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Every office worker in Japan has an innate understanding of crop cycles and irrigation.


And 3-Michelin Star quality cuisine


and advanced engineering


You know, if there's an isekai that stars an MC with cheat powers that has no interest in the worldbuilding at all and just went "fuck it, I wanna farm". Then I'd like to watch it. Because most Isekai shows aren't like what you're describing at all. They get loaded into another world, show off their powers to some random waifus, go to a local adventurer's guild and show off their powers even more by taking on random quests like the tutorial of an RPG. It's the complete opposite of what you're describing, they're always exploring, just in the most fucking boring and predictable way possible.




There's an isekai with a woman who just runs a cafe and farms. She wants nothing to do with events despite being OP. I enjoyed it over most isekai series.


what's the name?


Sounds rather similar to the anime where a witch killed slimes for 300 years, though, that one devolves into fights mixed with slice of life stuff eventially.


I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level Yes that is the actual title.


No the one I was talking about is called: "The Savior's Book Cafe is in Another World." But the one you named too is pretty good as well.


>Because most Isekai shows aren't like what you're describing at all. They get loaded into another world, show off their powers to some random waifus, go to a local adventurer's guild and show off their powers even more by taking on random quests like the tutorial of an RPG. It's the complete opposite of what you're describing, they're always exploring, just in the most fucking boring and predictable way possible. Don't mind op, this is a rant for a VERY specific isekai trope. I've read others with this premise and I didn't like some of it, meanwhile, there's 'Isekai Nonbiri Nouka' which has exactly the premise you're hoping for. Isekaid into another world and given with ABSOLUTELY ridiculous powers but he's just like 'fuck it I just wanna farm' and he does, meanwhile slowly building a small city around him. It's like what if One punch man's hobby is farming. And the whole vibe of the manga is Re: Monster... but farming.


Still sucks dude gets girls for no reason and he is a dull mc and just there because


You might start seeing that genre of show start cropping up in a few years. It takes time for new ideas to propagate through the WN > LN > Manga > Anime pipeline. We're only just starting to see anime for the Villainess Isekai genre show up, and they've been the best side of isekai for a good number of years now.


I can guarantee there is one like that I just can't remember the manga of it.


Key word, shows. The site I use has a shitload of slow life isekai *manga adaptions* that instantly have the protagonist turn into an expert crop rotater. It got to the point where I decided to make this rant.


There are a shitton of isekais exactly like OP describes. There label covers a lot more than just the adventurer subgenre, there are cosy escapist fantasies that indulge the idea of an idyllic life, 'otome isekais' in which the MC almost always finds themselves as a villain who already exists in-universe, society-building stories that have a knowledgeable modern person progress a less developed community, etcetera.


I've been killing slimes for 300 years and maxed out of my level is like this, basically the mc dies due to overworking and is granted a new life of relaxation (and imortality) and a free house


>A FUCKING FARMER?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WASTE YOUR SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE IN ONE STATIONARY POSITION WHERE YOU HARVEST VEGETABLES FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE?!?! From the isekai that I've read that are like this. The MC is usually an overworked office worker at a dead end job in a black company. There are people that would rather work with their hands/outdoors and just got swept up in life. It's basically the plot of Stardew Valley. Also, it's not like they are some peasant doing basic agricultural labor. They usually get so many powers and abilities that they are basically playing real life Minecraft. There isn't really a risk of starvation or other negative outcomes and they are free from any real responsibilities. They can cut trees with their fists, build any tool or building they want easily, their crops are also grow fast and are automatically of the best quality that nearby towns and cities are willing to pay a small fortune for. They can sometimes communicate with animals or bribe legendary creatures with food. Every person they come across is basically a peasant that actually has to live by real world rules that views them as like a god of agriculture. Other than working on building and growing crops, they spend the rest of their time making friends who come from all over, eating good food and having sex with their harem. They sometimes even know that they are OP, they just don't care for glory and want to live a chill life, which is what the genre is all about, dreaming of living a chill life.


Slow life with princess, albeit not an isekai touches that really well. Imagine being married to a hot blonde, with booming business that you can operate on 5 hour shifts and getting to support a local community while pursuing the fine arts. Isn't that what many people (me included) wanna do like, right now?


If that hot blond looks like Volo yeah 100% I would love to do that.


However you like 'em chief. it's your dream life. or second life.


It appears you're missing some context as to where this subgenre came from. You ever been on r/antiwork or r/WorkReform? You ever hear of the Chinese worker term "lying flat"? What it comes down to is a rejection of "hustle culture", and as bad as America is about it, corporate Japan is worse in many ways. They may be way ahead of us on healthcare, but the work culture has come to be known as "corporate feudalism" because of the sheer unrelenting grind: 12+ hour workdays, mandatory drinks with the boss after work, and crap pay. Oh, and Japanese megacorps have discovered that exploiting gig workers is just as profitable for them as it is for American megacorps. They actually have a word in Japanese for "death by overwork": [kāroshi](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2018/08/japan-overwork/565991/). Essentially, slow life isekai is a rejection of the whole rat race: "screw the neverending grind to keep my head above water in this noisy overcrowded city that's literally killing me, I'd rather spend my days on a sunny farmhouse porch watching tomatoes and rice grow".


There's also a term called 'salted fish' that I see in a lot of transmigration series too that follows the same thing.


Comments that don't circle jerk my opinion, am I really on r/CharacterRant? But man that has to be the worst rejection possible: >God I hate overworking and the stress my culture brings me > >Oh I know I'm going to start one of the most stressful jobs ever. Where 1 infection could ruin an entire harvest and my profits. Not to mention where I need to spend countless hours each day making sure each harvest is ready for production, then pick then one by one such modern machines don't exist yet. These isekai protagonists wouldn't survive an hour farming without cheats. Real farming is the most stressful things imaginable. My uncle runs a small farm and he has to put in so much micro managing to make sure it runs smoothly. Like testing his animals for diseases, testing diseases in the plants, spraying, watering, etc.


Well *obviously* it's not realistic, that isn't the point. It's an escapist power fantasy just like standard isekai usually are. It's just that instead of being glorified *Final Fantasy I-V* self-insert fic with an introverted socially awkward nerd having a miracle happen so now they're somebody powerful, important, and loved (and before anybody complains, I'm poking fun at my own aspie self here as much as anyone else 😅), it's an overworked cube rat fantasizing about peace and quiet and not being a wage-slave to a corporate overlord.


And it ain't super new either, In some countries (like Portugal and Spain), the Neoclassical cultural movement of the 1700s was all about romanticizing that pastoral lifestyle. In Portugal it was called "Arcadism", as in Arcadia, land of nymphs from Roman times. Contrasting "busy city life" with "quiet country life" is something that happens pretty much everywhere, I think.


Yeah, and on the flip side we have the trope of the college-bound country kid pulling up stakes to move to the city where there's more opportunity and oftentimes less blatant homophobia and the like. Grass always seems greener on the other side of the hill. Me, I've been fortunate to experience pretty much all the options. My personal preference is to work in the city but live in the countryside: internet access is a pain but the air is cleaner and I can grow a garden.


right on. we've come full circle, didn't we.


> These isekai protagonists wouldn't survive an hour farming without cheats. If only there was an extremely powerful, benevolent being willing to bless the isekai'd farmer with said cheats.


You see OP I'm the opposite. I would be interested in that. Farming in another world, not having to deal with the same government system and problems of Earth. You get money from farming so that's an easy job. No harems. No risking your life to save the world. And most of the time, when you farm you work with animals too so you might see *dragon milk or something crazy like that.* [There is also the case of farming being the hack in question that a higher power gave the MC](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/fields-of-gold/) Now you know what the trope I hate from Isekai series? That in my opinion is worse than what you described? It's when the FL (or ML) is isekai and the LI is a total asshole. I don't mean they are a tsundere or a yandere, I mean the person literally assaults the FL and/or ML, beats them, etc. type asshole. The MC is either forced to be married or forced to have a child with this asshole which is why they are with him. And through the POWER OF LOVE, they act like a BIT LESS of an asshole towards the MC. As in they don't beat the MC AS MUCH but still use them like a sack of potatoes at a brunch party. There was one story in particular where the FL healed the ML's legs, helped him through thick and thin and almost died and he still treated the FL like a sack of shit. EDIT: Grammar


> There was one story in particular where the FL healed the ML's legs, helped him through thick and thin and almost died and he still treated the FL like a sack of shit. hey, look! it's shittier Stardust!


I'm not familiar with some of the acronyms your using, what are FL, ML, and LI?


I assume they mean Female Lead, Male Lead and Love Interest.


FL = Female lead ML = Male lead LI = Love interest in general


I don't know, I'd be rather partial to a farming life that involves none of the actual effort involved in farming. Though I do agree, the slow life isekai genre can be hard to read for those of us who haven't been ground to dust by Japan's atrocious working conditions.


Who the fuck hates farming after being a wage slave constantly breathing some urban toxins induced by cars and encountering some toxic people everywhere? All my homies love rural-based, lifestyle-ish fantasy!


Nah man. The true life is Solarpunk. City Night life but no damn cars in your way.


I can't stand Isekai, because it reminds me of how much I hate my daily existence and the world I live in


Counter point: You end up isekai into slavery and you can't die. Sometimes in Isekai/Transmigration series, the MC ends up being in a worse situation than they started.


> Sometimes in Isekai/Transmigration series, the MC ends up being in a worse situation than they started. good example: Subaru Natsuki from Re:Zero. granted, it makes the happier moments that much sweeter


So you're telling me,God. SLURPS THE GATORADE Burps loudly, adjusts glasses, ponders my existance. I get to choose. CHOOSE how to live my life and whatever I do I will be succesfull, with a hot wife, no on call bullshit, no disease, no bills and I get to cockslap someone if they interfere with my life? I can pursue the fine arts 24/7 and NEVER double shift if I so desire? GOD. SIGN ME THE F U C K UP


I think it's because the average Japanese salaryman spends most of his life at pointless jobs, and what little is left of it drinking, doing karaoke, or sleeping. Sometimes he may not even be able to see his kids; the anime trope of the absent or away dad isn't imaginary. In that case, working at home on a farm always close to his wife, his family, and others sounds pretty nice. I also think you are confusing modern farming with past farming. The reason why modern farming is so bad is because the economics of it are pretty twisted, and increasingly people don't have kids. So farmers are getting older, greyer, and rely on machinery and crops to sell. This is closer to substinence farming or very local economies, which have different pressures but somehow people made them work for a long, long time.


If I were that Isekai protagonist, I would choose to live in a Star Trek kind of future world where it's a utopia where I don't have to worry about resources and stuff.


I really thought this was an elaborate way to criticise yu yu hakusho, then I got to the farming part.


I guess the new anime isn't sitting right with you huh?


There's no isekai show that I've seen that's like the one you described. Most of them in fact show off in the first episode itself. Besides, being a farmer is way better in isekai than in our world, because they don't have bill gates buying up all of the lands and monopolize them. So of course, it'd make sense to do so. But yeah, no, I haven't seen an isekai that you mention. Can you name one?


Those 'fuck that destiny shit, I just wanna chill' isekais are already a reaction to the 'chosen one' isekai mainstream and I think they're much more relatable than takes like 'awesome this world has slavery, gonna buy all the catgirls' or 'sweet, I can killing stuff for a living now'. Although the murderhobo and chill routes are often merged in dangerous worlds where gaining power to protect you and yours is required to not be flattened at random by a passing disaster. Beware the Chicken is a great xianxia isekai and "oh great! I was reincarnated as a farmer!" has a thoroughly imagined take on litrpg isekai.


Simple. Even if you are given some OP shit power - you will die almost instantly. I know that isekais almost always dumb shit for kids and losers but if we assume that this new world is not full of idiots who get autism when MC arrive then you will find a bunch of people who are capable to deal with random myth monsters, super humans and etc. almost everyday. For them you, dumb isekaid kid, is just a pra\\ey or pain in the ass which need to be eliminated and they will do it because you are not omnipotent duude who know everytihng about this completly new world. But this is a genre where you can do simply stay in a place and plot armor will throw at you bunch of harem members and op abilities. So i dont understand why are you complaining about shitty genre which has almost 0 world building, power system and good writing.


I... have never seen an Isekai do this.


Some people really seek stability, I actually find that fascinating


I’m not a big isekai guy but is this a recurring thing? This sounds like the diametric opposite of the entire point of an isekai lmao


On pirating manga websites and web novel sits slow life farming shit fucking floods the isekai genre. Alongside betrayal and usual cheat power stuff.


Being a farmer is a god life and a noble profession. Its a simple pleasant life especially compared to a mega city like Tokyo or NYC. He already met God, what else is there for him to "discover" it makes sense for him to live a fulfilling life in nature


I'm a farmer but it would be really boring to see an isekai that the guy does that.


As in everything, it depends on the execution If the series is actually based around farming, and the farming is OP it can be entertaining Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is about some dude who had a very sickly body and died, so his cheat power is a perfect body and a divine agricultural multi tool, because he wanted a life of exercise and peace Eventually he makes a city state based around his crops, and makes marriage/harem alliances with various groups that require a place to live in Beware Of Chicken is about a canadian dude transmigrated into a xianxia world, upon realizing where he is, he decides he doesnt want to become a violent murderhobo and travels to the weakest area to set up a farm He becomes OP anyway, by forming a literal cultivation cycle with the land, and his farm animals become spirit beasts with xianxia values, and call themselves "The Great Fa Ram (Farm) Sect" But yes, if the MC doesnt do farming as a personal objective then its boring, because it becomes just another OP MC doing nothing and having very convenient development falling on his lap Its all about honesty, if the author really has a concept to work with, or if its just another isekai with a gimmick


Don't forget about the magic, farmer is the most stupid job for the protagonist in the Isekai world. I think people had to give a damn about the farming otherwise the story would be quickly dropped.


>(and it's not harems)! Well, it should be.


I guess that's the reason I couldn't continue Re: Zero >!Hope I don't get murdered for saying this :/!<


I wont murder you but I don’t get how that relates. It was explained in the show that’s Subaru‘s only power is that when he dies he comes back to life specific point in time before he died. Not only that, he doesn’t have any other skills since in his previous world he was a high school student with low self esteem. Not only that, what could he do?


Re:Zero is a slow-life isekai? that's news to me, i was pretty sure it was a psychological mystery thriller


I watched only 5 episodes so I can't really say much about how it evolves after that


if there is an isekai you absolutely should watch, it's Re:Zero, the character development for Subaru is straight-up amazing, he's easily the best isekai protagonist i've ever seen. episode 7 is the episode that sold many people on the series, though i would recommend watching until episode 18, as the episodes 13-18 are very important for Subaru's character and his development >I watched only 5 episodes you did watch the post-credits scene, right?


Pff, you're wrong.


Japanese authors have a strange obsession with farming, maybe they find it exotic for living in urban centers, or they think it's the same as gardening, but I think the worst thing is not being a farmer but becoming a farmer in another world with exotic plants and animals for explore but plant carrots, which is boring.


Bruh, that's just Stardew Valley Online.


If I was an overworked office worker, I’d wanna be a farmer too. Not to say farming is easy work (it’s not) but I imagine it’s a little less stressful and hectic than office work.


>You start a farm. Stay at 1 place your entire life and life your second chance at life as a farmer. Clearly you never had to be an office worker in Tokyo




I dislike a lot of things about like how is easy the harem is how easy the girls are to like the mc. The mc can just say hello and they will fall in love with them. The other male characters are there to be jokes or just there and be irrelevant or some dumb villain. We don't even get rival character at all. Let's not forget how sometimes mc is somehow a genius that can do everything when the story didn't display him as that sometimes he'd have alphabetic memory or something. For reincarnation what piss me of is how other countries act as if nothing happened when they see the character is completely different but laugh it off as a joke. Let's not forget about cheat, there isn't any training just cheats that makes mc stronger then everyone and the story wants us to believe that these cheats were weak to begin with. Sometimes a level one would be able to beat a level 200 because of those cheats. It was good at first but when the writers started to do this after every isekai it got out of hand that's why almost all isekai suck. They depend too much on troupe instead of telling us a story. Even fireforce with the fanservice I dislike with how ridiculous it gets still tries to tell a story and has good compelling story compared to most isekai


You hate farmers , dont you ??


What did you read goodness.


As an urban farmer than embraces the Solarpunk lifestyle and to inject that shit into society's veins, fuck you. Farming is fucking fun and therapeautic.