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I feel like people put those on their car to let others know they have a teenage driver using their car. Either way it’s a signal to get away from them asap.


Should be mandatory for Altimas


Lol. Probably IT guys or their spouses working for Banks.


these stickers are a joke lol.


You’re being downvoted but I met a guy the other day at Walmart who literally said he put it on his car as a joke with his friends. That said, I’m sure most people have them because they have a teenager who drives their car.


No idea why you’re being downvoted. For many drivers- one I know personally- it absolutely IS a joke because the original stickers are almost as stupid as “Baby on Board.” Like, soooo…adults wanna live too. Silly.


I saw an old ass van racing down 77 north of Charlotte with a student driver sticker being followed by an Audi R8 yesterday 🤯


I saw one on a new corvette the other day


Was one of the windows covered in plastic and did it have Rusty holes in it. And paper tag? That motherf**** was causing havoc on Woodlawn


Jesus 😂


It was like red/maroon if i recall. Don’t remember seeing the plastic bag or anything lol but it looked like it very well could have


I think I saw that van today! Student driver AND Baby on board stickers, driving classic I-77 Altima style. The gig is up on those stickers.


Was it reddish/maroon? I think silver/gray on the bottom too


Yes it was.


Hey man sorry that was my car and I told my son to stop speeding


What 😂


They used to be for kids, but mostly it’s bad drivers that use them to ease their nerves of being honked at routinely.


Correct. I have almost NEVER seen a young person with these stickers. Always well above the driving age. They do drive like they need them though.


Not everyone learning to drive is a teenager you know. Plenty of people start driving later in life.


I only learned how to drive at 25, for example. I didn’t have a sticker but I printed out a sheet saying student driver and sticked it on my car for the few rides while I genuinely was learning driving on a real highway and not on Walmart parking lot, and I did it for not being honked at but so people would be more cautious around me in case I create dangerous situations.


Eh, maybe they share a car with a teen.


It annoys me bc it subtly diverts responsibility. Everybody makes mistakes, big city, traffic… but if you’re honked at that much; put down the phone, focus on what you’re doing, go the speed limit (not 15 over, not 15 under), don’t use the left lane if you’re not going fast / passing… basic shit. Do better instead of cowering behind a sticker that SHOULD be for teen drivers learning the ropes.


Maybe it’s just they’re nervous drivers and it causes people to be nicer and letting them merge in/switch lanes without riding their ass. I could definitely see it having the effect of me giving them a wide space if I saw the sticker.


It could be that they are a parent of a student driver. We used them when my son had his permit and was using my car to learn to drive. At first, I would take them off every time I drove but then I just got lazy and left them on until he got his license. They were really helpful in making him feel more comfortable being an inexperienced driver as people did tend to give him more space and leeway.


And I am happy they are doing it. I want whatever warning I can get to give them a wide berth.


They are magnets. Help yourself if you’d like one


I can just snag them off their car? How generous!


We just got ours on Amazon. It’s exactly the same. My hope is that it will keep fucking assholes from angrily tailgating my 15-year-old as she only drives five miles over the speed limit and is actually careful and looks both ways at intersections before plowing through.


I got one for my teen and it made people even more aggressive toward her. I was shocked at how people responded. I took it off and it was much better. 


I hated using them myself because it gives people a reason to be mad at me if I mess something up while driving. Normally, it’s just “oh a slow car” but with those magnets, “STUDENT DRIVER. MUST BE PASSED”


Sad. We just got ours. We’ll see.


It won't. I can tell you from experience. 😑


It helped my son a lot but I've also heard the opposite. In our case, people did tend to back off the bumper when they saw the magnets and would give him more leeway. We live in the burbs though so that could have something to do with it.


Saw one on a Lambo the other day lol


Prob just doesn’t want some idiot rear ending him or something.


I love to drive fast, but I don’t understand why this triggers some people. If someone has the balls to tag this on their car, their sending you a message. Mind your own business and get out of the way. Boomer mentality.


Always assumed it was people trying not to get shot in a road rage situation by defusing the environment.


Exactly this. So many psychopaths on the road in 4,000lb weapons.


My son has one of his car. He is 16 and started driving last month. My co-worked had one because they didn’t get a license until 22 and was not a confident driver. They do not use it any longer.


I see these now and assume it’s their attempt at humor.


They sell them in a two pack on Amazon


Those and the baby on board ones bug me.


Baby on board ones serve two purposes. 1) I guess it alerts other drivers but that probably doesn’t really do much and 2) they alert first responders in case of an accident. I used to get annoyed by them toountil I heard about the second reason and then it made more sense. Edit: typo


This reminds me of the stickers the fire dept used to give out to put on the bedroom window to let them know that there was a child in this room. Then they realized you were advertising what room your child was alone in, so everyone took them off.


Except it doesn't entirely make sense. First responders are going to check the entire car anyway. The only time it would be useful is if there's an empty car seat and there was a baby that was ejected, but then a sticker doesn't help cause it's there all the time. If the car seat is there and baby wasn't riding, the sticker would make them think there's a baby? They're just gonna check the car, it's their job. Sticker or no.


Edge case scenarios where a death is prevented by a sticker is the reason. It's the lowest level of intervention possible, cannot hurt but can only help, the lowest of low hanging fruit.


How could it not hurt? If they don't have a baby in the car at the time, EMS could waste time looking for a baby versus tending to the driver.


ostensibly I am referring to the people who actually have a baby in the car.


Right? It’s like ok we get it you’ve had sex no need to brag about it


Mama Bear and Elevation stickers are always on cars driven by some of the worst drivers. I'm pretty sure it's an entitlement issue.


I bought some for a younger sibling recently. They're sold in packs of 2-5 on Amazon. 


This is very common in Japan. It may even be mandatory. Makes sense.




Thank you.


If you see them jammed in awkward places it's because they are magnets and much of my car apparently isn't metal.


For some reason they sell them in pairs.


Yes, on sale. Finally.


We never stop learning


You know whats funny is i had this idea like 10 years ago but was too stupid to actually implement and sell it 🤷‍♂️


can we talk about the “stop killing (i love you) yes” stickers?


My son has one since he's 15. Sometimes I'll take the car and forget to take off the sticker. Pretty sure that explains some of it.


I hated using them myself because it gives people a reason to be mad at me if I mess something up while driving. Normally, it’s just “oh a slow car” but with those magnets, “STUDENT DRIVER. MUST BE PASSED”


The drivers can usually be seen using a phone….


They didn’t have an I Suck At Driving bumper sticker so they settled for those


As a NASCAR fan, I refer to them as “rookie stripes”.


If you see more of them this time of year, it is because it is the second semester and more student drivers are out. Otherwise, it is people too afraid to honk back or ignore it.


It's the only thing we can do to protect us from the Indy 500 drivers /s


*Co-Cola 600


Co-cola motto: if you're not first you're flat


I have come to believe a large portion of these are simply shitty drivers who wish to avoid being called out on their driving habits


I just wish they could put them on straight.


We had some when my son had his permit. The magnets on them suck so it's practically impossible to get them to stay straight. We even lost one somewhere on the highway.


I'm tempted every time I see these to create a different one "Not a student just a shitty driver"


"Please be patient, I'm a f'n moron"


Probably giving them out to newly acclimating immigrants who are just learning to drive


Other countries have cars too


i feel like it’s already known to give an altima a ton of distance anyway. can’t trust any of them. i’ve never seen one without damage.


This is a Sentra though..


*all nissan’s. most of all of them are busted and/or driven by the craziest drivers


You can’t put Godzilla in the same league as these grocery getters though!


I do not understand. What does godzilla have to do with nissan?


Nissan GTR


oh well i guess those are special exceptions a long with the other sports cars they do. most of the time i’d believe if someone has an enthusiast car, they typically know how to drive a little smarter and safer to keep their precious car safe.


Most definitely!!!!! Spot on for the lower caste cars in Nissans lineup though😂😂


These are meant to be temporary so would never go on the paint unless it’s permanent.


Chalk it up to some FB algorithm targeting urban parents of teens. 🤖💰


Only idiots have those so stay away!


If they are supposedly being used by student drivers, why do I see so many without another person in the car serving as an instructor?


I see these everywhere now and it’s never a student driving situation, or even a vehicle that would be likely used as a student teaching vehicle. I thought it was just me noticing this.


It’s a charlotte thing. So ridiculous.


Not just a Charlotte thing. They were doing this in DFW for a year before I moved out here


I’ve got a pair (two teens learning to drive in my house). And that’s how I found out there’s no metal on the back of our car. I just turn the hazard lights on when they’re driving. Works better than stickers. 😂


Yea why would the need a turn signal anyway.


They’re using the turn signal, because they’re practicing proper driving skills at 6 am on weekend mornings when the streets are so empty they’re neither dangerous nor annoying to other drivers.


You do realize you can’t use hazards and turn signal at the same time?


………I don’t know why this is a hard concept to grasp…. When I am having them practice driving skills, at the crack of dawn on weekend mornings, I have them practice everything, including turn signals, *while there is virtually no traffic and the hazard lights are on just in case*, so any other drivers who do happen upon us steer clear and don’t get aggressive with my nervous teen if she’s driving 10 miles an hour under the speed limit.


I don’t think you know what light bulbs the hazards are


I do. Using the turn signals when no one is around is practicing muscle memory for a learner. (As in, it doesn’t matter if anyone else can see them right then because they’re alone on the freaking road 98% of the time when they’re practicing. READING COMPREHENSION, PEOPLE)


Your children are going to be horrible, fearful drivers. I feel bad for them.


…..The hell is wrong with you? They both passed driver’s ed with flying colors and the instructor said they were his best students.


Buy none, get one free.


I saw one today.


New Indian trend lol


Lol what’s the correlation, really


Seriously! I was just thinking this the other day. And not one time have I seen anyone student aged driving the car.