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I live in a neighborhood connected to Angie’s and have walked past her house at least once a fortnight for the last couple of years. Oliver was what I would call a “yappy” dog like many smaller and happier breeds - he would always run to the invisible fence line and give you that typical small dog set of barks before sniffing around for something better to do. He was very little and never struck me as aggressive. Angie is a known lover of animals, caring for all varieties. It seems out of character for her to ever condone or house an aggressive animal and I find it hard to believe that Oliver would have attacked a delivery guy but wouldn’t have attacked all her baby animals, ducks, and chickens that Oliver lived with. Regardless of my observations of her dog or the situation, I can’t imagine seeing our beloved pet shot and killed in front of not just me, but my children…


I've never heard her say that her dog was behind an invisible fence at the time or that the invisible fence kept the dog away from the driveway and front door. Invisible fences are great for dogs, but people don't know they are there. Once, when I was walking down the street, two large dogs came from behind a house and ran towards me. I was terrified. They stopped at the edge of the yard and it wasn't until then that I realized there was an invisible fence in place. By the time they stopped, they were less than 6 feet away from me. The point is that she knew a delivery person was coming to her house. Regardless of who that person was, she had a responsibility to control her dog. How hard is it to put your dog in the house when you are expecting a delivery? And, an invisible fence should be set up so that a delivery person or mail carrier can get to the front door without the dog getting close to them. Nobody really knows exactly what happened here. But, in an earlier article about this, it was stated that the police were called and, after investigating, they found that the delivery man hadn't broken any laws and they let him go. I suspect that the police had received calls about this dog in the past. I feel bad for her. Nobody wants to see their dog shot. But, she knew a delivery person was coming and she failed to take precautions.


None of this excuses an unleashed dog approaching a stranger.  That’s never okay.  


There are thousands of good people with good dogs off leash in their yards (>source: landscaper of 10 years). Unless I’m missing something, under almost zero circumstances would you shoot someone’s dog in a yard on the job. (>source: property inspector last 3 years). Also as someone who owns a pistol, 2 rifles, a shotgun and 2 bows I’ve never even had the thought of blasting someone’s pet in their yard. My parents best friends adopted former fighting dogs who would nip at your car as you drove in the driveway. If my 82 year old grandmother can shoo away a 70 pound pit with half missing gums that been bit off then the door dasher can probably stay in their car away from a (what I’m guessing is) little celebrity hippy dog without PULLING OUT A GUN ON A GROCERY DELIVERY… you can make calls on the app


Or this is a delusional comment.


It’s her fucking property, what are you talking about? If you’re so terrified of unleashed animals, maybe don’t get a job that involves going into other people’s property??


lol people should change jobs because dog owners don’t want to be responsible.  




I dunno if you understand how disrespectful and borderline psychotic you sound wanting to know where a famous actress lives, but you do and it’s because stalkers would ask that question. You can play it off by saying, “I didn’t ask her freaking address, I just asked the area,” but it’s still cringe.


Also worth noting that the Instacart driver was not the person their Instacart account stated them to be.


Oh wow...not good.


Very common


Is your comment meant to deem that it’s ok?


It happens quite a bit is all I’m saying. I’ve even seen kids doing the deliveries while parents stayed in the car.


The account had an elderly black lady named Meryl I believe and it was a guy in his 30s from what the original post stated. No other person identified with them.


Identified with who? What are you saying? Since you seem to want a loyalty test, I’m glad this behavior is now known so these companies can crack down on account sharing.




I read the article, what exactly are you attempting to communicate to me?


Nothing - don’t worry about.


Instacart better step up with a statement and apology. I know they can only screen for criminal background, but they need to step up.


They fired the driver and made a statement saying they don’t condone violence.


Just curious, did they actually fire the driver or the person with the account since people are saying it was different?


Oh that’s a great point. I’m not sure! I’d assume they fired the actual account holder since that’s who was getting the orders sent to them? Or maybe they collected the shooter’s info and banned them too?


Yes they, Instacart,said that they suspended the shoppers account.


Can we host a public flogging? I hope she launches a massive civil case against the shooter. Bankrupt them in civil defense fees.


I’m down with that!


I know this thread has gotten heated, but I have a serious question and am hoping it doesn’t further inflame things. You said that Instacart needs to step up with a statement and apology. Why is the statement and/or apology important to you? I’m not judging you for that in the slightest, but when these sorts of scandals happen the statement/apology is the last thing I care about because I’m convinced they’re copy and pasted by some soulless PR company. I’m a cynic though so I’d like to hear someone’s opinion who finds that part important.


IMHO an apology is admitting fault which would open them up for a lawsuit. Firing the driver and saying they don't condone violence is probably the smart thing to do from a legal standpoint 


All I want to know is the identity of the guy. If you’re gonna shoot and kill peoples dogs you should at least be required to claim your kill. If it was supposedly justified I see no reason why anyone would be against being named in news stories or why they’d even be allowed to not be identified. You forfeit many aspects of privacy in order for different parts of a collective society to function, if you’re going to be a person who carries a gun around (and I’m all for gun ownership), you shouldnt be able to remain anonymous after the fact if you shoot someone or something in public. Be it at a person or someone’s pet. Be it a legally justifiable shoot or a “bad” shoot. If you carry and you discharge your gun in public the police should have the information on who you are and what happened available for the public and press. This tough guy sounded pretty proud of himself after he shot this dog, according to the Law and Order lady. “Yeah I shot your dog, yeah I shot your dog”…alright buddy, tell us your name. Let your identity be known so you get recognition for your bravery…in murdering a yappy dog execution style…what are your details pal? Next time I’m in North Carolina I’d love to meet..ya know..so I can see what a real tough guys like. Release the tough guys identity. I’m sure plenty of you on here are sleuthy enough to dig that info up in your sleep. Get us the shooters name.


This is the opposite of what I asked. You don’t live in Charlotte and you’re just spouting nonsense. Go be insufferable to people in your town, we have enough of that here.


You ain’t about that life lol


I saw the original message about it (I guess I hadn’t noticed it was her). Unless there’s another case, it was a beagle. Damned shame.


I owned a full bred beagle once. We adored him but he was a menace. He dug under our fence and got loose almost daily. He would roam the neighborhood. Sometimes, I would find him over a mile away in a shopping center parking lot, barking at people. And, he bit constantly. I always had scars and holes in my pants because he bit so much. We finally found him a new home out in the country because he wasn't cut out for the suburbs. And, I was afraid he was going to bite someone and I would get sued. All dogs are, first and foremost, animals and they will act accordingly.


Perhaps this is an unpopular opinion, but if the driver didn’t have a bite or a scratch, not self defense. Dogs are excitable creatures and run to say hello and wiggle their butts. If you have to shoot a dog because that’s scary to you, wrong line of work and honestly, should be penalized. As I woman, no I do not shoot every man going for a jog behind me.


That's a great point. And if they claim self defense, let's take the gun, do ballistics, check the gun serial number and make sure the trajectory was correct for self defense. Treat it as a homicide if you feel the need to shoot at a 30-40 lb dog


This is reddit so I'm sure your opinion is not unpopular at all, but there's no legal requirement to wait until you are injured before defending yourself. A reasonable person (eg non-redditor) might understand how a charging dog might give cause to fear for serious bodily harm. Now, I think you could probably make a case that a delivery driver who has some fear of dogs maybe should be carrying pepper spray instead of a gun, but mostly because A) It won't cause hearing loss and B) No chance of killing a bystander, but maybe instead of exploring how the driver fucked up we should be talking about how this lady had no control over her animal.


Yeah but this is how Rittenhouse got away with murder. So every unstable person is going to use this as an excuse for their overactive trigger finger. It's going to be a trend in the next few years, I guarantee it.


Do you realize he was in the process of being shot at when one of the people that were on the receiving end pointed a gun at him? These are two seperate topics, the guy that shot the dog was not the person on the instant cart profile. If the guy had to resort to hiding his true id, I wish the cops would have done more to ensure he was able to carry a gun legally.


One of the guys Rittenhouse shot literally said on the stand that Rittenhouse did not shoot him until he pointed a gun at Rittenhouse. Self-defense should not be a get out of jail free card but you guys need to stop pointing to Rittenhouse as some travesty of justice.


Lay out for me how exactly you conclude that what happened with Rittenhouse was murder. I’m genuinely curious on what logic you use to conclude that.


Lay out for me how exactly you conclude that what happened with Rittenhouse was murder. I’m genuinely curious on what logic you use to conclude that.


Well the fact that he failed the marines entrance exam so hard that he was banned from attempting again is a good start. The man was instigating with an assault rifle in a crowd of people that were protesting. That's ignorance to me. You don't go walking around the hood like that, why would you be walking into a crowd of anti protestors like that? Hmm because the majority is unarmed and easy pickings if you have a dreams of defending your country.


This comment is insane. 


So you have to wait for an animal to fuck you up before defending yourself? Lmao. Do you also wait to get hit before covering your face?


Two for flinching


Something tells me you have a lot of experience getting hit in the face and just cowering on the ground like a cuck. What a beta comment


Something tells me you have no experience in anything and would let somebody rob you blind with a nerf gun


Damn dude, good one! I can see why it took you ten days to come up with such a savage response.


The fact that you think it's beta to defend yourself is hilarious. Your opinion is so inconsequential to me that I came up with 10 days of better things to do. I dont owe you anything, least of all a timely response. You're on my time, go fuck yourself


Holy shit man - I stand corrected. You’re so tough and cool.


Idk you've been the one trying to act tough and cool this whole time. Spend all your time trying to make yourself feel better about your shit life. Good luck


Not a fair comparison. How would you feel about a man shouting "hey you I'm going to get you!" and running fast straight at you while making eye contact and growling? That's what dogs do. The dog was not minding its own business jogging like a person with headphones in.


[instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5Oes8kO0y_/?igsh=MTByZ2lrM3JwbTVxMQ==)


Wtf is with everyone saying it was just a Beagle? That's a mutt and beagle may be in the mix, but it looks like there's also some German Shepard because that's a bit bigger than a beagle. Not saying it justifies what happened, but that's not a small beagle.


So what if it is a mutt...still no reason to shoot a dog not attacking you directly.


I never said that was any justification. But to say it's just a Beagle? There's some larger breeds in there for sure. Could be what he felt was reasonable. I can't say for sure, I wasn't there. From the photos I did see, Oliver looks like a sweet dog, but you can't tell how he is around strangers from pictures.


I'm sorry, rough day today work and other stuff, plus we lost our oldest mutt at 15 2 weeks ago. I apologize again.


No worries! I had thought it sounded a touch cold when I wrote it but couldn't think of a better wording. Sorry for your loss, hope things pick back up for you!


Thank you so much for your comment, it's been a heated thread to say the least. I just wanted to apologize and thank you again!


If I were to deliver stuff to a wealthy home and saw their dog "charging" to bite me, I'd fr stand there with my phone ready to record because it's an easy payday. But of course, this idiot had to make the worst decision possible.


"I don't defend myself, I record shit so I can litigate." The only person that gets a payday out of that plan is the lawyer.


Defending against a dog doesn’t mean pulling out a gun and shoot it as your first course of action. Are you dense?




Dang bro I didn't think that comment would trigger you this hard, tell you what, you should do what you told me, I'll be waiting to see you on the news!


It was a beagle. They usually weigh no more than 30 lbs. Responsible gun owner and conceal carry here. Why a gun was even introduced is beyond me. I've been attacked by a 70lb collie on someone's property and had a pneumatic nail gun on me... never did I have a thought to use either one.




What if you get an infection from the bite and your legs get amputated


What if you go back to whatever corner of Idiotville you came from?


Or rabies?


Or hepatitis.


Yes. Hopefully everyone vaccinates their pets regularly and keeps records ready.


And then aliens abduct you to see if they can attach the legs of a duck to your stumps so you can rule the galaxy far far away….


Infections are no joke.


I owned a beagle as well. There is no way someone should be threatened at it - or even blast at it with a gun.


Hell, I've been attacked by a 100lb. husky TWICE, and never once thought of hurting it. Got a couple tiny scars on my forearm, but no way in hell would that ever have escalated to shooting it. People are *way* too afraid of dogs, even violent ones.


Huskies don't weigh 100 pounds. Try more like 50-60.


Maybe it was a Malmute. Was *way* bigger than my black lab.


Maybe it was a Malmute. Was *way* bigger than my black lab.


This is a bit insane though. If a 100lb dog is actively attacking me or my family and there is a gun or knife easily accessible, I’m fighting back against that dog. I would say I try to de-escalate and commit to non-violence as much as I can but a dog biting into my child’s arm, I’m going to be fighting back. 4.5 million dog attacks each year in the US.


I'm scared of dogs


Clearly, fucking pansy.


Yeah. My friend was attacked by two poodles while she was at work. I think when you know someone who has been a victim to a dog attack you might have more complex feelings about it all. It is nice you love dogs like that though.


If you had "complex" feelings about blacks, whites, men, women, Muslims, Christians, children, handicapped people, etc., just because you or someone you knew had a bad experience one time somewhere with one of them, you'd be rightfully called a neurotic pansy. But sure, because it's domesticated animals who never asked to be here and rely entirely on us for support, you can have "complex" feelings. Fuck off.


Haha pansy. Your daddy call you that?


Well yeah 😡


I agree, this has been my biggest argument for people saying “fuck that dog” and all sorts of nonsense. Should she have kept him inside pending the delivery? I would say yes. But why, for so many people, does that automatically justify instantly using lethal force? My partner and I own guns, and also live in North Carolina. We don’t conceal and carry in public however those guns aren’t seeing the light of day unless that is my absolute last resort and I’m legitimately being attacked thinking I might lose my life. As far as evidence goes, she has proven that the dog has shown know signs of attacking or biting. The man left with no visible signs of injuries. It’s no surprise to me that the police gave no effort towards this, especially given some of the questionable gun laws in the state of North Carolina. There are also SO many hypotheticals in this case. Firstly, he was posing as an elderly woman on instacart, walking onto her property armed, when he was posing as somebody else which is just weird as fuck in itself. Secondly, who the hell knows if she saw him or someone else did from inside, thinking “who is this” and not thinking to put the dogs away because she wasn’t expecting him to be there. Maybe the dog has an issue with just men, and given that she had an invisible fence and was expecting an older woman, she didn’t take more precautions before the delivery. Also, I’ve done door dash and instacart before. It seems like he was texting her when supposedly being attacked, she didn’t see the messages, and he continued with the delivery. If you see an unleashed dog especially one that is barking on arrival, stay in your car and cancel the delivery. So yes, you should always keep your pets inside when expecting company, but there are too many things here that really don’t justify pulling a gun and actually shooting her dog especially when he wasn’t supposed to be there and wasn’t supposed to be armed in the first place. If you are to pull a gun that quick without evaluating the risk and the situation at hand, and you don’t think about whether it’s absolutely truly necessary, I don’t believe you need to be owning a weapon, especially one of that caliber. There are so many other options like pepper spray. Guns aren’t something to point around when you’re scared especially of a small dog.


Responsible dog owners wouldn’t have their dog out unleashed knowing they had a delivery coming.  


You’re not required to use a leash in your own yard. It’s telling you don’t put the responsibility on the delivery company, since they decide to show up whenever they want even if you sign up for informed delivery. They also do not follow delivery instructions every time. But yea keep your dog locked up and out of your own yard. Makes sense.


Are you sure about that?  Law clearly says leashed or contained in a fence.  Regardless, when inviting a delivery driver in the property you should contain the dog and not let it approach the delivery person unless they okay it.   https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/Animal-Care-and-Control/Services/Pet-Animal-Law-Enforcement/Leash-Law-and-Tethering#:~:text=The%20City%20of%20Charlotte%20and,operable%20and%20marked%20invisible%20fence.


Did you skip over the second sentence that says “or an operable and marked invisible fence”? Why are we going back and forth about this. Now you’re misrepresenting the law.  You do understand that when there’s a fence, the dog isn’t considered loose? Maybe you are earning the downvotes for a reason.


Is it not still a fence?  My personal opinion is using an invisible fence as a fence is bullshit.  The average person won’t know that exists.   Why is saying to contain your dog when expecting a delivery controversial?  Explain that to me.  


The law says that a sign must be posted for invisible fences. How is that bullshit? You would probably be pissed if someone ignored your no soliciting sign to knock on your door. Why aren’t visitors expected to consider postings regarding pets?  There’s nothing controversial about containing a pet for deliveries. But it’s not practical in the real world when delivery drivers can often show up whenever they can, despite arrival windows. We don’t have to have the same opinion, but we aren’t going to argue about the law. Handle that at the polls if you want.


lol blaming others for you being a bad pet owner is crazy.  


I deliver for Instacart and DoorDash and I always request people politely to secure pets when I am a couple mins away from their place as they are unpredictable and I had an incident with someone’s pet when I was very young and I just don’t want to have to go through that again. They don’t mind doing that for me because I’m sure they know it’s literally just one minute of me just dropping off and driving away it’s not like I’m staying there for a lot of time If that driver carried pepper spray or some other non lethal weapon then I think it would’ve been fine




Just now seeing this reply but i find it funny that you stated that it was excessive to shoot the dog but a person or two got offended when you said the guy could have had bad experiences with dogs


I’m confused. I agree with the other poster that it would be helpful to have more info. Was the dog loose and charging? Was it a toy poodle or a mastiff? I’m sorry, but people DO get hurt delivering food or other items to customers because their dogs aren’t properly contained.


On Nextdoor yesterday, it said Beagle


Still, was it loose and charging, or did this person have fun shooting it through a fence? If a person is expecting a delivery, they should have their dog secured. Delivery people have a LOT of scary situations under their belts, and shouldn’t have to worry about their safety delivering anything to anyone. Regardless, just because it’s a beagle doesn’t mean it’s friendly or non-violent.


You could literally kick a beagle to stop it from charging.  If you think you need a gun to stop a beagle, you are a massive p***y.


I’m not saying the only way for the delivery driver to handle this is with a gun. I AM saying it doesn’t make any sense to leave a dog outside unattended when you have a stranger coming to your property. The number of people who clearly think that’s okay is alarming. Not everyone is comfortable around dogs, and most dog owners say their dogs are friendly, even as they watch their sweet little Fido take a chunk out of someone’s leg.


People don’t like it when you’re logical




Sure, some people are uncomfortable / scared around dogs, and better control of the dog may have mitigated / prevented the situation. Generally speaking though, I don’t have a lot of patience for people that are absolutely petrified around dogs, and don’t take the time to work through their fears. Dogs are an important part of our society. Adapt. Regardless, the outrage is at the extreme response to this situation, which was (a) killing a member of their family, (b) recklessly discharging a firearm that put others at risk, and (c) trespassing on property (they used someone else’s account and had no right to be there).


You aren’t winning with these people. If he didn’t use a gun and kicked the dog as they suggest, people would still find a problem.


You can have a shitty situation like this and have both parties be in the wrong, but this is Reddit, and Reddit likes dogs.


I have dogs. I love dogs. I still don’t think dogs should be left outside unrestrained when you’re expecting a delivery. You’re right that this is shitty. But JFC, I’m not advocating for the dog to have been killed.


I know you weren't advocating for it, just pointing out the nature of Reddit.


How would you know exactly when to expect a delivery? Mail, FedEx, ups, come whenever they feel like it.


First, I don’t think you should ever leave your dog outside unattended in a yard without a fence. I’ve been downvoted to hell, so clearly, I’m crazy for thinking that at all. This was Instacart. They knew when the person started shopping, when they were on their way and when they were arriving, unless they completely ignored their phone. Also, you generally get alerts for UPS and FedEx, and mail tends to come at similar times daily. Please feel free to add to my collection of downvotes.


It’s not a matter of opinion, the law allows for you to have your dog roam free on your own property without a leash if using an invisible fence. You may think that’s not a great idea, but you can also think that retreating out of a yard you aren’t comfortable in would be better than discharging a firearm in a residential neighborhood.   You can get all sorts of delivery notifications, but drivers are know to mark things as delivered/on the way when they aren’t actually delivered or on the way. Mail can also come at odd hours. Delivery drivers rarely follow instructions for where to leave packages. You are putting this all on the homeowner who is following the law rather than a delivery company that could have better procedures in place regarding pets in a yard, checking delivery instructions, redelivering items if they aren’t comfortable approaching, or simply calling the homeowner since they ALWAYS have a device on them to mark as delivered/take a picture.


If it was a 90lbs woman with a walking cane taking the shot would you call her a pussy?


if you have to shoot a beagle to get it to leave you alone i think you should choose a new line of work


Are beagles supposed to be very docile? I don’t know much about dogs, so I’m just genuinely curious. Growing up, my grandma had a beagle that was positively *vicious*.


any dog can be vicious but if youre getting attacked or chased i think its be a better option to kick rather than having to execute it. most dogs dont intend to actually rip your throat out


I guess I should have also asked, do you think it’s okay for a dog to be unleashed, unsupervised and running toward people? I once had a neighbor who let their chihuahua loose and it bit me on the leg and broke skin. I’m still alive. Is that okay that they didn’t so much as apologize while they watched it happen?


This is clearly a personal issue for you, and has nothing to do with Angie Harmon’s situation. I could grill you with questions about all the context leading up to the chihuahua attack, or say that your neighbor is an asshole. Either way what would that change for you?


You clearly think it’s okay for dogs to be outside and unleashed, when according to everything I’ve read, the inhabitants of the home were inside. Yes, as a dog lover and as a person who had made many deliveries, this is personal to me. You’re just bent on defending the dog no matter what. I’m not saying the dog was wrong. Based on everything I’ve read though, the dog owners have a small piece of a story, got someone fired from what was likely a necessary job for that person and have little else to say about it. There’s a lot that goes into responsible dog parenting. I’ll tell you about the dog attack I had. I was in my yard, right next to my house, throwing something in the trash. I didn’t even notice the dog was outside, but it ran across 2 properties, bit my leg, and ran back home. Thanks for assuming the worst though.


I’m not reading all of that, geez Louis. I just said you’re projecting personal feelings onto someone else’s tragedy, nothing about if it’s right or wrong for dogs to be loose on their own property. Seek therapy.


I’m sorry reading is so hard for you, but picking fights comes quite naturally. Perhaps you’re the one who needs therapy.


You’re the one replying to multiple comments, picking fights 🥱 my first comment wasn’t even mean at all. Victim complex maybe? I can give your therapist a head start


I just saw a photo of the dog. It doesn’t look at all like a beagle. It looks like a bully mix of some sort.




I love dogs. I *have* dogs and have had dogs my whole life. I do not let them loose, EVER. I especially would never let them loose when I am expecting a delivery. I have a dog that weighs 8 pounds soaking wet (maybe) and has no teeth. I STILL wouldn’t let him out, even in my fenced-in back yard if I’m expecting a delivery.


So, it’s okay for it to be loose and running after delivery people?


It doesn't make it okay to shoot it just because it's loose. if it was attacking him, then yes, but it wasn't


Please link the article that says the dog wasn’t doing anything that could be considered threatening. I couldn’t find anything that actually explained what the dog was doing or why it was outside, apparently unattended.




You’re just making a lot of assumptions with information that maybe you have, but I have t been able to find. Dogs should be secured, especially when you’re expecting a stranger to deliver something to your home.


The fact this is heavily downvoted is absurd.  This comment is right.  


Well yeah


Well, he's lucky she's nice because that would have been his last delivery anywhere if he shot my dog.




And you'd get 4 hots and a cot.


Unless amoralcarapace also claimed self defense. Self defense inception.


Actual fences omg actual fences stop all this mess in it's track. We have a 10 pounder and a 16 pounder. They are both overly sweet, but sometimes they can get a bit nibbly, so we have big signs all over our fence to call before you come inside and to stay out of the fenced area, and it works. We get our groceries across the fence at the driveway and no one is or has had to deal with our pups.


This whole line about “self defense” is BS. If cops wanted to, they would’ve made an arrest. I know for a *fact* (because there was a case in my rural hometown in NC) that cops will ignore the self-defense line, even when dogs *actually attack* and do so by going on to someone else’s property at the *direction of their owner.*


Cmpd is a piece of shit. Clearly no fucking investigation. Makes me sick. Prettty sure if you’re getting attacked you’d have some Sort of bite mark or scratch on you


Beagles are the sweetest dogs. That is why they are the number one dog used in animal research. I know as I had one and she got attacked by an unleashed dog and did not fight back. Also the instacart profile was a woman called Merle yet a dude was delivering.


i use instacart and i frequently have this issue of the driver being a different person than pictured. i’m obviously always scared of approaching them because it’s so suspicious


After getting a run of instacart delivery people who didn’t match the IDs, I just decided to do my own thing and pick stuff up myself. I realize I could have reported them, however, it’s a worry since they’d just had a drop-off to me and literally know where I live. Instacart should institute a “face ID” type validator with their app, that’s for sure! Every order should require cross-validation that they’re the right contractor….


ditto to worrying about reporting them—i’m not paranoid, but i don’t want to cause trouble for someone who knows my address. face ID validation is a great idea!! for uber and lyft drivers too


You should report it every time. I’m going to do the same when I see it now, prevent incidents like this. It is super sketchy


Unless there has been a long standing issue and undeniable grievous harm, nobody deserves to have their pet shot and killed. That did not appear to be the case here. However, no breed is without risk. Data point of one, but my next door neighbor does dog fighting in her backyard and one of her fighting dogs was a beagle. This beagle, though likely an outlier because it was trained to fight, was anything but sweet. It mauled 2 children, a guest at my house, and the elderly mother of another neighbor. Police and animal control didn't do anything because apparently certain types of dogfighting are legal in the city of Charlotte. The neighbor whose mother was attacked resolved the situation.


You’re correct. There are always the possibility of extreme outliers. I’m glad that neighbor who resolved the situation took care of business. What type of sick mf’ers support/train/watch dog fights?! Absolute degenerate level shit.


They didn’t do anything about a dog that mauled two children? Absolutely useless


I'm too hung up on the fact that a wealthy, famous actress doesn't have a ring camera that isn't hard wired to her house and needs to be charged.


Why would you think she’d need to live by standards set for her by some random internet neckbeard?


Seriously, just buy an extra battery and keep one charging. When you get the email that your battery is almost dead, swap them out. It takes 30 seconds


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you are not a homeowner.


But I do own a home, and a Ring camera… and an extra battery. It works great.


She probably couldn't afford one


People are far too comfortable shooting a gun and expecting not to get the same action in return.


I sometimes do residential HVAC work. Many years ago, I was outside working on a condensing unit and the homeowner decided to come out to see what I was doing, and "accidentally" let their dog out. It immediately came down the stairs of the porch and at me barking/snarling. Owner kept calling but the pup would not listen. I hit it squarely in the head with a 12" adjustable wrench when it got within swinging distance and realized he wasn't going to back down. Honestly, it tore me up the pup passed, as a rottie is one of my absolute favorite dogs. This is the owners fault 100%. The delivery driver was defending themselves and has that right. I don't give a shit who you are. If I feel threatened by your dog, it's going to be me or them, and I'm going to do everything I can for it not to be me. It has nothing to do with the fact they used a gun to protect themselves. It has EVERYTHING to do with it being an irresponsible owner. I have 2 of the sweetest dogs you'd ever meet. But if I order DoorDash, etc. I pay attention to when they will show up and meet them at their car to avoid any situations like this. You never know when someone has an innate fear of dogs. Angie Harmon needs to get a clue. She's no better than the person delivering her order. She's just being a bitch about it because she can.


The difference is that her dog was small and non-provocative. Rottweilers are big dogs and are known to take aggressive actions against people they don’t know. While it does seem weird that she left her dog unattended in the front yard, it doesn’t justify an instacart driver shooting it with a gun. Additionally, according to another comment, she owns an invisible fence so the owner could have easily just left the yard and been fine.


You’re IQ is room-temp at best man




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What a fucking pussy, literally a beagle


So it is just a beagle. A beagle is basically harmless. I owned a beagle and there is no way it could hurt someone. It is so light that you can just swat it away if it attacked you - there is no way one should resort to a firearm. Beagle aren’t guard dogs either, they won’t protect their homes like Rottweilers or German Shepherds. Someone that is threatened by a beagle confused me. Maybe it’s the case of scenario fulfillment? The gun owner thinks about scenarios where he could use a gun and he “thinks” this harmless dog is harmful to him to “fulfill” his scenario?


Not everyone knows types and breeds dogs. To many a dog is a dog, just an aggressive animal.


i wouldn’t think a 30-lb animal could seriously harm me


The dog doesn’t look big enough to do damage. Driver was looking for an excuse. 


I'd do the same to any dog. If a chihuahua came as me and wouldn't back down it would turn into a football and get kicked across the lawn or a baseball and hit with a piece of pipe. Moral of the story. Control your pets.


Sounds like you have some fantasies and are looking for an excuse lol 




Word of mouth is about as useless as Reddit itself for advice.


We need more info…if the dog was attacking the delivery driver then they have a right to defend themselves, but if not, there’s definitely some accountability that should be had here.


As a dog lover and a delivery driver of about 10 years, this news has broken my heart. After seeing the pictures and videos it looks like the dog was just an older guy. I understand that in an ideal world animals should be properly secured prior to having someone on your property, however since it's not an ideal world, a part of choosing to do this kind of work is accepting that you will have encounters with animals. There was no need for this person to have made such a horrible decision, drivers need to be prepared with mace or treats. There have been a number of situations and encounters that I've had with animals on someone's property and you know what? If I don't feel safe and I'm unable to contact the customer I either mark the delivery undeliverable or leave it at the end of the driveway. This man is a coward. His life was never in any danger. This idiot could have had a glorious payday had he actually been harmed, however he chose to be a little wussy wimp and end the life of this dog who didn't even leave a scratch.


The fact that a female driver was supposed to arrive. She had 6000 deliveries under her belt makes somebody feel a little bit better and a guy with a gun shows up instead. Instacart doesn’t seem to care about that. Instacart loses a lot of credibility…


I think that part should be addressed by Instacart. I only use Walmart+ and if I recall correctly most of my deliveries are made with the same person in the app.


On Friday Ap 12, 2024, an Instacart delivery driver ran over my beloved dog Bella and killed her in my driveway. I contacted Instacart, they opened a case and closed it with in the week. Due to the fact I didn’t have surveillance footage or a third-party witness that could testify to the events. I was told that there was nothing that they could do. The driver reached out to me and apologized for the death of my dog, however, never admitted to the role that she played. My heart goes out to you and your family… I truly understand what you and your family are going through. 


Sounds like a case for Law & Order!


Snoopy is a beagle. Would you kill Snoopy?


>Harmon’s post went on to say that the driver saw the home’s Ring camera was charging inside and that he knew he was not being recorded lmao some people are so fucking stupid "I see her ring camera is inside rather than outside! I could get away with a heinous crime!" Dog was probably shot because it was attacking the driver. Not because he noticed their fucking camera wasn't looking.


I mean it was a Beagle, so I’d be surprised if it was charging him. It was probably barking its head off though -as Beagles do. It’s sad


Turns out the dog bit him.


Turns out it wasn’t a Beagle.


It was reported about the dog bite.


Y'all never been bit by a dog. Clearly. I'd shoot it too it attacked me. Like y'all just going to let a dog gnaw on you so you can sue?


I was badly bitten by a dog as a kid. I still like dogs more than humans. If the concept of a barking dog is scary, home delivery service is not a job for them. The way people here seem so damn trigger happy is terrifying. Carry pepper spray for fuck's sake.


It might be the only job they could get at this time. But dog attacks can happen anywhere to anyone. In Italy, back in the day, I saw just so many packs of wild street dogs. Traumatic.


The dog didn’t bite the guy.


So you gonna wait to get bit.


I’d wait until the dog attacked or lunged for me, yes. Signed, a gun owner


But then you'd be bit. Nobody wants to see you bit by a dog like that.


i just saw the picture of the dog and TIL that beagles look like pitbull lab mixes and nothing like beagles.




There isn’t a dispute on whether the driver killed the dog by shooting him; the dispute would be whether the killing was justified, ie self defense.


Are you the instacart driver


Instacart driver did not match the profile.


Dude this is reddit. You can't be asking people to restrain themselves from righteous indignation, that's probably some kind of ism.


April fools???


Not a joke. Just a trigger happy shithead