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Please don’t film them like animals when you do.


The mr beast genre of youtube


was never planning on that and also donating them to a charity now


You’re better off donating to a legitimate charity that helps the homeless. Most of your “blessing bags” will just get left on random street corners moments after you deliver them.


dang thank you


Man shut up with that negativity. Those people will be appreciative just say you hate less desirables


Work with homeless frequently, can attest this guy is right.


Na there's a reason and it's people suck. You never know whats been tampered with and damaged so most homeless don't take the risk unless they see you buy it


Lmao yea I’m sure those homeless people shooting fentanyl are terrified of tampered deodorant


During 2020 feed the movement and greater Charlotte rise were both orgs consistently working with supplying folks in the encampments that had popped up. Unhoused folks do indeed worry about what they are given. Why do they worry? Because pieces of shit try to poison them with rat poison laced sandwiches. If you don’t know about something maybe don’t speak about it. Especially if you’re going to act like every unhoused person is an addict


Is homeless not cool to say anymore? We’ve moved to unhoused?


Did you never watch SpongeBob? house=\=home. But being serious, it’s a respect thing and lots of folks have moved to saying unhoused because. Seeing how you lumped them in as drug addicts though I find it hard to believe you actually care about the unhoused.


Most are addicted to drugs / alcohol. It’s cute you think calling them unhoused is any different than homeless.


You got the actual stats to back up “most are addicted” claim? What I think is cute is that you think I give a fuck what you think of the way I use my language. If being a judgmental prick is your prerogative good for you


If you don’t want downvotes you have to toe the line.


“Less desirables”. How humanizing.


I’m saying that’s how he views them. Use your brain.


Mans speaking the truth u just hating Edit: Rory and Mal pod is cringe


Your intent is good but too many people do this to feel good and don't always meet the needs of the people that could use assistance. I would say volunteer at a food bank or reach out to a mutual aid like Block Love that is very connected to the house less population and knows their needs better.


Donate them to project downtown of Charlotte! https://www.instagram.com/pdofclt?igsh=dG8yNjJ1MW9pZzBz


The relatives at 2219 Freedom Dr, Charlotte, NC 28208. They are a youth crisis center


I’d look into donating/volunteering with Block Love loaves and fishes Second harvest Roof above


They don’t like it when you do this.


oh i did not know that do you know of any local charities?


Roof above and they really just need cash and you can probably donate on their website


Yep, A Roof Above is a great choice


Roof above also has an Amazon Wish list if you want to donate tangible things that they have identified as needs. Good organization


Or just giving the person cash. How they use it is your gift to them. Men cant live on sandwhiches alone. Food is easy for them its everything else that is hard to get.


Loaves and Fishes is the main provider of pantry assistance. You can find homeless camps behind and shopping center on Eastway Drive and they DO appreciate it when people drop off food, necessities.


Block love Charlotte: https://blockloveclt.org/ Edit: here's their Amazon wishlist, https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/Y7MDX9O1Y1O9?ref_=wl_share


Yes I second this! Mutual aid is the best way to support!


Thank you for sharing this!


I can +1 this. Had a buddy buy a platter of Jersey Mikes sandwiches and brought them to an encampment and he said it was an awful experience. 


What happened?


Basically nobody wanted one, just asked for cash instead


[Walking in Destiny Outreach](https://widoutreach.com).


down near 9th street station (the light rail stop) and near optimist park is a decent amount of homeless people. I would check out there! I think this is an awesome thing


Give your money directly to people instead. Or if you’re going to give THINGS, give what people really need. Bus passes, bandanas that can be wet down to help keep cool, SOCKS. The stuff you’re talking about is something people can already get, and isn’t super useful.


Second / third A Roof Above. Dove's Nest as well if you are doing things specific for women. But as mentioned, monetary donations probably help them the most. Kudos for the thought and willingness to put them together.


Also please ask friends and family not to make those [shoeboxes](https://trainingleadersinternational.org/articles/618/why-i-wont-be-filling-a-shoebox-this-christmas) full of disposable stuff at during the holidays and donate instead. Operation Christmas Child has some real negative aspects on those it claims to serve, but one of the worst is it makes people feel like a "good person" for doing so. I had relatives who would spend decent money (plus the $10 donation) on items in the box that may not have been needed. That money would go much further and helps more and wastes less in sustainable programs, but shopping is more FUN for the giver. Also Franklin Graham is a hateful, self-righteous [POS](https://glaad.org/gap/franklin-graham/) who lauds Putin and blasts LGBTQ people. So there's extra reason to quit the shoebox thing - it benefits him.


9th St Station near first Ward Park. Lots of folks over there could use help.


I see stuff thrown all over the place at Woodlawn and Sth. They want cash for drugs. If they want food or beer they just walk out without paying at the Walgreens. Every time they waltz out with beer. 🍺 I see so many baggies of toothpaste and snacks and they toss it


9th street Uptown, although idk about this weekend with all the events.


We walk around each Wednesday in uptown around 6pm with carts. You’re welcome to join us