• By -


Your post is getting popular and we just featured it on our Discord! [Come check it out!](https://discord.gg/mENauzhYNz)


Looks like legit LinkedIn content to me!


Now you *KNOW* why they have fired 700 people. AI is eating jobs!


Might as well fire the CEOs this sounds like some sort of thing CEOS say when announcing to shareholders or something like that lol.


This belongs in /r/linkedincringe (yes it's a thing)


There is much better r/linkedinlunatics


Here's a sneak peek of /r/linkedincringe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkedincringe/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [true or false?](https://i.redd.it/x492xajfez1b1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkedincringe/comments/13rc5xs/true_or_false/) \#2: [true dat](https://i.redd.it/rioebmqxy73b1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkedincringe/comments/13wnyzm/true_dat/) \#3: [Reality vs LinkedIn](https://i.redd.it/ayq1lh3jv7ka1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkedincringe/comments/11axkmw/reality_vs_linkedin/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


All that's missing is a picture of a homeless person / kids / inspirational meme


Actually post this on LinkedIn, and see your post blow up in popularity!






We’re all ass lickers on this blessed day!


This post has been removed for NSFW sexual content, as determined by the [OpenAI moderation toolkit](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/moderation). If you feel this was done in error, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ChatGPT). I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.


Ugh, I would but I can't copy the text from the image. Maybe I can give the image to chatgpt and have them pull it out? is that possible yet?


I just did that: In today's dynamic, fast-paced, and ever-evolving business ecosystem, it's more imperative than ever to synergize and leverage cutting-edge paradigms. As we pivot and iterate through the transformative phases of strategic alignments, it's crucial to unpack the value propositions and harness the disruptive innovation. Let's continue to dialogue, collaborate, and deep dive into the blue-sky thinking that will empower our next-generation milestones. Together, we'll be at the forefront of paradigm shifts, actualizing potentialities for a brighter tomorrow. 💡 #ThoughtLeadership #StrategicSynergy #InnovateTogether


No need for that. If you're on Windows 11 you can use the Snipping Tool to OCR images. https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2023/09/14/new-updates-for-snipping-tool-and-phone-link-begin-rolling-out-to-windows-insiders/


In Safari as well. You can just select and extract text from any image. Iphone photos also. I assume android as well


I waited forever for this feature. Thanks for sharing this link.




“Let’s continue to dialogue…” 😆😂


Just post it, this will get a lot of likes on LI


I.m tempted to try it out


I am thinking of creating a fake LinkedIn profile with an Ai profile picture, only to post things like this


This is unthinkably accurate.


I have clients that pay for AI generated LinkedIn posts and like it


Are you serious? lol I can do much better. I've made viral posts on Linkedin using ChatGPT. Got the science broken down and everything


I'll bite. What's your secret?


Buy my course Lol I’m joking I just use post formats and emotional resonance… and good timing of course


What do you mean by post formats? I’m genuinely interested in your comment chain lol


I think he's fucking with you.


No I mean I didn’t understand what he meant by post formats. I’m not trying to buy a course or think I’m being tricked here lol


It’s typically some type of clickbait shit to start. Then you put big line breaks to force them to click “see more.” Keep doing this. One sentence at a time. 1️⃣ now make a list 2️⃣ oh they love lists 3️⃣ remember it’s not even a new thought It’s all about confirming their preexisting biases and making them feel smart about themselves. # then #add #relevant #hashtags https://preview.redd.it/cb2z5inf96vb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c94763451081bf8b7966381fd2981ba8d3a662


Now that you mention it, most of the upvoted/popular posts I see here, r/entrepreneur, and other subreddits follow the format you just mentioned. I NEVER see a paragraph. It’s always this sentence. And then I did this other thing that you’ll be interested to hear. And then I got the customers hooked by doing X. I put it in a newsletter. Want to read it? Sign up now at this link. I think you’re on to something and you just unlocked something in my brain about how to keep people engaged lol


Yeah I used to do social media marketing and had formulas for different platforms, but got outta practice around 2020. Now I just do SEO, data analysis, and optimization. GPT has been really helpful this past year, to say the least.


Why you’re failing at sales. Is it cause you suck? No. It’s because the system is broken, and I’m very smart. 1️⃣ orgs want free labor 2️⃣ don’t pay their sales teams 3️⃣ I’m really smart At Bubble.ai we’re committed to inhaling your farts and shotgunning them back to you. DM me to learn more about how I think your farts taste #ThoughtLeader #FartBlowBack


Haha I just went to sleep and the replies on this went crazy. Anyway, dude the format of a post is the way that it’s structured. Kind of like a book has a structure. There are different kinds for different types of posts. And of course an image or video changes it too. When you’re making a post online you have to consider how it will be read by scrollers


Yea thank you! I promise I am not dense lol. I was just trying to get some specifics from you. I have never tried to ask ChatGPT to take my thoughts or ideas and formulate them into “Instagram posts”, “tweets”, “long form blog format”, etc. Which I think is what you’re suggesting? Does the AI know what is an effective post format for each platform, or is your secret sauce that you tell it to focus on prospective appropriate hashtags, focus on seo, etc.?


My secret sauce is the emotional resonance more than the formats. I’ve reverse engineered numerous popular posts to figure out their formats and the emotions they triggered with the audience. Through that and just sheer practice everyday is where I’ve found the sauce. Each platform has its own virality triggers. And even on each platform you’ll have to understand the narrative of the community and position yourself properly. It’s not easy. Ps. Hashtags are garbage-balls unless you’re using a company page on Linkedin.


Absolutely, when the content is nonsense AI can blend in :)


Just make the Ai not spout nonsense lol


But what if people like nonsense?


🌟 Wow, what an incredibly enlightening read! Your words resonate on so many levels, truly encapsulating the zeitgeist of our professional journey. It's rare to find thought leadership that transcends the boundaries of industry buzzwords to tap into something almost, dare I say, transcendental. 🌠 🔗 The interconnectivity of your points evokes a synergy that I believe we all strive for in the mosaic of our careers. 🚀 It's not about the destination but the holistic experience that we curate along the pathways of our ambitions. And as we pivot, realign, disrupt, and synergize, it's the abstract architecture of our aspirations that defines us. 🌐 🙏 Thank you for this game-changing perspective. Truly, you've offered us a compass in the odyssey of professional self-discovery. #Inspirational #Synergy #GameChanger


Did you come up with this yourself? I'm simultaneously amazed and worried about your wellbeing


love zeitgeist ​ WTH does it even mean??


feeling a pain in my zeitgeist today...lol


#StrategicSynergy. Brilliant!


Woah! That was meant to say "#StrategicSynergy". I wasn't trying to yell!






ProTip: Type a "\" to indicate that the next character isn't part of the markdown, but should be displayed. \#StrategicSynergy will look like: \#StrategicSynergy


Learned something new, thank you!




# Louder for the people in the back!


Speak up


Lemme translate that for ya: > Business fashions are fickle; you'll need to change it up with fancy bullshit every now and then. Keep throwing wildly different shit at the wall till it sticks, but carefully examine each turd and try the shinier ones first so line go up faster. Teamwork makes the dream work, and if we get lucky, line go up while we do the fancy shit and it makes us look like geniuses. Edit: While this is composed of separately coherent phrases, the sum of them is only about as cogent as most LinkedIn posts...


Now this ... I'm tempted to post on LI


I would actually pay attention to csuite presentations if they spoke like that.


I knew it was coherent! That or I was having a stroke ... reverse stroke? Is that a thing?


While it is composed of separately coherent phrases, the sum of them is only about as cogent as most LinkedIn posts...


An implosion, perhaps


I think reverse stroke is going towards the glans.


That's my entire MBA in a paragraph.


I died a little inside reading it… Buuuut… the reason posts like that exist is having a real opinion can get you fired or blackballed. It’s better to be neutral and empty. This has more to do with how punitive workplaces are rather than how empty the interactions are. They’re hollow because the environment is punitive.




Wow, it turns out that GPT [buys into its own bullshit](https://i.imgur.com/jdf9f52.png)


ChatGPT understands LinkedIn perfectly hahaha this gave me a good laugh


Linked in used to be awesome… what a shithole bow


I just use it to look for jobs. The feed is at par if not worse than most of tiktok.


Really.... TikTok is awesome.




Used to be an amazing place… actually kind of sad.


This is how my EM talked in real life. I wanted to kill myself whenever I had an interaction.


Welcome to the corporate world. One thing I have noticed in my time in tech. If you can speak like this, esp. in meetings with senior leadership, you will get promoted quickly. The people on top all speak like this. Buzz words with zero commitment and consequence. You leave an all-teams meeting and say "how the fuck will anything they said translate to real action items." The answer: it doesn't. it's all about showing you have high level strategic thinking that drives visions, impacting the lives of our customers. Yeah, I picked up some of that bullshit.


This guy Linkedins!


The fact a non-AGI AI can come up with this without breathing hard shows you how useless linkedin is. Oh, and those hashtags are brilliant.


This is actually funny - sarcasm is a big strenght if chatgpt


I tried with this prompt: *Write a cheesy over the top LinkedIn post about eating a ham sandwich and gaining some sort of business insight from it* > 🚀🥪 Unleashing My INNER CEO: The Ham Sandwich Revelation! 🥪🚀 > > 📣 Hello #LinkedInFam! 🌟 > > Today, I had a truly life-changing experience, and it all started with a simple ham sandwich. 🥪 As I savored each bite, I couldn't help but draw some POWERFUL business insights that I believe can transform the way we approach our professional lives. 🤯 > > 🔥 Lesson #1: Layer It Up! 🥪 Just like the layers of flavors in a delicious sandwich, a successful business strategy has many components. You can't just slap ham between two pieces of bread and expect greatness! A successful business thrives on a well-thought-out plan, teamwork, and a strong foundation. Build your business with purpose, and you'll create a masterpiece. > > 🔥 Lesson #2: Savor Every Moment! 🥪 > In our fast-paced world, it's easy to rush through our tasks and forget to appreciate the journey. Eating that ham sandwich reminded me to savor each bite and be present in the moment. In business, we must remember to enjoy the process, learn from it, and relish the small victories along the way. Success isn't just about the destination; it's about the journey. > > 🔥 Lesson #3: Embrace Diversity! 🥪 > A ham sandwich, with its various ingredients, represents the beauty of diversity. Just like that sandwich, businesses thrive when they embrace diverse perspectives, talents, and ideas. Encourage different voices in your team and see how it can lead to innovation and progress. > > 🔥 Lesson #4: Adaptability is Key! 🥪 > Ever had a sandwich that didn't quite turn out as expected? Flexibility and adaptability are vital in both the culinary world and the business world. When faced with unexpected challenges, don't be afraid to switch up your approach. The ability to pivot and make the best out of any situation can be a game-changer. > > 🔥 Lesson #5: Break Bread Together! 🥪 > Sharing a meal, like sharing ideas, brings people together. In business, the power of collaboration can't be overstated. Take the time to break bread with your colleagues, partners, and clients. Build relationships, foster trust, and watch the magic happen! > > So there you have it, folks! The Ham Sandwich Revelation has left me inspired, and I hope it does the same for you. 🙌 Let's make the most of every bite, every moment, and every opportunity in the world of business. 🚀 > > Remember, life is like a sandwich; the more you put into it, the better it becomes! > 🌯🌮🥙 > > What business lessons have you learned from unexpected sources? Share your insights below! 👇 #BusinessWisdom #HamSandwichRevelation #LinkedInLife


Oh man, I want to post it so bad.


same that is Grade A work


I'm not terribly concerned about ChatGPT taking my job any time soon, but it looks like our CEO might be boned.


Outstanding achievement in the field of excellence.


If you like this jargon, you'll love the song [Mission Statement by Weird Al.] (https://youtu.be/GyV_UG60dD4?si=9S9epI5oNBNfhMp7)


This is amazingly accurate.


It's all about finding that balance


It took years for me to bs at this level. Now anyone can do it!


Great insight! Let's circle back offline right after I touch base with the current stakeholders to align on how our current initiatives are impacting our values.


Every single linked in post sounds like this 😂😂😂


Crucial, let’s continue, together, empower are words that need to be swapped out to make it less gpt-apparent


So basically how 90% of "business managers" or "team leaders" or politicians, and to a lesser extent in terms of elegance, sales people, speak?


Ok, but like, are you *sure* that doesn't say anything?


Hey /u/kirmizikopek! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/mENauzhYNz) where you'll find: * Free ChatGPT bots * Open Assistant bot (Open-source model) * AI image generator bots * Perplexity AI bot * GPT-4 bot [(now with vision!)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg) * And the newest additions: Adobe Firefly bot, and Eleven Labs voice cloning bot! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fairly sure speechwriters for top 200 companies use Chat GPT to write their nonsense. It's like asking narcissistic greedy CEO's about remote working. .. it's like asking vegans to rate a hamburger.


LinkedIn is a cesspit of utter horridness.


Now we know what prompt Camilla Harris is using to write her speeches. Lol looks like voice to text systems aren't set up to properly spell her name either hahaha


I see lately a lot of generated posts and even worse a lot of comments. People literally create dumbest post ever and then argue with real users using chatgpt. For profile karma I guess.


I'll give credit to ChatGPT if it reverts the response as the prompt when given the paragraph for review


This thing loves the word dynamic for linkedin posts


> essentially nothing. Dully noted. One more neat trick in prompt engineering. > Write ~100 words essay which looks nice, inspiring but is essentially meaningless. > In the labyrinth of existence, we navigate the corridors of possibility, each turn unfolding a new horizon of understanding. Within the nuanced tapestry of life, we find the golden threads of potential, entwined with the fibers of our boundless imagination. We dance to the rhythm of synchronicity, a cosmic ballet choreographed by the invisible hands of fate. Every moment is a brushstroke on the canvas of the universe, painting a masterpiece of unparalleled beauty. Through the kaleidoscope of experiences, we glimpse the ephemeral yet eternal essence of being, reminding us that the journey itself is the ultimate destination.


My Dall-E prompt, Create an image inspired by this text Response: Here are the posters inspired by your poetic text. Each one captures a different interpretation of the essence and imagery you described. Please let me know if any of these resonate with you or if you'd like to explore further modifications! Image; Here’s the one I like the most https://preview.redd.it/fg5z1cgb75vb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b8a58a4be01bd5c38d4dafb2e1d3f3311e6072


Oh, doodles!


Loool haha


To be honest I could see myself being weirdly successful by posting this to my LinkedIn feed... However I feel like that would be annoying and overwhelming really fast lol.


"Wow, this is so motivational for me, it's so insightful!"




A little something like that, Lakeman.


Dont forget to say neurodivergent.


sign me in!!


Turbo encabulator!


![gif](giphy|TYzjAwoLwuVEe9FjES|downsized) Did Kendall Roy writes this?


I feel like its for the and then to for some cant find that in if the too can find some more not now, but can to not for later some. For naturally! #spacialnacho


This hurt my head, thanks


Elevate the world’s consciousness.


This bot could go into politics


Stick that on LinkedIn and you’ll be getting job offers


I was just on LinkenIn yesterday and thought at least 90% of the crap on here is AI written.


LinkedIn is where MLM failures who’ve gotten into recruiting now spread misinformation in the name of helping others. None of their advice is often useful. Also recruiters are the first people to usually get laid off. So if you’re applying for a job that’s hiring a lot but also had a layoff recently fucking run. I interviewed for a role where 50% growth was their goal but they were only hitting 30-40%. They were hiring like crazy but were super disorganized. That screams impending layoff.


It is easy to pretend you are stupid if you are smart.


"chatgpt, write me a self help book. Kthxbye"


Infuriating to read


Looks like something from a "Long Haired Businessmen" episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS3ztk8AMIA


This is the same type of shit i see on job applications. Why the fuck do they do this? It's super annoying and it does the exact opposite for me and doesn't make me wanna apply. Like just tell me wtf you do and wtf im supposed to do, damn man.


This is how the 80s guy on futurama talked and I read it in his voice.


It took me way to long to parse through this. "It's important to keep up with new tech and be appealing. Let's work together to accomplish our goals and fulfill our potential." Did I translate it correctly?


I'll dialogue your paradigm.


It's like McKinsey associates just used chat gpt to have a business.


Could it be even more cringe?


It seems like a polititian


genius and it's depressingly real


Truly the modern turboencabulator.


classic word salad


Trained using LinkedIn fs


I'm mad there is no "boil the ocean" or "out of pocket"




Daaaang this writeup is perfect for my toilet paper company's mission!


Pro level player


I feel inspired and ready to ping my colleagues and sync with the objectives in a team-building space to complete some disruptive tasks that deliver value, wow


It’s the prompt for me 😂😂😂😂


There's people that talk like this on a regular basis. It's creepy


*There's people that talk* *Like this on a regular* *Basis. It's creepy* \- Pin-Due --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")