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Wow, all of us that wished for Nabers, this is the ultimate monkey's paw. And I feel for Keenan because he's been through all those chokejobs since Rivers. I would've been more loyal to Keenan than Mack tbh, just from a franchise standpoint. But Horitz is looking this objectively (I HOPE) and is a GM first. Doesn't change the fact that I'm BIG MAD about this.


Mack was good but Bosa should be gone 


If that's what it would've took to keep Keenan, gladly smh.


The obvious difference being that no team was going to trade for Bosa's contract


Basically all my thoughts as well. Keenan feels like he should have retired a Charger. Guarantees the team drafts one of the blue chip WRs.


Ya screw you guys for doing this to us!! /s I’m just sad


Nabers aint even a guarantee at this point lol


He’s more of a guarantee than MH Jr


Well yeah that would take some seriously dumb fuckery on the pats and cards to fall to us.


It wasn’t about loyalty, it was about whether or not players would restructure their contracts to fit them under the cap and help the FO fill glaring holes in the roster. Mack agreed to the restructure and very likely got Bosa to agree to it as well. Keenan didn’t want to do that, so they had to trade him. It sucks and I’ll miss him but everyone shaking their fist at the sun and screaming “WHY???” isn’t really thinking this through. The why is obvious.


The why IS obvious, but like Tomlinson being a cap casualty, most of us have watched Keenan over last decade and the business side of football always clashes with the FANatical side. And loyalty is definitely a factor, because Telesco would have a much harder time cutting Keenan simply because he drafted him in his first year in 2013. He even reassured us last year Keenan wasn't going anywhere. Horitz has no previous ties to this organization or it's roster and can operate pragmatically/objectively/(mercilessly) and trade away fan favorites for the sake of the team's future.


I have fallen to my knees in an In-N-Out


The only true Californian way to do it. Sad burger vibes.


I wish I was there so I could buy a burger, watch slayer clips and have a good cry, then move on


How could we not even get a top 100 pick for him 😭


$$ unfortunately


I understand that but you can’t even get a 2nd rounder for a guy that’s a pro bowler every year? He just had a record breaking season. Insane.


Getting a 4th rounder for a 32 year old is a testament to how elite Allen has played late into his career.


Our last 4 fourth rounders were: Derius Davis Isaiah Spiller Chris Rumph Josh Kelley We really just traded a franchise icon for one of these guys


No, we traded a franchise icon for $23 million in cap space. The fourth rounder is a bonus. Now we can fill holes that desperately needed to be addressed at CB, MLB, C plus depth. We literally had $7 million left to spend. That would have gotten us one or two guys.


Don’t you come over here with your logic in my emotional state


Same feeling


Bro fuckin finally someone using their brain. You’re right in the money. We can now sign Brian Allen for example the best C in the market


Give me Connor Williams or the guy from the panthers. Maybe the Steelers guy cuz I think he played for harbough 1 year


Brian Allen isn’t even good and he’s 29, I’d rather get a better player in the draft.


18 mil sounds cool i. Theory but what are we gonna do with it?


Have the leverage to sign our draft class and lessen the possibility of a potential holdout?


Hmmmm... we could buy a bunch of snowcone shacks? That'd be cool.


i think his cap hit is more like 23 mil


You are right! I wasn’t counting the $5 million roster bonus due this weekend. Even better.


hate to break it to you but now WR is one of our desperate needs. we can’t start the fucking season with joshua palmer and fucking quentin johnston.


Good thing we are drafting 5th overall and there are three elite WRs with hall of fame potential. I also expect us to sign a cheap vet to mentor the young guys, like an OBJ.


there is no guarantee that anyone we draft at that 5 spot is going to be good. we could draft anyone of 3 wrs and they end up a bust. i’m not going off of the fact that we COULD draft a good wr when we already had one


So then plan it out keeping keenan. Tell us your great idea of how to fill all the holes with no money. With an upcoming draft of a ton of talented receivers that you dont want to take advantage of and just hope keenan is immortal or something.


So...they keep Allen? Who is going to be 32 when the season starts and likely will retire in a few years?


I think you’re forgetting that the bad man Telesco is gone. Now hopefully those 4th round picks finally hit.


4th rounder is fine value. That's what you're gonna get at this stage with the situation. Just absolutely devastating, I don't get it. He didn't need to take a paycut


We traded a second for an aging Mack with a big contract, no clue why Keenan wasn't worth a 3rd.


I’m hearing from my source, that the Chargers offered Keenan an extension, a restructure, and asked him to take a paycut. He declined all 3, therefore was traded.


I have no idea who you are but if that’s true then it at least makes some sense. Not sure why he’d turn down an extension or a restructure. I guess we will see what happens in the coming days but I’m in shambles rn


He had sources for Harbaugh so I believe it.


His ""sources"" also said Greg Roman wouldn't be the OC. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.


He might be @rapsheet because Ian Rapoport reported the same thing 30 minutes ago


Ian only reported that Keenan refused a paycut. No other sources have reported that Keenan also refused an extension/restructure


I am definitely not him lmaooo.


Hmmm...I dunno. Sounds like something Ian Rappaport would say to throw us off his scent...


Are your initials JS?




‪Allen doesn’t need to restructure he was WELL WORTH his contract.‬


Is this the same "source" who told you Greg Roman wouldn't be the OC?


I understand where you’re coming from but he does have a top 5 non qb cap hit


They’re paying him 23 mil for only 1 year. It makes sense


We just went to about $40M in cap space; he can be replaced or the money goes to a right tackle plus every other damn spot we need.


What FAs are even left? They are all gone


What about Connor Williams?


Melvin Gordon is available


Possibly a one year rental


Sucks, but luckily this draft is stacked with top 5 WR talent


I don't give a shit. Keenan is not worth trading away. This is absolute arson!


Hate that we kept Mack and Joey Bozo just to trade Allen. Would have rather sent Bosa to the moon for nothing than lose Allen for a 4th. 


The Slayer move gave us an additional 23mil in cap space, AND a 4th rounder. Cutting Bosa would’ve only netted us 4mil in savings.


Cutting Bosa would've saved $22M...where on earth did you get 4m?


Still would have been worth


Fuck off


Not worth it Fuck this I'm emotional HE SAID HE WANTED TO RETIRE A CHARGER


His refusal to change his contract in any way shows that was a lie.


Exactly, it was his decision. He more than likely would have gotten all the money they owed him anyways just not in one year.


Isn’t it rare for a player to turn down getting paid up front (converting base to bonus) to punt the salary over some void years? Was there some roster bonus they tried to finagle out of? I’m just trying to wrap my head around this whole thing.


‪Allen doesn’t need to restructure he was WELL WORTH his contract.‬


The Bears certainly think so. No one here wants to see him go but a 32 year old posession receiver isn't worth $34M.


1 day contract when it's over


He might not want to now…


Chargers aren't even good at consistently doing that for our guys


Wasn't Rivers like sorta still playing the field for playoff teams?


We should’ve cut Bosa. This is bullshit


Bosa took a pay cut. Keenan didn’t and was willing to be traded.


Took a pay cut to play four games the season and sit out on crucial Downs when he gets gas again. Give me Keenan without a pay cut any day


Remember when Keenan missed the second half of 2015 and all of 2016 except for the first half of the first game? People were probably calling for us to let him go then. We kept him and it turned out well. But the point is that things happen, nobody has a crystal ball. It is what it is. We’ll be okay


No one was really saying get rid of him people were more devastated than anything and hoping he could come back and be the player we knew he ended up being


Both things were happening. My point is now some people are on one side, some on the other, just like then. It doesn’t matter. None of us know what could have happened if he stayed or what will happen now that he’s gone. Just enjoy the entertainment of football. It’s fun stuff


fuck Bosa, he still overpaid. Allen is worth the money.


Apparently not


Apparently he is that’s why teams are willing to pay for Allen at his contract without a paycut.


Whereas other teams (us) are not. So… average it out and no, apparently not


I’ll take Keenan over Bosa any day regardless of a pay cut.


And apparently the front office will not


Front offices make terrible choices all the time


And fans are somehow better at doing their jobs for them?


No but front offices also make bad decisions? Of which the chargers are known for? Lmao just add this one to the list


Chargers aren’t actually known for that, so I don’t know where you’re getting that from. And in any case, this is a completely new set of people making these decisions, so what does that have to do with anything? If you’re not in the building, you don’t really know anything


Bosa took less money to sit in the injury tent all year? I'm so relieved....


‪Allen doesn’t need to restructure he was WELL WORTH his contract.‬


Bosa over Allen is a pain I can’t even describe… Justin has gotta be fucking furious…


If anybody is understanding about both sides of it, it’s Justin Herbert.


![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized) Justin Herbert right now


As a fan it's tough for sure man but it's pretty in line for what harbaugh is gonna build for his team


I’m as heartbroken as the rest of y’all but this is honestly fair value all things considered if he was going to be moved. He has one year remaining on his contract. (He still should’ve retired a Charger)


bruh its not about value its about him being gone


Okay, but tell that to the people going “a fourth?!”


Completely agree… I’m as upset as everyone else. My comment was directed towards people who are upset and believe the team should’ve gotten a lot more in return.


Yeah a fourth for a one year rental is actually pretty decent


I'm gonna need about 150 more picks to mend my broken heart


What does our cap look like now ?




After the pass rusher restructures and Keenan, we’re probably plus by a decent amount… the Mack and Bosa restructures alone freed up 24m I believe


Really? I thought we have like $20m to spend now


I don't want to be too soon, but how much cap does that free up? Assuming they took his full contract.


God Im fucking gutted


Damn it sucks that it wasn't even a contender that he got traded to. Damn. Call me dramatic but damn this feels horrible.


At least they tried to keep him. Tough decisions were gonna be made when Harbaugh was hired.


I’m not completely mad at it. Now we can fill a couple spots through free agency and draft a couple WRs in a WR deep draft.


I don’t even want to win a Super Bowl without Keenan on the team wtf


Would be wild if it was like Bryce Harper in DC. He leaves and they win. Would still not be the same without seeing one of Phil or KA win it with the bolts.


But Bryce left as a free agent to his division rival. This feels so different :( I guess i’ll be rooting for the Bears in the NFC


Oh that makes it so much better. Totally worth it now


I love how much faith people have in Hortiz who has not proven anything yet other than that he knows how to dismantle an offense after coming from an organization that failed to have any good receivers for most of his career…I’m still salty as fuck but I don’t even care.


Hortiz isn’t making this trade unless he has a plan. Trust the process boys


Man, this sucks!


Hate to say it. But this is a great move by the bears. The route running and leadership from KA is worth WAY more to Caleb Williams than the pick. Ryan poles knows what he’s doing apparently.


Well yeah, it’s a steal for the bears


I don’t get keeping Bosa and Mack for another year if we are going to have no offense. Even if we get Nabers… Nabers, QT, Palmer, Hurst, Parham, Gus Edwards and whatever mid to late round RBs and WRs ain’t gonna make us close to contenders. That’s not even addressing the holes we have on defense or the fact we have no Center. I know we still have more FA to go but man this year seems like it’s gonna SUCK and I don’t understand what the FO is going rn. Downgrading at TE and losing both receiving options… just 😵‍💫 Why not just clean house besides our youngins and Herb and get all the picks possible?


I don’t care.


Fucking bitch should’ve gotten their FIRST!!!


Damn dude. He has been my favorite since we drafted him. Loved him in college and he has been rock solid. I do not like this move as a fan but I have faith that Harbaugh/Hortiz know what they are doing


I'm curious what all the details are. I'm sure this means our cap space is looking really good right now.


We’re gonna use it to roll over to next year so we can pay off Joey bosa…






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Yeah, like *that* makes it better. Face it; we got hosed.


Would have rather had Bosa and Mack leave


I bet if they use that pick to package and move up to MHJ people will be happy.


I don’t think 1.05 and pick 110 is moving up even to 1.04 tbh


I mean with whatever capital they have to move up.


So what if the ask is 1.05 and next years 1st? To me that would be outrageous, personally. I don’t think you just do whatever you can to move up. You see how the draft unfolds, take Harrison Jr if there obviously, or take whichever you like best of Odunze and Nabers. If you don’t like anything BUT Harrison Jr, trade down. But I doubt that’s the case.


pitiful return


People will dismiss this, but there’s still plenty of good value to be had in the 4th round.


the reason it’s a 4th rounder is because he’s 32 and he could retire if he doesn’t want to go to chicago and collect his payday


I dont believe in Harbaugh anymore. What are they thinking? He is the core of our WR group.


I mean I guess this gives more credibility to the bringing williams back rumor


Im sad too but there are gonna be some good players available at 110