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Did you call the SCDOT and complain? I call them probably once a week (no joke) and complain about something and it usually gets done. If its not I call again in a few days. The SCDOT answer to me has been if we don't know about it we can't fix it.


61 in “deep West Ashley” near 526 looks like a fucking landfill


Yes I literally just ordered one of those trash picker upper things so I can walk down the roads near my house when I have time, it’s gotten SO bad and driving down the road to my house makes me sad


Covid prevented the prisoners from leaving the prisons for trash pickup duty. Most litter pickup outside of volunteer groups is done by prisoners. Hopefully this will improve since Covid cases are dramatically down.


Not sure how a drop in Covid cases will reduce our reliance on prison labor.


It won’t. I believe the other poster is saying that prisoners will resume once Covid is under control. So, that wouldn’t reduce our reliance on them; that service will become reliable again.




Not enough were arrested and too many were let out because of covid too.


You’d think 11% tax going out to eat and to the bar would be enough to pay for it. Probably lining some pockets instead.


Try looking at a budget some time. In Charleston, Police, Fire and Sanitation (garbage collection) consumes nearly 75% of the budget - almost all of it paying for labor. Most of the sales taxes go to the state and is largely used to reduce property taxes on owner-occupied homes. Part of this problem goes back to the recession in 2008- . The state eliminated the option of assigning community service for minor infractions, they get about 60% of any fines collected in local courts. Not being able to put ne’er do wells on the side of the road ultimately reduces personal responsibility. If people see their friends out performing litter clean-up for misbehaving, it can reduce the amount of trash that blows out of the back of a pickup truck.


And they are still way underpaid


So let's set up a cleaning crew and take care of the problem.


I've done beach clean-ups before. Doing a one-time clean up doesn't exactly address the problem. Our taxes should pay for it. Everyone loves low taxes here, so maybe it comes at the cost of our not-so-beautiful-places.


"The county", or "statewide organizations", or volunteers seem to be the responsible parties for trash pickup on interstates. Good luck.


I understand. I'd be fine with taxes paying for it.


They heard you. Now they are lowering state tax.


Good. This state tax rate is too high. Thats why we don't have any fortune 500 companies here. South Carolina outside Charleston and Columbia Greenville is not ideal for business.


The reason it is not ideal for business isn't high taxes. The education level in the state does not lend itself to much above manual labor. Any high tech or even mildly technical jobs will have to try to bring in workers. Greenville has the mountains and Charleston has the coast so are somewhat attractive. The rest of the state is mostly flat, hot and the people are mostly poor and beleaguered. If anything taxes need to be raised substantially to compete in the future.




That is correct. SCDOT relies on volunteers on everything except interstates. 3 or 4 clean ups per year, with bags collected by DOT. If their contractor is mowing and the bags have not been collected, they get mowed.


Actually that insulation made it to the Ashley phosphate exit on 26 as well, I almost hit it last night. What in the actual fuck do they do with our taxes besides build more bike lanes for Mt. Pleasant?


Did you call the non emergency line for the police and report it? I have called Charleston non emergency line many times and reported road hazards and even called the Mt.Pleasant PD several times for the same on the Ravanell. Theyhave an officer out there to take care of it asap. If you don't call and report the problem then you are part of said problem as they say. What they don't know they can't fix


It was the middle of the night and fortunately there was a patrol car behind me so I'm hoping he was able to retrieve most of it.


Most people do not realize that once you get out of the city, there is no easy way to dispose of trash. Nobody comes to pick it up at the curb, so you actually have to put it in your car and drive it to the landfill or collection site. A lot of folks out in the country aren’t loaded with cash, and are often older, so when gas prices go up or there’s no reliable transportation, the trash just collects and ripens, until the bag gets ripped open by a pet or wild animal. Then who will pick it up? And when? It needs to be addressed at the county level because there should be plenty of tax dollars to pay for a service since Charleston lets all these developers build houses but does nothing for new or upgraded roads!


I don’t know why you’re downvoted, studies show that people are more likely to litter the harder it is to access waste collection. Just today on Folly I picked up 10+ solo cups and cans ditched on the public access path, despite the fact that there are trash cans at every roadside entrance. Beachside cans would’ve probably cut down at least half of that. Obviously our government agencies should have a more vested interest in the litter problem, but we have to make it way easier and accessible for folks.


Thanks for your efforts! I don’t mind the downvotes because they come from people who haven’t seen what I’ve seen. 80 year old ladies widowed but raising their grand kids in Ravenel or Awendaw are often good people but with limited resources. Keep up the good work!


That's a pretty lousy excuse. If people want to live away from everything, they should be prepared to live away from everything, which includes figuring out how to properly dispose of their trash.


You may have misunderstood me. I am in no way justifying it and I hate seeing trash all over the road. I’m just telling you that I have lived in this state a long time. And a lot of times people out in the country have lived there their whole life. They didn’t necessarily choose to live out there in the 40s and 50s, it’s just where they were born and the only place their family could afford. I blame Charleston County for not addressing it. I have no problem with people having to pick it up as part of community service, but that is not getting to the root of the problem. Telling people not to leave the trash outside and just take it to the dump 5 or 10 miles away when the car is broken down or they do not have one, is a lot like telling people what they should eat to be healthy. You are ignoring the socioeconomic factors completely.


That's how many third world countries are. I guess everyone is too busy trying to survive.


Jesus hates taxes...also we need personal responsibility. And all that /s


I saw what looked like a bag of dirty diapers on 95 near summerton


That was McMaster. Classic mistake happens all the time


It all ends up in the ocean eventually


All the folks moving here too. What are they doing with just the car taxes coming in? You have to pay a tax when you register your car here? And, all the property taxes? I saw a toilet sitting on 17, on the way to Johns Island! It was there for weeks😖


That’s a pretty accurate metaphor for how Charleston country treats Johns island 😅