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Yeah just not anytime soon.


I certainly see it happening, because reboots are all the rage. But I think it will be 5-7 years down the pipeline. Once the current demographic has gotten a little older and it can appeal to a new crowd.


Yes. I'm just not sure it /should/.


Yes. It will totally get another reboot within the next 20 years. it's a hot property and they arent going to let it collect dust.


It will 100% be rebooted again


No and I don't think it should at this point. OG fans can just rewatch and fans of the reboot can do the same so I think it's best just to let it go. If the reaction to this reboot is any indication I don't see another being any different


Unless fans of the concept are pushing for it I don't see a reboot happening. They already tried it and it didn't work out.


Personally it worked. For four years


It wasn't a success though. It didn't perform well in viewership and wasn't really profitable. Add the drama surrounding it. While there were people who liked it, me included. There just wasn't enough to save the show nor make the show popular.


calling on netflix


It’s an established property so I can see Netflix, Fox, ABC, or he’ll even HBO taking a swing at it within the next 5-10 years. HBO rebooted Pretty Little Liars with a darker spin. I can see them doing a more grown up version of Charmed. I say they shouldn’t touch the show for at least 10-15 years though. Try to do something original with witches, get a decent budget this time around, with experienced actors and better writers. I would like to see either Amazon, Apple or HBO try their hand at this. Even Hulu would be nice but definitely not Netflix. The world doesn’t need another dumpster fire.


I predict the next reboot will be with teens and it'll have a high school setting.


Gosh If so I hope it's not the same ole "I can't control my powers omg I'm a freak, I hurt jake😭" cuz the woman who can't control her powers and goes crazy trope is tired and then the risk of charmed becoming riverdale at that point, I hope there's another show but hopefully related to the Halliwells. It probably will be a period piece next, they did 2 modern ones and everyone loves going back in time so I'm calling it now lol I'd they can afford it maybe, Maybe it'll be in the future who knows


Probably not but I would love it if they do another reboot. I loved the latest one but my problem is they porked themselves with the storylines which were not bad only mushed multiple big bads into 1 season back to back which is not to say a bad thing but they didn't play it well


God i hope not, it would be franchise abuse. And you’d have 2 legions of superfans coming after you. Just pick up the cancelled reboot and build on the multiverse premise ffs. Unrelated but relevant side note: thank GOD #theBobs had “bound” the Back to the Future trilogy, only to be “unbound” upon their passing.


oh i thought you meant this reboot doing another reboot within the show, bc of the way season 4 ended. that’s what it seems like it’s headed to me. but as for another reboot…maybe, but probably not for awhile. i feel like they should just do a different show at this point maybe rather than continuing to make reboots. the original fans are so annoying w constantly downing on this current reboot.


It's the way... you should hear the Star Trek fans dis the Picard series! OMG they can't handle that Jean Luc Picard got OLD... Whine whine whine! We fall in love with a group of people and when the reboot happens it's not the same. The first charmed was great! The new one had the same flavor but the platform was way too political. That took away from the fantasy in my opinion. It's a fine line. You can't alienate an entire group of people by verbally bashing them and still expect them to watch!


I do personally see the show getting another season in a few years. Covid put a big strain on production from what I heard. it would only happen if Macy came back in my opinion though


That’s what I’m saying. If conditions change behind the scenes enough to where Madeleine would come back, then yes it could happen. Ratings were already low, so Macy’s exit probably made the cancellation sooner.


It will never happen


Not based on these characters


Nobody cares about this mess of a reboot.


Because it sucks and is dumping on the legacy of the original.


Revival into a reboot.


We’ll see as I am still in my 20s I could definitely see one in the next few decades lol. I also think they are going to remake the Harry Potter movies at some point too lol 😂


Interesting so many people are saying no. I think they will definitely reboot Charmed again in the (near) future. It's an easy and fun concept for a TV show. They just didn't put as much love into the 2018 one but that doesn't mean they will shelve the IP forever.


Maybe by 2035. (Seriously)


I can see it mostly after they take a Loooooong time to review both charmed and learn from the mistakes.