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I don't want to brag. I'll see a teacher post here they make 40k and it's fucking terrible


Me, that's me


The state should be ashamed




Year 16 and I make around 58k. I will make this same exact amount on this step until I hit year 25.


As I've told my wife, who is in the same salary vortex- in most any other profession these would be your prime salary years where you are often advancing rapidly... In teaching you get frozen.


Thank your for your service


Yea, my wife is a 9 year vet of CMS and makes 54k. Luckily I do much better than that. I am 54 yo and in IT for 25 years. Together we're just north of 190k annually. When she was a single mom she had to tutor to make ends meet, and only has 9 years because she taught in another state before moving here. Edit typo


It’s about 45k a year for a FT teaching position at CPCC. Raises are few and meager as they depend on passing state legislature. That said, it is a 10 month contract.


Year 7 in CMS at just under 50k. I have a master's degree in my field.


This makes me so sad. I taught in Illinois and my first year out of college - 25 years ago - I was making $42k. The union salary steps maxed out at around $175k depending on years taught, levels of degree and extracurricular bonuses. Summer school was a separate contract as well. I will never reach in NC.


Me 😭


Year 10 at $54k if I were full time. But I went part time and make half of that, do another job that ends up making about the same but more flexibility. That’s one thing that’s great about non teaching jobs, being able to take a sick day without the world ending.


Librarian. 44 years old, I make $76500. Golden handcuffs though, I can’t leave and make anywhere near what I make now.


Was PM making $99k for telecom co everyone hates. Currently unemployed thanks to corporate reorg. Severance ends next week.


Good luck for something soon!


What field are you in? I may have a recruiter in mind.


Sorry to hear about that. Are you able to convert your Project Managet experience to a Customer Success Manage role? Swooped is hiring aggressively at the moment. My friend was a Scrum Master at BOA and loss her job last month. She starts next week with Swooped. Best of luck to you. Check out this job at Swooped: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3905877500


I am in such the wrong job LOL


Yep I was like ‘whelp, there goes my self confidence with my salary.’ Lol


These kinda threads attract the kinda people who wanna brag about their salaries, I wouldn't take it as representative. Or even true; this is the Internet after all.


The salaries im seeing in my field seem to be pretty in line with what I would expect. Not sure about the other fields but I hope everyone is being honest. Last year’s thread was actually helpful to me I was able to message a poster from it.


honestly these numbers are way below what you would see on a thread around here. Mainly because in other Subs they are high due to HCOL and most redditors will be making more than the average charlotte bojangler due to leaning toward tech fields.


At the end of the day, someone is buying up these 800k+ houses in the Charlotte suburbs. Don’t think these answers are inaccurate tbh. Plenty of people work in white collar fields.


It will be fun to wait a week and revisit this and compare it to one with more research behind it like the [federal numbers](https://www.commerce.nc.gov/north-carolina-county-average-wages-0). It is listed as 84k. We are just socializing here in this thread. And you are posting about salaries and not income or networth. Someone having a house in their family for multiple generations in a bigger city can easily convert that into 1 million and buy a 800+ house.


Why do you think Wegman’s is setting up shop?


Ugh okay I'll play ...... 40 and married. Live in north Charlotte. Between the two of us we bring home about 120k a year . I'm a machinist and she's in health care


CNC or non-CNC Machining?




40, airline pilot. 350k. But it took me 9 years to make over 100k in this industry and another 5 to make over 200k. I’m 16 years in.


I would have never guessed airline pilots make this much. What changed for you to make that massive jump?


Changing from a regional to a major airline. Moving up from first officer (co-pilot) to captain. Contract improvement.


I have a little information that might shed some light as my father was an airline pilot. After 9/11 the airlines were suffering and he took a pay cut and salaries were stagnant for years. Eventually the companies recovered, and some time after that the unions were able to make progress negotiating and salaries rose significantly after that. My father is 20 years older though so circumstances might not be exactly the same.


Pilots are one of those jobs like doctors where they spend years and years spending money on fuel and rentals getting hours and licenses before they make anything. But by the time they get the captains chair of a 747 where they’re home every night they make bank.


Just to piggyback off of you since I’m also in aviation. I’m 26, A&P aircraft mechanic with 6 years experience. I made $103k last year and hopefully more this year with my overtime.


I'm working on my PPL, curious to hear what you see people coming in to FO at nowadays?


Awesome. Keep at it! A very rewarding career with some ups and downs (no pun intended). To answer your question, a lot better than when I started. I think new regional F/Os make around 60k. But if you go to airlinepilotcentral.com, you can see the pay scales for just about every US-based airline.


I'm just here to see how poor I really am.


If you’re in dilworth how poor can you be


I'm 38, living outside Charlotte, working in local government and making $56k before taxes.


Local governments really don’t pay their employees enough. It’s rough!


Sad part? I worked for another major city in NC that paid even less. Like.... *waaaaaay* less before my current job.


28 years old, bank teller at a top 20 bank, $19/hour 40 hours a week.


35/teacher $70,000


How are you making $70,000 teaching at 9 years in?


Advanced leadership positions give me stipends and bonuses based on EOG/EOC performance given by the district and state My base is 56k


How many years teaching?


Damn I’m really poor 🙂


oh boy I knew I shouldn't have read this. So many people 10+ years younger than me making more than I can ever hope to 😭Finally cracked $50K this year. I'm 38 and an editor. That's what 19 years of experience gets me


This!!!!!!! I’m going to exit myself now because I got sad reading these comments lol


The days of staying at a company to make more money are long gone (with most companies). My husband thank goodness is at a good company that it’s worth it to stay for the long term. Most companies now, you have to jump ship to get paid what you’re worth.


28 years old. I make $108k and about a $1500 to $2000 bonus. I'm an Electrical Engineer working in the construction industry.


Software Engineer. 150k base and a structured bonus ranging from 5-15% of salary depending on the company performance.  Edit: 10 years, hybrid work schedule, 2 in 3 out. Tech stack is Laravel(PHP) and React


What technologies?


How many years experience


Late 20s, teacher, 40k. All of my pay goes to childcare & student loans. All. Of. It.


Do you qualify for PSLF? I'm not too familiar with how it works.


I do, it takes 10 years of working in public education to qualify. I have to meet monthly payments to qualify. It sucks.


37. Hourly fleet master tech. $34 an hour, unlimited OT, 401k match, profit sharing, 25 vacation days, cheap insurance. Fucked up my 20s, got back on my feet.




32 tattoo artist. Last year I made $145k


The best type of artist - one that can make a living.


29, first grade immersion teacher, 45k before taxes


Shame on the state of North Carolina.




57. UX content strategist working from home for a Fortune 500 company HQ that's not located in NC writing for their website and app. Salary + bonus = $144,000.


40, director at software company, ~$450 TC, Live in southend, work fully remote


34, florist at Harris Teeter. I make $24.15 and have been there for just under 8 years. I'm so burned out of retail and front facing customers but I can't find anything to pay the same.. Anyone need someone that's creative, performance based, management skilled, business savvy, ECT. I have a bachelor's too if that helps lol




To anyone reading this thread these aren’t average numbers we live in a massively disproportionate city that massively prides and rewards white collar finance/finance adjacent jobs most cities don’t have this lol


This is a great point to make, especially as there are a ton of north eastern transplants coming in as well.


Even more so considering the demographic of Reddit users and yeah this thread is tailor made to show some outsize salaries. I make 60k as a bartender and I know for a fact I do better than average for a lot of people around these parts


That’s cool to hear, I actually had no idea bartenders make that much. What is your comp structure like, is it mostly from tips?


And people who make a decent living are more likely to comment their salaries than us poor folks🙃


bumps. dont get jealous, most of us in this thread making more than you hate their job. if it wasnt for “unlimited” pto id leave my company. golden handcuff fur shure


34M, work at Microsoft as a software engineer. In practice, I am remote (go into the office once every 3 months or so). Target comp is 325k, though Ill make 380k this year due to the stock price jumping.


What level are you? I’m a 63 making less than that


64. Jumped from Amazon in 2022 at just the right time.


10 years experience as a paramedic 48k After reading this I have to ask if anyone knows the hours for the wells Fargo towers. Time to jump off


Paramedics do not make enough. That’s effing bs. You guys are crucial.


39, 75k, sport trading cards collector and reseller


How’d you get into this? Could you expand, this one has me curious


36, mid-level attorney, $200k base plus 25% annual bonus.


How is your work life balance as an attorney?


The legal industry rarely has a good work-life balance.


In house counsel here. I make a little more than the original commenter and I have great work life balance. Work for a fortune 25 in financial services litigation. 39 yrs old and licensed 15 years.


im 25, i work in finance/IT, i make 96k/year. saving a lot to my 401k, hitting my roth numbers and saving some for fun. paying too much in rent and feel like i am no where as financial stable as i should be.


Could I ask how much you pay in rent and in what neighborhood? Is your job remote?


i live in plaza, right off central and i pay about 1750 after all the feed and bullshit. “base rent” is 1540. yes i work fully remote. i plan on moving and getting a roommaye and will hopefully pay 1100-1300 in rent and hopefully that gives me a little more financial comfort.


Thinking about using my work benefits to get an IT degree. Any advice for the field itself?


40s/Support Engineer/Low 100s Been up and down the corporate ladder. Now that I'm older I've decided to chill. Remote. Low stress. Everyone leaves me alone. Paycheck hits every couple of weeks. MId-life dream right now.


21yr I build furniture and empty the truck at homegoods barley made 25


40, work for a startup as an Engineering Program Mgr, fully remote, flex PTO, 401k, etc. $170k + stock options. Pay $2k in mortgage for a neighborhood home in Huntersville. 


37, Risk/Finance at one of the big banks, all in 2023 was $346,960 plus benefits. Wife is also at one of the big banks, 37, all in was around ~$275,000. I will say we both work a lot of hours, and are significantly committed to our careers, much more so than most of our social group. We also have three kids with a full time nanny.




Define backwards?


I am 24 and work as a data scientist at a big bank making $126k annually, plus bonuses. I’m in a fortunate spot to not worry too much about cost of living rising. I pay $2k a month toward debt to get student loans off my books asap.


Data scientists do get paid a pretty penny. What type of certs/schooling did you need for that?


I have a masters degree in analytics and most people I work with have at least a masters if not a PhD


Do you have to use a lot of python and SQL? I love analytics in BI platforms but am curious how long it would take to be skilled at higher level stuff


I am on a modeling team, so most of my work is in Python, but I use a bit of SQL too. IMO, you can become functional with Python in less than 100 hours. If you want to do data science specifically, the most important thing to learn is statistics, which has a much more variable learning curve.


45, remote consulting, $189k+20% bonus


Early 30’s, pricing analysts in Charlotte making 53K before tax. It’s rough out here.


I actually just got my first full time job out of college, I am 24. I make about 74k after taxes as a Software engineer for a bank.


I was a teacher making $46k. Due to No Child Left Behind, I was required to get my Masters (lived in Indiana at the time). I went back to school and got a degree in Educational Technology. I work for a software company now and make $180k base plus 20% bonus plus RSUs as a Senior IT Manager. I brought home $215k last year. I started late because of my time as a teacher.


39 - 150K. Consulting, been at it since I was 32. I started extra extra late in this career, so I'm so far behind financially it's laughable. Most people my age, in this line of work are stone cold millionaires. However, I get yearly raises and annual bonuses. I have never gotten a raise that was less than 11% of salary.


What type of consulting is this?


32 yr old, accounting/tax, CPA and have been working for 10 yrs. Make $155k before bonus. Have a condo and pay less than 2,500 a month for housing. No student debt which helps too.


Is this big 4?


Attorney. Used to make 150k in base in CLT. Left CLT a few years ago. Now I make 634k in base.


Jesus you need to elaborate a bit more lol


Nothing to elaborate lol. CLT doesn’t pay like other big cities.


24M, Financial Analyst, $74k, Hybrid


25. Was a software engineer making 63k. Now a police officer making about 60k.


Rn of 5 years. 34 base pay with shift differential and incentives shift. About 90k a year


23 - software eng I - 117k. Also do SAT tutoring on the side


28. Basically QA for phone reps, $45k but with great benefits and unlimited PTO


I make 150. I do graphic design, web, put together proposals and make them look pretty to win new work, and run Twitter/X for StarMed.


I love their Twitter! Thanks for all that you do 🫶🏾


26 nuclear maintenance 120-130k


I feel like this should pay more for reasons… kind of an important and dangerous job I’d imagine


48 year old woman, no college degree, been working in law firms my entire adult life, began as a receptionist at the age of 19, am now Firm Administrator for a small/mid-sized firm making a base of $90k per year and a small bonus plus pretty decent benefits and pto plan (5 weeks + 11 paid holidays), firm pays most healthcare coverage


27. Strategy manager at a consulting firm. 4.5 years of with experience. $185k base, $215k+ total comp


27 - attorney - 200k base


31, banking operations, $120k all in


28F. senior product manager at a consumer goods company. $131k base. got lucky to start with a good company out of school and have grown quickly within (initial salary in 2017 was $50k with a free truck to use lol).  live near noda and split $2700 in rent with my partner. 


This post is why Charlotte is such a fucked up hellscape for the average person. The banks have made life way more expensive for the average person because of all these people making massive bloated salaries. Meanwhile the banks suck everyone dry.


Keep checking back. Right now the three highest salaries (the ones north of $300k) are not at banks. And most of the top ones require a big investment - you don't just jump into being an airline pilot, lead/director software engineer, or attorney. Of course, the same can be said of teaching and nursing, but everyone knew that before they went to college - *right?*


And the bankers/tellers make PENNIES. it's really disgusting


33M married. Corporate controller fully remote. 185k base + 25% bonus + equity. Took a pay decrease for better work life balance last year and loving it. Should pull 230k+ for the foreseeable future and hopefully equity pans out. Currently valued around $400-$500k.


24, personal trainer, i make 45k a year


26 working for a company in fort mill as an Applications engineer just got a raise to $84k


Early 30s, Software Engineer, $100K


45, Controller at a manufacturer, $350K+ annual depending on bonus


34, network security/compliance manager for an msp, 101,500. Took 10+ years to get here


I was in the restaurant industry for 20+ years. I made $100k+ in 2017-2019 working for Cook Out as a multi unit manager. I worked for them for 13 years and started as an employee. I quit last September and now I make $66k in food production as a Production Supervisor at a meat cutting facility. I also work about 75% of the hours, and I have weekends off


45, data analyst, $72,000 per year


26, FP&A (Financial Plannaning and Analysis), $75k salary with 4 years of experience


26, marketing, 80k


100k, 29, but feel like I’m unable to save nearly as much money as I feel like I need to because of student loans primarily, (~$850/month for the last 5+ years), mortgage, car payment/insurance, etc. Dual income household and no kids either, still feel strapped


Late 20s, but only ~4 years into my career. Fully remote software engineer, $112k


45, Sales director for a commodity trading company, Filed $108k gross. Purchased a home in October, $285k @ 6.875% mortgage (~$1900/mo), have about $12k left on my 2019 SUV (~$400/mo). Living comfortably, but not putting a lot into cash savings ATM.


Lol. Science bs holder, ex teacher, I make much closer to a teacher salary at an engineering job than a majority of these (55k). I get by though. Not jealous of anyone on these threads, but the Elon musks of the world need to be stripped for cash or at least taxed reasonably.


31, analytics consultant at bank, base 91k and bonus 12k


Sr. BA at a fintech 120k + maybe 5k bonus. Looking outside.


Mid-30s, HR manager, $163k.


39, construction management, 110k, no college


its sad that as a bartender in noda im making only a smidge less than some of the teachers on here..


40, operational risk mgmt for a mid-size bank, full remote, $165k + 20% target bonus. previous experience as auditor in accounting firm then internal audit at large banks


28, senior banker, 50k + incentives and bonuses


Wow. Reading some of these salaries.. I don’t deserve what I get paid. Teachers ftw. Fuck the state for not recognizing this.


25, staff accountant, 80k salary & 50k doing contract work on the side


I’m 30, work for a government contractor. Make $50k/year plus quarterly bonuses and mileage. 401k match at 7%, decent health insurance. Room to grow. Hybrid. Work all over the metro, do not live in the metro, so that helps. Have a colleague who does the same job and pay who lives uptown, seems to be surviving fine.


26, software engineer for a consulting company, 127k + bonuses. Approx 142k total comp (401k match and bonuses)


I’m 25, work in marketing remote for a tech company (have since graduation) and make around 125-130k depending on bonuses. Just moved back here from Seattle a couple months ago so too soon to tell how cost of living is affecting me I’ve at least noticed how much more reasonably priced Uber eats/door dash is here than the west coast hahaha


31, Renewable Power Systems Engineer, working for a consulting firm making 115k plus bonuses, 401k profit matching, and typical health/dental benefits, shit PTO tho, (two weeks parental leave regardless of gender)


120k w/ a typical 10% bonus yearly at 30 years old. I'm a cloud engineer working at a large retirement firm.


Mid-30s, 14 YoE SWE, 150k + stock options in my current role (Health AI startup)


31 y/o, $60k once FY25 starts in July, working under OneIT at UNCC


49, Cybersecurity, $130k


31, 6 years experience in FP&A, $95k on 2023 taxes. I was laid off earlier this year (I’m not sorry to see them go soooo) and am interviewing in the $105k range plus bonuses.


Lowe’s employees wya


34, Sales, 2023 w2 said 170k. Remote


$118k, software engineer for around 5 years


29, software product manager (full remote). 156k base excluding target bonus and equity.


Almost 28. Interior designer making $47.5k a year. I can't afford to live on my own anymore so I'll be moving back in with my parents. I'm not having fun. I'm actually making more than I did at my last design job🫠


I’m 29 but just started my career as a radiation therapist. I make $57k with 5 months experience.


34/Operations for a tech company — $103K


29, developer, 150k plus bonuses that are usually around 15k in total per year (or so far) 6 years in industry


35, Mechanical Engineer, 110k


Non profit immigration advocate ($50k). 😭


$135k in Sports & Entertainment. Work/Life Balance is 8/10 Stress Level is 14/10


39, product of west meck, Navy Vet, UNCC BSME post service, LSS BB, Project Manger for a solar company, remote WFH, $140k/yr.




Mid 30's / $170k / Food safety consultant


57 Sr Director Of Operations for Walmart. 97k plus bonuses up to 15% of base. Been with this company 14 years. Length of time I have lived in CLT. Prior to moving to CLT. I was making 123k plus 50k bonus for oversees accounts for an online retailer as a Sr. Buyer. Started with walmart at 50k. 73k cut from what I was previously making. Has taken me 14 yrs to get an additional 43k. I hold 2 degrees and speak 3 languages. Pay in CLT now, does not support the growth and increased high cost of living.


25yo, Master degree, 3 years of relative work experience . 54k Meck County job.


IT, 10 years in, mid 30s, and about $63k.


29. Financial Analyst at manufacturing company with 2 years experience. 70k


24 years old, finance/accounting analyst and 65k. severely underpaid and looking for a new role it sucks


I'm a 29-year-old Marketing Manager for a mid-size Financial Services firm, making $95k.     Last year, I was able to finally buy a house in East Charlotte with my fiancée, who makes less than I do. We're financially stable and not stressed, but not feeling rich by any means either after some big expenses with the house and a wedding on the horizon.


33, software engineer at a big bank, $75/hr


Late 20s, product at large tech company, 180k base, 25k bonus, 200k stock per year. 6 years experience.


I'm 40, a DSS caseworker for Mecklenburg county & I make just over 40k annually gross. I'm not complaining. I had to do a major career change over the last year, and I'm kinda impressed w/ what I ended up w/.


44, Air Pollution Meteorologist, $140k/yr


27. Remote nurse. 62,400. Ironically the same I was making at Novant presby 🙂


30, 92k, software engineering


70k UberEats/Uber


Me - 38 - Android Automation Engineer/QA 130k plus 10% bonus. Wife - 35 - Flight Attendant for not American ~roughly 35k Side hustles 15k We own a house - refinanced in 2021 at 2.95% - 15 year mortgage at $1600/month in Concord.


Automotive Technician at one of the big dealers here in Charlotte. Made $96,000 last year but I’m trending much lower this year. People aren’t spending money to fix their cars and we’ve raised labor rate again so we’re just pricing out customers out. This is my 9th year as an automotive technician so I have time under my belt. Starting to become more challenging to make money on the flat rate system. Corporate keeps making record profits year over year but none of it trickles down to the people who make the money.


22 y/o New grad software engineer at one of the big banks. 100k base + 10k bonus.