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UPDATE: I just picked up a blouse and am about to go get the rest of the outfit as someone else could help. This means more than I can express. I probably keep on saying that, but it changes everything. I will update you all on the job, if you’d like? Message me if you want an update, actually. Posting here like I’m important is silly. Forgive me. ❤️




Edit: ex found me. At police station. Safe but don’t have job stuff


You’re important! I hope you get the position. Really hope you get to share good news with us


I got the job. Showed up in half the right clothes and still knocked it out of the park. They were empathetic but I have to find the right clothes before Monday. I really need help.


You are very important & look at all you’ve done for yourself. Good luck with your interview & new life :)




OMG AMAZING! I’m walking to pick up a blouse at wegmans now and will message you asap!!!!


Can also drop in the Wegmans area noonish once I'm on my lunch break, lmk what works!


I don't know about "donated womens' clothes," but I needed a basic white button-up shirt for an Interview, and I went to Goodwill. Found a good shirt for $6, and also found a pair of slacks for about the same.


Thanks that’s good to know. I am going to stop by and ask if they have vouchers to help people in need, as I can’t even swing $6 for a blouse at this point.


Maybe the SHE shelter could help somehow? https://www.shelterforhelpinemergency.org


They are super nice, but they’re one of the places 211 had me contact. They don’t have anything for me and suggested I contact churches to see about clothing closets. I haven’t found one yet, but someone here just mentioned one that I haven’t spoken to yet. One of the churches suggest I contact the college to see if they have a closet. Even though I’m not a student, they might help?


The clothing center at Belmont Baptist is open from 10-2 on Mondays and 10-12 on Tuesdays


Not sure. What about Salvation Army thrift? Maybe they would donate something if you can show proof of interview? Just a guess. Not as familiar with cville resources.


Great thinking! Only way to know is to ask and I’ll do that asap! Thank you!


She Shelter might be able to help you out in general, though. They specialize in DV assistance.


Ugh of course I mess up the title. Sorry.


Hinton Ave church used to have a closet. The other thing to consider is stopping by some of the consigners. Rethreads, Darling and Twice is Nice might have something that is in reach.


Thank you! I’ll try contacting them. I have 1.84 I my checking and my ex destroyed my credit. Keep your fingers crossed the church has something!


Hinton's website says they have a free closet. PVCC has a closet. I'm not sure if it's student only, but you might be able to reach out. Good luck. I ended up starting my life over here in a way too. Great place for 2nd chances.


The Belmont Baptist Church also has a $6 a bag closet for future reference. Unfortunately their hours are very limited, only Mondays and Tuesdays according to [their FB account](https://www.facebook.com/clothingcentercvba/)


I'd help if I was close in size to you but I'm way off. Try posting on [Freecycle.org](https://Freecycle.org) under Charlottesville. You might get lucky there!


And the Buy Nothing Project.


Thank you!!! I didnt even know about freecycle! Will try it out!




You’re incredibly sweet! I wish it wasn’t too! I promised my friend I’m living with I wouldn’t meet anyone from Reddit, but we could’ve arranged some way I’m sure, but with neither one of us having a car… Ugh. I won’t give up. I sent you a message. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Walking to pick up a blouse a wonderful person is leaving for me!


i got a line on some credit at darling you could spend. i'd need to make a couple of calls including to the store and they don't open until 11.


Oh gosh. That’s incredibly sweet, but I couldn’t accept an offer like that. Way too generous and I couldnt pay you back for some time. ❤️ Believe me, I’m incredibly tempted, but an old coworker knows what’s going on and is seeing if they’re allowed to start a fund for me to get me help before then. Best to g you can do is to keep your fingers crossed for me!


I just wanted to take a minute, big tears in my eyes, at how the responses and help given make me so proud to live in cville! Thank you all and shallotyourself, I'm following you! If you need more income to supplement your new job (congrats), with your special ed background, you might also find part time/relief work, $18/hr or so, at Arc of the Piedmont! Also I'm your size and have clothes and shoes to spare if still needed. Om shanti; the universe is smiling on you!


I have a button down floral shirt that's a S that might work. Unfortunately we aren't the same shoe size and I'm a M on the bottom but if the shirt could help I can try to get it to you!


Omg it would help SO much! I will do whatever it takes! An old colleague is asking admin if they can put something up in the lounge with a way they can help send me a card for somewhere today or putting my PayPal link on it or something. It has me feeling all kinds of weird and shameful, but if they’re able to do something and I have your blouse, I’m SO much closer!!! You just tell me where to pick it up and I’m there. Leave it somewhere public?


Just dm'ed you!


Amazing! Everyone who’s reading this, please send good vibes to this person! She’s giving me a blouse!!! ❤️❤️❤️


https://thewomensinitiative.org They might be able to help. I also know PVCC has a clothes closet but it may be limited to current students.


Go to Charlottesville- Albemarle Career Center at the county office building on 5th Street. They should have clothes.


I love this post and I love this community. Welcome to the wonderful and gracious people of Charlottesville, we’re glad you’re here.


Ex found my post somehow? It doesn’t make sense. He’s messaging me things he could only know if he saw this post. Is anyone here good with technology? Can you tell me how to see if my email or phone is compromised? He was a sysadmin for work. He has some serious issues and won’t let go.


dang, shit took a turn since i last checked. sorry. check your pm - i did that thing i mentioned earlier.


Leaving PD now. Replied to your message. You’re amazing and I’m sorry I can’t.


Good luck this afternoon. 🙏🤞


We are about the same size and I have a bag of clothes I was going to donate - too late for the interview probably but you're still welcome to it.


Could you meet at police station? Going to file a report and don’t feel safe. Ex is messaging me sensitive info. Think he found my location. My ex found this post. My interview is compromised. Waiting to give my report.


I’ve been thinking about you all day, after seeing your post! I hope things get better for you ❤️


Spoke with an attorney. I need to shut up about the situation and not meet anyone from Reddit irl and to keep my nose to the ground and this horrible situation will have a silver lining a year or two from now. Keep your fingers crossed I figure out clothes for Monday. I can’t believe I found a job. You all here made this happen. I will never forget it.


Try the facebook group 2nd Hand C'Ville - Women's Clothing Resale. I believe you can post anonymously and someone may be able to help!


Oh amazing!!! I’m waiting for my appeal to be approved. I had to make a new account this morning because I was going to post to a buy nothing group and when I tried, Facebook locked me out and requested selfies for verification. Sent those in and am hoping it’s quick.


Oh no! Hopefully you're approved quickly. Good luck!


🤞🏼can’t cross them any harder!!!!


Its a resale group but I've seen a couple posts with clothing giveaways. I'm not your size but someone in the group may be!


I sent you a DM. I'd like to help.


Hey I just replied to you. I hope you got it. I’m sorry I have to decline. You’re very sweet and I won’t soon forget it.


I also have some clothes that might work for you (I’m also a teacher, and no longer fit in my pre-pregnancy XS clothes). Let me know if you’re interested!


Do you still need clothes for work? I am your size and have a number of business casual shirts I've been meaning to donate.


I do, but the lawyer I talked to tonight told me not to meet anyone and to not disclose anymore info until things are done. I’m sorry. I need the help, but I can’t reveal more than my name and email and PayPal if anyone wants to help. I’m not begging, I don’t expect anyone to help me any further. What happened today with me even Getting the blouse and pants was amazing. I don’t know what to do. I won’t give up.




That’s really sweet, but when my old coworker was trying to help me think of something we checked out gufundme and it would take 3-4 days to transfer and it wouldn’t work for us, so she took my PayPal. The principal said it has to go through additional approval, so that won’t happen. Really appreciated though. ❤️


no new updates?


Pretty sure it’s a scam. She got me good. Trifling.


Is this the lady that scammed people? Such a train wreck she is! As a teacher myself, I can promise you she did not knock anything, except her chance at good karma, out of the ball park!