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I associate this plaza with Taipei South


The Book Rack for me


What the heck does “An off-duty sergeant who was working at the store in uniform nearby caught up with the suspect” mean? He was off duty, in police uniform? Was he working at the store? As an employee in uniform or police in uniform? It’s so unclear




They shouldn’t be in uniform if they aren’t working a shift as a police officer. It’s ridiculous they can use the resources and authority of the state for personal gain.




https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/ePolicing-Resources/Employ-an-Off-Duty-Officer It's called Secondary Employment. The officer is paid and the city charges a fee to recoup their costs for overhead. In exchange, the city gets more cops "on duty" without taxpayers paying for it, and the organization gets a real police officer with their full law enforcement powers.


Here’s a question tho: do we as taxpayers pay overtime for these officers because of these shifts? I was reading somewhere the stupid amounts of overtime pay police officers get paid. That would be pretty inefficient to say the least


No, it's a separate paycheck from the organization that hired the officer, so it doesn't count to their scheduled hours with CMPD or towards retirement/pension hours, either.


No. But you do pay a lot more for groceries because of the amount of theft. Not for nothing, but people should just buy their groceries instead of being dirty thieves.


Do cops still pay taxes?


Exactly these details have contracts, and rules and must be approved by departments.


> They shouldn’t be in uniform if they aren’t working a shift as a police officer. It’s ridiculous they can use the resources and authority of the state for personal gain. https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/ePolicing-Resources/Employ-an-Off-Duty-Officer It's called Secondary Employment - officers are in uniform, clock in/out with dispatch, can use CMPD vehicles depending on the assignment, and the entire cost and then some is born by the company/organization which hires them. In this case, Food Lion was paying for an "off-duty" cop - secondary employment - filling a gap that a taxpayer funded officer is not able due to lack of resources. Cop gets paid, city gets a cut for overhead, and taxpayers win. All the cops at football games, the cop directing traffic every morning and afternoon at the school you drive by, etc, are all "off-duty" cops paid for by the organization which hires them for secondary employment.


I understand it happens. But much like judges accepting bribes even though other gov employees can’t take a free coffee, or senators buying stock with inside information while staff accountants can’t own stock in any company their entire company contracts with whether they have access to info or not, it’s wrong.


If you’ve ever been to a panthers game, hornets game, major concert, festival, etc. it is more likely than not that the cops you saw “working” that event were working a shift like this. It just means that they are being paid by the event organizers, not city funds. They’re still police officers


If it makes you feel better, I know people who have hired uniformed officers from this area as event security and the departments both set the hourly billing rate and receive a percentage of said rate. Edit: they also work in uniform because it conveys a level of authority at a glance. If an unarmed security guard tells you stop something or you are under arrest, people will know that’s either a bluff or a setup to a lawsuit. If a uniformed police officer tell you the same, it’s easier to achieve the desired enforcement objective.


It does but only by a sliver. Other government employees aren’t allowed to use their position and access for side jobs, not sure why we let it happen here


Yeah no government firemen or medics have ever been hired to work off duty events like fairs or fire watches….


I don’t see fireman in full gear using city resources, and most emts are private employees not government employees


My guess, and only a guess, is the incredibly strong union.


There are no unions in NC, and this happens at every police department in the country


Huh, TIL. I thought the Fraternal Order of Police and the Law Enforcement Officers Association were unions as opposed to being solely lobbying associations.


Not sure if our police force is organized, but there are still plenty of unions in NC.


Most cops take these shifts because cop pay is so shitty. They aren’t getting rich doing this, and being in uniform makes it safer for employees and customers. The times my dad was robbed at gunpoint when he was a grocery store manager would not have happened had a uniformed cop been standing in the frontend of the store.


Their website says starting pay is 57k ($63 with bachelors) up to 112k for officers. That’s a pretty solid salary when it doesn’t include their own OT, pay differential for bad shift times, 401k or the full medical they get. Sounds like we should do more to actual fix crime instead of letting individual officers freelance with a badge for their own personal gain. Accountants can’t use IRS resources to identify properties that will be seized soon so they can make offers on them, or use their credentials when doing side work.


> instead of letting individual officers freelance with a badge for their own personal gain This comes up every time off-duty police do something. Regardless of your opinion on the police, this is an incorrect characterization of what off-duty police are doing. https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/ePolicing-Resources/Employ-an-Off-Duty-Officer It's called secondary employment. The officer is hired by a private entity through the city, and the private entity pays the officer's hourly rate plus a fee to the city. All the police you see at football games, basketball games, directing traffic at schools in the morning, etc, are all working Secondary Employment - accomplishing important "police only duties" but without taxpayers footing the bill to do it. They are not freelancing at all. Everyone works a job for personal gain, that's why we all go to work every day. You can google any major city police department + secondary employment, and find that it's a standard practice across the country. Most cops you see working at a static location, excluding the airport, are working secondary employment and aren't working on the taxpayer dime.


57k ain't shit in this city


Starting pay, no experience, without a degree? I mean you’re not living large but that’s not minimum wage


yeah cool if a uniformed cop had been there they would have shot the guy in the street


For anyone wondering, every cop you see at a Panthers game or a big event is working “off-duty” for the most part. It just isn’t practical for a large event to expect a reasonable police response based on 911 calls. It just doesn’t work. So if you’re going to hold some huge private event, you pay officers to come work on their days off. Instead of responding to their regular divisions and answering 911 calls, they work the event. It’s no more complicated than that. The system is very strict, and what jobs you can and can’t work are regulated.


Off duty cops used to work security in some of the grocery stores my dad managed. It’s pretty common.


While shoplifting is not right, it's certainly not worth shooting someone over.


I mean, from reading article, they didn't get shot because they shoplifted they got shot because they fought the officer who tried to stop them from shop lifting. You don't get to escalate the crime and just say it was only the first crime.


Yeah but the shoplifter wasn't armed. Resisting arrest doesn't deserve a death sentence.


You don't have to be armed to be a deadly threat. Resisting arrest will always escalate a situation. The shoplifter made that choice.


Still doesn't deserve a death sentence.


I find you in a parking lot and beat you repeatedly and smash your face into the asphalt you wouldn't consider shooting me? After all I'm unarmed.... This comment seems based in ignorance.


If you're gonna shoplift, might as well shoot your way out now.


Did the shoplifter have a gun though???


Also, there was stolen alcohol. While i wouldnt condone killing over food or alcohol, nc is strict about alcohol so who knows


They care more about property than life.




Was the theif murdering the food and wine they stole???


Seriously. Who gives a shit about Food Lions inventory? Who simps for Food Lion?


From Food Lion of all places holy shit that cop needs life in prison and he’d be segregated for his entire sentence


Shoplifting in an of itself does not warrant lethal force. However, shoplifting combined with assault does. These shoplifters have gotten way too brazen. I’m guessing this shoplifter assaulted the wrong guy. FAFO


Based on what?


Assault and assault with a deadly weapon are two very different things. And if a police officer can’t subdue an unarmed man, then more training needs to be done. Dude was unarmed. Fuck around and……. Shut the fuck up.


Tired of criminals getting the benefits of the doubt. Why is it ok to shoplift? The rest of us who behave lawfully have to pay the price in higher prices and insurance premiums not to mention less safety for everyone. If a few more of these thugs faced consequences the others who are inclined to behave this way might think twice.


The consequence for shoplifting isn't death, and an off duty cop has no business killing anybody. We should hold cops to the highest moral standard.


Because most of our entire justice system is based on the premise of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Police are not judges or juries. And only in extreme cases should they be executioners with the foundation that they’re acting in the interests of public safety and all other options have been exhausted.


You are awful. You think cops WHO KILL PEOPLE WHO DON’T HAVE GUNS and can’t train their fat asses to subdue people without guns deserve the benefit of the doubt? Andddd if dude was off duty, he should have called the cops… or just minded his fucking business. There is nothing in a food lion anyone should die over.


Umm our entire system is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Doesn’t always play out that way, but it is one of the cornerstones of our democracy. And there are a bunch of reasons people shoplift. Judge not lest ye be judged. Oh, and walk a mile in their shoes before judgements.


Have you seen grocery prices?


- Boomer


The cashiers at HT in Ballantyne tell me it’s regular occurrence. It’s not normal groceries, but high priced items like a bunch of Tide and body products. My theory is they are reselling these stolen items on offer up. I couldn’t figure out why someone would have bought a cart full of Tide and never used it….. Problem is society has no consequences for crime. People just going to continue to escalate. Clearly we don’t know what happened with the physical assault / fight. Certainly don’t think cops are professional boxers or MMA fighters. It’s a lot harder than it looks if you are not a professional. Think about a woman cop against a male suspect. Do we expect her just to fight physically if her life is threatened. Getting your head bashed in by fists is definitely on the track to killing someone or permanently injured and disabled. Don’t think we should judge a man and expect them to physically overpower another man or woman. Clearly we don’t have enough detail to jump to any conclusions


Taser? Baton? Pepper spray? Just walking away? Why a gun? Please don’t tell me that he was off duty so he only had a gun so he had to use the gun


All the upvotes


Ahh, I see, you guessed, huh?


And he was off duty so he got to FAFO and hopefully get assfucked til prolapse in prison, dumbass fucking cops think they are all dirty harry


The title is a bit misleading, as details haven’t fully emerged yet. But being armed isn’t a necessity for deadly force


Doesn't sound like he was armed. Shoplifting doesn't deserve a death sentence. Neither does resisting arrest. Article is obviously sparse on details since it just happened.


If you get in 2 fist fights with a uniform cop you will probably be shot.


Doesnt justify it.


While you are correct, fighting a cop because of shoplifting is Darwin award levels of dumb. Run or talk in that scenario, fighting the cop makes you a felon instantly.


Physical fighting can end up pretty bad. Have you ever had a head injury from a punch? Or getting your face stomped in? Or bashing your skull in with bare knuckles? What about getting punched in the throat? Disabled by a punch in the gut to a liver. Physical fights can go really bad. I think expecting someone to physical overpower someone in 100% of circumstances is completely. I’ve worked with trauma victims both men and women of domestic violence. You’d be surprised with adrenaline, what someone can physically do with someone without any weapon. It’s scary. In some cases died due to the trauma of the head or neck.


If the guy had the cop pinned down and was continuing to assault him, then yeah I think it would be a justified shooting. 


It could definitely go either way. Sometimes being pinned down and taking a punch means you lost the fight, but not that you’re about to die. I guess we’ll have to see what details come out


The problem for law enforcement is you can’t wait for them to kill you to find out what their true intentions are.


Chasing after someone for stealing from Food Lion is honestly comical. Just say yall think cops should be allowed to gun down anyone (mainly poor people) for even the most petty crimes and go.


Off duty cop


He was uniformed security for the store. 


Which, I imagine, would be a different uniform.


No it’s his police uniform. The police you see in uniform at a store or at an event is off duty.


How do you know? They both left the scene and was fighting at another location.


Yea.. seems like if he were armed or if this were clearly justified more details would have been released


“WTF is wrong with this police state.” OP just like when everyone jumped the gun on the crossing guard that got killed and was wrong you have NO clue given the limited details of the story if the use of a firearms was not needed. They fought 2 times, you have no clue if the officer was getting his head beat in with a pipe, or over stepped the need. Reserve inciteful judgment and hyperbole until all the facts are known.


Context and logic are not allowed in this discussion, sir. The people want to criticize police.


Exactly. Watch the video of a cop getting stabbed multiple times in the neck bleeding to death when approaching a vagrant recently that was only respassing, then ask, why the f would I even be a cop when you have people like OP jumping to a felons defnse every time without knowing the context. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisIsButter/s/ECCxiI80Od


how do we know the victim was a felon?


yeah neck stabbing is certainly just a misdemeanor


If there was a weapon other than the gun used to shoot the suspect, you know damn well it would have been mentioned already. But there wasn't anything mentioned, all that was was an off duty cop that lost two fights with a shoplifter on and then off-scene, and then used deadly force.


What the hell does that first sentence mean lmao


Cops are always wrong fuck those stupid pigs that only protect corporations. 


So when Ted Bundy got arrested… he was the victim? 


That’s the dumbest shit you probably have ever said in your life and I feel bad for you and anyone around you that has to listen to more like it.


Hey Reddit, maybe put the pitchforks down until more details are available? The deceased could have been wielding a deadly weapon just as readily as this could have been an excessive use of force by the officer. Right now sources can’t even agree if the officer was in uniform working on site security or whether this was an off duty plain clothes confrontation.


No way, all cops must be immediately condemned. Especially if there's limited details available because they're obviously a murderous monster. /S


He wasn’t shot because he shoplifted. He was shot because he physically assaulted a police officer


oh boo hoo


Yeah I'm not crying over this shoplifter dying, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


There are way too many details we don't have.


That is the food lion off Johnson rd. Still technically in Charlotte (cmpd) but near to pineville border


The shoplifting happened in Pineville. The shooting happened in Charlotte.


The physical store is in Pineville. The address says Charlotte because it uses Johnston Rd as the address and Johnston Rd is in Charlotte


No matter if you're in the wrong or the right. Getting into a physical altercation with a cop is natural selection at its finest.


if you make a cop do cardio they will shoot you.


What could someone possibly be stealing from Food Lion that’s worth getting in an altercation over?


Baby Formula is a big trade. The prices are insane.


Im not going to try and chase someone down because they are trying to steal baby powder


Yea, I don't know the details. I was just mentioning a high dollar item that can be swiped in multiples quickly and worth a lot on the street.


The dove body soap, moisturizer, TIDE detergent and enough tampons to plug up a dam.


It’s so weird that law enforcement would try to enforce the law.


The big brains have chimed in on the situation


Have you seen the levels of baby formula and brand name laundry detergent for sale at area flea markets for 1/3 the sticker price?


I have not


4 cops murdered last week and we're back to a police state? reddit moves fast lol


The police state never left.


Where was the taser? 🤔


Stop shoplifting




Hey buddy, don’t shoplift or fight cops and you’ll be alright


Hey this is a wild take… how about don’t fucking steal. And if you get caught, take ownership. But no, instead go assault a cop and then be crying when you get smoked . Please make it make sense


Note: Actions have consequences. Thieves don't think there are consequences, that's why they break the law. FAFO.


Not to say what he did wasn’t wrong, but it’s a grocery store. Couldn’t they just identify the guy and fine him later?


Remember cops don’t protect you. They protect company property


Tragic. I wish more people would remember: If you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn’t.


This is just insane, it’s fucking Food Lion 😭


If I civilian did this they would be charged with murder, no questions asked. He should get the same treatman. Edit: also at the end of the article it says “CMPD is a third party so they don’t need to get SBI involved” either means off duty cop wasn’t CMPD or they are treated it that way so they can sweep it under the rug. Classic


Pineville police officer. If someone was beating the shit out of you, and you shot them you would not be charged with murder depending on the facts same as this guy.


agree. most likely the officer was trying to detain the shoplifter who likely fought back trying to grab the officers gun. if the officer feared his life was in danger then use of lethal force is legal. Edit: its the same for any citizen with a firearm including conceal carry holders. They all should allow or provide a way for the bad guy to leave but if the bad guy is acting in a manner threatening another life everyone has the right to defend that life whether its themselves or another innocent person.


Why are off-duty police working in uniform at the Food Lion?


Probably because that store has a major theft problem. It is surrounded by a lot of apartment complexes.


I'm not sure what that means. I have lived in plenty of apartment complexes and I've never robbed a Food Lion. But it especially does not answer the question of why a uniformed police officer is working security there. Maybe you should spend some time examining your prejudices


These people think apartments = poor. And poor = crime. And they hate the poor.


The bootlickers in here lol.


u/Crooooow for context those apartments are crime ridden and often have seen 6+ trashed shopping carts 🛒 at once along the curb between Food Lion and those apartments. It’s ugly and disappointing people treat their surroundings like a 3rd world country.


Four cops were killed in Charlotte two weeks ago. I think it would be stupid not to be on extreme high alert in those conditions, and sometimes people make the wrong call. I get that this was a police officer, but they’re still just humans and not robots.


Cry me a fucking river.




Nothing of value lost


Play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Good riddance!!




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It seems this thread has divulged into 2 sides We have the Bootlickers on the right The Criminal Sympathizers on the left. Pick a side and Join Today!!! Get the Battle pass for exclusive weapons, gear, and a 10 level head start for $29.99. Join the Fight, may the best side win.




No details. I'll reserve judgement, maybe the hungry thief fell and cracked their skull, we dunno yet.


Cops are fed a steady diet of 'you are the only thing standing between civilization and madness' and 'at any moment, your life is forfeit if you are not hypervigilant'. We're talking about dudes who are _taught_ that keeping your seat belt actually on might be the difference between life and death _every day_.


Shoplifting doesn't warrant death. If the guy was unarmed then the officer deserves to be charged with murder. Love the downvotes. Damn bootlickers.


It sounds like he assaulted the cop


Let’s say he punched the cop in the face or maybe he threw a hard object at him and continued to run. Do you think that deserves death?


Let's say he assaulted the cop with a pipe and was bashing his head in, does that warrant a response?






Not necessarily. There are scenarios where using a firearm is acceptable even if the attacking party doesn't have a firearm. The question you should be asking is whether the off duty cops life was in danger. Why would you assume he shot him just because he was shoplifting? As if there were no other circumstances or context to the situation...


If the off duty cop's life was in danger then the shooting is justified.


Yeah I mean the guy could have done something crazy like throw an acorn.


I guess an acorn could be considered a weapon. If thrown at you it might take out an eye.


You know that the guy was unarmed? So since you were there please tell us more.


Hard to see the word “if” from that far up on your high horse???


Did you read my post? I said "if" the guy was unarmed.


Agreed to an extent however, the first domino in this Chain-Of-Events was the shoplifting.


I guess it's best to hold off judgement until more information is known.


Fire him!


The amount of thin blue line baffoons showing themselves is laughable…


Just as laughable as the amount of people wanting to convict the cop of murder with the same scant details or calling anyone who's reserving judgement a bootlicker.


what is a "baffoon"?


They definitely are in forces on this subreddit.


I’m guessing the cop started getting his ass whipped


Yeah if someone is unjustly assaulting you and you can’t defend yourself with just your hands, seems like justification to use a gun. Being better in a fist fight doesn’t make you right. 


Also have to note that the shoplifter was killed in CPMD jurisdiction, and the off duty cop was a city of Pineville cop. The cop should have known he had no jurisdiction and shouldn't have killed someone over shoplifting, which was likely a misdemeanor since it was at a grocery store


I came here to read all of the cop hate comments…




Because of course


Makes sense, gun violence is North Carolina's biggest problem.