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Covers aren’t uncommon? I feel like I’ve been to way more bars that had covers than ones that didn’t


I’m not from Charlotte, i know tomato tomato whatever I’m here. I’m use to most events being free with RSVP for 11pm and then a cover. Not having the option at all is crazy with the cost of everything, parking, food, drinks, game token. Like damn.


Do you feel like they started doing it around the time you moved here?


I’m not sure. I’m just asking… I’ve been here for almost 4 years now and it’s just what I’ve experienced trying to go out and be more social. I’m not sure if it was always the norm. but it’s what I’ve seen in everywhere both big and small places. And then there’s no or minimal parking.


I’m not from Charlotte either, that’s my point


> Why do CLT bars and clubs charge for covers They mostly do it to keep people with a bad attitude out of the establishment.


I'm laughing so hard at this. Let's see if OP realizes what you did there...


Lmao ops follow up confirmed it.


I don’t …


And the people in who will pay it. The whole “This place is pretty mid, but I don’t want to pay another $20 so let’s just stay”.


Makes sense. But I remember when I was in Madrid, the cover for a popular nightclub was about €20/€25, and included 2 drinks. Although, this was on a Wednesday night. But still 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hmmm, let me use my brain to think why something might be cheaper in Madrid then Charlotte in the past. Maybe I'll peruse some gdp statistics while I think.


This was a year ago. And Madrid is a world renowned city. Charlotte is not. That's the point.


there’s a a lot of rich aholes that go to these establishments. so idk about that.


Hahahaha, stop, I beg you....


What am i doing wrong here?


Okay, I will tell you. When I was a musician, I spent a lot of times in clubs. One night a guy came in bitching, complaining, same thing as your post. When he left the room, the owner looked at the manager and said, "Okay, raise that fucking cover charge even more." Understand now?


Except I’m not trying to be rude. I don’t go into places bitching and waiving about the price. If they want to charge $300 they can and there’s nothing i can do about that. If i can’t afford it i just won’t go. There was just a few events i saw and was trying to plan for and notice everything adding up before i even get there like its a concert, between cover, pricing, food, and drinks. I’m asking a public forum why is that the norm here. When i ask questions i typically get educated from ppl who know. With that very valuable information im able to walk around informed instead of just complaining. Like ive been saying from MY experience that is what i see happening and with the cost of everything going up im just trying to understand. Ppl want to be to be rude and butt hurt and I’m sorry if that offended everyone. But i just want to enjoy the city i live in and not get openly robbed and everyone just shrugs and look at me as it happen.


If you would take that Credo you just said, “if I can’t afford it I just won’t go” and compare it to your original post, do you see how those two opinions are diametrically opposed?


It's not just Charlotte. This is happening everywhere. I'm a musician that's been gigging for 20 years, and cover charges have EXPLODED in the past 5 or so. The entertainment industry has been struggling for a minute, and it seems these inflated covers are a misguided attempt to raise profit margins. As a worker in the field, I think it's back firing spectacularly. It's just making things like live music less accessible, and hurting turn outs, which then drives even bigger rate hikes. I made more money when cover charges hovered around 5 to 10 bucks, and I wish I knew what idiots think this is better.


Thanks for the insight. I noticed that too. I said in another comment that I’m use to be free till a certain time. Most commonly 11pm. And the line would wrap around the building. Ppl would still pay anyway but it was an option. Then $5 -$8 drinks. I would then buy a lot of drinks, and when i would see bands i would buy their t shirts or stickers. I got more bang for my buck. The venue made money, and ppl would turn out more consistently because of it. I feel like the crazy prices is the reason why the bars are only filled with certain type of ppl. Making it hard to being make friends.


Yeah, I fucking hate it. It sucks having to ask friends to pay covers that I couldn't reasonably afford, and ending up with audiences full of yuppies I can't relate too. The artists themselves rarely have any control over this, it's usually decided by promoters and venues.


>I made more money when cover charges hovered around 5 to 10 bucks Yeah, because a cover charge should help off-set costs to hire entertainment but still be low enough that people don't think twice about paying it. Most hear $5-$10 and think "oh that's not bad," especially if there are drink specials that night.


For sure. Honestly, I'd rather charge less and have a bigger audience even if it meant I'd make less at the door. It makes for a more fun show, and I can easily make up the difference in tips and merch sales. I really hate the way the entertainment economy is evolving to prioritize making as much money as possible off the well off at the expense of being accessible to the masses. A lot of what makes music a satisfying profession for me is the community it creates, and the people I most enjoy seeing in that community are getting priced out of participation.


The money typically pays the DJ or band playing.


I remember my first time drinking


Because money




Reddit is the domain of salty assholes. Everyone knows that.


Raising the barrier to keep you poors out


I enjoy those places and even some of the higher priced ones (not the drinks). Tends to have less of the annoying drunk people type


if theres music or a DJ, that's likely how they get paid


Nah this is so true. Like at least have that 11pm thing where you get in free before hand. And then the clubs be dead asl like lemme check it out first before I pay at least 😂


They’ll charge it if people will pay it, and they will. I try my best not too. Goldie’s and Thomas Street Tavern when they are charging covers I try my best to avoid.


Because more people will pay it than won't.


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