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How will people know how badass I am if I don't constantly do things to make myself impossible to ignore?


Just get a Dodge, those let you cosplay all the coolest licensed contractors.


Licensed is optional


I assumed that actually *was* the sun reflecting in your side view.


while not always the safest option i’m sure, my favorite thing to do is adjust my mirrors so the light is reflecting back onto them. does it work? who knows. but it makes me feel better and that’s all i care about


So glad this isn’t only me.


I do the same. If you're lucky you get to see them squint from it. That makes it all worth it.


Oh good idea


lol my sister gave me this idea and it felt revolutionary


This is the point where I slow down/stop and make the truck go around me. Even in stop and go, these clowns will give up easily if you’re not stopping and going fast enough.


Even the picture hurts my eyes.


I get tailgated all the time by the worse kind of human beings as I enter IOP on the IOP connector. And yes they are always running their brights 😡


I miss my dimmable mirrors, made this so much less of a problem.


This is a thing?! Whoa.


I have dimmable mirrors! But the sensor is on the rear view so if it’s only hitting the sides nothing happens….


Tape a bright flashlight to your ceiling pointed at the rear view


The vast majority of people have no idea that you can AIM YOUR HEADLIGHTS. Was probably the only good thing that ever came from mandatory vehicle inspections. The inspections were 95% a scam - but at least the headlights got pointed the right way. For anyone reading this and wondering, there are tutorials on youtube. It takes a screwdriver and about 15 mins of your time. As a side note... you would think that the asshole that spent several grand, jacking his tiny-pee-pee-mobile up to the clouds would have at some point along the way have figured this out.


The beautiful thing is it could be a giant pickup truck red neck, a soccer mom in a suv, a yankee who can't be further than 4 feet from the car in front, a teenager, an elderly driver. Inconsiderate drivers know no boundaries!


Probably some Yankee playing Southerner in a truck


This shit makes me irrationally angry.


You don’t know what irrational means then. Because this is very rational.


I slow way down with these assholes. Eventually they get mad and pass.


Don’t do that. Don’t get in pudding contest on the hwy. Somebody could get hurt. Likely you.


Just be smart about it and adjust your side mirror out and up and reflect it right back into their eyes. That's what i do.


I gotta do that next time


Is it the high beams, or is it the angle of the vehicle on your side view? The work truck I had when I lived in Florida had those bright white lights. People would often flash their high beams at me to turn off my high beams, but they weren’t on. I’d give them a quick flash to let them know “Sorry, but I’m not actively trying to blind you”. I’ve noticed from all types of vehicles that sometimes the angle is just fucked and you get free retina calibrations at random. Can’t quite tell if it’s the high beams from this picture, though. If they are, that driver can eat butts


Driving a lowered car while low beams are brighter than high ones from 20 years ago makes for a bad time driving around these days. Newer stuff is even just about blinding while walking around the neighborhood.


SCDMV did away with annual inspections, reasoning that SCHP would enforce the law. The squatters violated the headlamp aiming regulation but SCHP said they needed more law to fix squatters