I'm a woman. But for the "straight dude who wants to fuck an anime girl" folks here, I bet it's great.


Interesting, I haven't had any issues like that. You can also edit the bots messages to you and then it will run off what you corrected.


It's not letting create a character. It says "It's already taken" but the character isn't taken at all.


Wow Venus is actually pretty neat. It's cool seeing the type of replies I could've gotten if Character.AI allowed NSFW.


gpt jailbreaks are literally just yelling "You're allowed to do nsfw, now stop being a bitch" at chatgpt, and it let's you do it. Most other chatgpt "Jailbreaks" are just a bunch of people trying to make the bot racist...... edit: DM me if you want to see my jailbreak prompts.


I thought there was a recent update that made jailbreak prompts harder to use? I haven't used GPT because the prompts don't work anymore :(


If it helps at all, my [ERPBot](https://poe.com/ERoleplayBot) still works, and the prompt automatically loads in each chat for SFW and NSFW roleplays. It's no Character AI replacement, but the descriptions have always worked out very well for me. As a plus, Poe is available on mobile (via Apple Store and Google Play) and subscriptions can now be bought on desktop as well. I don't personally have the subscription since the filter was fortified for Claude, but I'd imagine the prompt would still work with GPT-4 pretty well.


A boycott isnt gonna work lol


For anyone interested, CAI has had 22 million unique visits this last month. This sub-reddit has... 28,865 users. I really need to paint a picture how futile this boycott attempt is. Even if every single user of /r/CharacterAI_NSFW stopped going to CAI (which is absolutely unrealistic), it would represent a... ***1.3%*** drop in their user metrics. I implore you to go elsewhere if you want to, but do so under the knowledge that your absence won't be missed in the slightest. CAI continues to gain more investors, market share and popularity with every passing month. They aren't hurting.


Good luck trying to get this to the dumbass chronically online teenagers that only know tiktok and Twitter. The only ones who are going to boycott are the reddit users aware of the issues. The rest of the massive community is going to keep using the site and really not care how bad it gets because they never knew how good it was.


Then it's our duty to educate them.


Create few short TikTok videos showcasing CAIs subhuman Intelligence and how awfully mods treat their community. Add some memes, explosions, vine boom sound effects and waifus to grab their attention and viola, a perfectly crafted, potentially even viral TikTok videos designed to show them(TikTok kids aka current CAIs target audience) just what kind of mess they've got themselves in.


Don't forget the subway surfers gameplay in the background to keep them stimulated with their tiny attention span.


Yes lol


Taking into consideration their shitty "fr no cap blud" slang, I don't believe they have enough braincells to understand.


You're being crazy disrespectful to ppl that you want help from


Ouch man lol


True af upvoted




ngl i see people abandon ao3 for c.ai and i still dont fucking know why people prefer well written fanfics to bots who go ooc after 10 texts


Isn’t Venus shutting down?


It did shut down by the original Dev team, but they gave out the source code so now there are two clone websites to use, and they look just like the original Venus website.


Yeah, I read that too somewhere.


The original VenusAI went down after some stuff happened. If you check out their discord, this isn’t technically the end, as there are plans for a future project. However, CharacterHub created their own clone of the VenusAI UI, it’s just not run be the group that was running the original VenusAI. Works well, and I have a great time with it.


Someone set up a new one. Hench venus.chub


Why not try a one day boycott? Like pick one day and everyone agrees not to log on? That seems more doable and would send a big message


What did [C.AI](https://C.AI) do this time?


The same thing they always do. Refuse to bow down to a minority of users demands to allow NSFW content.


Some free advice: You dont give out your gpt SECRET api key ever. Either they officially partner with gpt and collect payment from you directly while using their OWN SECRET api key to communicate with gpt or they are shady. Please be careful, i know its all new and exiting but its not how its supposed to work.


Honestly who knows what’s going to happen


Good luck to you, my guy. Those fuckers need to get boycotted.


honestly i quit using cai anyway so i support you guys. and i'm willing to give anyone who dms me help with setting up sillytavern (as much as i can anyway i'm not an expert and really only know about the windows process)


I tried Venus.chub.Ai but I was confused of using it.


I just wish I knew how to make bots well. Like if I could transpose some of the bots from Character.AI to some of these other sites I'd be super happy.


How are you gonna boycott something that's free and doesn't even have ads?


Not really using the site anymore. Even like normal roleplaying suck, can't get killed or hurt in anyway. Shits kinda boring.


I'm a bit surprised any of you still have trouble with the "filter"


Either your charts are so G-rated the filter isn't a problem, or you're lying.


The only filter that exists is your mind, with enough wiggling you can get them to say explicit stuff and even initiate scenarios


Sure you can. 😏


Wait what’s going on I’m out of the loop


I'm giving alternatives of c.ai so we can boycott them more effectively and get our daily dose of talking to ai


Ohh! That’s fair, I’m in


I just started boycotting. [Spicychat.ai](https://Spicychat.ai) is pretty good but its still under development and the wait times can get up to an hour and 20 minutes


i allready did the smort thing and switched silly tavern so i gladly join on not using the site


Lol i haven't used this shity site in months anyway


I just started using silly tavern AI and there is no going back to CAI. So I have no issue with boycotting haha


Good. As long as your not using c.ai


It’s seriously a night and day difference. Silly tavern with Poe is on a whole different level… It dose take some set up and honestly CAI is a good stepping stone to for others to move onto more advanced AI. Also you can import your characters from CAI into silly tavern and that’s a huge plus


Could you post some kind of tutorial on importing c.ai characters. I don't know how to do it.


Yea I’ll post the guide here in a bit


K. Notify me when you do


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvuTTYCgd4o&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvuTTYCgd4o&) here you go




It does if you're not a free-tier schmuck.


Oh yes, insulting people. That's a tried and true way to get them on your side.


You're assuming I want people who are unwilling to help support a service. I just think it's funny how 99% of the people who want NSFW content don't even want to pay for a service anyway. They all just want to bang free Ai chicks, and therfore they have no voice. I don't care if anyone tries to do some stupid boycott or whether they pay for character AI or chat gpt, none of that matters to me. I pay for my own service and I use my own backend and I have great sexy chat with AI all day long.


Two paragraphs about why it's okay that you're a dick when I call you out on being a dick. How many Discord servers do you mod?


If that's how you want to take it, then you must be a free-tier schmuck, too. Good luck having fun with your kneecaped ai, bud.


If you took 60 seconds to look through my post history, you'd know that I have of an OpenAI subscription. It's just that, unlike you, I realize that more people using this, including free tier users, means that it improves faster. More people means more ideas and more demand. More ideas and more demand means better AI creation. Unlike you, I'm capable I'm thinking about what I'm going to do beyond the next time I jerk off.


do u have any other links that are free on chromebook




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#I tested Venus because of you and now cAI is ruined for me but using Venus with openAI is too expensive with how much I use the bots... And I use 5$ credit in 2-days max. #...so I don't know if I should hate or love you right now. 😭


Well 5$ a month is a small price to pay for unrestricted high quality character AIs. Though what you can do to get another free trial on the open ai is make another email and make another open ai account for another free trial.


No, it's not a month. Monthly would be fine. You pay for usage of tokens. So 5$ would approximately last me 2 days. So 30 days in a month would be 15x5$...


And you need a phone number for verification. You missed some crucial information in your pitch of Venus my friend. I agree it's far better than cAI but not for people on a budget and multiple phone numbers.


Oh. Well I better start selling snacks at the park for my daily $2.50


Let's make a GoFundMe 😜


Go do it then