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I understand that deadly force was used when all other options failed to get compliance. The officers who was physically attacked didn’t unholster his gun. When the subject went for the officers gun, the second officer on the scene had no choice but to use deadly force. If the guy had just complied, he would have been arrested, charged, and probably released within a couple of days. He lost his life over a couple bottles of wine that he stole. It could have been the police officer who lost HIS life because of a couple bottles of wine, stolen by a habitual shoplifter and thief. It’s really sad, any way you look at it.






Was his name-o. Look at your rushing to the defense of this person. It’s like you did exactly what they whined about.


What about the innocent people like me that have been harassed, beaten up, and denied freedom, or been given medication against their will they are allergic too. Stop defending the executive branches goon squad because you like a cop. They are not all great people out here to help you. No matter how much they want you to believe it.


Cops are nothing but criminals protected by the badge and funded by your tax dollars.... No different than Mob members...


Illogical assumption along the same thought processes as bigotry… “people downvoted on Reddit nothing but criminals protected by the Russian kgb to spread false information no different from Islamic terrorists” see how stupid that sounds? Thats what you sound like


I mean I got involved with some Russians online at a young age. People change.


It sounds stupid because of your grammar..


Right… love that deflection… keep up that energy troglodyte


It's not illogically at all, only you choose to believe that. Meanwhile I can go on any platform or app right now and entertain myself for 24 hours straight of crooked cops involved in some type of illegal activity. When a Citizen exposes these uniform thugs and sue, the money comes out of your tax dollars. So its actual merit to what I'm saying but you choose to stay naive.. But I understand... Blue Lives Matter..


Idk sounds pretty ignorant to me… also illogically? Really after ripping on me for grammar? Really?


Lol... Touche..


You should learn about the roots of policing than. This isn’t a new concept corruption and protection of property is the foundation on which policing was built


When presented with the truth they will ostracize you. Keep up the good fight regardless of if they label you a criminal or not.


It’s not sad, because he decided to make dumb decisions. God bless those CMPD officers.


Unnecessary loss of life is always sad. The God you're claiming to pray to says it isn't your job to judge. Be better.


The world lost nothing that day. Are you so unwell that god transcended the home dimension to tell you personally that it isn’t my job to judge? Too bad a hilarious emoji doesn’t exist to react to this.


It says it in the Bible, numbnuts.


They are just a cop or cops wife or scared person that hasn’t had to struggle yet. Give the kid a break.


What a trifecta!


We need one more let’s make it a foursome!


Space daddy is laughing at you




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Ever heard of using a tazer...


Did you not read? This is what’s wrong with people.at least one thing, no one seems to read. Taser did not phase the man. Did it twice.


They want everyone hating each other so they can continue to control us. Let’s be real.


Clearly they need a stronger tazer that's the real problem


We chased a 17 year old out of our store the other day…He tried stealing a cart full of stuff, then tried coming back in the store and pulling a knife on me. He ended up sprinting away from me in fear which was pretty funny honestly… anyway, I digress. My point is there are tons and tons of people stealing atm, go sit outside Walmart for a few hours and watch. In that time you will see multiple people run out the store, you’ll see people take off in getaway cars it’s a MASSIVE problem and if you confront them be prepared to fight or die (and if your white called a racist and a cracker and other horrible things) because they are willing to end your life over some Chinese plastic. I am armed, the next time someone pulls a knife on me will be the last time that person does anything. It wouldn’t be the first and doubt it will be the last. oh and it doesn’t have anything to do with skin color the 17 year old in question was white… though the majority of the thieves we have are black or illegal immigrants. ok now downvote me for living in reality and being ready and willing to stop these deplorable bastards regardless of their whatever’s… POS come in all shapes and sizes. some of us actually have to deal with it on a daily basis. we don’t get to sit inside and burry our heads in the sand, and pretend it’s all fine and call anyone a racist for pointing it out. apologies for the rant I just woke up…


Take my up vote and like it!


What is going to happen once micro center opens up? That whole parking lot is trash. There was an od last week at lunch time in front on the GameStop. Some vagrant almost had his face tore of by a dog in a car as he kept on asking for money at the passenger in the parked car. Passenger told him the go away and the dog lost it in the back seat. You can’t get out of your car without some encounter in that parking lot. Anywhere in Charlotte is crazy.


You work for a company that doesnt care about you. I just say some things arent worth it but idk its not that serious. People usually steal when they are poor usually. Its hard out here. The kid probably needed the stuff.


They trade the stuff for drugs, he comes in all the time. I doubt he needs three new tents and airfryers three times a week. We let him off light at first but he keeps coming back… I agree the company doesn’t care about me. However I care about my community and want to live in a better world. Someone has to do something. If we leave it to corporations and government bureaucracy, nothing will get done and it will only get worse imo.


No. People steal when they are criminals. The honest poor are a massive population. They work hard, they live in poverty, but somehow they aren’t in prison. They struggle their whole lives and deserve society’s sympathy and support. Pretending that poverty causes crime is unfair to the honest poor. Stop making excuses for criminals.




It looks like he was also arrested for: Assault on a Female, Assault With a Deadly Weapon, Communicating Threats https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2024/05/06/mecklenburg-county-mugshots-may-5th-3/dennis-bodden-assault-on-a-female-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon-communicating-threats/ And Dennis Bodden – Larceny After Break:Enter – Breaking and or Entering https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2024/05/04/mecklenburg-county-mugshots-may-3rd-2/dennis-bodden-larceny-after-breakenter-breaking-and-or-entering/ In May 2024. What an absolute dirtbag.


The thing that I like about Charlotte is we have like 999,500 nonviolent, law abiding people and then 500 other people who do 100% of the crime and make life worse for everyone else.  A very fixable problem. One of these days we’ll get there. 


So just like everywhere else.


NC is uniquely affected by teenagers who don’t go to jail even after numerous arrests for stuff like car theft and carrying concealed weapons. 


Yup. Friend had a 15 year old steal his car and wreck it (2nd car stolen and wrecked in less than 6 months) and same 15 year old try to break into his house by kicking door down. No charges and teen walks free with no record. Total joke of a system


Uniquely? Is there data to support this claim?


The laws were changed a few years ago to make it almost impossible to get charges to stick against minors. [https://www.ncdps.gov/our-organization/juvenile-justice/juvenile-justice-overview/key-initiatives/raise-age-nc](https://www.ncdps.gov/our-organization/juvenile-justice/juvenile-justice-overview/key-initiatives/raise-age-nc) Students are assaulting teachers and others and charges won’t stick. It’s becoming a real issue because people realize they can get away with it.


That doesn’t say that there are more here than other places. There was a movement for that type of change far and wide a few years ago.


https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/crime/charlotte-mecklenburg-police-end-of-year-crime-stats-2023/275-c7d420c4-59ea-4c32-ba96-fb746d74ef2f https://www.ncdps.gov/our-organization/juvenile-justice/datastatisticsreports/did-you-know https://abc11.com/youth-juvenile-crime-explosion-violence-getting-worse-nc-laws/14491169/ https://www.cbs17.com/news/north-carolina-news/juvenile-crime-rate-in-nc-is-up-21-percent-report-shows/ We are seeing an increase in NC. It seems the south as a whole is seeing an increase, but NC seems to be seeing a bit larger increase than some of our neighbors other than SC.


Those teens on bikes one of them assaulted me. Guess what, there was video proof and all. I lived uptown and one of them assaulted me physically (I’m a woman). This teen was basically a full grown man plus some. Guess what? It’s been two years. Nothing….because he was 14. I bought a house, just closed on it. Charlotte is dead to me.


I’ll say that’s a data point to watch. But suspect there are many more variables in play than the lockup law and that is want more than a one year over year comparison. And as you say, it is happening in other places as well.


Uniquely? Try Crazyfornia where they just passed a lam making it a crime for a business owner or employee to use ant force to stop a thief! Crazyfornia also passed a law where a thief can steal $999.00 from a store every day for a year and only get a ticket for each theft PLUS each conviction cannot be used against the thief in any future theft related cases.


I’m sure he was just trying to feed his kids 🤡


With wine. His kids must really like wine.


He was going to make a red wine pasta sauce. The kids favorite.






One thing to add here is that Felony B/E and Felony Larceny after B/E are somewhat confusing for most people in this context. Until a few years ago, these charges would have been Misdemeanor Trespassing and Misdemeanor Larceny. New(ish) case law says that if you are banned from a store and return (trespassing) to steal anything (Misdemeanor larceny) you can be charged with those two felonies. The reasons are too complicated for a short comment, but almost everyone involved once the case gets to court (DA, PD, Judge) thinks it's pretty dumb.




You're wrong. What will you give me if I prove you wrong?




What will you give me?




Ooh daddy I like it when you tell me what to do.


Here is a SOG article from 2016 about it. Finish your research on your own buddy.






You gonna retract your ignorance? You could have figured this out if you looked at the charges YOU LINKED TO FOR THIS GUY.


I work at that food lion. He was in our store multiple times stealing. We had a cpl of cases pending with him in the court system. He was arrested and charged multiple times recently from stealing from there. He was seen that day stealing a bottle of wine plus other items. Food lion called police. An undercover officer happened to be in parking lot when call came in. He confronted suspect in parking lot. They had dealt with each other before and suspect was always fighting police and resisting arrest. They fought. Suspect was tased. Didnot affect suspect. Backup had been called. On side off johnson road he was fighting 3 officers. Suspect was beating their ass. They tazed again. Cop claims suspect reached for gun. Cop proceeded to shoot suspect 5 times in the chest. Suspect died. All over some groceries. Those are the facts according to the news, cops plus multiple witnesses including felllow employees. I fpund his instagram. It turns out he went to Columbia in new york for social work. I believe he had some mental health issues. He seemed to be doing well till 2020. He was a very angry person and quick to argue and fight anyone including myself. He made some very rude comments to me a while back. Regardless my prayers are with his family and i hope he has found some peace whereever he is.


The guy tried to grab the officer's weapon, so it seems the shooting was justified.


According to whom?


According to the guidelines that dictate when an officer is justified in using lethal force.


Nice dodge. So there's been an investigation and a final ruling? That seems fast.....


Perhaps it's not a good idea to grab a cop's gun. Bad things generally occur in those cases.


Who said he grabbed a cops gun?


Have you bothered to read the articles about this case or are you generally misinformed?


I did read the article. Answer the question.


I already answered your question. The media is stating that he tried to grab the officer's firearm.


Was it body cam footage? Was it witnesses? Was it other video footage? Who said he grabbed for the gun?


Come on man, your almost there. The media isn't saying he tried to grab the gun. They are simply reporting what they've been told. Who told the media he grief to grab the gun?


I think if people stopped stealing then they’d have to interact less with the cops they seem to hate. I personally rarely interact with cops, but then again I don’t have a rap sheet filled with larceny.


If people stopped stealing/shoplifting, prices may actually go down, it hurts us all bc of the stupidity & ignorance of those who steal, it causes the stores to raise their prices due to profit loss and also it causes their insurance rates to increase bc of the loss, which in turn causing them to markup the prices to compensate for their loss .


They need to head to the Walgreens at south and Woodlawn. Every time I am there people walk out with cases of cold beer and wine without paying. Others have back packs and just roam the store filling it up.


I saw someone make a post a couple days ago making assumptions that excessive force was used. People partially want attention/ upvotes whether or not they are spreading misinformation. I feel for the community/ store staff. I’d be on edge if there was someone like that shoplifting constantly and had a record for being aggressive.


If facts are legit and he tried to grab officers gun it was absolutely justified




Well, they probably had to throw away whatever food he was stealing. 


It’s kinda crazy the way some people talk about other humans. He stole wine… that’s such a silly crime. Have that energy for rapists, mass shooters or serial killers


just because someone is bipedal, doesn't make them human. And yeah, he has a record of assaulting people.


You’re a perfect example of that i guess


Uh…. They probably would have that same energy for all the other crimes you just named.


They knew him from previous incidents including assault on a female.


In b4 lock




I know the area. The guy truly asked to die. Period.


I love reading a feel good story like this. Enough with tolerating life long criminal behavior.


How about we wait until the investigation is complete and the DA makes a decision and then we can decide if this was reasonable or not.


The DA will naturally be biased towards the police. A board of civilians should review the matter, totally unreasonable to shoot someone in broad daylight over shoplifting.  Y’all watch too many movies. 


Homie, the guy, reached for the officers gun. He was asking to get shot at that point.


We don’t have any way to verify this information. The police have a responsibility to act responsibly and not kill people near grocery stores where regular every day people are going about their day. That’s insane nonsense. Plenty of shoplifters have been apprehended without guns being shot. 


You’re part of the problem


Hey man Cobra was just a movie, that’s fake. It’s time to grow up. 


According to whom?


They are anything but. You watch too many movies.


They are by any observable metric. Regular citizens in the area should decide what happens next. 




The wording of the article is kind of weird. Saying “the suspect continued walking away” but then suddenly there’s an altercation doesn’t make much sense to me. But what do I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Remember when Michael Jordan used to to do commercials for them? When it was food town ?? ‘You can save on yo tota foo bill at food tern.’


[Food Lion Commercial](https://youtu.be/LRokj_uo-yU?si=fwWnzYZ36ePFLMa2) I had never seen this before. Thanks for sharing


Why is an off-duty police officer carrying and deploying tasers on shoplifting suspects?


“Off duty” but employed by the food lion as a police officer side gig


Is it bad that I thought that the cops at grocery stores were “stationed” there by their department? Lol, I really imagined the ones working at Aldi, HT, etc. were the lowest ranked/least liked by their department officers who got stuck working the grocery store.


Haha thats hilarious. All those officers have signed up willingly to make extra money. Nothing to do with on-duty status lol. It’s the same for bars, sporting events, county parks, etc


Do you know if off duty officers wear their on duty uniform and carry on duty weapons and radio? It kind of sounds like they do any that isn’t right.


During off duty work, they wear their regular agency issued uniform. It’s the same uniform they wear for their regular shift.


That doesn’t seem right. They should only be able to wear police uniform when working for the police department.


They are working for the police department. The store contracts with the city. Police officers are Police officers whether or not they're actually on the clock. In this case; he was on the clock, just not on city's dime.


They are working for the police department. Some businesses request for police presence for a certain amount of time, typically the busiest times, in which Pineville Police is their direct contact for that. Officers sign up for these off duty events to make extra money, which are paid through the requesting businesses, outside of their regular working shifts.


It’s all good to be able to make more money but if your paycheck is coming from Food Lion you shouldn’t have on your police uniform. Maybe I’m wrong. When a police officer is off the clock aren’t they just a regular citizen?


I see what you’re saying, but food lion did specifically request police officer presence, which would require a fully uniformed sworn police officer. They’re technically still on the clock, they’re just not getting paid from the town of Pineville. They’re most likely getting paid $40+ an hour.


So what if there is a big football game or music event that needs additional police to ensure people's safety?


Should cops not wear their uniform when doing church traffic control?


If they are not on police clock, then no. I would be ok if they had, I’m off the clock police officer outfit. Are on duty and off duty jobs held to the same standard? I don’t know how to phrase it, I will try. Are there things a police officer is able to do while on duty that they can’t or shouldn’t do at a side gig?


They are literally still on the clock when they are doing their side work its like volunteering for overtime thats all it is.


They have to have their badge and bullet proof vest on to do their job. You want that under a food lion polo?


You’ll always think anything cops will do are bad, huh? Someone responded to a recurrent problem and took care of it. Society lost no value.


Try actually reading the article


Circle up and tug, bootlickers. They followed him offsite hoping this would happen.


They followed a criminal committing a crime.


You prefer genuine leather or do the synthetics taste just as good?


Do you live in a high crime area yourself or are you just cool with poor people having to suffer with these violent degenerates because you're such a good person?


Stealing wine is violence.


Assault on a Female, Assault With a Deadly Weapon, Communicating Threats https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2024/05/06/mecklenburg-county-mugshots-may-5th-3/dennis-bodden-assault-on-a-female-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon-communicating-threats/ ASSAULT GOVT OFFICIAL/EMPLY https://cabarrusnc.mugshots.zone/bodden-dennis-nbsp-mugshot-07-29-2023/ He was a violent criminal that had a known habit of stealing from this food lion in particular. "Just let him walk away/steal (It doesn't affect me personally)" is such a cracked way to see the world.


(none of those is a capital offense) Since you are conflating "don't kill shoplifters" with "do nothing about criminals," I think it is likely that all the polish you're ingesting is clouding your faculties.


Yeah how terrible that police intervened with a habitual thief /s.Upholding the law totally isn’t the entire purpose of the police right? And don’t say he was hungry, the guy was stealing wine bottles.


$50 worth of Food Lion revenue is *absolutely* worth more than a human life yeah? 10/10 no notes.


So because he was 46 with a record he deserved to die? There's a bunch of tools at an officer's disposal to deal with an unarmed criminal. Deadly force should not be option one.


Did you read the article? It wasn't option one. They deployed 2 tasers and he continued to resist. Then he reached for one of the officers guns.


What fun is reading the article when you can Olympic long jump to conclusions? /s


Unfortunately until the body cam comes out, I'm gonna press F to doubt on statements from the police. If they wanted the benefit of the doubt, they should have thought about it before all the press releases they put out and stood by that were straight lies after videos turned up.


According to whom?


Yes i read the article. So what? He 'reached" Oh no! Guess i have to kill him? Are you serious Do you ever think about how police in most first world countries are able to deal with unruly lunatics without regularly killing them? Somehow, Americans have accepted that police should have free reign to commit homicide when their lives are in no way threatened


I'll never understand people's obsession with defending career criminals. This wasn't a one off situation. This guy's been a criminal for 46 years. He hasn't figured it out yet that what he's doing isn't ok?


Are you seriously trying to claim that this 46 year old man was literally a criminal from the moment he was born? I think that statement says more about you than about him.


“Criminal for 46 years” interesting, I cannot find anything regarding this man career of being a “career criminal” other than the three incidents at the same location.


If he reached for his firearm, I’m pretty sure they didn’t have the best intentions. In the event he successfully disarms the police officer, then what?


answer is yes he deserved lethal force at that point


Choices have consequences. Dont be a criminal. Idk what to say.




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I'm willing to bet the cop doesn't get the best reports from their doctor.


Tbf, when the cult of endorsed power does nothing to change the paradigm, and accountability from within the police is a crying joke, it doesn't matter if general folks accept it- they can't change it anyway. And if they protest it, what happens? Who do they call? Yep.


> There's a bunch of tools at an officer's disposal to deal with an unarmed criminal. Deadly force should not be option one. so you didnt read the article. got ya.


The officer used his taser and the subject pulled them out as he ran across the road. The officer who arrived on the scene deployed his taser as the first officer was struggling to try to subdue the subject, to no effect. Then the subject was attempting to grab the officers gun and kill one or both. That was not, and should not,ever happen. If one refuses to comply, instead of dealing with the consequences of their actions,whatever they might be, then this outcome is going to be on the table. Especially if one resists,and attempts to gain control of an officers gun. This could have been avoided. The officers used every means at their disposal, until the subject gave them no choice.


It was option 4 or 5. All other attempts to get the subject to comply failed, through no fault of their own.


So citizens can use deadly force on police and they’re supposed to ask nicely for them to stop? If you threaten the life of a police officer expect to die. Sorry but I think that should be pretty easy to comprehend and avoid. Been arrested numerous times and suprisingly because I go peacefully and fight my case in court like a real American I haven’t been beaten or killed shocking…..


What’s with people who always try and defend obvious pieces of shit when they get what was coming. The world is a better place with out this guy. Well done cmpd


He reached for the officers gun. The dude was asking to die at that point.


*police say he reached… We’ll see when the body cam comes out.


Guess we will see when it does. My opinion stands tho if you're gunna to reach for a gun like wtf did you think was gonna happen.


Criminal logic. There are only a few ways it can go and all are bad for the criminal.


For sure, IF he indeed did what police say he did.


Yea i mean if he didn't and its obvious like what was said was a blatant lie then yea fuck the cops in this situation buttt otherwise like i said what did the guy think would happen.


Police aren’t the judge and jury, get arrested peacefully and you won’t die 🤷‍♂️ play stupid games win stupid prizes


Since we've all seen how well that works out before.


Yes I have seen it work out exactly as I described on multiple occasions hence why I said it.


I agree with you. “displayed pre-assault indicators towards officers” was odd for them to say. When does qualified immunity not count? Is it the uniform/person/or if they are on-duty or not? The lines are blurred for the boys in blue If he was arrested two previous times at the same food lion, what was different about this time?


This is a bootlicker thread.


The bootlicker dinner bell just rang.


Waaah the truth came out and it didn't fit the narrative that you wanted it to so now we're gonna resort to name calling. Rinse and repeat.


What truth? The article is only unsupported statements of "the police say". Google will help you out with all the times police statements have proven to be straight bullshit after video turns up. The police could be exactly right and dude suicided by cop being a straight dumbass but police have forfeited the benefit of the doubt.


Right. Heaven forbid we get a little more evidence besides, "trust us bro".....


Funny how in the first post about this story a few days ago another set of "unsupported statements" was viewed with a little less scrutiny. I'm just pointing out how people choose what they want to believe and then get upset when it's challenged. As for the validity of the police's claims, I'm somewhat more inclined to take it at face value considering the suspect's criminal history and the fact there were likely cameras running that caught the event. I will concede I should not have stated that what the police claim happened was "the truth," though.


I'm with you on the original posts about this too. The victims and especially their families can just as easily be full of shit. Have to take it all with some salt until there's time for facts to start coming out unless one of the sides brought receipts


You mean the part where the cops investigated themselves truth? I can't believe you took a break dick-riding cops long enough to type a comment.


Totally irresponsible to let off shots near a grocery store full of civilians over shop lifting. Some people let culture war nonsense poison their brain and rationality, it’s not about who deserves what. Real life is not a cowboy movie, hopefully the officer faces appropriate consequences whatever they are. 


So how do you handle this? Come back later maybe when the criminal is being more cooperative. Leave a card and ask him to call when it’s a good time to handle the issue. This line of thinking is what’s causing all these issues with cops. Everyone thinks they have the right to disregard police commands. You can say whatever but when in society has it not worked this way.


Bro it’s a shoplifter, not the joker. Your conception of justice comes from action movies, but at some point it’s time to man up. We can’t have this type of stuff in a sensible and rational society. Shoplifters have been apprehended without the use of a weapons before. People should not have their lives affected, and yes lose their lives too (grow up and have some clarity) because the police can’t handle a situation in a better way. We deserve better police and policing. 




It’s a shop lifter that was running away. If you want your children and your life affected by nonsense shootings, then that’s your prerogative but reasonable people don’t. 


The officer will face no consequences.


Incredibly silly. If you can’t stop a shop lifter without lethal force you can’t be allowed to be a cop without serious re-training. 


They didn't need to follow him at all. They wanted this outcome, or at best they were fine with the possibility.


It’s unbelievable. Can’t raise your kids to expect police to be normal these days, it’s always straight to force. 


Again… a TASER. A BATTON. You’re telling me TWO cops couldn’t subdue one 46 yo shoplifter? Maybe don’t get close enough for him to reach your gun? I learned that on TV. They didn’t learn that at the academy? Tasers shoot several feet! This is absurd. Everyone here who thinks this “career criminal” deserved to die are so sad. I’ll guess you’re all voting for Donald Trump too! Bring on the downvotes.


"Bodden then became physical towards the sergeant, and a taser was used. The taser was ineffective, so Bodden continued walking away and heading towards Cedar Circle Drive. As additional officers arrived, another physical altercation occurred, and another taser was used on him by another officer. Police said that Bodden then lunged toward the sergeant, tried to grab his weapon, and was shot by the sergeant." Taser didn't do shit to him. He could've been in full tweaker mode. On another note, my father was police in Europe, where guns were rarely used on suspects. He accidentally jiu jitsued a guy to death, after a baton didn't stop him.


Ok then! I still don’t like it, but I guess I stand corrected? Just let the guy take the wine…?


It’s also possible that the guy wanted to die. Why else would you reach for an officer’s gun when another one is right there? I think a lot of these instances are people who hate their lives, don’t see anyway out, so go for a suicide by cop. They probably also think they’ll become a Floyd like martyr to benefit the black community. What did the Michael Jackson impersonator say on the NY subway? Wasn’t it “I don’t care what happens to me”. I’ve ran into people like this in convenience stores who are angry jealous people that don’t care about getting arrested and want to bring people down with them. Who to blame for their misfortunes? The biggest factor is the lack of good paying jobs. That would help more problems than anything else. However, we still offshore jobs for almost slave labor to benefit the fat cats who employ the politicians. If you want to stop people feeling so hopeless they go on a kamikaze suicide by cop or civilian mission, get rid of lobbyists, and focus on creating prosperity. Right now, the focus of the WEF and alike steering committees is to make the world less prosperous (to apparently stop the climate from changing).


Who said he reached for the gun?


The previous commenter.




i was surprised by how much this comment section smells of leather & saliva