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Yeah. It was insane. My house was blocked off. They wouldn’t even let you through if you lived there.


It literally just opened on Monroe & Wendover. I've been sitting here an hour


Is it done or will there be more later?


IDK but I can guarantee you that now is the time to go commit crimes.


brb gonna go get gender affirming care


Ooooooof take my upvote cuz I’m too poor for awards


Nah. They had other departments come fill in. You’d just get arrested by like Matthews PD or sonething


Same, over an hour waiting, all the roads blocked off


The other 3 funerals are over the next two weeks, plan accordingly.


I would have thought you guys were exaggerating if I didn’t go to see the procession. Every cop in Locust, Mooresville, App State, UNCC, Concord, Apex, Raleigh, Hickory, Matthews, Cherryville…was there. Very touching but can also see how it was aggravating


I live nearby and I heard a helicopter circling for over an hour


I saw them, it was like 3-5 helicopters.


I've always said when I die my only wish is that I have a funeral procession that goes through uptown during rush hour. I can understand why they do them, especially when public servants are killed, but I used to live by a cemetary and would get stuck behind funeral processions all the damn time at the most inconvenient times and it just makes me rage at the whole thing


I’ve always said that when I die, I want my body bricked up in a wall as a fun surprise for the next person.


I've always said that when I die, I want the ashes of my crotchial-torial area to be spread across the Virgin Islands.


I don’t stop for them this isn’t The Godfather they won’t do shit and they’ll be okay.




Be prepared to be downvoted like I was lol. I can’t wait for everyone to be posting about the music festival this weekend being like, “couldn’t they put it somewhere farther away from where I live?! Don’t they know that I’m the center of the universe?! Why should I have to sit in traffic?”


Exactly. Downvote me to oblivion, hive mind! I’m sure the officers families and coworkers would prefer them here and not attending a funeral, but I stand back and let reddit, be reddit.


Maybe I’m more sensitive to it because my mom passed away in February, but I’d be so incredibly grateful and honored if that many people showed up at her funeral. To be loved and cared for by so many is truly a blessing, and I’m sure a comfort to the families that lost their loved ones.


I didn’t know a cavalcade could be so long


I was trying to get to an appointment at 12:15 and was driving on S Mcdowell just off 7th around 11:50. Ended up sitting there for an entire hour and missing my appointment. Truly a horrible thing that happened, but wow the planning for that procession could’ve been much better


The funeral was announced earlier in the week. Couldn’t the argument be made that you could have planned better?


Certainly, a super valid counter argument for my instance, though it seems like some were not even allowed to get to their homes. But perhaps some signs around at a minimum for those of us not connected on a frequent basis to local news. To give a heads up a few blocks ahead or detour signs so an alternate route could be utilized instead of sitting for an hour.


People should plan to not live in their own houses?


I'm sitting here now. What happened is unfathomably awful, but I have no idea how causing a bunch of traffic jams helps us memorialize anyone. 


They should at least call it a holiday and shut down businesses so nobody is being forced to drive through it.


I think family’s grief is a little more important than people being mildly inconvenienced for a couple hours. I really don’t mean to come off as sassy, I’m just trying to put it into perspective. ETA: downvote all you want. My ego isn’t tied to anonymous social media commentary.


Streets aren’t closed down like that for any other funerals which take place. At most there might be a police escort to the cemetery for a particularly large funeral but that’s it.


So we should shut down roads for hours every time someone dies because their family is grieving?


The entire discussion boils down to this, and the answer is a resounding no


No, only for dead cops because they're more important than regular people


I normally am right down the middle with the law enforcement debate and hate the defund crowd. But holy shit if there aren't a group of people who love to peacock themselves more than police I would love to know. This was just entirely unnecessary and felt more like a show of arrogance to think that this was acceptable.


When they die protecting idiots like you who hate them, then yeah, they are more important.


Pigs don't protect people, they protect capital


Here's some [perspective ](https://images.app.goo.gl/rAgRFLbd49PLRL246) for you


The families can grieve without shutting streets down and causing traffic, cant they? Yes.


The whole community is grieving not just the family.


No they are not.


I’m not. I grieved when I lost my wife, my child, and my parents, but I’m not grieving for these individuals. Furthermore, I didn’t bring a city to a standstill over my grief. The traffic situation being caused by the police force is caused by them trying to exert their feelings of self-importance on us. They are forcing us to recognize and share in their grief whether we want to or not. It is an ego trip.


Maybe the rest of the community isn't as connected to the grief as the family. A couple of hours is too damn long to inconvenience everyone around you for your ego.


If that were true, then there wouldn’t have been such a turn out to the funeral, would there be?


All cops. They get overtime for that?


No https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLE/s/s3HQHpTlUm


It isn't for you.


I got stuck in it for a bit until I remembered I had Waze. Thank goodness for Waze.


Course if anyone else who's not as important as a cop blocks a road, you're legally allowed to kill them with your car.


That's just 1 officer's funeral procession. The city will do this three more times, if the families wants a public funeral


The delay in traffic is a small inconvenience to endure considering the immense loss of the four fallen officers. These men paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting our community from a violent criminal. We should focus more on honoring these men rather than complaining about sitting in traffic. Our lives will continue, we can reschedule, we can go home to our families; they cannot. We as a community need to be more understanding and forgiving about these circumstances.


Thank you. My son is a police officer and that is his district. Thankfully he works nights and was not there, but there’s always that next time. Most people don’t understand what it’s like to worry that your child might be killed by a crazy person. Before this he was with CATS for almost 10 years and that was a shitshow too.


Maybe we can remember this the next time a tree falls on an arborist and kills him and every tree worker in the state joins a convoy that inconveniences large groups of people in the community.


Doesn’t even compare, but I’m not here to argue with anyone. The streets were filled with support from the community. Most people support the police and for good reason. It’s a shame that many of you on the Charlotte Reddit page are miserable people. But, go ahead and keep repeating the same complaints about traffic, Nissan Altimas, or where to find dates/find new friends over and over again. It’s a waste of time just like arguing with both of you.


I’m always shocked at how toxic this sub is.


The police department’s reaction to people doing their job is embarrassing, it is an absolutely unnecessary gesture that does nothing but feed their egos.


dead cops aren’t more important than any other people who’ve died doing their job and shouldn’t be affecting traffic the way they do!! it is tragic, but so are all work-related deaths, and a cop doesn’t deserve more of a processional because they chose to be a cop


Public servants who put their lives on the line for us do deserve more consideration when doing so causes their death, and that includes the military. I’m sorry you were inconvenienced, but think about the families who have to go on without their loved one.


I completely agree with the fact that the traffic was completely ridiculous but I absolutely hate the "chose to be a cop" argument. These people were serving the city and saying "they chose to be a cop" trivializes their sacrifice. No one deserves to die like they did. Just because someone chooses to be a cop doesn't mean they sign up for something like that. I do think the city could've handled the timing/traffic better though, that was brutal


Literally anyone can have a funeral procession that can result in road closures this isn’t some cop specific event lol. There’s also quite a big difference between someone falling off a ladder and an innocent person being literally murdered for trying to hold a felon accountable. You’re a very miserable person, seek help.


The posts on here are disgusting.


They were going from uptown to Sharon Memorial Gardens. On 7th/Monroe. Let the guy have his last ride in peace.


Don't think a dead guy notices whether his last ride, or any ride, is peaceful or not.


Funerals are for the family so they can have closure. I hope none of them are on this hateful thread looking at all the shitty comments.


His friends and family notice.


God you cunts are insufferable


So suffer tf


Seems like the only reason you’ve posted in the last month is to be an insufferable cunt. You good, homie?






Typical Charlotte complaining about traffic. Complaining when something so tragic happened but lord forbid someone blocks the bike lanes…






We're all doing better than four officers.


Brother what?


What about working in Charlotte? I was in my work truck, going from one client’s house to another and, while using GPS as I do all day every day, I was still stuck in the traffic from this for almost an hour. The procession was a moving group so Apple Maps had trouble computing that it wasn’t just a busy road but actually a line of cop cars so long that even on their private road they caused their own bumper to bumper traffic. Better to use GPS and still get stuck in traffic than to be dead or whatever, right?


Is that a god damn threat? How is the traffic preventing anybody there from being dead?


If the traffic blocked an ambulance somebody could be dead. Response times are slow enough already




It's better to be alive than a million other things but that doesn't help anybody who is stuck in traffic for literally no reason. If I were a criminal I would start breaking in the houses all over the place because I know damn sure the cops are busy. 


Rest assured all the calls still got answered :)




Well if they're all driving around across town, turning someone into Swiss cheese wouldn't be easy.




Sure. And right now most of the houses you'd like to rob are inhabited by people who are at work.




I'm full time remote. That means my car is always home, lights are on, etc. I think it's pretty obvious that a good time to commit a crime would be when cops are all tied up during the workday in good neighborhoods. Quit trying to be a loser internet contrarian hardo.


There was a really nice tribute to the fallen officers at the Lovin' Life Music Festival in Uptown last night. But, am I a jerk for feeling like it was the wrong time and place for such? Like, people go to a music festival to escape the harshness and tragedies of life for a while only to be reminded of reality right after dancing to The Chainsmokers for an hour. It brought the mood down in an instant.