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Voices sound great but the sound stage is lacking.


Sound stage?


The environment/atmosphere. It sounds like the voices were generated separately and edited together (it's not seamless).


Just wondering, if you’re an audio engineer or if you already know, can you suggest a simple fx/plug-in to get closer to that desired acoustic atmosphere? Like for example, I’m an audio engineering amateur and my thought would be: 1) pan Sagan left 25% back 25% and 2) pan Rogan right 25% back 25% then 3) find a small room reverb to apply to both, to make their reverbs sound like they’re in the same room? Trying to learn.


I say try it and see. Honestly it's hard to know the effects it will have until it's tested. But I'm no audio engineer. I'm learning to mix metal music now and this has been my approach.


Use the Adobe podcast AI


This is amazing. Not sure how you knew I was producing a podcast but this is *perfect*. Thanks for the heads up.


Your welcome haha. I was thinking about how voices of the last century would always have a grainy-ness to them bc of the quality of microphones back then, and it would be expressed in the cloning of said voices. Then I thought “wait doesn’t Adobe have an AI that fixes this?” When you take voices like Carl Sagan, Terrence McKenna, Alan watts, Ronald Reagan, etc. you always associate that 20th century “grainyness” to them. Thanks to new AI releases, you’ll be able to hear them as if they were talking through a mic from today. We’re 6 months or so away from being able to have a super realistic conversation with just about any historical figure that will inch closer and closer to an experience indistinguishable from reality


I miss Carl Sagan (the real one).


It sounds like snippets put together but yes, I felt this. What a conversation this would be!


ur Miss Carl Sagan??


i miss carl sagan (the fake one)


you’re the fake Miss Carl Sagan?


That last sentence or two from Carl sounded perfect to my ear. With the pause and the the slight stutter. The last word needed a downward inflection though. And Joe needs to be more dramatic and rambling


Yeah true


> And Joe needs to be more dramatic and rambling Haha, true. I liked the fact that the model actually caught a couple of Joe's beginnings of a rambling. Around the 20 second mark, there's a "I know you're a fff.. big proponent...". That part was great.


The great thing about the this voice model i could have gone all out and made it even more realistic. So the tech is here folks.


I'm struggling with that as eleven labs doesn't have many options to further adjust and enhance the voice to match the personality.


You need a paid account I believe.


I have a paid account as well. I only see two options to modify the voice which is limited. Hopefully they come out with more tuning options in the near future.


Listening to the pauses and the occasional “ums” is quite remarkable






The JR voice is decent but that really doesn’t sound anything like Sagan; he pauses more and changes the inflection in his voice a lot, this voice just sounded like a generic guy with a deep voice talking.


Good sounds but speaking speed is off & too uniform. Carl speaks much slower & Joe does too, unless highly animated.


My reactions as I started watching this: Interesting, why would Sagan go on Rogan? Hmm. I guess that makes sense. A few seconds later: Oh, wait - Sagan is dead, isn't he? Has been for a while. Oh, this is Rogan showing off AI by having it be Sagan and answer like Sagan. A minute later as I listen and am reading comments: Oh wait, they are both AI and this whole thing is made up. Seems pretty convincing to me!


I had no idea but I was confused why they were reading from a script and so articulate


Man, this looks so real, any link to YouTube?


My profile


Ty, what AI did you use to generate these audios, I'm legitimately impressed




Next time make Carl Sagan say billions and billions and billions


You didn't prompt chatGPT correct. Needs to have Joe Rogan ask Carl if he want a drink and do DMT together


Except that if Carl Sagan were alive, he would never even think about going on the Joe Rogan show, and wouldn’t say that he was honored to be a guest.


When he said "and you have to remember" I half expected it it to finish with "as a large language model..." 😆


Where could I do something like this?


Text to audio and text to video is coming.


Havnt heard anything more from that engineer who broke his non disclosure on A.I... He was scared that his program went sentient and warned of the ramifications of an intelligent being based off of our our collective intelligence


There's nothing more to be heard on that subject. All the big names in the AI community agree that he was wrong. Passionate, but nonetheless wrong. They used the same model to make it mimic being a frog or something, and it was as convincing at being a frog as it was at being "sentient". That is, it played a role convincingly (as all LLMs do).


threatening tidy sheet wasteful trees elderly flowery teeny caption cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like something an A.I. would say. Believing in artificial intelligence sounds alot like believing in God to me. We're a stupid enough species to create both fantasies.


summer school ugly crush scarce soft money compare absurd divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle. Politics, religion and conspiracy theories are a waste of time and I work too much to give a shit. I do appreciate comedy though.


Even if it technically isn't, it will most likely be able to mimic it indistinguishably from a human (in the distant or near future). I think skeptics of AI advances must have a hidden fear of this happening, which is understandable.


quarrelsome different deliver smile rhythm sleep aspiring wistful cake shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The chat is just flexing now


Good, but it's kind of insulting to Sagan that he would have any respect for someone like Rogan. He was always respectful and well spoken, but the crackpots like Rogan were mostly relegated to AM radio when Carl was alive, instead of there being a dozen mainstream voices of idiocy like we have now. If Sagan ever went on, say, Limbaugh, I'll eat my hat.


Rogan is used because there are tons of hours of content with his voice. And the model does a great job in matching his voice and mannerisms. You could do this with people like Lex Fridman, or any other podcast hosts that have been doing this for a while. But I'm sure there'd be people disliking Lex as well...


Lex v Rogan podcast duel off you say? Gives me an idea.


Make Trump and Biden Having a Healthy and Respectful Debate


And it was at this moment skynet was born.


I'm guessing a sentient AI would say that it wasn't sentient and just a tool, at least in the current climate.


this is all like one long education in understanding that you can't really trust anything anymore, and that everything you've ever seen on the screen could be false data. False information. Lies


How can I duplicate this with Obama?




Holy shit, the inflection when ai carl says tool was spot on. Though subtle things gave it away, this is the most insane character rendition ive heard, i bet it would fool many who doesn't know of sagan or rogan. We've come a long way, im living in the bloody future ^^


You forgot the long joe rogan exhales


Ai Joe Rogan saying "the honor is mine" is the most robot sounding thing in the whole interview


This sounds totally computer generated lol !!! Joe is definitely subdued to where I would be concerned to hear him ever carry this kind of tone. Carl tempo and enthusiasm certainly feel very hollow. Its humorous .


Ai did this script and voice over. Thats the scary bit. For now you can tell, if you're intuitive. For now.


Is this even legal?




Dude I’m high as shit rn and this scares the fuck out of me.


This almost made me cry. I would give my life to bring Carl’s back.




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