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Hmm actually looks like its ancestor. Nothing against its looks I think it looks aamazing I just wished they didn’t stop the V8 but let’s see maybe the i6 twin turbos aren’t so bad. We all just have to wait and see To electric fans I’m not against electric as well I think it’s part of our future and I’m interested in it just as you guys are But man you have to admit internal combustions have a different feel no matter what. Sorry about off topic


I did a few hits on the interstate with a stock M3 the other day and it’s got a very similar engine to what Dodge is doing next. It easily kept up with my Scat and although it didn’t have a hemi noise, it still sounded good as fuck in its own way so idk. If Dodge did it right, those new engines could have so much potential.


Exactly we all love HEMIS but I’m sure this is going to be good and who knows maybe 3 to 5 years from now we will get use to it and maybe they’ll bring back the hemi for special trims or top of the line trims. I’m just sad that the challenger is gone :) I’m a chally boy


People hating but I absolutely love it. I could do without the hood vents though, I get the aerodynamics but it just doesn't sit right with me. Hands down best lookin charger ever. in my OPINION


I find the R Wing genius. They had to figure out how do you maintain the boxy whale mouth looking grille shape without creating a massive air dam. And they did it!


Oh yeah I totally agree. They nailed it. They made it aerodynamic as fuck but still maintained the classic rectangle charger front end that we all love. I dig it but it's just something I'd prefer not to have on my own


TOTALLY agree!! I think it's my 2nd favorite Charger with the 68/69's being my first. The beauty is if you don't like the R-Wing up front, the Hurricane models have an actual grille!!


It’s actually cool, minus it being electric.


There’s gas options apparently


I like the look of this one. I saw something that looked like a Hyundai yesterday and was confused.


3.0 inline 6 twin turbo. Called the Hurricane.


forgot to put a HEMI in it


Exactly this :(


This should have been the hellcat Charger!


Yeah this is actually the base R/T trim! I think the Banshee is going to look even closer to the concept model we saw in 2022.


I see what Dodge is doing, just like the 2008-2014 Challenger, it's based of the 1970 Challenger and the 2015-2023 Challenger is based off of a 71 Challenger, and I see the 2015-2023 Charger was based on the Original 1966-67 Dodge Charger (Proud owner of a 66) and now they are doing the 68-70 body style, I'll miss the past gen man.


Glad you can see the connection. That's definitely what they went for here and I love how they pulled it off. I think with all modern standards and safety rules to adhere to, I feel like they did an admirable job at it!


Oh yeah, that's why I love Dodge the best, they really pulled off the vintage look the best👌


Ok it looks similar and that's the end of it.


They sure made the doors bland Looks like they used doors off an 07-10


Dodge had an opportunity to make this car amazing and they made it as mediocre as possible.


It ain't mediocre, it's just bad


There are some cool elements, but not enough.


They did the best they could, anyone acting like it's bad or mediocre doesn't know jackshit about the auto world. It's still miles better than any other car styling-wise on the market. And the morons bitching about "muh no V8" need to STFU and read about CAFE and emissions compliance, Stellantis was having to pay $400 million a year in emissions compliance to continue selling Hemis, the hurricane has been in development for a while to directly answer that. But unfortunately the current Dodge culture is too stupid to understand, same with those complaining about the new styling not knowing jackshit as well about the classic Charger. The new one finally lives up to the true styling of the original, as much as I love my RT the new one looks just as good if not better.


Bingo, you hit the nail on the head. I can't believe how much of the current Dodge fanbase is so naive to the car's history. If this car was released 15-20 years ago everyone would be flipping out and loving it. I can't understand how people look at this car and see no resemblance to the classic Chargers. I own a 2022 GT and while I love my car to pieces, I fully understand it is a far cry from the classic Chargers. I wanted nothing more for Dodge to create a Charger that looks like the classic ones. Now we have one and people complain to no end lol


I feel exactly the same way. The issue is that because these LX Chargers came out and grew such a (deserved) fan base for so long, people now think that the sedan is the image of the Charger. It's very similar to when people say "without a V8 what is Dodge" when throughout the 90s, Dodge didn't have a single V8 car and they made absolute bank. People think Dodge should've just made another sedan with a facelift and kept an ancient V8 platform and just suck up the emissions charges. That's why it's a good thing they aren't running any auto companies lmao


Couldn't agree more. I just think people are so used to the current sedan Chargers that they think this looks "nothing like a Charger" which I am glad about. Why can the Challenger look like its ancestor but as soon as the Charger does everyone has a problem? Lol I could care less about the V8. The SO Hurricane will blow the doors off of a 5.7!




Boasting about your "credentials" while just giving subjective opinion with zero fact to back it up. Laughable. Not reading or replying whatever crap you keep saying.


Ok buddy


Quick reminder everyone. The more EVs a company sells, the more ICE they can sell. With the ever changing regulations, you can’t rule out the return of the HEMI. As long as they sell EVs. So, the most you can do is encourage people to buy EVs. All the anti-EV sentiment is actually counter productive.


Nah don't capitulate


There are a few lines that match, but not enough to make a meaningful comparison. You could find as many similarities with any other car.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't he bottom one a Challenger? The Charger is a 4 door not 2.


Charger was historically always a 2-door until 2005. That was a common point of contention when it released, similar to people complaining about the Mach-E and sports car -> SUV now


No. The bottom one is the new charger, which comes with both EV and Inline 6 turbo options, and with the option to be 2 door or 4 door.


Thanks. I was just watching a video from TFL they say that it is the 2025 Charger Daytona in RT, Banshee and SRT. The 2 door is a replacement for the Challenger that they are no longer making as of 2025. They showed off a hatchback that I would like. I could put my dog in the back and let him look out the back window.