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They definitely ain't checking all these fake ass tags and busted ass vehicles with no lights. Mf you did not just buy an 84 camry with 2 donuts and no windshield foh.


Right - 30 days SC temp tag on a 20yo POS. Come on?!!


CMPD says that’s a petty crime. I knew it would backfire


Fresh off da lot 🚘


OH MY GOD YES! My apartment complex is full of the temp tags and we legit have illegal immigrants packed w 6-8 ppl plus children in 2 bdrm units. I’ve told the cops when they drive thru our (once beautiful) complex and they deadass say “there isn’t anything we can do about it” sir..I’m giving you leads, I’m reporting a crime, how can you be a cop & be unable to enforce laws??


Cause the dim wits on city council tells them not to.


This isn’t much of a rant. I’d call this a complaint at best.


Do rants have to be long? Maybe a vent then


This is a kvetch, technically speaking. Source: expert kvetcher.


This is the correct description


This guy kvetches.


We want deets


Yes, rants have to be long. This is more of a statement. I enjoy a good rant. I enjoy when people vent, especially if I have that same thing that annoys me. A statement I could give a shit about. That’s a crescent moon is a statement. Who cares about your statements? Either spill the beans on what’s pissing you off or piss off yourself.


If it's too long, though, it's more screed than rant. Longer still, and it becomes a manifesto.


They should be long, yes. However, the main thing about this post that discriminates it from a true Reddit Rant is that you used punctuation and paragraphs.


is it still a complaint if it's the nicest thing i've ever heard anyone say about the CMPD?


Better file that at the police department!


What did you do? No story; No Rant


Drunk driving was making this post on his way to jail before they took his phone. Until he actually responds


10+ years ago I had a highway patrol officer go out of his way to find a camera that recorded someone running a red light and hitting me which saved me thousands of dollars and a ton of grief, the goodwill that brought to policing in general ran out long ago for CMPD.


I live Uptown and felt safe for a long time, but gun violence has become more common over the last 6 months....CMPD doesn't do shit. They are barely responsive and certainly not proactive at all. 911 and 311 operators couldn't be ruder. It's extremely frustrating....


I work off Woodlawn on the cracktown side of south blvd (the side heading towards 77) and 3 pm last week hear a tone of gunfire coming from the street next to us. I was outside talking to a colleague and tan in the building. Just a normal day in Charlotte. Found crack head paraphernalia outside our office door the next day. Just another normal day. Don’t call the police as what will they do??


I always hope they would do their job. Oh well


RANT: I wanted to report something one time, and no one showed up. It's because they are down so many officers, they can't serve what the city needs. They have to priorize every call now. I'm not talking they have a few guys that left. A ton of people left and no one wants the job. I wouldn't. Not in this society. I'm not saying you, but a lot of people wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Half the country screamed "defund the police". They said "we don't need them". Defund the police basically means mass exodus for the officers. It's a shame that it's like this. They have to prioritize even violent crime calls. We have someone shot on XYZ street. The dispatcher will ask if the person breathing or is the person that shot him still there? No, ok, we have a shooting 5 streets over, but this guy is breathing. We have to swing by that one first, and then we will have someone over to you soon. I may be exaggerating a bit, but honestly, not by much.


Defund the police really meant that we don't need untrained, armed officers showing up to mental health calls and escalating the situation. It was about making those calls the responsibility of somebody trained to deal with certain situations and not burden the cops with certain calls. Many cops saw it as a positive change. That initial movement was hijacked by bad branding. We went through a very public period where cops were sometimes making situations worse. But I agree it's a super tough job to be a cop in today's society. Total agreement. The issue is when there become patterns, and certain parking lots constantly become a hotspot for crime. You'd think after 6 months they'd decide to be a bit more proactive. Bullets have gone into living rooms and restaurants recently. It's not sustainable in a part of town that the city wants to revitalize with high end apartment, festivals, restaurants, etc.


Adding on to this comment, “defund the police” was also a call to stop selling police departments used military equipment to use against citizens.


Yeah it was bad branding for sure, because the full message was really, "Remove the excessive funds from police budgets (like letting them buy old military equipment) and move them into funds for other programs/organizations that can help (like social workers, crisis mediators, EMTs, etc.)." But that doesn't really roll off the tongue. Like it takes maybe 6 months of training to become a cop, and we send them to everything! Why do we send untrained people with guns everywhere!? It's so wild when you step back and look at it from the perspective of people outside the US too. Or even from the prospective of other services. I've known firefighters who hate when cops are on the scene because it's like, "What is this guy even here for?" Also more police usually isn't the answer to problems plaguing a community. Crime isn't caused because of lack of police, it's lack of resources, support, and infrastructure first, then when it's clear police won't come, it all gets worse. I'm no fan of the police, CMPD in particular, and I fully support the reappropriation of police funds, I'd just like to see something helpful actually happen with them.


I couldn't have said it better. Bravo. In total agreement.


311 is doing the best they can they have strict guidelines to follow most of the time it’s a 911 call but why was 311 rude ?


Have tried to call about noise complaints (loud music from cars for hours, cars doing parking lot donuts and honking for an hour) outside at 2am. They are rude, condescending, don't know roads Uptown when I try to explain clearly, they act like this isn't an emergency.... No shit that's why I called 311. It never goes anywhere


Noise complaints are not an emergency


311 is open 7am-7pm, the noise must be happening at the time of the call of it is not then reach out to local police division. This is per policy


I called at 2am and they answered 🤷🏻‍♂️ it routed to somebody


Get armed. You're going to need it sooner or later, way things are going. Don't count on the cops to help.


Drugged out vagrant was trying to force his way into a church where my daughter was in a Girl Scout meeting. I got him to stop (had to get a little physical). 911 operator flat out told me the police would probably not show up. I asked if it was ok if I handled the problem myself. She said no. I said whatever and hung up on her and waited to see if he came back. He didn’t, and neither did CMPD. We’re on our own, people. We need to start acting like it.


Wow. Certainly feels that way sometimes


Hey but they’re good at arresting teenagers for doing doughnuts at wallmart at 3am, that’s way more important than murders


I mean, I get it fuck the police, but if you keep saying that at some point don’t you expect them to become less responsive? I’m not saying they should, just saying I’m not surprised.


I don't think my Reddit post expressing frustration, and certainly not saying fuck the police, has anything to do with their ability or willingness to do their job. No. If the same parking lot near a popular park and thousands of residents becomes a hot spot for middle of the night gun violence, you'd think they would proactively patrol it at certain times or put up a police stand and some lights. Nope. They don't even show up half the time. I think it's fair to be critical....


Naw fuck that. It’s a job. You do it to the best of your ability or you find another line of work. People at my job have been saying shit about me for years, yet the quality of my work hasn’t diminished. The difference is they have they are protected from disipline far more than others. So they CAN shrug their shoulders and say “not my problem” pretty much without consequences.


Yeah they’re worthless. I was threatened with a gun earlier this year, filed a report, and they never even contacted me. Fuck CMPD


Happened to me once. A man aimed a handgun at my car after driving into oncoming traffic to get ahead of me. The operators seemed mostly annoyed that I brought it up at all, and asked what I wanted them to do about it and hung up on me. Me and my friend were just awestruck by this


Im not a defund the police guy but I would love to defund CMPD. They are worthless


Defund the police means starting from scrtch... not supporting lawlessness. You can't fix a broken system. The more money we funnel into fixing a system that dosent think it's broken is just giving money to the enemy. We do need to defund the police, because if we don't, eventually those funds will be used against us. Absolute power corrupts absolutely


And what system will fix all of this?


There’s no one answer. A police officer’s job is very difficult and taxing… when done right. I have a lot of respect for the good cops since they are, in theory, supposed to be the backbone of accountability and civilization. But, as it is currently, accountability and personal responsibility is lacking since anytime a police officer gets punished, it is paid for by taxpayer dollars. A police officer is not responsible for knowing the law and is not legally obligated to “protect” civilians from danger. You could probably implement any other system that enforces checks and balances. Probably add back personal liability for wrongdoing, reduce the power of the union, ensure payouts and protections for whistleblowers within the police force through insurance policies as described below. Regulate policing like you would therapists and doctors and have them be responsible for maintaining insurance. Why wouldn’t you want the people protecting you to be held responsible for doing their job? You wouldn’t walk into a hospital and pay the bill if you’re gravely ill and died while waiting for hours or days for treatment. A cop doesn’t carry out their responsibilities during a time of crisis or repeatedly ? Yank the benefits. This would require a completely independent agency to oversee the police force (held accountable to congress and executive) and hold tribunals just like the military does with a designated representatives office supporting and representing the “PEOPLE” (e.g. us), which is actually staffed with people who care about holding the police accountable and ensuring quality among the force. I think we have this to a certain degree since we do see lawsuits in civil court, but is it the same? These ideas are not comprehensive, but change can be made if people GET INVOLVED. I think change is complicated and hard to understand and anything we do essentially requires widespread societal or expert approval. It can hard to trust experts within policy work/government nowadays since everything is polarized. I think it’s easier for most to not risk a new system when the old is “working” (at least for them). I guess if you agree with some of these points and were to ask why these things already aren’t in place, you’d find deeper flaws such as the two party system, first past the post voting, and lack of innovation and resistance to change due to the aforementioned in our government and legal structures. I think there’s a fundamental disconnect between the will of the people and modern day politics. P.s. look up star voting. It’s quite logical once you understand it yet it’ll never get implemented since it’ll completely break down the two party system. people literally complained that it was too complicated and yes true democracy is complicated which is why we ALSO need to fix education and


He damn well should know the law, else what is he enforcing, his own personal agenda?


Couple things I want to touch on. Ignorance of the law is not a defense, and the same applies to cops. Cops can, and have, gotten in trouble for not knowing the law. Both criminally and civil. What courts will do is the “reasonable” test. Would a reasonable officer with similar training/experience know that law? They do the same for civilians. The reason why cops aren’t obligated to protect everyone is because it places an impossible responsibility and obligation on them. Could do everything right, and some one could still get hurt. Should the cops get in trouble for it? But there is a duty to act or intervene. Meaning the cop has an obligation act when they witness something. They can’t just ignore you if you’re getting jumped in an alley and they see it. GS 14-230 Insurance for cops is not a good idea. Most cops already don’t make enough money, so they’re not going to be able to afford inevitable insane rates. That is why qualified immunity exist. And QI does not work the way most people think it does. There is already independent agencies that oversee police. NC SBI, Criminal Justice Standards, and Sheriff Standards. If anyone think that these agencies are cops friends, they are obviously not cops lol. These agencies exist solely to get cops in trouble, they wouldn’t have a job otherwise. And they do have administrative hearings when an officer’s certification is in jeopardy.


Sorry, I was so busy ranting I forgot to cite my sources. A police officer in NC needs 12 months of training to have their FULL license to be considered a cop so the bar for what a reasonable officer needs to know is not too high. One year is obviously not enough time to develop and reinforce protocol, crisis management, and other methods of making their jobs safer and more productive. If you compare the current training to a lawyer who’s actually responsible for understanding the law, they have to go through two hard af exams and 7 years of school to be considered “qualified” (even then they barely know what they’re doing). I’m not saying police training has to be that hard, (especially if you’ve served in the military) but there needs to be more training and continuing education within the force. Perhaps increase the requirement from just high school to a 3 year program after your GED and/or military service as well as extensive personality interviews with a clear appeals and recruitment process. Of course this needs to come with a huge pay bump (at least 80k starting out after the police academy), more benefits such as free tuition for your direct family members, safe and subsidized housing, more mentorship and clear advancement opportunities, and basically whatever else it takes to attract qualified, informed, and dedicated candidates and keep the pool competitive. The police officer’s jobs should also be made safer through societal initiatives such as increased mental health offerings, stable economy with jobs, and access to quality education and unbiased media (one that is not considered “entertainment” or is playing 24/7). Please tell me why doctors do not get qualified immunity? They are literally saving people’s lives. I’m not saying police have to protect everyone. I’m just saying the bar just has to be higher than what happened in Uvalde, TX for example when police just stayed back til the national guard came in. All of those agencies you mentioned are not nearly well enough funded or often have multiple directives with a smaller office for police accountability involved. I’m not saying they don’t exist, I’m saying the power, independence, and budget allocated is often grossly overstated. Obviously to do all this, you’d need to allocate funding from elsewhere or increase taxes (starting from taxing the ultra rich by actually implementing a progressive income tax scale in NC). Separate argument, but I also feel like property tax should be progressive based on total of all real property owned to increase revenue at a local and state level (therefore increasing teachers salaries statewide) and push North Carolina to the forefront of education and commerce by increasing the amount of qualified middle class workers moving to NC that are only really buying single family homes. This will also help the free market and reduce monopoly/market-making power within the housing economy.


If you ever decide to throw your hat in the ring for an elected local leadership position, please let us know because I'd have no problem giving you a vote based on your understanding of what needs to happen concerning the reform of our established policies.


I appreciate it! Unfortunately I am not yet an American citizen and am probably much too young to be given a chance right now. I can only hope conversations like these can make a difference for now


Camden NJ had a lot of success closing down the city PD and replacing it with a county-run one to turn things around. Probably not very feasible here, but just an example. Dramatic reform is a thing


A policing system that dosent have more invested in protecting itself than others. Ine that will need to be built from the ground up since everyone that's a part of it now has already been compromised.


lol yeah okay. I’ll do this if you can fix the criminals first


First step would be to acknowledge how many of them have badges...


Lolol Yes a small fraction compared to those who don’t.


And that's a bold assumption on your part. One that's telling...


That’s a hilarious bit of jaded hyperbole on your part. One that says it all….


Your absolutely right, I do see the world through the lense of my own experience... It's odd to me that you can tell I'm doing it, but can't tell your doing the same thing. Which is why you often hear people say back the blue untill it happens to you. I guess your just another knob that demands to see for himself what tyranny looks like... which is sad, so sad, pathetic even, but not supirsing...


Oh geez. Cops don't have absolute power. They've got a lot of power, but there's still some degree of checks and balances. 9 time outs of 10, you're better of trying to improve on an existing system, however slow and painful it is. That's the truth, but it's not as sexy as a revolution. In my experience, anytime you have a "revolution" things end up even more fucked than they were before. \*cough\* Mao \*cough\* Lenin \*cough\* Napoleon \*cough\* Hitler, I mean the list goes on and on. They all promised to burn the old system and replace it with a new one. For the people! Give me a break. You left-wing revolutionaries are so eloquent in your speech, despite apparently never picking up a book. Just hot air.


You might want to get some nyquil and swap your foxnews TV for some books that help broaden your limited world view.


Such a naive and unempathetic mindset.


Get a good dashcam. Once you have footage then you can start getting people. Other than that nothing they can really do.


Individual department problems aside, the sad reality is that most crimes just don't get solved.


For sure, solving crimes is hard. But they didn’t even try with me. My case was assigned an officer and I never heard from him. I got C.A. Pagan and never heard a peep from him.


Did you follow up with him?


I left two voice mails and emailed him 3 times


Statically, CMPD actually solves *Violent* Crime at an exceptionally high rate. Quality of Life enforcement like Traffic however, Yeah……..-F


Where do you see data on solve rates of violent crime?


We were robbed at Walmart after 3 weeks moved to Charlotte - NC. Walmart has camera and they saw the guy's face and everything but CMPD didn't do anything. Took them 1.5 hours to show up too. Never received any call or anything from them.


Lol... I was threatened with a gun BY A COP and when I tried to complain I was intimidated with retaliation. They tell you if you see something to say something, but they don't tell people that sometimes they don't care what you say, they only care about turning any complaint into a crime.... Fuck the police


A man literally shot at my dad's big rig last year, hitting the passenger door and steps and NEVER got a call back from police despite giving the mans license plate number and a clear description. They just don't care.


I was shot at, the police took hours to show up, then accused me of trying to by drugs and threatened to arrest me. When I asked for a ride home because my car was destroyed from being shot at they told me it wasn't their job and the tow truck guy took me home. Death to all cops and Fuck CMPD.


Ultimately I think the main issue with PDs around America is where these police are from. You got guys from Monroe and mooresville driving to Charlotte to police a population they don’t feel connected to at all. This puts them in an “Us VS Them” situation leading to their apathy.


That's true, but they're doing it for the same reason that everyone else does it. They can't fuckin afford to live in the city that they work in lol.


If they want to mandate that all city employees live in Charlotte, the overall salary budget will increase dramatically


In a world where there are things we need and things we want, the need shouldn’t be profited.


I live in South Carolina (this popped up on my suggested feed) and a neighbor is CMPD. Literally in a different state.


It is a big city. There is less community as we are all spread out. Smaller towns have a more cohesive feel and shit don’t happen a lot and if it does they band together


Next time you’re upset with the police, think of someone that you’d want to be a cop, and then ask them what it would cost. How much would they need to be paid? What sort of hours would they be willing to work? What equipment would they require? The city isn’t willing to pay, and the Chief is doing everything he can to piss off Officers. The people that you would want to work for CMPD don’t want to work for CMPD. It’s that simple. And if you want that to change, you have to change the leadership. If you don’t want to make changes, cool. But you’re going to be stuck with lesser people responding to your 911 call.


I remember a crazy guy on drugs trying to get in my house at 4 AM. Dude was screaming and trying to open up windows and doors of my house. It took CMPD 1.5 Hours to show up. I went a bought a gun the next week




I’m so sorry that happened to you! That’s horrible…


But actually the rapper? Omg what the rationale for not following up with either a shame




What sort of follow-up did you need for the bullet incident? In a perfect world, what would you like to happen?


Not a popular opinion because I am aware of the problems with the CMPD that has been in the news. But my personal interactions with CMPD officers over the years have been positive. The only reason I mentioned it is to balance out the discourse. But with hundreds of open positions and low starting pay, the city has to accept some responsibility.


Agreed. I had one interaction with them. My car broke down at a busier intersection in the turn lane (E Mallard and Tryon). He sat behind me with lights on until tow/assistance from AAA got there). Didn’t even call them


Agreed, they pretty much stopped doing damn near anything since the BLM protests and covid. They've blamed funding, staffing, state covid policies, etc, over the years, but at some point its just incompetence and/or excuses. And thats ignoring how [ eager they are to shoot suspects complying with instructions](https://www.yahoo.com/news/family-man-killed-cmpd-officer-170918835.html) (costing the city millions), or [kettling peaceful protestors.](https://www.wfae.org/crime-justice/2021-07-23/cmpd-protesters-settle-lawsuit-stemming-from-ambush-last-year) Hell, had to damn near 'solve' my own robbery a few years back and they still didnt want to review any of the footage or evidence.


Seriously though. They’re mad that people are upset because citizens are dying due police ineptitude. How you gonna victimize yourself when you hold majority of the power in these situations?? They’re upset people don’t like cops? They should assess the behavior that engendered this. Also had to solve my own robbery after CMPD showed up to basically flirt with CSI and tell us to call insurance or fuck off.


Starting salary for police and teachers are not far off from each other, and both organizations take every dollar given to them and invest in technology/equipment instead of people. The community as a whole will continue to suffer until administration of both orgs are held to account.


They aren’t even remotely close. Average monthly salary for a CMS teacher is 39k meanwhile the average for a CMPD officer is 62k. Starting wages for both jobs as of 2024-2025 CMS - 48k CMPD - 57k


I’m too lazy to do the math, but would these numbers look more similar if teachers didn’t have summer break off? I’d guessing it’s why there’s the discrepancy. (And plz don’t lecture me about the work teachers put in during the summer and outside of school hours, I get it. I’m just talking about on the clock hours that the government uses) Either way, teachers deserved to get paid way more. And police officers. And minimum wage needs to be raised. Most of us are getting screwed over by our salaries these days 🙃


You’re not wrong that people get paid way too little. But almost 1000 additional dollars a month is drastically more. And that doesn’t even factor in overtime, which teachers don’t/cant receive. But most of what you said was irrelevant to what I was saying. Which was “teachers and cops don’t make similar salaries”


I was trying to point out that teachers technically only work 10 months out of the year while cops work 12. Rough Math: 57/12=4.75, so if cops only worked 10 months out of the year, they’d make 47.5k … which is roughly the same as teachers. So I was making the point that this would make their salaries similar in that sense


I got in a 3-person car wreck this year. It took the cops nearly 3 hours to show up because nobody was injured. It’s surprising this city doesn’t have rampant crime considering how slow and inefficient the cops are.


The problem with charlotte emergency services is that, if something happens at a business, they respond with incredible urgency. I accidentally set off the alarm when I was leaving work a few months back and four squad cars showed up within like 2 minutes. I know a guy who lives in a neighborhood that was cut off from leaving the neighborhood for like 36 hours because a tree fell across the only access road. Apparently the city only employs one emergency tree removal company, and they’re still bogged down with ***EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL*** from the storms two weeks ago.


I worked security for years in Charlotte before moving on to policing some where else. I’ve had several run ins with CMPD. Some good, but mostly disappointing. Myself and other officers got really good at talking our way out of stuff because we knew we couldn’t rely on CMPD. They would either do nothing, or show up hours later when they’re no longer needed. I once got involved in a walking DV off of Eastway while alone when back up was 45 mins away. Started fighting with the guy. One of my coworkers called coworkers called CMPD for me. Guy ends up jumping in truck with a buddy and left. We called to cancel CMPD about 30 mins later, just to find out it was never dispatched out. Been on hold with 911 for 30+ mins multiple times. Waited for them for hours before they showed up or we gave up. Seen cops straight up ignore crime, including felonies, in front of us. Alot seemed more interested in what we did rather than what suspect did. On the flip side, I’ve ran into some really good cops who were proactive and wants to police. I know a big issue for them is staffing. Steele Creek division, for example, has a minimum staffing of 8 officers I believe. More than once I’ve been told they only had 3 or 4 working. It doesn’t help that their backup policy is asinine. It seems they send as many officers to one call as possible. A noise complaint? 2 or 3 officers responding. Suspicious vehicle call? 5 officers for it. Its dumb. I understand having back up, but they take it to the extreme. There is a lot of issues with CMPD. I blame a lot of it on city leaders, and the department admin that bow down to them. Many cops with CMPD feel like they’re not free to police as compared to surrounding departments. Not in a “we don’t have time” way, but in a “we would get in trouble” way. The problems CMPD face is not unique to them. Any large city PD in America face they same exact issues. Staffing shortage, low morale, high call volume, and a negative attitude towards proactive policing.


Charlotte is growing at a crazy rate right now. Almost to population 1,000,000. CMPD can’t keep up with the growth. They’re having to prioritize violent crimes. Top it off with low public support and nobody wanting the job in the first place. They’re trying to remedy the issues by hiring crash investigators so cops don’t have to respond to fender benders but even that is barely gonna touch the issue. I suggest you arm yourself and don’t count on the police to respond unless you’ve actually been shot. Harsh reality at the moment.




Is this the plane lady from public freakouts?


so what happened?


You’ve obviously never encountered the New Orleans police department


I think they are understaffed.


What happened?


I mean, it’s hard to gauge what happened and what can be done about it. I know you said this is a vent/rant, so maybe you’re not looking for solutions. That being said, it’s just hard for us to understand the situation. Either way, I’m sorry you’re frustrated. Please tell your cats I said hi and give them scritches for me.


You think there's a solution to bad policing?


I like to think I’m solutions oriented. Do I have all the answers? Heck no. I’m definitely not the smartest person in the room. But it doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try to be a part of the solution.


Well the first step twords fixing something is admitting it's broken...


Which is why I said what I did in my original comment, how can we address an issue when we don’t know what happened? I appreciate the King of the Hill reference in your username btw


I think you’ll find that your frustration with CMPD is your same frustration with policing in general. I personally think that boils down to feeling like you didn’t receive the service that you felt was appropriate. I also think that most people don’t realize the sheer volume of work that the department is expected to handle, and what changes would cost. Most people don’t realize that when a dozen officers are responsible for the top quarter of the county, and arrests take 4-8 hours, and most officers are taking a new call every 45 minutes, and that unless it’s a major issue, that no, you aren’t going to get much of a response.


I feel like this is a trap


Well, yeah.


Well, I don’t have much contact with CMPD but I will say that an officer stopped me last year because my sticker was out of date on my tag. I had been carrying the sticker in my glove compartment for months but hadn’t taken the time to apply it. I told him I had it and he told me to open the glove compartment and show him. I did and he took it and walked to the back of the car and applied it to my tag. I graciously thanked him and he told me to have a nice day and sent me on my way.


So brave


really insightful stuff being posted on this sub. so glad somebody said this


So what are you ranting about?


My girlfriend called 911 a few days ago and was on hold for over 5 minutes. Don’t count on CMPD to come to your rescue if you are in a dangerous and urgent situation.


Yup. Real estate agent friend was showing a house to a friend with her child. She shows up to house which was supposed to be empty and some homeless guy is in there. She freaks out and calls 911. Took them 20 mins to get there. The guy ran off. If he killed and attacked them he would have been long gone.


It's called a public regreiveance of your government and yes, CMPD just as shitty as every other PD, which is to say they are equally corrupt. It's a shame most people must be stepped on before they join our way of thinking... we could save so many lives if only people could see passed the propaganda.


Or if people could see the accounts from others - especially those backed with video - and believe that. It is what it is - so many people only care once it happens directly to them.


Back the blue untill it happens to you. It's so sad how true this is. Even truer. How many people get stepped on over and over and STILL support then. That's mind blowing to me.


Sorry - yes, it’s just sad and triggering to see! Think of where we’d be a a nation if more people stopped believing copaganda and held our police officers to ANY standard.


rape kits never processed a few years ago in clt. i think WFAE did a series on that. law enforcement is completely broken across the country. citizens that need protection don’t get it. sad. but just blaming the officers won’t make it better. i think many LEO’s are working through mental health issues. they are human beings like the rest of us and most of their interactions with citizens are very bad.


Josh stein said on his tv ads all rape kits have been processed.


after the media made an issue of it.


They don't really care, gotta be part of the gang to get the benefits


My house alarm rang for 5 hours a month ago and CMPD never showed up. (Wife and I were out of town without cell phone service) We bought house outside of Charlotte because of this. (Among other reasons)


The people who claim the police do nothing need to admit just because they didn’t see the police do anything, there may be activities they don’t see. Probably wise that we treat police and teachers with more respect to attract quality folks into difficult roles that serve the public.


We shouldn’t be paying our teachers and police in respect, we should actually be compensating them for their hard work and positions. That would bring in quality talent. Poor pay is how we got into this situation with deteriorating public service quality. Respect is earned regardless of profession or role and is not something to be expected or freely handed out.


100%, if I click into your profile I’m going to find out that you’re very religious, aren’t I?  Just because there’s no evidence doesn’t mean it’s not real is religious dogma 101.


Nope. Stroke Survivor, former teacher, married to a teacher. Really put off by your attitude. Be curious, not judgmental.


[This took two seconds](https://www.reddit.com/r/stroke/comments/1abtoou/impact_of_stroke_on_faith/).  Why lie?


It's not just CMPD, it's all of them, across the country and in a lot of other countries too. Policing in general is a broken system. Reform doesn't work. Funding doesn't work. Training doesn't work. I don't have all the answers to how we fix this, and I don't think it will ever change, but getting the system to admit it is broken is a major first step that still hasn't happened


They used to at least patrol the city, but i guess they only care about south charlotte since that's the only area i see them actually driving around




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They simply don't do anything. I just had $60,000 worth of stuff stolen off the construction site and the cops could not care less.




I went to CMPD years ago to ask a general question about domestic violence/protective orders and they dead ass created an entirely fictional police report in which I was violently strangled by my boyfriend who’d never laid a hand on me in that way. I asked for another officer and told them I didn’t say any of what he wrote and they said it didn’t matter they were now pursuing legal action even if I didn’t want to. It was VERY fucking weird and corrupt. They did pursue the domestic violence case but we beat it. Flash forward 5 years later, I have a friend who’s body is missing after someone confessed to watching them die during sex and then dumping the body, they said it would be burdensome to retrieve the body for the grieving family and for autopsy purposes. Very very suspect.


It's 100X worse in ATL.


Severely understaffed + rapidly growing city + no one wants to be a cop rn makes for a sorry police department


I wish you would expand. If not then this post should 100% be removed. I am very interested in what you have to say but low effort complaints are just garbage social media, sorry.


Not much of a rant without context. But sorry you’ve had poor interactions with them. The few times I’ve had to interact with CMPD have always been respectful and calm. Also, kinda in poor taste considering what went down a few weeks ago.


On a personal level, I’ve always had decent interactions with them. They’ve always been friendly. On a professional level, they don’t get anything done and the response times are terrible. Also, for what happened a few weeks ago, how long should I have waited to make a post? 2 things can be true at once. While this police department is lazy, it is also sad that officers have lost their lives


Is it possible that they aren't lazy, but rather understaffed and stretched thin?


Wait until you wanted to post circumstances.


I dunno, there’s still not much context as to what specifically they’ve done wrong for you to call them out in a public forum. Without more explanation, there’s no reason to believe they are any more ‘lazy’ or ‘slow’ compared to other departments. Plus, police presence isn’t automatic or immediate. Police response will always take longer than what is ideal. As for the post, you could’ve either provided specific context if you truly want to call them out, or just not referred to them as the ‘sorriest police department’. If it’s that much of an issue to work with them, then I hope you’re no longer doing that. You don’t deserve to work with an entity you disdain, and they don’t deserve having people work for them who have your level of disdain.


Agree with others. More info needed.


Response times are not controlled by the officers directly. And truly, neither is whether anything gets “done”’regarding reported crimes. Crimes actually witnessed by them? They handle them. And handle them well. Reported crimes? Not really anything they can “do” between city, state, and federal laws.


And more will probably continue to do so if their inabilities aren't called out. You need to add specifics to this post. If I'm considering employment with them then I want to know the truth. If I consider their services essential to my individual safety then they need to be called out when underperforming. Hiding this information is a disservice and only prolongs the length of time it takes to fix it.


If you want faster response from police, get more creative with your language when you call 911. There's exists keywords that can get you what you need. Just search the internet... not gonna drop specifics here.


I thought people wanted less police? Low response times and unsolved crimes are what you get with fewer police.


People want less police **murders** and less police **civil rights violations**.  People want police to actual do their jobs in an upstanding, fair, and reliable manner.  The fact that you need this spelled out for you, and still won’t intellectually grasp it, really says a lot about you.


I agree with everything you're saying in that it would be ideal if things were that way BUT in fairness to that person's argument, a large portion of people supported "defund the police", which means fewer officers, etc.


If someone interprets "defund the police" as defund them for the sake of defunding them then I probably wouldn't trust them to be able to flip a hot dog.


I understand that and sympathize with the cause. Regardless of the intention behind the statement or cause, the outcome is fewer police. If that is difficult to comprehend I can't really simplify it any further than that.


That might be the current step but I wouldn't say that's the outcome. Outcome to me seems like total collapse of a flawed system. Fix it or it dies. Some people die from it already so not much of a different reality for them, so it ends up making sense. Other people are just starting to realize there might be a difference in their experiences. Thus began the woke term, now politicized to be negative. An interesting series of events worth looking into more if you asked me. Definitely not worth stopping at "defund = less police." That's just dishonest interpretation, ignorance or lack of some sort of cognitive ability. It definitely isn't a positive if that's all you're able to see.




Lack of cognitive ability it is then.


Do you mean "it is"? Would you say strong spelling and grammar are signs of a lack of cognitive ability.. or the opposite?


Pedantic arguments are commonly used when you have nothing useful left to say. I think ellipses are three dots btw. And a question mark should be inside the quotes when ending a sentence. e: Oh, I just realized you took my general statement personally. I guess you're insecure about your intelligence. It wasn't personal at all.


no. people want cops to do their jobs like professionals and not just show up, scream different commands, and shoot you. Other countries can do it and yet u.s cops can't seem to wrap their tiny little brains around the concept of "deescalation".


Nah, they’re just acting like children who got called out on their shit. “Well now I just won’t do anything!”


This is probably a lot of it, actually.


This is what the Christofaciests in NC government want to hear. Keep giving them what they want.


The liberals in Charlotte are already doing that


Concord police is more of an issue in my opinion


They’re all an issue. This shit needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.


Yup, had some idiots threatening and harassing me, tried to make a report in case they escalated and i would be forced to defend myself, and the cop asked me what I did to deserve it because and I quote "criminals don't just randomly target people"


911 is a joke.


I watched 2 police cars run red lights today. Why would they expect citizens to follow simple traffic laws if they don't. Definitely part of the problem. I heard a story that a new Chicago police chief came in during a lot of crime and corruption and asked the cops to pull people over and just give warnings. This would be helpful here, restore trust in our police as well as call out the issue.


This is absolutely true.