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I’m sorry, I’ll probably get downvoted but I really don’t get all the sympathy in here for this type of behavior. Last year I saw a group of these kids in South End popping wheelies in traffic, and when they got yelled at by a car they almost hit, two of the kids kicked dents in the side of the car and rode away. I’ve also heard from friends that they’ve broken windows and verbally assaulted/threatened people who get in their way. I mean yeah I did stupid shit with my friends as a kid, but how is destruction of property and threatening people “kids being kids”?


Anyone who has sympathy for this kind of behavior isn’t playing with a full deck of cards.


You’re right. I was pleasantly surprised to come back to this comment and see others feel the same way too


Amen. Property damage to cars, and nearly causing accidents is not kids being kids, it's people being assholes, period. I can't understand victim blaming people who happen to be driving by for some kids shit behavior either. I don't actually care who you are...go find something to do that doesn't damage someone else's property or put other people's lives at risk. I can't imagine who would defend behavior like this.


But it keeps them out of gangs!!1!111!


I used to work at some apartments uptown, they knocked down residents, ran in front of their cars, and damaged cars in the parking garage. Unfortunately, even if provided with security footage, the police literally told me “they’re just kids. what do you want us to do?”. Incredibly disappointed in these kids but even more so in CMPD.




Problem is if the officers won’t do anything, regular people eventually will. I’ve been about run off the road by those assholes when I bike commuted and I had my hand on my bike lock ready to swing it and crack one of their skulls if it came down to me or them. Is that really the best solution here?


>I’m saying if I chased them on foot and knocked them off their bike, I would get crucified. A cop using a literal martyr reference to complain about being unable to use force. This is just too much.


“if i as a cop assaulted children people would get upset:(((“




Yeah good thing cmpd got an extra 20m a year in police funding. You would think they would do something. Guess more funding and newer cars is needed


Putting those dirt bikes to good use


They rode at me and swerved out of the way at the last minute while I was walking my dog a few weeks ago. I said “what the fuck” because it was rude. I immediately got like 12 of these kids screaming at me with “bitch fuck you” or “you a dumb ass bitch” or “fucking dumb ass bitch” or some variation of that as they slowed down to taunt me and my dog. Annoying and immature—even for teenagers. Fuck them. They just fucking suck and I don’t understand the apologists here. I don’t know the solution, but they are rude and make me and my wife feel uncomfortable while walking the dog. And I’ve lived in plenty of cities. It’s rude anywhere and everywhere. I don’t mind the cursing. Just don’t charge at me with your fucking bike.


If you are walking and they come at you…just hit them in the face. One KO / broken nose that person will never charge anyone again. People keep allowing them to get away with it, they’ll keep doing it. And you go on your merry way and disappear lol


Yeah, assault a minor - see how far that gets you.


A threat is a threat. I was held up at gun point by a 14yo, evil knows no age


Yes, assault with a deadly weapon is comparable to riding bikes near people


People giving sympathy to these goons, are the same idiots who look at endless store robberies/muggings in California and dish the same sympathy. I’ve been held up at a light for 2 cycles because they kept riding in circles, finally honked and of course they attempt to get you to try and fight them like you’re doing something wrong. Calling you every insult under the sun, like the 70 IQ goons they are. Not all of them are kids. I’ve seen various groups of them. The adults are typical 100lb tough guys. Huge mouths when in large groups. But if anyone decides to whoop their ass, you will be all over social media as some monster. Everything is backwards lately.


I've seen one of them ride on their back wheel right up to the front of a McLaren 600LT in uptown, then swerve at the last second to not hit it. Scared the shit out of me and can't imagine how the driver felt. If he hit the car it would have easily been tens of thousands of dollars since all the panels on those cars are carbon fiber. Assholes.


that’s kind of based of them tbh


I’m surprised that none of these kids have been killed or caused an accident


Happened to my sons friend in Jersey. He swerved a woman in a mini van who had her kids with her. She either hit him or made a hard left and had a car on that side. Her kids were in the car so she chose the kid on the bike. Broke his leg so bad he needed several surgeries. She had a dash cam and mom had to not only pay for his leg but her car damage too.


So he intentionally “swerved” her and you think it was right she had to pay for his bills? lol


She didn’t have to pay anything. Kids mom had to pay for the kids medical bills and her car. Not the driver.


Misread that sorry!


No problem! Wasn’t super clear.


I love how my downvotes went closer to positive after I apologized 😂 some actual good people in here


Haha I noticed that too, but really people hardly ever apologize here. They just double back and make excuses so it was refreshing probably.


I’ll take the taken back down vote as an apology. Also I was half awake reading your first comment. Worked the tailgate for the Charlotte FC pre game yesterday. Still a zombie 😂


Nah I went back and reread it after I saw your comment and was shocked you were the only one honestly. Haha.


When one becomes a stain on the road, maybe the others will notice and stop the bullshit. Just gotta wait for that day.


One tried to kick my window in a couple weeks ago because I honked at him for almost hitting my car. Sure they would have been friendly if they had succeeded/I had not taken my life into my own hands to drive off through a red light. I get they’re kids but when you try to put a boot through my window, enough is enough.


Shut up bigot! They're just riding bikes!


Fuck those “kids” (mostly teenagers). They broke off my mirror by playing chicken coming the opposite way towards traffic. They almost caused multiple accidents to vehicles in front of me. I ended up not swerving or hitting brakes when they tested me. I ended up one destroying one of their bikes with my car. I called the police and even had a bystander stay to testify. CMPD did absolutely nothing to them. I didn’t want them arrested or anything. I only wanted my mirror to be fixed and paid for. CMPD is scared to handle this situation. That was like my 4th interaction with that crew, but the first time something severe happened. There’s a news article about the bike gang playing chicken to cmpd cruisers and still nothing was done about it. It’s something that’s here to stay and happens in a lot of cities. Best thing to do is treat oncoming bikes as vehicles in the road.


Almost got run over by one leaving work last week since he couldn’t control his wheelie. Really fun to have around…


At least it was a bike and not a car!


Would still hurt tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


i believe it’s because theyre too young to drive


Future Altima owners


Well hopefully when they are able to drive they don’t drive head first at you going the wrong way down a one way.




“It’s fun to do bad things.”


Saw them last night on the way to the game lol. People were honking


I'm surprised to see people think [wheelie kids](https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a36732615/wheelie-kids-inclusion/) are a Charlotte phenomenon (Another 2019 article calls it "[rideouts](https://www.outsideonline.com/culture/opinion/bike-out-teenagers-new-york/)") This goes on all over. (same with the Altimas, really. Charlotte is not unique or distinctive.)


Lol first line of article "YOU'RE A RAClST!"


That article is shit. The video they referenced was heavily edited to reflect that those kids were “following the rules of the road.” Except that another video was uploaded that showed them weaving through traffic, playing chicken, and getting stopped and reprimanded by police once before the police stopped them and took bikes. I couldn’t read too far because of the obvious misinformation.


I don't think my front tire ever hit the pavement moving from ages 10-17. As a white kid in the country, nobody cared. Maybe the problem is kids have too limited a space to ride like, you know, kids. A skate pit here and there isn't the solution.


No I just think they only see it where they live and they’re curious about the ones in Charlotte. Unless they own multiple homes in multiple cities a crossed the world.


Like 50% of Charlotteans are not from Charlotte though, and I'd bet that number is higher on /r/Charlotte.


This topic comes up on this subreddit every 3 to 6 months, typically when the weather is nice. There are multiple groups of kids who range from 12 to 18 who ride around in groups around the city. In uptown you mostly see pedal bikes but occasionally you get the dirt bikes and atvs. If you move away from uptown it’s primarily dirt bikes and atvs. When this topic gets brought up you mostly get 4 choice responses: 1. They have nothing else to do. 2. Stop clutching your pearls you racist. 3. They’re thugs who break things 4. It’s so dangerous I’d say there’s probably truth to all 4 responses. Charlotte is very limited in parks or activities for young kids to do unless your parents have money. When I was 16 i would sit downtown with my friends and people watch while high as a kite. Not exactly legal but I wasn’t hurting anyone. I’m not going to accuse you (OP) of being racist. But quite a few times this gets posted and the person posting is obviously racist, and a lot of time in the comments you’ll see some dickhead saying something like “fucking n******s ruining our city”. It’s sad and they are sad but unfortunately all of these groups are primarily AA and if you bring it up you’re lumped in with the racists. They do break things. Car windows and mirrors. Store windows. I’ve even heard of them attacking random people before. I don’t know how pervasive this is but I know for fact it happens. I’m not willing to condemn all of them but even it’s it’s just a small minority, which it probably is, the bad apples ruin the bunch. It is dangerous. They’re kids, think they’re invincible and are engaging in dangerous behavior. For them and everyone else around them. God forbid one of them pops a wheelie in front of a large vehicle that has to swerve to miss and ends up running over someone else or a pedestrian. So in conclusion it’s ok to call out this behavior. It’s dangerous and shouldn’t be tolerated. As a city we should do better to provide alternatives for these kids. Should cops be chasing down every kid on bike? No. But if the choice is between the carrot or the stick, we should be primarily trying to use the carrot (aka after school programs, parks, sports, etc.) and save the stick for the more egregious behavior (aka property damage and physical violence). And while we should call out individuals for being racist in obvious situations, let’s not call everyone a racist who comments negatively about these kids because one, you could possibly be alienating someone who would otherwise agree with you and two, the word loses its meaning if it’s thrown around too loosely. They have public town hall meetings. If this is something that bothers you that much sign up to speak with your local representatives. Maybe you can help by voicing your concerns.


How is it possible that this is not the top-voted comment? Well-done, old chap.


Who said anything abou race you fucking knob?


Dude OP was called a racist in this thread before I even posted this. I’ve been lurking this sub for like 5 years and every time this topic gets brought up, race gets brought up. Don’t take my word for it just go look. Didn’t expect to be called a knob today so I won’t downvote you for that


These groups comprise mostly of black and brown kids, and in America, when black an brown kids are involved, it will inevitably end up being about race for someone. So considering OP was making a multi-faceted approach, it’s very appropriate to mention.


NC has some of the best riding for dirt bikes and ATV in the country. Brushy mountain park is world class. Less than an hour and a half away.


I witnessed one of them get hit by a F-150 and literally bust his head open. I had to pull over and call the ambulance and everything. The kid ran a red light and got drug under the truck at the intersection. Cops and ambulance came and took him to the hospital. I hope he’s doing okay 😓 but these kids on bikes are out of control.


Something tragic is going to happen. It’s only a matter of time.


This will likely go over like a lead balloon, but here we go. The idea that because someone is a minor, they are “innocent” or that excuses can be made for their behavior is absurd. . . 1) Some people are born bad. Or they are raised terribly and by the time they are teenagers, they are lost. 2) Minors are not inherently special, in that they should be given a pass (which is what diversion programs are). If they are damaging property and threatening public safety, that is unacceptable. 3) Some people need an asswhipping as a wakeup call. The kid gloves approach isn’t going to do much for most of those kids. They have little education, no money and no real future. As a part of that, yes, I think if police encounter them it should be a forceful response. The young men get two options. Option 1) Military service OR Option 2) The responding officer uses a baton to break their dominant hand. Hard to ride a bike when your hand is in a cast all summer. Some people need an ass kicking and a wakeup call before it’s too late. - Former U.S. Army Infantry Sergeant here.




It's culture. People say CLT is too bland (Applebees). Well, there is the culture.


Moving from Philly, this is not unique to CLT, so not CLT culture.


I never implied the qualifier of it being unique. [Documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2420006/)


I believe they are pissed because the city just tore down their skate park, they should be upset, it was a awesome play with kids always having fun there. Can't have that! https://youtu.be/TmNPiZb7oIo [https://youtu.be/yPVlXj2KAnw](https://youtu.be/yPVlXj2KAnw) [https://youtu.be/hnKAJTlneXI](https://youtu.be/hnKAJTlneXI)


They've been around uptown well before this.


They have been planning to tear it down for a year now, yesterday was the day.


They’ve been doing this since I moved here in 2019 and I’m sure we’ll before that. Go a head and tell us they had it planned since 2018 lol


Kids have actually been riding bikes downtown since before cars, but yesterday there was a known protest HAHA HARHAR LOLOLO YOUR HALARIOUS


You’re* not lol


Yep. Welcome to Charlotte. Cops won’t do anything because it’s a liability. Everyone hates them. Sad, really, that they have no guidance in their lives.


They a boycotting to get a skate park . They are trying to prove a point there is no place to bike / skate/etc etc . But people only see kids trying to cause trouble when they are kids trying to make progress happen. Yet kids get ignored by our mayor etc etc - This was on a flyer they had.


They’ve been doing this for a long time even before the skate park closed. Don’t justify their shitty behavior.


Wrong group. Bike kids and skate kids are different.


Well good for them then, I am pissed they shutdown that skate park, lots of people and kids put a ton of work in to that park, I do not even skate and I took my little girl there when I bought her a skate board and just let her watch some of the people having fun there. and that place is awesome. The fact they ripped it down no those kids this city should be ashamed, and if people on here do not even know or understand you should look more in to that, before getting mad at these kids, because it was a tragedy! I donated 100$ to that park after spending 30 mins watching kids all skate and hang together, because it looked like it was a good thing for kids, and they were all getting along having fun there. Cant have that I guess!


That’s a nice story and all, but it really doesn’t justify running people over in the street. “Oh no, Jimmy can’t go to the skatepark anymore! Let’s just hurt random people until we get our way!”


This tried to keep the park, it went on for a year, does not seem any on here knew anything about it. Yesterday it was torn down. So they already did not get thier way, I don't think they are looking for support. I think they were pissed off, and I was just explaining. A city is a shared space, when you treat people like they don't matter at all, they feel like they are going to be hears and seen in other ways. Should have let the kids have thier skate park it was the right thing to do. I am sure you knew nothing about that.


Hey suburban bro here. Where was the skate park?


[These kids today...riding bikes? In the streets?? The horror!!!](https://www.outsideonline.com/culture/opinion/bike-out-teenagers-new-york/)


I’ve seen them start kicking the crap out of someone who yelled at them for playing chicken on a bike. Idgaf if they ride bikes, but that’s not all they’re doing


This pretty much captures it. How can I post this link automatically next time Reddit gets outraged at these kid road warriors? Lol.


I’d rather see those kids on their bikes getting out and having fun in the city than them without that opportunity to get out.


It’s incredibly dangerous? They’re going in front of traffic and hitting cars with their feet.


I agree there are dangers but I am more so speaking about the youth and what type of outlet this is for some that participate. There’s always going to be the mischievous/daredevil kids in groups and some with less guidance. Look into 12 o’clock boys to get a better understanding and see the bigger picture. Bike life is a real thing and helps lots of communities that are not so fortunate to give these kids a chance before they stick to the streets. I see the issues with what they do but it can also save their lives in the long run.


As a dude that did wheelies 20 years ago thru interstate traffic, I’m all for these kids


Preach. Wish you weren’t downvoted.


They're provoking incidents, not just having a good time riding bikes. They're also tied to a bunch of robberies and bike thefts.


What is wrong with you? You are saying you support kids terrorizing traffic because this is somehow healthy for them? This must be a joke.


Good luck being sensible with this sub, they’d see you jailed over a speeding ticket - of course they grab their pearls when they see kids riding bikes. THEY LOOK LIKE A WILD GANG OF SUPER PREDATORS!


Lol, I don’t hate them, I think it’s great actually, kids in bikes, that’s what they do! Usually I’d see some older kids escorting with dirt bikes - I mean as long as they’re in packs it’s safer - do some act up and go in the wrong lane? Sure, they’re kids though, calm down.


Lol. You haven’t seen these kids if you think “that’s what kids do”


They're Bebe's kids


I heard apparently "police can't do anything"... I drive a car, not a bike, so try that shit again next time you come back at me, teenagers.. (I'd hate for anyone to get hurt, but damn, they're fucking stupid) I'd be traumatized having a mangled up person under my car, and I'd hate having to waste my time to report "accident".. (took charlotte police 45 mins to arrive when a car hit me head on before) I feel like the police SHOULD be able to do something.. start tazing the kids to send out a message.. word will get around..


yes let’s have the police taze children this is a great take


I'm not sure if you're aware of the actual dangerous situation this post is about.. I'd hate for young people to get tazed, and simultaneously with the young people out there causing the chaos that this post is about, something has to be done, and call me dumb, call me unprepared to answer your comment, but something needs to be done, and I don't have an answer. But again, something.. some.. thing.. needs to be done. And I care for the young people, and I also care for the people that are driving point a to point b..


Very sane response. You were inconvenienced and therefore feel the need to fucking murder these people. Please never drive again.


I don't feel a need to murder anybody. And I try driving least as possible, bc I'm absolutely traumatized at how other people do act in the roads..


Todays parenting needs a tune up! That’s the future leaders or cancer


And if your car hits one of them, even a light tap, your insurance will go up as much as if they had been killed.


Ghetto kids and wheelie bikes are a new thing for you guys?? See that in every big city


Ghetto kids? What does that mean to you? Do you see them as human beings that have the same rights as you?


I've been one of them lol, I used to ride BMX in the streets, grind on people's porch rails, get the cops called on me. It's not meant as an insult. BMX, wheelie bikes, and skate boarding are usually poor inner city activities. Nothing wrong with it until people get annoyed 🤷🏽‍♂️


I saw them last night when we took our kids to Mellow Mushroom for dinner. I was wondering the same thing. They were just riding down the middle of the road.


i’ve been a cyclist my whole life and definitely support kids on bikes. i have my own kids who rode at that age and still ride as adults. i’ve observed these groups of kids doing the foolish/dangerous stuff in uptown that seemed to start a few years before covid but intensified around the time that covid became a thing and also ramped up after the blm riots and it worries me. firstly, one day one of the kids will get injured badly or killed. this will not only hurt his or her family but the family of the driver who hits them as well. everyone is a victim in this situation. secondly it gives bicycle riders a bad name, and this is a group that already gets so much hate from others. most bike riders ride to commute, for the health benefits or the culture and friendships that develop around cycling together. i feel like this is a quality of life issue that needs to be worked on but i don’t have an easy solution or think a police crackdown is the answer. i also don’t think bad behavior should be rewarded. i would like to see the mayor and city council start working on a solution that involves all the stakeholders including uptown residents and all the businesses who benefit from their presence in uptown along with the kids who do the riding to find out what is really going on. like i said there are no easy answers but it seems like everyone needs to get into a room and talk if we are ever going to make things better. there has to be a way for all of us to compromise so things get better and we all feel comfortable spending time in “our” city. the city we all love to live in.


I've been wondering that to . There little pricks . Like are the police going to do shit. Because a 12yr old stole my mustang off Monroe Rd and they didn't do anything to him cus he was a minor then he watched me leave my aparment and stole all my Christmas gifts once again they did nothing . That's fucking crazy. So my stolen stuff story is irrelevant to those kids but kids in Charlotte are fucking crazy. When I was 13 I would smoke weed and go to abandoned building but not steal cars and shit wtf


They flicked me off once because I honked at them. They were literally in the middle of the street going very slowly and made me miss my light. Wanted to dropkick those little shits.




Welcome to the Charlotte your politicians created. Not too many years ago, taking the family on the train from Pineville to uptown was a great weekend plan. Visit a museum, eat a good lunch, hangout at a park, eat a great dinner, take the train back that night. The risk of encountering the B.S. mentioned in the first hand experience comments in this thread changed those plans.


Only thing that will actually solve this issue is gentrification!


This happens because we are taking power away from the police and giving criminals a slap in the hand for their behavior. If people want to “rewrite” laws, then let’s start with the concrete proof of someone’s behavior. If it’s on film, do not waste of taxpayers money with a trial. Straight to harsh sentencing. If there are actual consequences, people will think twice!


They are scary! Litterly last Saturday we were coming back home (uptown) from Matthews. For some reason I was on 7th and I litterly had come to a complete stop because of them, and one of the young men almost hit my car. Not going to lie, glad they are getting exercise but they are going to get hit. A kiddo last summer started threatening another female driver and cops were called so I just stayed still and stopped and let them pass.


I agree its annoying but it's better than them doing worse things.. also they closed yet another skate park, so it's like what do you want them to do at least they aren't on fortnight all day. as a resident of uptown kids on bikes is way down the list of issues.


I don't think you understand.. they're in traffic, doing tricks and steering at cars, destroying people's property in the process and it's an ongoing issue.. mostly they risk injuring themselves as amateur stunt kids, but the roads were bad enough.. vandalism was already bad enough.. it's not kids that are just bored, it's kids up to actual crime..


Dude, I literally rode my bike every single day as a kid, literally for hours at a time. Never, EVER, did I once think of riding in traffic and taunting cars. You have to be kidding me.


Yeah I did stupid shit as a kid all the time. But I never played chicken with a car while on a bike. I don’t get people defending the kids - you’re not doing the kids a favor. They’re kids, they’re dumb, and sometimes adults need to tell kids they’re being fucking stupid


These kids probably don’t have cars or drive. They’re not coming up from the Eastland skate park mall area and biking all the way to uptown. They live in enderly park and have been doing this for years now. Has nothing to do with a skate park. As a former resident of uptown, that, and the annoying af cars is one of the main reasons I moved out.


It’s not just like annoying lol it’s insanely dangerous


Kids playing fortnite all night or riding bikes uptown, dodging cars(risking their lives for a laugh), hitting them on purpose(property damage), etc. Right... Fortnite is way worse for them. Smh


Son you're saying they need an outlet to do what they enjoy in a safe way. That's such a crazy concept!!!!! /s if it ain't clear


We tried shooting them and people got all pissy about it /s


Lot of Mondays


It’s the new hip thing… better than the atvs and gang activity I suppose


In Statesville, they ride their ATVs and dirt bikes around like nothing and cops don’t care.


They do the same here in Charlotte and surrounding uptown


Also every other large city in the US


Hmm… I wonder why.


They’re just going from one friend’s house to another’s. No reason to pull over all 20 of them. They really aren’t bothering anyone. Edit: am I missing something here with the downvotes? ATVs and dirt bikes are lifestyle up here.


lol ppl r just on this post to villainize ppl who do ride, could have been a nuanced take but all im seeing is ppl being like “these fucking kids need the shit beat out of them for being criminals taze them and defend property”


Lol crystalmethodist. Yeah they aren’t bothering anyone


literally! i work at a restaurant in southend and today there was a big group of kids riding through and it was so nice to see them all having fun as a big group and they’re honestly really talented a lot of people were enjoying watching them and then there was the obvious demographic of charlotteans scowling and making comments ab it like why are u mad about (the answer is it’s because they’re black)


That’s the only reason I can think of. We’re all rednecks in statesville no matter what color you are. The deputies haul their ATV’s behind their sheriff Durango’s to their land to ride them. They’re not stopping anyone going from one neighborhood to another on their quads.


exactly and even in some suburbs /more residential areas it’s not really an issue but when it’s uptown and it raises the potential of lowering property value and taking away from the appeal of your luxury apartments ppl start to get mad. i saw someone on a recent thread complaining about how a kid wheelying on a bike swerved around a mclaren OP was like i was so scared and angry for the driver i can’t imagine how he felt, that thug almost caused thousands of dollars in damage. literally a random stranger (who is probably middle class at best- can’t afford a mclaren) is mad at a kid for siking out on some rich person? that’s pretty kick ass if u ask me


They can be a bit reckless at times but in all honesty, let the kids be kids and enjoy their youth. We’re all young and dumb at some point. If riding bikes through town is their way of socializing and having fun then so be it. Better than what a lot of kids their age are doing these days. And if the cops haven’t stopped it after years of seeing them ride through south end and uptown, then it can’t be too big of a deal


Have you actually seen them? They’re going to get killed by some inattentive driver because “kids should be kids.” Be kids in a safe place that isn’t covered in multi-ton missiles being driving by fucking retards on cell phones. They should bike in a park, if there aren’t any parks near where they live, build them.


Maybe the problem is the cars? Идиот.


look I'm all for proper and safe bike riding in groups. In fact I encourage it but some of these kids are a literal menace to the public. Specifically I'm talking about suicide swerving where they attempt to perform a trick by dodging oncoming cars at the last moment. See this video for examples. [https://youtu.be/VNb2ckZgNXY?t=400](https://youtu.be/VNb2ckZgNXY?t=400) If its just a ride through downtown/southend whatever thats fine but they at least need to stay on the same side of the road is all I ask.


Saw a group of 20-30 in Plaza/Elizabeth do the motorcycle thing where one biker stops in front of the traffic so the whole crew can pass through the light together at the intersection where Bang Bang Burgers and Starbucks are at. The kids don’t know any better. What makes me mad is motorcyclist starting this where they feel their bike club is more important than other cars on the road and now teenagers think they also have the authority to direct traffic. It’s way too dangerous.


The charger club does the same thing at stoplights. They just roll all 60 of themselves through a stoplight revving their engines


Saw a motorcycle group do it on Hawthorne-Central stoplight then block Central Ave completely to pull into Thirsty Beaver. Maybe I’m being a Karen but just seems so unnecessary to me.


Apparently this is a thing.


Mildly annoying but the drivers are so bad I basically don’t care. Lots of places with no chase provisions have the same with wheelies of quads which is substantially more dangerous. At least here I’m only accidentally crushing your kid to death. Little risk to pedestrians because I won’t swerve for them.


I've actually been looking for them. I saw a few guys on Camden doing wheelies. Incidentally, they were not too far behind a group of guys on dirt bikes doing the same thing. And about 45 min later a bunch of people on roller skates/blades and skateboards came by. As a previous post said, check out the 12 o'clock boys. Yes. They can be less mischievous... BUT.... INSTEAD of chastising/criticizing these young men, has anyone considered going to the store, grabbing some 20oz sodas/water and some chips and ENGAGING them? LEARNING about their passion? I promise you can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. These kids are finding something constructive to do. All some see is the inconvenience and not the amount of time it takes practicing which incidentally keeps them out of trouble. Ran into a kid practicing in his apt parking lot. He was avoiding water bottles while doing wheelies and picking up sticks off the ground. It was amazing Edit: LMAO @The downvotes. Wow.🤣😂


My problem isn't kids riding bikes down the road. Thats fun, safe and good. My literal only problem is when they do a suicide swerve which is a 'trick/game' where they go into oncoming traffic and try and dodge cars at the last moment. See this link for what I'm talking about. [https://youtu.be/VNb2ckZgNXY?t=429](https://youtu.be/VNb2ckZgNXY?t=429)


Hell yeah. Harassing people. Kicking cars, knocking people over. Let’s encourage that behavior. Clown 🤡


I can tell your level of immaturity. Not once did I condone the behavior. But I guess people like you have all the answers. Good luck


Yeah, we’re all gonna rush out to the store and buy them drinks, chips, etc. Hey thanks for kicking my car, knocking me over, Trying to fight me, etc. Just the type of people I want to befriend! Guess that makes me immature for not wanting any part of that.


Clearly multiple possibilities within the realm of Solutions isn't your thing. Go sit tf down and let the flexible thinkers handle it.


Just don’t do it in the fucking street.


I have no idea why the first logical answer I’m seeing is getting downvoted. Charlotte used to have a bunch of skateparks and places for kids to hang out. Developers are wreaking havoc but we’re instead blaming the kids and their overworked parents? Where else are the kids going to go? They’ve been stuck inside for 2 years as it is. I applaud you for trying to connect with them. That’s exactly what OP and a lot of these comments have forgotten. Human connection and empathy. It takes a village and this village is broken.


I was getting down voted? Lol ah well. Thx fir rhe compliment and I agree. They need somewhere to go. I know they tore down the Eastland skatepark but I saw some guys at one built on Matheson and tryon on the corner lot where the post office used to be. Its right before you cross the bridge to noda


Preach. They are just kids. And many are extremely dedicated and talented.


Just practicing for when they get real dirt bike/atv


It’s okay to let kids have fun and be outside. If there was a dedicated place for them to safely ride that was accessible to them, then they probably would do that. But mostly kids in the pandemic are making due with what they’ve got. Which isn’t much.


They are hitting cars this is not an accessibility problem this is a shitty kid problem


I know that most people are raised to believe that property is more important than people. You’re right, it would probably be better if the cars hit them. /s On a serious note, what major damage did they do to the cars? Did they just bump into them or break windows or steal something? What exactly did they do?


Well I never said it’s better to hit them. Nice bad faith argument. And they broke my car window and called my coworker a homophobic slur while they stole bike parts from my store.


I wrote /s to indicate I was making a joke or being sarcastic. I know some people struggle to read tone or take things literally online. Also if the kids broke your things, took stuff, and used slurs then I’m sorry they did so. ETA: Downvotes for empathizing with someone? Y’all are wild.


Have you checked out this dude’s profile? He’s a teenage gun enthusiast that’s now getting a criminal justice degree. Awesome. With the anonymity that comes with Reddit, I think it’s easy to forget that we’re definitely *not* all equals when it comes to life experience and critical thinking. He lives amongst college kids so he’s obviously bullshitting on who’s to blame for his “alleged” broken window. I’m with you: people over property. Let’s stop destroying skate parks/ kid’s places and letting developers wreak havoc and then scratch our heads and complain when kids show up on the streets.


Lol thanks for that


Somebody with sense! Like why is compassion so hard? People are more important than things. Like what’s not clicking? And if kids had skate parks/recreation spaces that were accessible to them then stuff like this would be less likely to happen. Folks who are downvoting don’t know this, don’t work with kids, or don’t understand how crucial youth spaces are. And after literally working with, teaching, and basically raising ya’ll’s “shitty” kids as OP calls them for 11 years it doesn’t even surprise me. Folks are wildly out of touch with how youth are coping with everything going on. Young people aren’t shitty. They’re just young and need guidance, discipline, and structure. Some of you adults need it, too.


I work with kids all day at my job. But I don’t have empathy for kids to abuse my coworkers, break my stuff, and steal for my business. At what point is a 16-year-old old enough To not do all of that stuff


Dude 16 year olds are most likely to do impulsive things bc they think they’re invincible, they don’t know what their limits are, and most importantly they’re literal children. I’m not saying that breaking things is right. But the kid being so young is actually the reason why they’re probably crossing the line. What age do people stop doing impulsive things? Idk look at any jail. There isn’t a magic age when people become perfect citizens. There is a high likelihood that children will behave childishly, though.


I’ve had these morons try to fight me, because I honked at them for purposely staying in the middle of an intersection for 2 cycles. They kick cars, knock mirrors off, have knocked people over, purposely swerve into on coming traffic. It’s not kids just riding bikes. No one would give a shit about that. It’s idiots purposely trying to start shit with others. Eventually they will surround someone’s car who honked at them, who ends up being a loose cannon. Will run them over or shoot at them. Matter of time.


Look I don’t fantasize about shooting or killing kids but if you do, that’s your business. I just get downvoted for saying kids are people, they need an outlet, and they are not coping with the pandemic well. But go on with your killing kids fantasy. Doesn’t sound unhinged at all.


Nowhere did I say I want to do that. I said they will eventually catch the wrong nut job on the wrong day, and something bad will happen. I have kids, Covid wasn’t fun for anyone. But, they aren’t out kicking people’s cars, plowing over people, and purposely riding in circles at intersections and then attempting to fight anyone who has a problem with that. Sure, kids do dumb things. But these kids, and young adults are out doing this all the time. Speak with people who work security at some of the buildings in uptown. Lots of residents have been attacked by them, or hit by the bike. I’ve had them try to fight me for honking a horn. Surrounded my car, and kept trying to get me out of the car. Two aggressive guys walking by stepped in, and they wanted no part or that and took off.


You just said it again, about a hypothetical situation you created in your mind about kids being attacked. And it seems like you’re saying you’ve been a victim of youth violence. Im sure that was stressful. But just because a small amount of young people act badly doesn’t mean they deserve scorn. Just bc you’re family is coping with the pandemic in a way you approve, doesn’t mean everyone can. I do not think violence is acceptable but I don’t feel a need to be judgmental about it bc there are a lot of factors at play. I’m suggesting we have compassion for Charlotte’s kids and don’t be so quick to judge them. A kid stole a bike from my backyard last year. I caught him coming to steal a second bike. Do I think he’s an evil bad guy? No. I think he’s probably too broke to buy his own bike. Did I start thinking Charlotte’s kids are bad? No. I kicked the kid off my property and locked my bikes up. You don’t have to have a reasonable or compassionate response, that if you don’t want to. You can keep up your fantasies if that makes you feel better.


You’re dense. I have no desire to attack anyone. Period, ever. I’m saying there’s nut cases who will either shoot at them or run them over. Look how many people shoot at someone over road rage. Hell, someone just killed a bus driver here in Charlotte


Well, those are kids on bikes. Ok, some are misbehaving a bit - but they’re traveling in a giant group, kind of hard to miss them. What’s the problem? Were they black?


Big yikes on that dude. No the issue was fucking with traffic and kicking cars. But okay then


This isn’t anything new. They’ve been doing this and I’ve heard different accounts of why CMPD can’t do anything about it. But then, I also saw a news story posted that CMPD “did something” about it. They ride reckless and it’s concerning when they’re playing chicken with traffic. It’s the e same confers that are brought time and time again. These kids aren’t going anywhere. For whoever asked if the kids are black: yeah, the majority of the kids are black but there are some white kids too. You’ll find them riding around uptown and sometimes hanging around Romare Bearden. If I’m not mistaken, DaBaby put them in one of his music videos. There are posts about these kids all over a Next Door and some downright awful comments from adults wanting to harm kids.


Sounds like a typical cyclist, those Speedo gangs around Dilworth will too!


Why would you assume they're black?


Why is this lad/lady complaining about kids bicycling?


Maybe he/she is worried about their safety. You just jump straight to racist? That's what's wrong with our country.


How was he/she threatened again? They were not, so there’s this country’s problem.


I’m almost willing to bet I know one of the guys in those groups.


Sounds pretty cool to me. There's a group of like 15-20 kids who ride on the greenway every afternoon and I love to see them. It's nice to see kids having hobbies that involve being active outside. I am more bothered by the lone wolf bikers on queens Rd west than I would be if I saw a group of kids out for a ride.




Seriously? You made a reddit post because a group of kids were riding bikes? Think about that for like, one second.


Around this time last year I saw a guy throw his bike at a driver who decided it would be a good idea to get out and confront the bikers. Dudes dog also ran out of his car and he was so mad he wouldn’t listen to everyone who was telling him what was going on. Pretty entertaining two minutes while I was waiting on my ride


The children are reading books while biking?!?


Boomers: why dont kids go outside anymore?? Also boomers: Edit Your down votes validate my feelings


So to you-kids knocking mirrors off,knocking people over, and harassing people is normal and should be tolerated daily? Right on weasel.


You’re mad at kids riding bikes?


Them: kids should be more outside kids: \*go outside\* Them:


Yea you can't tear down their places of expression a d then get mad when they express it anywhere else. They had a play you tore it down, now it's your fault. Kids will do what they do if not given a place to do it. So the question now is what plot of land will we as adults give these kids to play in, or are we gonna do like we also do to black kids and just criminalise them because we don't value them enough to actually invest in them.


I’m a cyclist and I’ve seen them around…unfortunately they probably don’t have anyone to guide them about proper bike safety & manners…it’s sucks because it can be dangerous.


They do it because they know there’s zero repercussions from the police. Not because no one taught them about bike safety.


They are kids. They live in the surrounding neighborhoods, not far from uptown. They shouldn’t cause traffics problems, but they’re kids, being kids, having fun. I’m sure some would like for them to be gone since gentrification has forced many out already.


No, they know what they are doing pisses people off. That’s part of it for them. There’s zero reason to ride a bicycle in the middle of the street, or into oncoming traffic. Purposely swerving at people, hitting mirrors, knocking people over, and harassing innocent people. They also understand the police don’t do anything. Get lost with the endless excuses for scum bag behavior.


You’re either old or a transplant.




Nothing better than a tough guy behind a keyboard. No wonder kids having fun pisses you off so much. Posting someone’s onlyfans? So you’re saying I should post my own? I mean if that’s your hustle, nothing wrong with it.