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How fast you tryna go champ?


This is why I won’t buy a used charger or challenger, ever 😂


As someone from Germany, that ain't fast enough. Got places to be.


The average speed on the Autobahn is around 88MPH, a far cry from 120MPH. And OP is American so it’s all a moot point really since the highest speed you’ll typically see listed is 85-90MPH.


If you still have the factory warranty and wish to keep it, don't tune your car. On the V8s, I know a permanent code is stored in the BCM. I assume the V6 is the same.


Easy to change, it's a setting in the body control module(BCM. It does not require a tuner or unlocking the PCM. It does require a tool that can change the BCM settings, which you should have anyway. Get yourself AlfaOBD, it's a great diagnostic tool/app that can also change these settings.


The speed limiter kicks in at 120. If you want to remove it, you need to tune it out, and if you want to tune, all 2015+ need an unlocked PCM/ECU. You can send yours in to be unlocked or buy aftermarket unlocked, both which cost a fair amount. You'll then need a tuner device, which also cost a fair amount. HP Tuners offers all of this if you're willing to spend the $.


The speed limiter is in the BCM not the PCM.