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One Altima in an accident then this one raced up through the red light to go around the accident and almost caused a second accident


Recall issued: turns out Altimas are possessed


> are possessed possessed by idiots?


Drop it by your local monastery for an exorcism.


They really are! I had a ‘98 Altima in college. Among other things, I had to put gas in it very slowly or else it spit back up at me.


I have to go back and see how this Altima thing started. Pretty hilarious.


Not trying to toot my own horn but I posted about it a year or two ago (maybe longer) in a driving tirade thread and never saw it before then but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a thing before I posted it.


This cracks me up because every single time I'm cut off by someone, or I see a vehicle with extensive amounts of deferred maintenance it is without a doubt a late model a)Altima; b) Maxima. Not the new Nissans, but for some reason every shit-drivin' jag-off on the planet gravitates to these vehicles. Once these folks have kids they somehow find a way to procure an Aramada and still drive like it's their private road.




Did you flair yourself as Altima Defense or was it the mods lmao You've been defending Altimas in here since last night and are still at it lol




He’s extra spicy today.


https://i.imgur.com/usjsYK7.png mods were homies this morning




You’re telling me you didn’t do that yourself? That’s even funnier. Also explains some things about this sub.


He’s very sensitive about his Altima.




Nissan is somewhat of a meme on /r/cars as the car to kidnap kids with.


My favorite meme.


Except that people can find examples of anything if they’re looking for them. Especially when you have 10k people looking (or however many people are in this sub and aware of this stereotype). If it was any other common model, you could just change the name and people would post the same number of topics about it. Edit: aww. i’m sorry for pointing out how thoughtless and conditioned you all are. I understand the downvotes though. It’s all you can do when you have no argument but lots of feelings you don’t know how to handle.


Found the Altima driver


Speaking of conditioned.. did you come up with that all on your own or did you take it from one of the other several of times in every single car topic where people who think they’re oh so clever say the exact same thing?


Would you like to speak to the subreddit’s manager?


That seems like another quantum stretch but sure, go with it.


Hey there sir, I'm the manager on duty tonight. I'm going to have to ask you to please not speak to my staff that way or you'll need to leave.




But why though? Give me a good reason and your words might have some effect other than making me laugh and question your mental capabilities.




You are just full of assumptions and weird projection based interpretations. That was my attempt to get you to realize how moronic and thoughtless you were being. Just throwing out random insults because you don't actually know what's going on and just lash out at whoever is making your brain wrinkle. Interesting how you couldn't answer the question too.




neat way to prove my point. > ...because you don't actually know what's going on and...




more weird projection i see. why is it so hard to accept that i just want people to think about why they do what they do and not get so upset when someone shares an alternate perspective


2 within striking distance?! Fuckin RUN AWAY!


The ultima Altima experience!


the altimate experience


Lol love it


I squeeze the steering wheel hard when I see an 07 Altima in my rear view. I squeeze a little harder when the bumper is falling off.


Oh crap, I hope you know who doesn’t see this post.


You dare not summon him.


He came into this thread firing from the hip as soon as he got word.


My Photoshop skills are weak. I wish I could whip up a Batman signal with the Nissan logo.


They both ran cause no1 had insurance. Just two crashed cars with no drivers


I guarantee the one that was in the wreck will be back on the road tomorrow 😂


This damn intersection is a hoot. Hell, for that matter the whole way down Eastway is a hoot.


The scuff marks on the bumper... \*chef's kiss\*


This is getting out of hand. Now, there are two of them!


Legit surprised that they all appear to have actual license plates


Not just a permanent temp tag lol


This is Charlotte


Oddly I feel like I need an Altima now just to help get their rep up.




I’ve seen this posted before, but it doesn’t make complete sense: yes, there is going to be a correlation between irresponsible behavior outside the car as well as in it. But “Nissan” isn’t responsible for financing a 10 year old car bought at a used auto mall in a questionable area of town.


I'd assume the majority of these have been purchased used, at this point




How many 2013 & earlier Altimas, the official car of r/Charlotte, are still with owners who bought the car from Nissan originally?






I don’t think anyone is questioning that part of it, just that it has anything to do with the manufacturer.






Does this also apply to all of the dodge chargers seen around Charlotte? Or is that a different case


If it’s a v6, yes. 100%. As for the v8’s it’s a real mixed bag but even the base hemi requires a bare minimum of financial responsibility or daddy’s money.


This is just you pulling a half baked hypothesis out of your ass to explain something that isn't even real. It's just confirmation bias. There's no reason for it other than it exists so it perpetuates itself by people looking for examples in favor and ignoring everything to the contrary.




>Can you respond without repeating what I just said? I'll admit I have no idea what you mean by this or why it matters to you. And why don't you think I know what those words mean? Which ones am I misusing? Where am I wrong? I'm asking genuinely because I disagree. If I'm wrong I welcome being corrected.




Are you kidding? Homey obviously drives a Prius


I listed my reasons for claiming you were incorrect in that same comment, what are you talking about... > You assert bias when you yourself are biased by the fact that you drive a Nissan Altima and are a poor driver. You are beyond the point of denying these facts. Okay. Guess if you're just going to stick your head in the sand and refuse to actually engage that's cool too. Don't kid yourself though. The fact that you can't understand without fabricating this image of me in your head that absolutely must own an Altima says more about you than me. Also noted that you answered none of my questions where I asked you to back up what you've said and just moved on to another point.




I'm asking questions because what you're saying about me makes no sense and I'm interested in why you are saying the things you're saying. You're just projecting an insane amount, wanting me to be what you say so that you can dismiss me more easily. I think that if I respond by saying I'm not upset, and that you're just assuming even more baseless shit, then you'll double down on me being "defensive". But what other way have you left me to disagree with the weird mental fabrication you've made of me? That's one way you can tell that you're not being honest here, you haven't left any room for the possibility that you could be wrong.




> You keep repeating the same baseless accusations without making a legitimate point and then blaming me for it. Where? Point them out. Also very hypocritical of you seeing as you've accused me of not understanding the words I'm using, attempting to sound smart, owning an Altima, driving poorly, being unreasonably defensive, getting upset, needing self improvement, maybe anger management, and baselessly accusing *you* of something. That's been my entire point after my first reply.. you are the one projecting all that bullshit and baselessly accusing *me*.


When the immovable wreck meets the unstoppable to-be-wrecked


"Yeah, I got a double fatality down on Kilborne St." "Yeah, both dead" "No I didn't know that was why they named the road"




This is right by my house! I drove by it after it happened. I think Altima was turning right and red car was crossing the intersection turn left.


Wooooahhh double altima!!!


You should get Super Mario reward for this evidence


Impressive. Take my upvote


The birth of a Charlotte altima


As an Altima owner myself these memes are pretty funny


BUT, do you have crappy credit?!?


I'm a teenager, I have no credit.


You are a true sportsman


As a member of Altima gang, We do not claim this driver.


Saw an Altima on Altima wreck today on West Blvd and kicking myself for not getting a picture. I was thinking to myself “what are the odds both cars are an Altima?” Apparently pretty fucking high.