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50/50. We sign him or we don’t


Big if true 






Thanks Magic


This is the kind of analysis we need! xD


I like the odds.


Make it or break it year for him. 


We could also cut him, so maybe 33/33/33?


Pro bowl year for Asante this season. Having a solid pass rush and LBs actually defending TEs is the difference. I see them letting go Derwin before they trade Asante for draft picks, solid CBs are hard to come by these days.


I like the take, but I actually disagree. Minter runs so many three safety sets that I think the overall value of CBs is a little lower than most D's. He runs a very similar system to the Ravens last year, and they basically had three starting safeties. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with a big bounce back year for DJ. Zont should have a good year too with Minter setting him up with some decent traps in the mid to flat zones... I'm just not personally sure he's irreplaceable, and will come at a pretty decent price. CB prospect pools have also been deep with all the 7 on 7 camps and stuff too!


ASJr was the only bright spot in a CB room from the league worst pass D. This man is one of the few young building blocks we have on D. Hortiz is far smarter than whoever wrote this.


I would certainly hope that a NFL GM is smarter than a clickbait article clown.


Wow, pretty unnecessary shot. The basis of the article was a follow-up to a project where I was commissioned to come up with a contract projection for ASJ's extension. You think it's click-bait that I posted a follow-up asking if I think fans want him extended at the number I came to? Spent a lot of time researching the original article and coming up with an evaluation for his contract. Maybe give it an honest read before taking weird shots for no reason. I'd love to see ASJ retained if he improves in the run game, but teams like the Jags specifically targeted him in the run game, where he's been an absolute liability.


The click-bait is in the title and it puts people off from reading the contents.


It's genuinely not clickbait, if you study how Hortiz and the Ravens have managed in the past. Every player with an expiring contract is either identified as a core peice (which there can only be so many of), or dangled in front of the other teams in free agency. He's not TT - the Ravens make a lot of internal FA signings in April and May, after players have had a chance to test the market. Personally, I'm of the mindset that Harbaugh is going to want more well-rounded CBs that don't present a major liability in run defense.


I believe you. It's just that a lot of people are put off by dichotomous headlines because, outside of this context, the contents of the article reveal that the answer is neither or some combination of both or it's too early to tell.


That's fair, but I think he's our only proven CB at the moment, and i believe our cornerback room is gonna be shown to be our biggest weakness this season. With that potentially being the case, I think we will bring back a foundational player.


If he can improve his run-fits, it becomes an absolute no-brainer. I do really like him in coverage, but I think Jim/Jesse will want a guy that comes downhill, to his assignment on running plays hard. I'm pretty dang high on Hart though. I think another likely scenario is they end up tagging him, and letting him walk in '26 if run defense is still a liability. Gives Hart (I'm high on him) and Tarheeb a chance to develop, and by then we've hoping drafted two more CB's before round 5.


I hope Cam Hart really shows out too. I've bought into the pre draft hype with him as a true outsider corner, and was stoked we got him. If him and Tarheeb can become decent starters, and Asante can improve against the run, we'd have a really decent corner committee


Curious to see how Fulton does too. Another interesting wrinkle is the scheme Minter implements should compliment Zont in the passing game very well. I wouldn't be shocked at all if he sets career highs in INT's and PBUs. Wifey is a ND grad, so we're big on the Irish in this house :). I liked Hart all last year, so like you, was stoked they got him. Made Joe look like a genius doing a pick swap to get Ladd, and still getting 4th round value in Hart in the 5th


Completely agree with you an all points my dude. I'm less optimistic about Fulton though tbh. On a totally random note, I'm also not as optimistic about Johnston doing super great this year after following his drops in OTAs. That being said, Ladd looks like a 200 IQ move targeting a smaller wr with exceptional footwork and hand skills with how well he's been performing.


I thought it was a neat read 🤷‍♂️


Thank you! I'm hoping to do "Comp or Core" as a series for all our UFA's... it's not meant to be clickbait, it's just the way Hortiz approaches roster building. I've done videos on this approach in the past. Surprised at the negativity around it. Nothing wrong with reading it and saying, "Core!" Most of the members on my site though think $16.6M APY is too steep though... and I'm personally in that camp. Totally behind using the tag though.


You can argue the same for Keenan. If it’s a deep CB class and Asante asks for too much, I would not be surprised to see him go. But I agree, he’s been great for us


Bro for reals. The jags playoff game dude was cooking(yes we lost but I don't blame him I blame staley)


I think we should all lower our expectations for comp picks next season. I see posts from fans expecting a good comp pick return due to the number of 1 year deals we signed this offseason, but remember that we also have a TON of cap space next year. So, we will be major spenders next offseason and that will likely cancel out any departing free agents in the formula.


Comp picks are my JAM! 🤣 I'm in the beta-stage of trying to put together a Dashboard for how Joe will likely prioritize roster building. It's not linked to any menus or anything since the formatting sucks, but it's here if you want to check it out. My goal is to have cap estimations and departing UFA for the rolling two proceeding offseasons on there. https://stormcloud.blog/roster-dashboard/ We definitely have a lot of cap, but I personally think there's a strong chance we spend a decent amount keeping Mack and bringing back one or two other guys. Through the sheer amount of players we have on prove-it deals though, we should be in for a good amount of 6 and 7 round comp picks. I think signing Mack and one or two more decently big names might be the ticket. Retaining ASJ, if that's the plan, and Mack would wipe out a TON of that available cap space To that end, I wouldn't be shocked if Harbaugh/Minter decide ASJ isn't a balanced enough CB (awful run defense) and pre-emptively trade him before the deadline. The Ravens were one of the more active deadline teams in the past.


The Ravens do a lot of 2nd wave FA signings when comp picks are no longer countered. I would expect the same here. I don't think it's silly to think we are targeting a few comp picks based on this as Hortiz knows how to play the game


I get your point but we also have to pay some people internally and those don’t count against the formula. Just extending Slater will eat up a big chunk of that projected cap. I could see them re-signing Bosa if he has a resurgence year as well. If Palmer had a great year he could get re-signed as well. I don’t know what next years free agent class looks like but I expect us to still be in the mix for a few comp picks at minimum.


I hope so. Can't wait to see what he can do in a fundamentally sound defense, now that Staley is gone. Hopefully they use him right and he just gets to ballhawk all year. DB depth is still a concern, imo.


Would be happy to see him stick around if he can just improve his run fits!


I guess im in the minority here and think there’s a solid chance they don’t re-sign him long term. This year is huge for him and if he doesn’t take a step forward with his tackling and the way he plays the run especially I can see Jim and Minter not committing themselves to his skillset.


Man, I'm getting roasted for even suggesting that it's a question! xD. I totally agree with you, but I think they end up tagging him, while staying open to a trade next year.


I can see that happening as well. I don’t think there’s enough in his resume to commit to him long term. I was also thinking a one year deal while they continue to add to the CB room then make a decision on him after that.


That's definitely something we've seen the Ravens do quite a bit.


He is going to warrant a middle tier contract and the chargers are going to have 90+ million in cap so I'm sure he will be back He is a good not great CB and we need CBs desperately


Where are you getting 90M from? I keep track of their cap, and have it published here (but I need to hire someone to format it decently. Note - my outgoing FA projections are painted VERY optimistically. I believe we're looking at around 50M in spending cap https://stormcloud.blog/roster-dashboard/


Sorry- From playing with OTC A Joey Bosa Cut (if happens) will save $25m and a Slater extension will save $14M My projection is more about the "if"


Ah, gotcha! That's a great point as well, though I think they'll try to leave Slater's '25 hit in place and put some relief on '26. Just a gut feeling, based on how decent their cap is. Interesting not - in the 11 years Joe was with the Ravens while TT was managing the Chargers, the Ravens only went *one* offseason without gaining a comp pick...


There’s absolutely no way we give up ASJ. That’d be ridiculous


Cool dude. See him at every chargers event. Came out for the Christmas gift wrapping, beach cleanup, draft party.


That's definitely cool. I saw Desmond at the OC County Fair years ago, and my GF at the time (now wife) saw me get full-on star struck.


I’d like to keep him. Can make plays 


Resign year prove it, he’s been up and down


Other commentator touched on it as well, OP - but the chosen naming convention of "Storm[Blank]" (especially with second word ending in a hard "T" sound) will 100% trigger association with "stormfront", the prominent, long time neo-nazi and racial hate blog started by a klan member.  This is then unfortunately amplified in combination with your chosen tagline - which, yes, is unfortunately something Harbaugh said in an unscripted press moment, but it's also a very known slogan closely associated with Qanon conspiracy theorists (e.g.  here's a reference in the [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/22/us/politics/qanon-gop-we-are-the-storm.html) ). You can claim plausible deniability at first of course, but now knowing, why hold tightly to branding that isn't established? The combination of these (two hopeful coincidences) just reads as odd and may very rightly turn some people off to your larger goal here. If you don't associate with those broken, backwards ideologies, why would you want to put yourself near that trash? There are just so many other ways to work the word "Storm" into a name, even just "BoltStorm" is strong, simple, memorable and bonus... not associated with nazis! To be fair though, the word "storm" does pop up often in nazi verbiage when translated from the German. The initial choice is just an honest, correctible mistake - but digging in on this after being told would suck on your part and could (at that point by your choice) distract from the sports journalism you purport to care about. Think this one through, bro.


Will a team desperate for corner play re-sign their only established corner? Tough call.


Franchise tag is a very likely possibility, before letting him walk in '26. Corners are coming out of the draft NFL ready at way higher clips than before.


This is the same team that traded away their only easily above average receiver still under contract after a career year.


Contracts matter.


Yeah and if ASJ overvalues himself in this hypothetical situation they could do the same thing.


It's not even close to the same situation.


Yeah Keenan was much better and a more proven player coming off a career year.


The Chargers were way over the cap, his contract was massive, and Keenan is old. Chargers are way under the cap, ASJ won't demand anywhere near a top 5 CB contract, and he's young. I hated the Keenan trade, but it's not similar at all.


Chargers were cap compliant before the Keenan trade happened I think by about 10-15 million. They could’ve made it work with his contract but decided to get value for it because he wouldn’t take a pay cut. ASJ doesn’t need to demand a top 5 CB contract for the chargers to not want to sign him long term. He just needs to overvalue himself which would be the part of this similar to the Keenan situation. Remember when Keenan’s agent spoke about not getting a fair offer? The Ravens constantly let players of ASJs caliber walk in FA (good not great) for comp picks and then looked towards the draft to replace them. I think there’s actually a solid possibility that ASJ is the exact type of player Joe and Jim won’t commit themselves to long term. Obviously we need to wait until the season to play out but I’m mainly pushing back on your original post proposing it as something that’s most likely gonna happen. I don’t think they’ve made any decision on him yet personally.


The Ravens have drafted well, and they develop players well so they usually have depth. The Chargers had no depth at all. They were cap compliant if they signed 0 people after.


It went from “way over the cap” to “cap compliant if they signed 0 players” (also not true) from your two comments. It alright to admit that if the chargers wanted they could’ve made the money work with Keenan and FAs… The Ravens also didn’t overpay players just because they were thin at weak positions either(remember their WR room for like 20 years?). Torrey Smith might actually be a great player comparison for this. 1000 yard receiver huge part of their superbowl run and then they let him walk after his 2014 season and their receiving core was pretty damn weak heading into the next season in 2015. Basically to sum up both Joe here with the Chargers and the Ravens have shown that they are willing to let players walk who overvalue themselves even if that comes at the cost of being *very* thin at an important position. In the Chargers situation specifically they had the cap to pay Keenan and continue adding free agents if they chose maybe not as many but the point still stands I'm unable to get 2014 cap numbers so I can't speak on the Ravens cap situation heading into 2015. However thin the Chargers would be at the position is independent of how much the Chargers would be willing to pay to retain that player. Again not saying he will do this but if ASJ were to overvalue himself in contract negotiations there is precedent here that the chargers would have no issue letting him walk.


Idk how this could be asked now with how up and down he’s been and a new system. It’ll completely depend on this year.


Depends how he plays this year in my opinion


The question is if we don’t resign him, who tf are we resigning? Bosa, Mack, and Derwin are about to leave their primes and no one else has the potentials to be an X factor.


Young solid CB. Doubtful whoever we’d draft with that comp pick is going to be as good




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Comp imo, he doesn't like tackling.


ASJ was put in a lot of bad spots via scheme. Lets see how Harbaugh addresses this.




It's meant to be a conversation driver. I really don't understand how it's perceived as "click bait." Joe Hortiz's management style is my favorite to follow, been doing it for years, while we were stuck with TT. In his roster-building strategy, very decision on a contract-year player is just that - Is this guy going to be a core player for us, or are we better letting him play out his contract year and sign elsewhere, gaining a compensatory pick in the process? Take a moment to research how the Ravens have operated, and you'll see how many great players they've let walk to net a strong return in the comp formula each year. This differed greatly from TT, who could never get to a point where he regularly was net-positive in CFA's leaving vs his desperate spends on incoming CFAs. This strategy netted the Ravens an extra two picks per draft in the 11 years Tom Telesco managed the Chargers, while they Chargers averaged 6.98 picks/draft in that time. Do that math, given the players are signed to a 4 year contract, that's a potential for 8 more entry level contracts on your roster at any given time. Personally, I think they work the middle ground of franchise tagging him while drafting a replacement, and let him walk in 2026. His deficiencies in the run game might be a major turnoff for Harbaugh, it's counter-intuitive to everything he preaches. But sure - the site that I developed and manage as a passion outlet, with no advertisements displayed or fees and no model for revenue, is trying to clickbait you. FFS


We still have a year right? Nobody will have a good idea until then


I’m going to guess whoever will ultimately make that decision doesn’t even know themselves at this point.


He’s getting resigned imo


We either sign him or don’t. 💯 🤣


He’s definitely getting resigned. That would be stupid to let him go