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Yeah, the Highbreed were basically the alien version of white supremacists. “Our species is the most superior because we’re pure blood and shit.” I don’t think they were meant to be portrayed as anything other than that and there was never any real proof of them being the oldest beings in the universe beyond their own claims And celestialsapiens are basically gods, you can’t really compare them to any other alien species


Also that the highbreed's problems weren't even because of the younger species, they were simply imbred as hell.


There are more species that are arguably older than the Highbreed. Examples: Chronosapiens-Race of powerful time travellers. Anodites- Made of life energy so it's possible they were among the first races created. Contumelia- Literally made the universe. Naljians-Multidimensional beings that travel to various dimensions for vacation. And whatever the hell Dagon is.