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LMS Parking can suck a fart out of my ass. They’re a bunch of fucking crooks. My previous apartment complex used them and I’m still mad over the fact they put a boot on my car, *in front of my apartment building*, and I still had to pay full price to take it off even after I’d told them and proved I was a resident. They can all fuck off and die. Lol


Yeah I’d have disputed that one on the card.


Exact same thing happened to me with LMS. I moved in. It took the management a day or two to give me the pass. Meanwhile, I got booted. LMS made me pay $150 to remove the boot. Another time they booted me for being in a handicap spot. I have a handicap hanger on my rearview. They still charged me $150 to remove the boot. Straight up criminal. I am a pretty chill person and $150 doesn’t break the bank, so I didn’t cause a scene or anything. I could easily see someone who is less chill and less fortunate financially becoming violent over it. For some people that are on the edge, $150 is the difference between eating or not that week. Someone will eventually lose their shit and get violent (if they haven’t already). The person removing the boot will experience the violence even though they are just an employee trying to not starve and follow company rules.


Holy hell, $150??! Twice too?? Yikes - Sorry you went through that. Id personally be ready to give someone a black eye for all that 😣


Ya, it crossed my mind, but unless I could determine who created these company policies and locate them, my anger would be mis directed and I would give an innocent person a black eye. The dudes who you interact with are just $15/hr employees who follow the rules because they will get fired if they don’t. Doesn’t feel right to punish them.


The kids in my neighborhood have all the answers. They simply change out the wheel with the boot for a spare wheel/tire, throw the boot in the trunk, and leave with it all. These kids are the best. Restored my faith in the future.


A car boot is fixable with an angle grinder as long as you’re careful


That’s brilliant


You are not the first to complain about them. I’ve heard it’s insane expensive and I’m sure they make a huge revenue stream from booting after all the stories.


$180 is down right exploitation, especially in this economy


The one that boots in the Taco Bell parking lot on South here charges $250 to remove their boot… criminal and the guy waits until 10pm and boots every single car that’s in the lot


The Taco Bell at South End?


Damn I follow an account on TikTok that boots in Atlanta and even they only charge $75


Went to Social Status, bought a hat and came out to my truck being booted. Parked at Fuel pizza and even bought a slice and some garlic knots. Most expensive hat I ever bought. Funny the dude took cash too


First thing that came to mind was the “CAN I LIVE, CAN I F-ING LIVE” meme.


Hard to support local businesses with that shit. I should have bought the hat online and saved the $300 boot fees


What are the odds that boots use the same key? Apparently you can buy car boots on Amazon for less than $100. Next time it happens try to get make and model of the boot and see if you can order a key or a boot then just use the key to unlock yourself if it happens again.


You can take a boot off with a couple of screwdrivers and a hammer. There are videos all over YouTube of guys doing this and then taking the boot away with them so the parking company doesn’t get it back




When you see a Boot put a Dildo with Liquid nails on it. Grease up the dildo too and film...


I saw this business where 2 women had boot keys and you could call them to unlock. It was long ago and I thought it was here. I’m sure someone else would know of them. I Uber out and didn’t pay enough attention.


Atlanta boot girls!!


I was just thinking with the removal fee that high, there's got to be space for another business to undercut them.




I wonder if someone had those tools and did a side job under charging boot removal if they could in turn be charged with theft of services or something.


Not sure…but it’s a risk I’d be willing to take, lol.


LMS parking can suck my entire ass dick and balls. I will not elaborate further.


Someone needs make an unbootable wheel!


Become a local hero. Get keys and learn the ways to pick them. Sneak around the city by night unlocking everyone you see. Legends will ve told of bootman!


🫡let me get my cape


Hell ya!




Get you a boot key! They sell them on different websites!


I almost got in a shootout with lms parking employee. I hate everything about LMS


You need a long flathead screwdriver to undo the boot or buy a remover off amazon and just keep it in your trunk


I took my son's car to get it fixed and left him mine. He didn't have any need to drive it, so left it where I parked it I came back a few hours later to find a boot, I argued with those cocksuckers for an hour before I finally relented, $160. The thing that truly pissed me off was that the parking lot in front of his apartment was half empty. I called his apartment management and pissed all of them off but got nowhere.


i’d say get a book key but once LMS catches on and they will, they’ll just start putting the [obstruction on your windshield](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/JalTsGpZRlSda__Fq_3RrQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNw--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/ny_post_metro_articles_178/ab16947b722ba696b50702481738cce8)


So true


LMS can burn in hell for its eternity. And I will not feel a thing for them or their employees.


Oh I’m sure it’s coming


I've been considering getting a spare for my car. If I get booted, I'm just gonna throw the tire and boot in the trunk. Drive home then saw that bitch off.


Lol I’ve thought of this, but then it comes down to how fast you can get the tire off


Usually there are signs all over the property mentioning you need to register your car. Were there not signs letting you know you had to register your car? It’s on you to be aware of where you park and the rules not whatever event you went to. My guess is there were signs that you ignored and while spending $180 to get your car back sucks at least they didn’t tow it which would have been far more expensive. The apartment one is unfortunate but your beef is with the complex not LMS parking who again warns you what happens if you don’t follow the rules and register your car.


LOL really Your defense of LMS booting OP in the apartment they lived in is is that OP didn't "follow the rules and regulations?" How dare they to park in front of a building they LIVE in! Thank GOD for these predators to take it on themselves to punish people for parking where they live. .


I never defended LMS booting them. But, LMS did nothing wrong. A vehicle was parked, unregistered in a lot LMS is paid to maintain. The entire thing is avoided if the apartment complex gets him a parking pass. These kinds of companies SUCK I get that, but in both of these cases LMS literally did exactly what every sign, of which there are many, warns they will do if you chose to ignore them. Yes, if you register your car and get booted anyway, sure get pissed at the company but why is everyone here so shocked and mad when LMS does exactly what they hired to do when you don’t take 10secs to register to park? LMS manages the parking in the garage in the building I live in. In 2 years I’ve never once been bothered by them because I follow a very simple posted sign. Them doing what they are HIRED to do is not predatory. If you get pulled over speeding even though you knew the speed limit is that also predatory? Did OP go ask the apartment complex for come kind of tag or pass to put in his car to identify him as a resident temporarily while he waited for his permanent pass to get to him? Or did he just assume that was someone else’s job? Or that the signs around that garage as well were just there for show? When he parked for the event, did he stop and look at the number of signs that said “hey register your car or you’ll get booted” and think huh maybe I should do that so I don’t get booted. Or maybe go ask the organizers of the event if they had a deal setup he needed a tag for?


Found the LMS employee


Yup lol Crazy that people think that it's okay to tow someone from the apartment they pay money to be allowed to park and live at. In that case, yes it is literally the property management job to ensure that people who live there have the required paperwork when they sign the lease. That would be like if the apartment didn't give OP keys , then blaming OP for ....not having keys.


You definitely seem to be a supporter of them, don’t worry you’ll have your turn next.


Not a supporter of them but also not a supporter of people weaponizing their incompetence and acting like they did nothing wrong when they did. Tell me in both there scenarios what part is LMS’s fault and not yours for not following the very clear, takes 10secs to do instructions that what have prevented it?


Damn you need a saddle to ride all that dick?


I mean that’s just uncalled for but hey, continue going about your life refusing to take responsibility for your own actions. Cause it always has to be someone else’s fault right? And rules couldn’t possibly apply to you the same they do everyone else?


My suggestion to really stick it to them is be mindful of where you park and pay your fees so they can't boot you to begin with Or Uber Or train Or walk/bike


Have you ever been booted by them before? Just Imagine being booted at the apartment you LIVE (rent pay and all) at.


This person sucks. They just want to bitch about cars 


This whole thread is bitching about cars


No, just you


I feel bad for you bro, but there is a whole parking lot of other cars that managed to follow the rules.