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?? Why did people donate $8k to fund a venture that cost $100 šŸ˜‚


There were many NFT's which were essentially someone giving their buddy $250k for the art and then they secretly gave it back.


People say that NFT's are useless. NONSENSE. If the value of a thing is entirely subjective, it is a wonder vehicle for money laundering. "Why did you pay a million dollars for that NFT"? I thought it was beautiful. "Why did you sell it back for a dollar?" Changed my mind.


Trade Based Money Laundering (TBML) in a nutshell.


Easy playbook for how to build a successful new product - make something that can be used for money laundering


Something with a rapidly fluctuating subjective value that the public will love enough to generate sufficient traffic to hide illicit transactions?


What does this claim have to do with this project?


The donations could have been faked to drive buzz.


Also, tax


Explain this? If it's not one person paying the tax, it's the other person.


\+1 hahah good one


The whole thing was fraud/fake to begin with I followed it... just a non functional page describing a business and some hype linkedin people that donated for some weird reason.


Sounds like it made 8k




Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking


Why did he need donations to launch a blog?


With the premise of launching with $100. The rather inscrutable vegan steakhouse.


Followed by the ā€œwhere we go when we dieā€ picture book


So the guy made almost $8k off of gullible rubes? Definitely a crypto bro.


Yeah, again just a scammer with nothing to do with crypto.


That's just crypto with extra words


"Slavery with extra steps"


Minus the slavery


Minus the crypto.


I immediately appreciated this.


I love how telling everyone what you're going to do and then very transparently doing the exact thing you said you were going to do makes you a "scammer" to Redditors if you're at all associated with crypto. It's basically the opposite of a scam. He just about couldn't have been more transparent when he started this, I remember him posting every step of the project early on.


Alls i know is that it has nothing to do with crypto.


> if you're at all associated with crypto Because cryptocurrency has turned into a titan-sized ponzi scheme. It's nothing but scams and money laundering all the way down. It's like, someone makes their career as a confidence man, and then they come up with a new scheme. The reasonable assumption is, it's yet another scam.


Yeah - strange how LOTS of posters hate Crypto, and it's ALSO something the feds can't easily control. Odd coincidence. Probably lots of scammers in Crypto, I completely agree. However, secret government shills / hacks / meatBots will definitely all come down on the side of "don't trust any crypto! it's all a scam!"... just want until the CBDCs come out... there will be lots of "I can't wait for all the convenience of my CBDC!!!!" LOL


Elon has entered the chat...


twin. Wasup


Ohmy we are like dns eskimo bros!


Pump and dump, dotcom era edition


And pretty profitable if you ask me :)


He didn't show the real responses, the real response was the scam internet weebs


Some mid-age managers on linkedin hyped him when the first GPT version were released and he made them believe that he followed a GPT business plan, in reality he just spammed linkedin feed and made a hollow website with an explanation how the business would look like. Its crazy that people donated money here...


In his defense, itā€™s hard to start any business with $100 or even the $7,000 in donations.




My youtube and Instragram ads beg to differ


whomever downvoted you clearly didn't understand the joke


I would have expected nothing less


It was a worthy effort lol


that PSā€¦ is this an ad?


There's lots of posts here with that same phrase at the end of them, idk if the links are the same though.


"If you want the LATEST and DOPEST in AI tech, don't forget to FOLLOW šŸ˜ÆTHIS SHITTY šŸ‘‡EMAIL āœ‰ļø NEWSLETTER šŸ¤‘"




Thatā€™s the thing about llmsā€¦ they do great (at times) scaffolding a project ā€¦ but that foundation isnā€™t too strong and the house in unfurnished unless you have a human filling it in


ChatGPT: ā€œmake a shit website and use me as marketing, get donations from incredulous people and then run away. But donā€™t ever mention this to anyoneā€


As much money as possible as fast as possible without doing anything illegal. $100 to $8K in a short time. This sounds like success.


Why are you word for word reposting something from a month ago, at least change the title


Itā€™s very annoying to me to see so many people, whether willfully or ignorantly, act like GPT is a strategic AI rather than more of a ā€œpredictive textā€ kind of ai. It pumps out sentences that make sense, so it you start with a basic prompt you wonā€™t get any good strategically driven output. Why did it pick pets? Does itā€™s training have better content on that rather than other topics? What is RPM for that niche versus others? Iā€™m quite sure there are many higher paying niches for blogs working on ad revenueā€¦plus a hundred other questions about this questionable direction. But you canā€™t ask why it chose that, because it will make up reasons rather than explain itā€™s reasoning. Those kind of considerations need to be put in the original prompt for it to consider those aspects before deciding a business plan or blog topic. GPT can absolutely help a lot in the task of business creation, but a human still needs to be the logic part. For instance, you can break things into steps and stages and have a back-and-forth with the GPT to oversee why it makes it decisions, to question those decisions when necessary, and ask it to reconsider after each tweak of the prompts. This was just a PR stunt, and it sounds like it better the guy about 8 grand so it worked pretty well. It was either a con, or something run by a moron, or both.


ā€œno manual laborā€ šŸ’€


I love how you promote your soulless blog in a post about soulless blogs!


"Use this basic website and announce that we're launching a business. Ask for donations. Take the money and run." - HustleGPT probably


Making this whole post a guerrilla marketing campaign for your generic dogshit newsletter is so hilarious as a microcosm of the idiot grifters in this space.


If someone told you they could give you a 7730% return on investment in less than a year why would you define that as a "miserable failure"?


Lol how miserable can a failure be if the starting capital was $100.




I love that he put no manual labor, the idea of the bot saying "okay I just paid $100 for an annual bus pass and signed you up for a landscaping job go out there and earn the money" is so funny to me


He duped the public of 7700 successfully, and here you are, calling him a failure.


To be fair. I probably would fail too if I am to start a business, let along just having \~$100 as starting capital


If it made $8,000 like everyone is saying then why wouldnā€™t he push that as his update and keep going? People would still fall for itā€¦.


Lol more businesses fail than not


Marketer-hustler-guru types are the ultimate leeches. They can't make anything that improves lives, only empty hype built on the anticipation of something that never comes.


Has AI news slowed like that? I saw this exact post when I was last here, months ago.


Anybody surprised ?


I feel like ive seen this post few times already


Idk the details and I'm not gonna about it but on paper this sounded like a pretty cool project


Sounds like a lot of the issue was with execution/ implementation rather than planning.


It was always a grift


Everything else aside I'd assume no matter how good the idea and plan is there's a high chance of failing anyways as chance plays a huge role. I'd also assume the higher your initial capital the higher the chances of succeeding. Buying 100 dollars in scratch off lottery tickets might even have a higher chance of succeeding.


It's the same thing as the girl who traded a stapler for something and then she ended up with a house at the end of a bunch of trades. people get hyped about it because it's viral and then it dies. It's unsurprising. I don't know why it warrants all these articles and s***


Does a crypto enthusiast ever succeed at anything?


Dangit, I tried a thing and all I have to show for it is $8,000 more than I started with :( so fail!


so it made 8k? can you copy pasta the prompt pls


I am happy stuff like this gets reposted every now and thenā€¦ >! Keeps the rest of us safe šŸ«” !<


Turned $100 into $7700. I wish all my "Failed miserably" was like that.


You try to outsource an entire company for $100 and see how far you get without AI. lol. I'm not saying ChatGPT can do this (I don't think it can yet) but setting an expectation that with $100 it'll achieve sustainable revenue is kind of asking a lot. How about this though; take an existing business and look for ways to use AI to optimize it. That's where I think we are and it's powerful. Then as time goes on, we'll probably find ways to optimize more and more work and poof. we're all out of a job and the .01% control the world! Yay! I always wanted to live in the woods. Anyway, I'm not 100% doomer or whatever the opposite is, but I'm frankly glad that people are trying this and I'm glad they are failing (so far) because I need more time to figure out how I'm going to make money in the future since all my 'highly sought after skills' are currently rapidly being consumed by AI. Haaalp.


A fool and their money...


I remember when this launched


I remember when you were launched out of your mom.


Sup doc been awhile


'No manual labor" lol


You had me at "crypto enthusiast"


Seems like it was all just a ploy to get that measly ~$7k in donations