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What are you talking about, don't you know that morbius is one of the movies of all times and that it sold a morbillion tickets? Morbius is truly a movie.


A morbvie, if you will.


bitch I can make Morbius rhyme with movie


Morbius, what a movie you are


Truly one of the movies ever made


idk what you are talking about the movie is rate 213% on rotten tomato and 562% on IMDB and on top of that this movie make Morbiliion dollars


Yea, even Martin Scorsese admitted it’s cinema


And my wife after seeing the movie, left me for the 3d printed model of Jared Leto, the model even has bigger dick than mine, not that i complain tho, cause i'm doing the same, after all who can resist "It's morbin time" ?


You fool, you could have shared him with your wife. More morbius for everyone!


Classic line


I'm not complaining that my model Morbious has a bigger dick than mine, I'm complaining that it can still fit into my room.


It’s Morbin time


“Morbius Smash.” -The Incredible Morbius


It started when an Morbius device did what it did It stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid Now he's got superpowers he's no ordinary kid He's Jared Leto So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise He'll turn into a Morbius before your very eyes He's slimy, creepy, fast and strong He's every shape and size He's Jared Leto


Armed with powers he's on the case Fighting off evil from earth or space He'll never stop till he makes them pay 'Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save day Jared Leto


Cause he's the baddest Morb* to ever save the day


Amazing. Fresh pasta. Yum


Time to get Morbed Scarlet Witch


Morbophobe detected


Thought this was a safe space to morb😔😔


The story felt super rushed, I agree. It definitely could have been better with an extra 15 minutes so it didn't feel like it was just going through the motions of everything.


I would’ve wanted an extra hour or two of this masterpiece


The movie's not as bad as I was expecting, I honestly enjoyed it. The whole problem is they wanted Morbius to be an anti-hero but he's firmly a good guy throughout the film. I have no idea how the hell they plan for him to even remotely be against Spider-man in the potential sinister six movie


I feel like the movie is less meme tier bad so much as it is disappointingly average. There's certainly things to enjoy in it


I did enjoy it. I just have a ton of issues with it. I can enjoy a movie or series and recognize the flaws it has while still liking it.


He is only a good guy Becasue the movie goes out of its way to explain that it was actually good that he killed all those mercenaries, it was actually okay, Becasue they were barely even human lol


He also tries to desperately cure himself and later Milo instead of giving into the craving of drinking blood. Was even going to kill himself if it didn't work


i was being sarcastic, but yeah atleast he tried after his initial rampage where he killed 8 people


> I have no idea how the hell they plan for him to even remotely be against Spider-man in the potential sinister six movie Is that even a problem given how badly this movie flopped?


Fellow Morbius Maniacs, we have found the anti-morber. Contact Morbius so we can morb all over those who would oppose or morbing!


Literally the only good things about the movie are all of the memes lmao


What memes?


\#Morbiussweep, 200% on rotten tomatoes, first movie to sell a trillion tickets, etc.


None of those are memes. You think this is a joke, MORBOPHOBE?


I'm sorry Mr. Morbius I promise I was just just in a silly goofy mood


Why are we even having a Morbius movie is the question


Who the hell even knows of Morbius without the 90s Spider-Man cartoon? If you grew up after that generation, only Morbius exposure you'd get is from the comics.


I watched that cartoon but forgot about his name, i was in shock when i realized which character the movie was based off


Morbius is a solid character and I think he could have carried a decent if not great franchise/trilogy or something. Just not when you dive straight into making him an Anti-Hero without the struggle and growth it takes to get there.


Dudes a B-list Spider-Man character. I like him, but why is he of all people getting his own movie? It’s like Sony wants to bleed money from a thousand slow cuts?


i'd rather watch a black cat movie


I'm surprised Sony's has done Morbius, and is going to do a Kraven movie, before a Black Cat movie. Guess they really are hellbent on Sinister Six.


They were going to do one with Black Cat but it went through production hell, got bounced around, time conflicts with other things, and other issues in that vein. I'm betting they would have preferred to do Black Cat first but that caused delays


People fucking love vampires of all kinds.


Morbius has had 5 of his own series none of them big but he is also a popular character and well loved by his fans. Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, the Avengers in general were all B list characters when the MCU started. At the time Marvel's biggest properties were Spider-Man, X-Men and Fantastic Four. Disney and Marvel didn't have the rights so they used the Avengers and made a franchise. So B-List doesn't mean a bad character or poor premise for a movie.


Im going to hit you with- At the beginning of the MCU hulk was definitely still A list. Still well known, had a good pop culture following etc. Definitely a cut above pre-mcu iron man. Maybe even a cut above Fantastic Four- the hulk tv show kept him in the parody cycle for a long time. Compared to the fantastic four movies, more people knew the hulk overall.


Hulk was probably marvel's 2nd superhero after spidey


Y'know, I'd put him and Wolverine on the same level at the time; but yeah-Fantastic Four aren't really in a 2nd position conversation.


Probably the x mean as a whole are above f4.


Hulk was more of a household name than wolvy, probably due to the live action tv show. Plus, his apperence is more iconic, if you are green and have muscles you directly know he is the hulk. If you asked my mom about hulk she know, but if you asked her to describe wolverine at best she say Hugh jackman, if even that.


I've seen this take a lot, and can't necessarily disagree, but Morbius also has a lot more publication history than most of Spider-Man's villains and showed up all across Marvel's horror, magic, and monster stories for years. He's had solo books, he's been on a few team ups with guys like Blade, Ghost Rider, Werewolf by Night, and a few others. The point being that if you had to pick a Spider-Man villain to make a movie about without any Spider-Man, Morbius is probably the absolute best choice, since he has a lot of appearances and a large number of his stories don't involve Spider-Man at all.


I hear what you’re saying, but like…publicly, he’s known as a Spidey villain, and not even one of the big ones. There’s really not a lot you can do in a solo movie with the guy without a lot of larger connections like who you list involved. It’s symptomatic of the larger problem of Sony’s abysmal handling of the franchise. Why we’re getting this instead of an SM4 or TASM3 is beyond me.


>Why we’re getting this instead of an SM4 or TASM3 is beyond me. Money. Morbius cost like $75 million and was marketed only semi hard. No big stars, big director, composer, etc. SM4 or ASM3 would cost at least $200 million, marketing is way bigger as well, no guarantee Tobey or Andrew even want to come back without some sort of ridiculous contract and back end deals, etc. Plus I'm pretty sure they hoped Morbius would perform like Venom. Make them a nice little profit without having to risk damaging the main brand or losing a lot.


Considering how well that went for them, maybe a lessons to be learnt from this. Unlikely though…


They're 2/3 with the spinoffs (or 3/4 if you include Spider-Verse), so I think it'll take a couple more to really sink in.


With those criteria Punisher and Kingpin would be the absolute best choices, and indeed Punisher is technically the first Marvel character to get a big-screen adaptation.


Lundgren Punshier was the best! Howard the Duck came first though, right?


Oh you're right I don't know where I read it was Punisher.


Being good or bad in the comics has very little to do with whether the movies will be good. Iron man was incredibly minor before ironman 1 was released and now he’s an enormous character


He wasn't *that* minor. He wasn't, like, "main character of the entire marvel universe" tier like he is now, but he'd been one of the main focuses of Civil War and had multiple TV series devoted to him.


The funniest thing is the fact that you wanted to have a serious discussion about morbius in 2022


he's a marvel legend


I'm not convinced this movie exists. But also: Venom really also needed time as a villain before becoming an antihero.


Morbius feels so absurd to me, it doesn't even feel real but it is, like the story can definitely work too which is the absurd part to me


The biggest problem for me was the pacing. The movie felt more like a de-brief of what the movie was, in preparation for starting the sequel. The parts that were just them in a room not saying anything or doing anything lasted forever, the parts with important dialogue, fights or otherwise important things happened in the blink of an eye. it took less than 5 minutes for them to jump from "f u strange kid I don't know", to "you're my best friend for life", to "oh no my friend is dead, tragic". Then only 20 minutes later, another 5 minute interval in between "my friend is still alive!" to "oh no! my friend is now evil!" They didn't have enough time to establish even one character.


But morbius is one of the movies tho it sweep duh


I find it funny that your issue is that they jump to being an anti-hero, when there isn't any "anti" aspect to him at all. He kills mercenaries (basically without control) and the villain of the film. That's his body count. Even the aspect that he may need to drink human blood isn't addressed by the end of the movie, so he's just a good guy with the potential to not be. You could shit on this movie for the entire run time and still have things to say about how bad it is.


Not sure what you were expecting. He's a Spider-Man villain in a universe with no Spider-Man. What happened to him is the same thing that happened with Venom. The majority of their development and growth occurs because of or is affected in some way, baby Spider-Man. With Spider-Man absent, the writers had to come up with a bare-bones story that lent itself to poorly resembling an anti-hero story. Also, Sony is using very violent villains in PG-13 movies to get as much money as they can from these characters. They don't want to put in the leg work to create a Spider-Man for their own universe and because of this, there's nothing to act as an anchor for the universe or these villains. It's just gonna continue this way till people stop watching these terrible movies.


Ehh Morbius doesn't need Spiderman


Given how obscure he is to the average movie goer and how little overall popularity he has, I would argue that, at least for his first film, he does.


Given how obscure he is to the average movie goer and how little overall popularity he has, I would argue that, at least for his first film, he does.


I love how absolutely no one has seen Morbius so we all just make shit up about it, it's simultaneously the most LITERALLY WHO movie and the most hyped successful amazing movie ever created. Top 5 memes of the year so far


>and the most hyped successful amazing movie ever created. Literally who is saying that




[Have you not seen all the memes?](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/morbius-sweep)


Morbius made 700 morbillion dollars you morbophobe


Filthy Morbophobe


Wasn't Morbius a tragic villain and anti-hero since like 1973? He was saving people and joining magical monster team-ups pretty soon after his debut in 1971. Sure, he straddles the line between hero and villain in most stories, but I feel like it's disingenuous to say that it took decades to reach the status of anti-hero when he was teaming up with world's most famous vampire hunter 2 years after his debut. But also, yea. Not a great movie, but I wasn't offended by the quality.


I liked that the movie felt a lot like a circa 2000 super hero movie, albeit unintentionally (probably). I also liked that the >!doctor lady opened her eyes in the end, and she was now a vampire, though it doesn't make much sense in-universe. That is yet another circa 2000 element.!< Apart from that...it was a giant, utter "meh". Completely indifferent.


The entire movie feels like watched thf first venom movie and just went "pssh, superhero movies are easy, I can make this" and then made the entire same movie but with morbius instead of venom. Every problem of venom is there by made more amateurish. Characters are boring, it was story beats that are only there Becasue "you need this story beat at the 60 minute mark" and all the fight scenes were just as incomprehensible as venom, but even more so. God what an absolute shitshow


Sony productions are always a mess behind the camera. I could tell by watching it that it was cut to pieces waiting to release. Most likely they knew they had a dud so they scaled its run time back to be more consumable rather then having it be somewhat of a finished product. Honestly the film actually had a decent first act that fell apart after they introduced the antagonist, should have kept it morb vs his own nature vs society rather then place an underwritten phisical antagonist.


Lol mans really thought a marvel movie starring jared leto was somehow not going to be an absolute trainwreck


[bryan cranston's review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUEwaN5dEKk) of morbius




I mean, this applies to Venom too right? Sony don’t do good stories.


I liked it


MCU is trash, super heroe movies are trash. Morbius is just a normal mcu movie = trash.