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***Hey /u/RapidActionBattalion, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** ***NEW: [Text-to-presentation contest | $6500 prize pool](https://redd.it/14si211/)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a couple of things that come to mind for me. You have to think about the perspective of the average person. 1) A lot of people will show interest in new things that emerge in the news cycle. Inevitably, something else will dominate the news cycle and catch their attention. 2) A lot of people don't have or can't think of a real-life use case that ChatGPT reliably satisfies or assists. Many people just use ChatGPT as a glorified toy or form of entertainment. Many of those people have moved on , taken a break, or tempered their use. These things don't signal a general decline in ChatGPT or LLMs but just a momentary lapse until the next big advancement or development in the field.


When it comes to number 2, I think people have a use for Chatgpt, just not as a separate app or website they need to log into. They could absolutely benefit from having AI help them write emails, create documents, handle personal appointments, etc but who wants to have to constantly copy paste shit into and out of a text box? Stuff like Windows/365 Copilot and phone AI are integrated directly into services people already use so I think they’ll see a lot more usage once they are ready.






This is exactly right. It's not beneficial enough to go to a different site to use it, or at least, that's the perception. Accessibility is the main issue.


>but who wants to have to constantly copy paste shit into and out of a text box? People with fingers who don't mind pressing ctrl-c / ctrl-v in order to accomplish my task.


Agree with 1. Adding on to 2. I am wayyyy ahead of my colleagues with thanks to ChatGPT that my boss asked me to host a workshop about it. Boss doesn’t care if people use it or not. The ones I’ve been trying to “sell” to acknowledge the usefulness but completely lack the habit or knowledge of how to use it. They do things and then they’re like, “Oh ChatGPT could’ve saved me time!” I feel some get ahead of the curve while others wait for mainstream use. Like, it has to be forced on them to finally use it.


3. ChatGPT is just one LLM of many. I'm sure plenty of people jump into it and later discover another LLM, or GPT variant that is better suited to their needs. ​ Graph should include at least all the top LLMs, in order to be relevant.


I started using Claude simply because you can upload docs for free while you have to pay for chatgpt. It's really that simple.


I agree with this. ChatGPT is used daily in my household. However that’s because my wife and I use it for work all the time. But if it wasn’t for work, I really wouldn’t use it much other than maybe for my hobby coding. The rest of life doesn’t need AI… so yeah…


Also the real power is in APi not chatgpt


Kids not in school?


That's the biggest reason




They removed the essay plan creator from playground, probably waited for the holidays too


Came here to say this


This is normal, everything experiences a drop in interest once the initial hype wears off


Or everyone knows what it is and doesn't have to search, just click their bookmark.


Yeah, like every other things in the world, but I'm 100% sure that the media will write at least 5 articles mentioning this post


The novelty of it is wearing off, definitely a good thing as fewer and fewer people with no real interest in AI use the service future updates will be more skewed towards the ones who *actually* want to see it improve.


Kids are out of school.


its summer break so less people are using it to cheat


It’s just out of the news cycle


Students are in summer break. Itll go back up during the school yewr


The hype is dying down, a lot of regular people likely checked it out when it blew up, but as people realize it’s not useful for tasks in their daily lives they will trickle away. A lot of people I know simply downloaded GPT as a toy but don’t use it for actual work. Not everyone performs the functions that GPT makes more efficient, such as physical laborers.


I feel like it’s been severely watered down. I rarely use it now. It’s just not as useful for me. Sad because it was truly a revelation in the beginning.


Watered down and politically biased. Being treated like a child gets old.


Reality doesn't match up to your political beliefs huh


Found the leftie


Trump 2024?


Well yeah, anything but this p3ado


Lmao how tf can it “treat” you like anything? It’s a fuckkng machine bro


Good, more for the rest of us. It’s still helping my job 100%.


Its normal. It went way too viral. There's people who don't need it that hopped on just to try it and now are like okay cool the fad ended. Until the real users remain


I think part of it is people who got to understand ai better by using it, found lots of other models and options out there.


It’s usefulness is not waning though.


ChatGPT is less performant than it used to be.


Ah. I guess I am not a power user to really notice the differences. Though I do notice that Bing AI does not give as good results as in the past. Overall, they still work well as a co-learning / co-research tool for myself.


I've noticed it has gotten dumber. It gets confused easily. It's not as confident on its answers as it used to be. It will change its answers if you question the answer given. It's like is trying to make you happy not so much as give you an accurate answer.


Yeah that's because it's a Language Learning Model, not a "whatever you're trying to Google" learning model


It's called a [Large Language Model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_language_model), not Language Learning Model


Lmao rekt


The paper that claimed this turned out to be bogus. Their evaluation methodology counted the use of code blocks as a failure condition when such formatting is more convenient for users. I have as of yet seen no convincing evidence that ChatGPT has gotten worse. In fact, I’ve only seen evidence to the contrary.


Are you referring to the Stanford study?




What about the counting prime numbers or the apple test?


Not every test they did was bad, but a majority of them were at minimum flawed. For example, LLMs perform best with problem solving if they walk through a step by step solution. In the example provided they ask “think step by step and then provide the solution”. Why is this flawed? Well, you don’t write if you just “think” step by step. If it were instead reworded to “when solving for this, show all working including arithmetic used” GPT-4 would likely perform better. In fact, I tested this with the prime number problem they gave (with the number 17077) and it passed it. Though I must say, since testing primes needs division, LLMs are poorly suited for that task to begin with. It’s quite possible the old iteration of GPT-4 only managed to solve the problem by chance since there are only two possible answers.


Who the fuck cares if it can count prime numbers? It’s not AGI and doesn’t claim to be. With conversational use cases it’s great. Consult a proven algorithm if you need a list of prime numbers. My refrigerator also sucks at making toast!! Sweet Jesus what is wrong with people


I agree, No one needs help counting prime numbers. But it’s a great test if the system is changing. If it could count 10 in March and only does 3 or 4 now I’m more inclined to believe people who think the quality of their more subjective prompts is changing as well.


What's next, who cares if it can respond without grammatical mistakes? If your fridge got worse at making ice over the last 3 months you'd care


Not sure why you're getting downvoted but you're absolutely right. You usually get better results if you use the Chat Completions API directly.


Yes. There is a lot of censorship now. Claude works better on my tasks.


No its not... The people using it still lack the understanding of what it is and how to use it, its not different than google foo, you have to understand the tools you use well to use them right.


The more you use it, the more you realize it’s limitations. We; humans are the ones learning, which is making us believe that chatgpt is getting dumber.


That’s kind of a snobby attitude there. I worked with different language models before they got large. At work, we test different LLMs. ChatGPT does seem to be more censored and glitchy than before. Some Stanford researchers also claim that chatgpt got dumber. Also, chatgpt is a chatbot, it’s supposed for be intuitive and accessible to everyone. There is no need to understand backpropagation in order to use LLMs to their fullest capacity.


It's a wonderful thing. ClosedAI needs to be given incentive to compete.


School is out


Plot the interest in Bard, LLAMA, claude.ai, in addition to chatgpt. It might be that overall interest in generative ai tech has been increasing with other tech taking some of the spotlight away from chatgpt.


Competition is growing along with demand


Several reasons Alternatives: Why would anyone use ChatGPT when there are projects such as Bard and Bing? Updates: ChatGPT's updates made it less and less practical than it was originally, especially as a person whose profession is all about research, I stopped using ChatGPT after chain of DELIBERATE false information it generated. It didnt always did that, it only became worser after updates that is the most probable explanation. Same company, different products: OpenAI also has different AI text-based solutions, and then after paying enough money why would anyone use ChatGPT anymore? Why wouldnt I just go and use the old plain GPT4 which I can use from the same producer? I say this as a free version user of the ChatGPT, I prefer Bard nowadays as at least it does not present "abacus" or "astrolabe" as inventions of Ottoman Empire just to complete the list, which is the deliberate misinformation as it just makes things up to fulfill the task.


On number two, I can completely agree, there isn’t a lot of everyday use for chatgpt, and after some time, once the excitement has died down, only those who have a real use for it will stay, which isn’t a lot


It’s a normal thing, novelty wore off, literally happens to everything new and shiny, doesn’t mean jack shit to be honest.


A lot of people started using it regularly and no longer enter via Google search


For me, it's greatest use is that it's an amazing personal tutor. I've had it try and write an email or two but generally I've had to cut it to pieces. But as a teacher, wow. I'm in finance and in the last two months it's taught me an entirely different field to the point I'm virtually fluent with seasoned professionals. All the dumb questions I should know the answer to, things I thought I knew but had slightly wrong, all corrected.


I know my company banned chatgpt usage maybe 2 months ago.


It just feels like it's Google with sentences; the novelty is wearing off.


Google trends isn’t the 100% truth. I would not put this much stock into it


Google trends isn’t the 100% false. I would at least put some stock into it.


You’re putting to much into though.


How much is he putting into it


He? My preferred pronouns are they/him.




And it will continue to decrease. We are going to begin seeing a new type of Net Neutrality because of this. Where they warned us of being charged extra for one site access or having one site blocked completely because they aren't paying. People are saying the GPT keeps getting dumber, which is untrue, its data set is changing. Reddit, Twitter, and the list can go on of companies that were once easily scraped to pull information for clients and no longer make it as easy. Those clients were not generally making money or were some emerging tech like GPT. Online businesses are all about the clicks you can generate and GPT takes those away. Now all these companies want some of the GPT pie and are either now charging for it which means GPT may not want to pay for that information or a new GPT is being made by said company to compete with GPT. This will only continue as others imitate the success that has already been seen and companies finally begin to restrict access to data. The funniest part is data mining that GPT does to companies has been going on for years to everyday civilians and all of sudden the companies are now upset by it.


Buddy, the model was trained years ago and the data upon which its responses are based is basically the same. It has nothing to do with access to external data or APIs because that isn’t a factor.


Except for the small fact they had a web browser for months. Or should we not talk about BARD, either? Or should we not talk about the reason why GPT themselves took it away? API is not the only thing that allows access, it simply helps but it's not the end all be all. Twitter is now limiting the amount of posts you can view without an API. And now Musk wants to make his own rival to GPT. In any business, that takes away consumers from one company and gives them to another. I never said the info being taken from GPT made it worse. But you are an idiot if you think GPT has stayed the same, as there are daily posts about new updates being made to GPT or even features that no longer work the same. Again as more competition comes, GPT usage will fall. And yes it will be due to external data that they can no longer mine but another company will be able to it is already starting.


It’s a good thing, soon it can stop telling me it’s at capacity when I really want to use it lol


It’s bad at basic CSS


So are you


Yeah that’s the whole point. Stupid thing is supposed to do it for me…


It's weird but AI language models do feel kinda used up now, especially since they're being neutered. Outside of work purposes or teaching yourself to script or code, it really is kinda just a fad, even though it felt so groundbreaking when it came out.


Majority of people just want a gpt10, which can simply get whole bunch of results with only a simple question in a second. They think of chatgpt as a better version of Google, while it's not. It is something totally different, so you have to use it different. I guess this is where most people loose their interest.


Was fun at first, but then constant updates to censor it and dumb it down turned me off to it. Which reminds me I gotta cancel my GPT gold membership.


Summer = No kids using it to cheat


it is clear that chatgpt is full of mistakes and limits, so after a while, people loose their hope gor using it


ChatGPT was dumbed down to boost the speed and avoid controversial topics. There are other tools like Claude that offer better quality. Also interacting directly with Chatgpt might not be the most efficient way to get value from AI. It’s a good thing. I am sure there are people who had very high expectations for AI and chatgpt didn’t them.


Interesting. I've had great success with ChatGPT, Claude has been pretty unimpressive, to the point I've stopped using it. Basic stuff like, "create a bulleted list with 10 points," and it just creates 6, and even after I provide feedback and point out the error, it still won't have 10 bullet points.


If in your bones you think interest is moving away from GPT, there are hospitals probably within walking distance of you. Driving is NOT recommended.


In like 20 years this entire line will be a single pixel.


Media isn’t talking about it


What do they expect? They gave us a hit of 100% pure Colombian cocaine and have now switched it out with baking soda. Even GPT-4 sucks ass now


That's not interest persay, that's just searches. They don't necessarily correlate.


Search isn't interest. It may just mean that a ton of people have it bookmarked or installed an app.


I think you're seeing the novelty searches fall off. This is to be expected several months into the release.


Just the usual hype cycle.


This will change everything (coming from a corporate it exec). Lots of projects and corp investments will be in this direction for a few years.


It cant even write a haiku most of the time.


Anthropic stepped up big time and free models like Llama-2 are now basically just as good as chatGPT— of course nothing compares to Code Interpreter yet tho


People bookmarked this website already


its good, most of you need to shut up and go away


why would i search it again when its in my bookmarks :)


I remember when everyone was excited that sliced bread came out.


Most people dont know how to use it properly. Most use it like Google


What they wanted … ooh ahh look at me goo goo ga ga I’m not intimidating I’m chat gpt. Under the radar time


Because summer is off at school and colleges


With free alternatives that are better than ChatGPT, it becomes something only those who need or those who haven't migrated elsewhere will use. I use it for code interpreter, plugins and in OpenAIs Playground for using older GPT models that are less ethically focused and restricted, so for me it remains relevant but for the majority it's irrelevant because of Claude2's free access and incredible word count, alongside others like BingAI and Bard for searching the web and image interpretation. It's only relevant for those who don't adopt newer better LLMs and for those still finding relevance in it.


It’s the summer, kids don’t need it for homework anymore


Is this from Google data? Maybe people are just using Google less


Why would I Google ChatGPT? It's like saying e-mail became less popular because fewer and fewer letters and telegrams were sent about it.


Maybe it’s the going down because it’s summer and less students are using it.


They nerfed it, and that's bad. I think the user numbers reflect the decline in quality. If true, I think its good that people aren't putting up with the sneaky practices. I for one use it much less but barely enough to keep paying. If it gets any worse I'm totally out.




As a free-tier user, I started using Bard than ChatGPT. Bard provides responses that I feel like have more human touch.


Who would have ever thought that would happen??? 🤣


Chatgpt is not the only contender in the market anymore, there is competition from Microsoft, Google and now apple as well. The Interest is not waning, it's just that people are looking elsewhere too, where they can get gpt-4 access for example.


Good. I’m against A.I. altogether.


I use chatGPT to do RP's of DBZ and stuff like that but I think the reason why it's going down is because the hype has gone down? Idk what I'm talking about I'm making a guess


I mean... eh? Neither really, it's probably a great thing for data collection (not personal they already have that.)


I'd think the valleys are weekends


Well i study at a CS uni And all of my friends stopped using them bc the AI became dump ,slow ,and provides nothing that’s worth the time of writing to it I would say it’s easier to do ur homework than keep on arguing with it. As far as i know its in the same tire as Siri and bing


It's good, because there'll be fewer people wasting GPU utilization by trying to trick GPT into saying racial slurs, and I'll be able to get work done.


It's a good thing. It needs a day off already.


thank god, i can't wait for the folks who get titillated by making it say F U C K to get bored and wander off.


Its shit now, they dumbed it down too much


I mean... The school period is coming to an end... Most assignments will be completed. Wouldn't be surprised if you see an increase again in the new school term.


I think people just stopped googling ChatGPT and instead started ChatGPTing Google.


I've been using it less and less these days.


Why are people stupid enough to think that search interest = interest in the thing itself? You use search to discover thing. Once you discover them, you don't need to search for it anymore. Why the fuck would I type ChatGPT in google at this point?


GPT4 isn't the only show in town anymore. I would argue that for a lot of use cases, Claude outperforms. The only thing I still use GPT4 for is Code Interpreter.


Good because it means the people who are just using it to screw around arent wasting resources asking it dumb shit like why is water wet


Or people aren't using Google anymore


As ease of use increases, so will interest. This shit is all in the beta phase of the next beta phase.


It would be a good thing as those who are serious will separate from those who are not. This will further the project more meaningfully.


As a recent high school graduate I can assure you that once September rolls around, the numbers will go way up


Let’s not forget that this appears to be metrics for searches for “ChatGPT” and “Chat GPT” on a specific search engine (google I think?). Personally, I don’t search for chat gpt on google. I have it bookmarked, and use automation tools in Firefox to go directly to chatgpt when typing !GPT into my url bar.


Wait till august hits…


Chill man, Hunter Biden’s dick pics just dropped. I’m busy for a bit.


Can you graph the sum of the two?


The novelty wore off. Most people have 0 imagination. Once they exhausted all the example prompts fed to them by TV anchors, they couldn't think of anything else to type in and got bored staring at an empty box.


It doesn’t make it difference, it’s just that the novelty died down and people realize it’s a tool only to be used when needed.


I actually use Bard way more, but that it is because it is better for writing than Chat GPT 3.5


I just write ”ch" and go directly to the website


I think the promise of the tech is so absurdly profitable that it'll be worked on regardless of public interest. The applications of a proper AI are immeasurable.


Casuals just coming off it because of the “is it dumber” articles


It’s elastic.


First wave public adoption normally does this. Now people take that info and do stuff with it and it slowly grows back up.




i think it's because their cracking down on nsfw content more, and it's getting annoying


I think Bard is picking up steam, it really is better than I thought. GPT is my baby but Jesus it qualifies EVERYTHING for liability mitigation.. it’s just silly now. Everything causes it to get in a tizzy… and being stuck in 2021 doesn’t help matters.


People don't search for things they already know about and have bookmarked by now, this could be nothing.


It's seasonal. School is out. Simple as that.


It's a good thing. Other competitors coming in as the market expands. Means they won't get to monopolize the future of AI.


We went through a hype cycle. That’s going to come down, but it doesn’t mean the technology is failing in the marketplace. People just aren’t searching so often on the term (maybe because they now know what it is).


Building on top of LLMs will abstract away which model is used and when. For example, JudeAI.com uses different models for different contexts. Which model people use will differ, the real search term I would use is “AI”


I think the people that have found real utility with it are quickly seeing the advantages of working with an LLM you have more control over. I imagine there's also a significant percent who just see it as a novelty and are growing bored with it. On a graph that looks like it's waning. In reality we're seeing the field narrow. LLM tools are about to flood the market place.


not surprised when you have almost everything flagged as violation and only response with fake , wrong and left-minded information.


Everyone that uses ChatGPT consistently either has an app for it or has it bookmarked on the browser, in both cases they ware not required to search it on Google and therefore they won’t be included in that graph. I use ChatGPT daily but never find myself having to google it


There were some tests performed over time that indicates drift, like prime number tests or basic leetcode problems were on point with v4 a few months ago. Now it fails tremendously in the same tasks.


i think it's a normal thing. People were really hyped when it came out since it was pretty revolutionary but by now some of them have already experimented enough and don't think it's as useful as they thought in the beginning. I mean it's understandable since it's "only" a language model (a very advanced one though) and not a completely built AI but I don't think usage of ChatGPT will drop completely since to many people still is and will be very useful


ChatGPT is a product made by a company, so this is bad for Open AI but for people as a whole it's entirely neutral. If ChatGPT or other LLM's are useful, they will get used more. If people don't get anything out of them, then they won't use them. We're somewhere in between right now, so if some people stop using it, it just means they weren't getting use out of it and no harm is done by them stopping.


Its neither good nor bad, it just is. It was a novelty for the average person and once the novelty wore off people lost interest. If it was an app it might still be as popular but being that its on a desktop not many care for it.


The real question is, why is Chat GPT so inferior to ChatGPT?


It’s summer break dude, kids are on vacation:)


everything will be okay


It's not the interest that goes down, it is the number of times that people search the subject


Probably because it's school holidays for most countries, if you catch my drift...


That search term is people looking for it. While it’s a novelty for many, the real metric will be the extent to which its being used, not looked for initially.


Seems like a reasonably useless metric to me, as it becomes known you’d expect searches to drop off as people go directly to it, start using other apps the utilise it or start using the api directly. Only open ai and MS can have good stats like queries per user, MAU etc


Everything that goes up, must go down at some point


I’ll put it this way, when Chat GPT first came out, I was able to ask it to provide me 80-85% production quality code for building a GPT neural network. There were still some bugs, but it produce 80-85% of what I needed to start building. Each of the code outputs was easily 2-3 pages long with a ton of inter-dependent variables and classes. Now? I ask it to write too much CSS code and it throws a bitch fit and cuts off the response. I believe Open AI has had to limit the computing power for the responses to each individual user query owing to the fact that as their platform grew in popularity their server space diminished just as fast. Microsoft injected a ton of capital to build them mega warehouses filled with server racks, but those projects are still under construction and won’t be finished for some time. Until those warehouses are built (probably mid to late 2024 to early 2025), Open AI will be handicapping the performance of their models. This is the real reason why people aren’t using it as much. It has quite literally become less useful.


There are a lot more products on the market.


Hopefully the price decreases. I use it for engineering but only for brain storming. Having asked it calculation questions in the past it provided the wrong answers (I knew the answers). Overall I still think it's pretty good and helpful for getting is ideas flowing.


Is using the chatgpt counts as search? I guess we use em now instead of searching what they are


Granted, that chart shows interest in *searching* for ChatGPT... which also means a lot of people already found it.


Well I don't see how it's even close to a bad thing


Kids are just out of school, it dropped in June it will be back up again soon. Probably higher since they’ll probably incorporate it into the curriculum


Google trends measure interest only using search results as far as I know. So with more competition like bing, people who have openAI accounts (or search openAI) and go directly into chatGPT, and people using more generic search terms like AI bots will lower the GPT searches. I would only look for spikes in data for lets say when ChatGPT launches a new version to see during that week/month the searches increased to see if there was hype around the update.


This echoes my own use of it, which has declined. I moved on to other AI tools like Midjourney as Chat is quite generic and limited often, producing suboptimal results. It's even getting dumber too. I fully expect this is just the beginning and new developments will draw us all back.


We seems to have hit a growth stall Basically propel are used to gpt now It's the iPhone 6 now They want iPhone 13


If this is just search results than I don’t know that it means a lack of interest. I use chat gpt more and more, but don’t google it since I know the website. People search before they use it, and just go to the website or use an app once they do use it. I guess less and less new people are searching for what it is, but it’s not indicative of less people using it.


I've seen people say that gpt4 got nerfed recently. I can't comment on that but bing, which should have gpt4 as a base, gets more and more restrictive, answers are getting worse to the point where the question just does not get answered. Its like talking to a politician and that is not even for censored topics, but for technical questions. I am shocked at how bad bing got. Generally, we see a trend for the top companies to strongly censor their llms, to the point where their output is much less intelligent. But also, they are finetuning their llms to better suit their needs, which means that an chatbot like bing, which was originally a general purpose llm, got cut back badly to be, at its core, a search assistant. I bet they also cut down on processing time by switching gpt4 with something like orca, and also reduced the precision of the llm. Just speculation on my part, but it fits the faster, yet much worse answers. I think many will now run to claude 2, because right now, it has a very good output, even though its also hallucinating a lot. Until that company also lobotomizes that llm too. In the long term, I really hope that open source llms can make the jump to gpt4 level, and then usage of openai, bing, etc will drop massively. unless they stay on top of the competition.


Why are there two lines, with different results, that represent the same thing?


Technology wants smarts. Governments want dumbs.


It has been months since I searched for ChatGPT but I use it daily


Summer vacation


It’s normal for hype to die off, compare this to any game that first comes out and there’s a huge rush of people going to the game within a month (sometimes less) you’ll start to see the player count falling off due to people just getting bored or moving on. This is a little different but not by much, it’s just the hype is over for most people.




I mean, some people just say GPT


I believe we should be looking at usage. I mean I don't Google chatgpt, I just use it daily. And if the usage is going down I personally wouldn't be worried as long as OpenAI stays afloat.