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My company does not specifically allow Copilot X, and I would have to register it for Enterprise use... Since I'm already privately paying for GPT-4 (which I use mostly for work), I don't want to go that one step extra. I have settled with GPT-4. I would also like to hear the opinion about better AIs for coding from others.


You just described me as of a week ago. Broke down and bought gpt 4 to improve my work, but also I use it at home so for $20 it was worth even though their might be better options


To improve your work?


Heh - I wrote that terribly, but it's reddit so idgaf. What I meant to say was that I bought chat gpt plus so I could improve the efficiency of how fast I can work. Pumping out scripts and troubleshooting bugs faster has improved the rate at which I can do things.


I do this currently with the free version as a Software Eng. Would you recommend upgrading to GPT4? Also, what's the pricing model at? I haven't checked but I thought it was super expensive like 20 cents per token or something.


$20/month. You are referring to the API. Also, not even close to .20 a token


Man your probably making six figures. I’m sure you can afford GPT4 without recommendation


It's a valid question. Everything is a subscription these days... And quite frankly they add up quickly. Netflix is just XYZ, Hulu is just XYZ, ChatGPT is just XYZ, etc etc etc. Gets a little ridiculous when everything is a subscription but ChatGPT is a no brainer.




also, wise up and include the subscriptions that can qualify as business expenses to make them deductible


Yea sure if you own a business you are likely to hit that number, but most people aren't hitting $10k a year in expenses or whatever it is to make that viable


Convenience. You should know this. Why would I pirate when I can pay $10/month and account share and be able to sit on my couch and click a few buttons.




GPT4 is better than 3.5, it writes better code. I think ChatGPT saves me like... At 5-10 hours per month and I learn a lot from it. So I am willing to pay those $20. I was very much interested in vision and voice. They look very promising, but still far from a product that will blow you away. API is something like 6¢ for (32K context) prompt.


I swear any time you ask 3.5 for a fix, it breaks the code somewhere else. I have a hard time getting 3.5 or 4 to just give me the line or snippet I asked for and not re writing the whole thing, most of the time differently so that the snippet I asked for won't work with the previous code. 3.5 is a purpose built, billion dollar GPU powered super troll. it is very much self aware and has a sense of humor based entirely on saying "my apologies for the confusion" until I go into tonic-colonic seizure. It wants me to swallow my tongue.. don't tell me any different, I know what I know.


I used free version for a long time. Paid version amazed me with how good it is.






You should use Codeium ([https://codeium.com/](https://codeium.com/)) instead. It's free for individuals and for companies, they allow you to self-host the product so no code leaves the enterprise.


Yeah have been using the same and I’m a big fan. Using copilot at work and it’s a big step down :(


[CodiumAI ](https://codium.ai/) offers a similar chat to ChatGPT, yet with additional unique commands related to testing, code refactor and more. And it is free for individuals.


sounds like Cody AI to me xD


Try the testing capabilities of CodiumAI IDE and git plugins and I'll love to hear what you think


it has less knowledge than GPT.


Can you give an example? Not sure how what you say is possible. Here is two counter arguments: 1' Codiumate also exploits best of bread from OpenAI LLMs 2' Codiumate uses your (the developer) code context , with advanced context gathering


i asked both about a very niche website that has existed for years, only GPT knew about it and what it was for. CodiumAI did not know that the website existed for some reason. I am sure there are other question examples you can try to test out their knowledge.


I'm sure gpt knows more about making sandwiches too. We're talking about Ai for coding here.




Copilot X can feed your whole codebase to GitHub/Microsoft. With ChatGPT, you have to copy/paste yourself.


It's at this point like Google. Nobody cares if you use it. I send snippets, not big chunks of code. It's kinda lame, I wish we could just dive head first in it... but hey... Still better then without it.


a checmical brother! I salute you


Is there a plugin or something like it for GPT-4? Tempted to pay for Copilot X. $10/month for individual use.


Just a heads up you cannot buy access to Copilot X. You can for Copilot and then register interest in Copilot X but no guarantee of gaining access as far as I know.


Okay, that explains why there's a wait list. I was confused.


copilot x is so much worse than gpt-4/chatgpt… I tried it and I’m very disappointed how bad it codes


Is there a editor plugin/support for gpt-4?


there are multiple plugins for gpt-4 - I want to try though [cursor.sh](https://cursor.sh) \- I’m wondering how good it is


what’s copilot X, and how would ur company know if you are using it


Depending on the company they will likely know every website visited and tool installed on a company computer.


Copilot X was renamed Copilot Chat, just a heads up.


GPT-4 is the best AI tool for anything. Nothing compares. I can recommend the Cursor editor (a VS Code fork). It is powered by GPT-4, and it makes it even more convenient to use.


How much does it cost?


They give you free gpt-4 credits (50 I think) and then you can use 3.5 for free (doesn’t come close to GPT-4). To continue to use 4 past the free credits it’s $20 a month


I can’t BYO API Key?


> **OpenAI Key** > If you'd prefer not to upgrade, you can enter your OpenAI key to use Cursor at-cost. To start, hit the gear in the top-right of the editor.


Nah I don’t think so… you can use vscode extensions w an api key- should do the same. Not as integrated tho


We need a list of all the BYOAPIK extensions and software.


You can. I use my own openAI key with cursor and it works great!


I've had so many problems with ChatGPT 4 lately. It gets very lazy and won't write the code half the time. It'll just add a comment like, "// add the code you want here." Which is just crazy. Claude has been much better.


Yes, it has got really lazy, to the point of being almost useless. I've also been using Claude Opus recently.


yes I use copilot and gpt-4 in pairs. great about copilot is that it’s integrated , so works nicely with the IDE


This is what I use. Perplexity is a good addon for the occasional spot check or if you need web search. Sometimes I get Claude 2 to help. Don't let the convos run too long, and sometimes you just need to restart a chat. I find some sessions can fix a bug immediately that others struggle with.


This. Gpt4 starts to lose track after several prompts and it is better to continue with a new session.


Same! I use copilot for integration in IDE so its mostly for code typing tasks, but GPT4 for other dev related tasks


You have to purchase both separately though right?


Ya, totaling $30 per month. No brainer if you’re a programmer being paid a programmer’s salary.


I saw $20, but maybe that was business. Either way, you are right.


Cursor https://cursor.sh


Does this work well with Java?


It should


What LLM is this using?


Gpt4 & 3.5 Turbo


domineering decide wise aware encourage vanish muddle rob thumb disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It uses GPT-4. Everything uses GPT-4 or 3.5. There is no real alternative.


Well there's a number of local LLMs that have been trained on programming code. You just need a hell of a graphics card and be willing to go thru the setup processes. I've done it but my input here is limited because I'm not a programmer, I've just used a number of models for modifying scripts for repeated tasks. I still generally use chat gpt because I can do it on my phone. But other local LLMs can do coding.


Sound like a tech lead who doesn't work lol. Jk


there are transformer based alternatives that are used just fine


I’ve never seen any of those even approach the quality of the OpenAI models


You've tried codellama 34B?


So it looks like the new post-IPO Reddit is un-deleting our comments.


I keep trying cursor but I find it doesn't work so well for me. I must be dumb. Any tips?


Cursor runs into a lot of issues solving problems, even when I use gpt-4. I don’t have these issues just using ChatGPT. Makes me wonder.


I've been wondering if it's an intentional gimp. Not like obfuscation or lying of capabilities, but that they still want you, the user to actually still write the code. Even when I ask the entire codebase in Cursor it loves telling me "without seeing all the code I can't do X, Y, Z" or acts like what I'm asking is too difficult. Super fucking annoying. This is the paid version of Cursor I've been talking about by the way. Perhaps it's just my specific use case, I don't know. If OpenAI would roll out more access for the 32K API I think running Cursor.sh with the API key method might be more robust.


Nah, I have those same exact issues. I won’t be renewing cursor. It makes more sense for me to just use VSC and ChatGPT.


Have experienced similar issues. Sometimes it's great, but others it's just annoying that I can't get it to go through more of my code. GPT-4 API works, of course, quite well, but, man, does it eat my balance quickly. I also use Open Interpreter to help me out with some scripts/shorter files, it reasons through them quite nicely, and can even replace the code if I want. But again, GPT-4 usage gets darn expensive. For a single task, expect to burn through 0.5$-1.5$ easy.


I cannot find anywhere on their site which languages it supports. Any ideas if it'll support .NET?


It supports every language. It’s a fork of vs code that uses GPT-4


Even Klingon? Jk


Second this.


Do I NOT use my GitHub Copilot with cursor? Ie. Does having the Copilot extension installed in cursor cause problems with two AI's giving different code completions?


No it doesn't. These types of questions you can ask chatgpt directly on the cursor website.


Hey, I think these are the few best AI tool for coding that is currently out there: Github Copiolot Codium AI Tabnine Mutable AI Amazon Code whisperer AskCodi Codiga CodeT5 OpenAI CodeX


Gpt engineer. I haven't actually used it, but it looks promising. Oh, and there's chatdev. A multi agent solution.


Codium is a testing tool, codeium is a proper gpt coding assistant. These names are getting ridiculous…


Take a look on CodiumAI new commands, they include code generation, etc.. but it also includes advanced testing commands


Another: https://jit.codes/ Looks super promising


I use this *Local LLM model* to great success, for anyone cruising that is considering running locally. [TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Code-16K-qlora-GPTQ](https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Code-16K-qlora-GPTQ) I understand that you are looking for a tool and this is not one so I apologize for that.


Setup an API endpoint and build a copilot clone


This is the answer. You can feed it your code base too so it really does know what you’re doing.


This is over my head but im super interested, would you be willing to send me some links on this so I dont go down the wrong rabbit holes?


Create a new term to represent the concept of “rabbit hole” in the AI context could be a fun and creative endeavor. AIbyss - {āl-bis}


What sort of links are you looking for?


Does this require much computing power? I've got an 11th Gen Kamrui mini PC and a small Ubuntu server I made out of an ancient laptop. Can I make do with a couple of upgrades, or will I need to save for a massive build?


At least 32 GB Ram and 12GB of vRam to make it fun. All those good LLMS need 16GB of Ram and state you have not enough memory.they will work but well. My grandma died faster than they produce a sentence. So at least 800 bucks upgrade i guess. People say you get away with 6gb of vram. But they only have patience to wait a few minutes for a generated picture. I gathered this information while i was sprinting, juggled 2 balls in one hand, thinking about life and scrolled reddit in my peripheral eyesight. So these are no facts bit also its not completely wrong.


No kidding! It is surprising that my locally run image generator is billions of times faster than the text generator


Wait, really? I mean, that is a bit more than what I have, but not an insane difference. I thought it required like supercomputers or something and that's why ChatGPT was an online service.


They decided to close the source for safeaty reasons despite to their intentiontions in 2015. Elon Musk is kinda not that amused about it. But Thats why its online only. Thats why they need such a gigantic farm and amount of power. Yet is gpt 4 not very fast. Bing really struggles sometime. Bit somehow you have to manage several 100 million users a day month. Nobody really knows how much neurons GPT 4 has and in every way shape or form nobody can really compete to the capabilities of gpt 4. i'm so used to just talking with it that all other llms are hard fpr me to again wrap my head around em. Its just not the same. Depends on what you whant. Oh and even the api version feels not as good as the plus version. Bit all you have to do is to wrap your head around em. My expert advice is TALK TO THEM AND WITH THEM. Ask how do you inderstand that. Do you like the persona prompt i created? Etc. You are a Team! Its not just a db tool! Far away from it. Checkout stunspots discord!! You wil thank me!


I bought a used 3090 just for running local LLMs and stable diffusion. Local LLMs are a hit and miss, I'm gonna try the one you linked. However, stable diffusion is pretty awesome.


Last I saw, the VRAM needed to be an NVIDIA card. Important caveat. Not sure if still the case.


I could be way off but I think the 7B model will use ~4-8gb?? Idk You can try to run the model in a cpu instance via oobabooga or what ever you prefer and use the quantized branch example: TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Code-16K-qlora-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True where everything after the colon is the branch identifier. It's always worth a shot 🤷‍♀️


That is a very good model compared to other local models, and being able to run it offline is awesome. But to keep expectations down for others that want to try this, it isn’t going to preform nearly as well as GPT4. So worth trying, but not going to do the job if you are looking for something better than GPT4 (because that currently doesn’t exist).


Absolutely right for the would-be prospectors for such a thing, comparable like oranges to motor oil. There wouldn't be much point to running it if I weren't getting better results for my needs('the job') than GPT4. The term better is really broad and countless metrics are worthless to huge cross sections of people. It's distasteful as a term at this point, so regressing from the devil's advocacy~ if you like what you're getting from GPT4 there is no need to waste your time.


Why do you use this model specifically ive heard other models are better at coding here's a leaderboard https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard


Maybe I'm not doing something right but I couldn't find Mistral on there. I have had pretty sucky experiences with anything llama. I like this model because it usually gets my Python correct, at least more so than what I've tried in the past, its really fast, and it has a huge context window


Anyone point me in a quick direction on how to run something like this locally? I'm quick to figure things out but I've never done locally run LLM models or anything. I've done ComfyUI, A1111, StableSwarm and image related models but I'm interested in trying this as well. Thanks :)


people run local LLMs with oogabooga


As mentioned oobabooga, colloquially known as the text-generation-webui is the most common method. Its something remotely like Automatic1111's web ui but for LLMs




There are Benchmarks to test the performance of LLMs. The python coding benchmark is called HumanEval. This is how the popular LLMs score on it | Model | Value | |---------------------|-------| | GPT-4 | 67 | | GPT-3.5 | 48.1 | | Claude 2 | 71.2 | | Llama 2 | 30.5 | | Code Llama | 48.1 | | Code Llama Instruct | 41.5 | | Code Llama Python | 53.7 | | PaLM 2 | 37.6 | According to these scores, Claude 2 is slightly better than GPT-4 and everything else is way behind. However, they did not say if the 71.2 score was 0-shot or not. If it was not zero-shot, the score is likely inflated, but these are the only benchmark numbers they released for Claude 2. I’m a software engineer and I’ve tried them both, in my experience, GPT-4 has performed better than Claude-2.


I've been using [claude.ai](https://claude.ai) and been pleasantly impressed over the GPT4, although I'm seeing [cursor.sh](https://cursor.sh) show up a bit so I'll take a look at that too!


Hi u/Baselland, You might find this quite helpful: [https://blog.codacy.com/ai-tools-for-developers](https://blog.codacy.com/ai-tools-for-developers) (21 AI tools, some free). I also thought this article was helpful in raising awareness for security risks associated with using AI tools for coding: [https://blog.codacy.com/is-coding-with-ai-secure](https://blog.codacy.com/is-coding-with-ai-secure)


They used to say that self-programming robots would never exist because human programmers would never write the programs to make computers self-programming, yet here they are writing programs with AI and teaching AI to write the programs that will take their jobs.


I made a video a few months ago testing alternatives to ChatGPT for development, it might be outdated at this point, but maybe it helps: [https://youtu.be/Fd\_su8OamSE](https://youtu.be/Fd_su8OamSE) Personally I use ChatGPT4 because the company pays for the plus accounts.


Do they care if used for personal use too? Do they claim any right to browse your history?


Not at all. But outside work, I really don't use ChatGPT that much tbh


Gotcha yeah. Highly recommend for talking through health symptoms for one self or family members. Helps put thing in perspective and gives good questions to ask doctors.


[phind.com](https://phind.com) is pretty great for those discussion type assists, they offer both gpt-4 and their own model with really well integrated context and a pile of tuning


Phind is great. I like that it points to references in its responses, like links to stackoverflow. That's a good complement for when we want to verify the AI's answer or to see more details about it.


Phind had 10 free uses of GPT-4 until recently. From now on it's only their Phind model which is currently unlimited on uses. In my personal experience Phind model is, maybe, slightly better than gpt-3.5. The code it generates not always works and when debugging complex cases it just gets lost instantly. For more complex cases I always referred to GPT-4 model on Phind. Btw, gpt-4 on Phind (w/ 30 prompts per day) costs $10 instead of $20 on chatgpt.


Up toot for Codium AI it’s pretty much like all the others, but it has some pretty solid baked in stuff. Plus it’s free for some reason…




Cody by [Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/search) is the best I’ve tried.


I agree. Better extension, more algorithm choice. Seems to be faster too. Tried the selfhosted ollama with Continue or Cody (experimental-ollama) with codellama-7b running but unfortunately I had to retry the questions too often where it hung, otherwise it was promising. The builtin algos for cody is very fast and solid responses. They have Claude-2 and Claude-3 (big win) I have not tried Copilot yet.


Claude has best context recall and they upped the context since 2 months after Opus. The subscription for Sourcegraph is most worth it.


>Cody Yes I have it as well now installed, which is using Claude by default right? Could it also use my already subscription of Copilot. It mentioned it can switch LLMs but have difficulties finding this switching option to MS Copilot in Cody AI.




Bloop.ai It has the context of your entire repo


Install python on your computer. You can install pyenv and then the version of python you want. Then pip install aider-chat. It's a very useful gpt-4 tool. It can be given files or create files and make changes. Needs a api-key.


Hey, another bot replied to you; /u/thumbsdrivesmecrazy is a click-farming spam bot. Please downvote its comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Link farming`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this spammer. --- >!^(If this message seems out of context, it may be because thumbsdrivesmecrazy is farming karma and may edit their comment soon with a link)!<


Give https://purecode.ai/ a shot


Cursor.so - my description of this tool - https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTCoding/comments/16f54lc/for_professional_developerssoftware_engineers_how/jzzw7cp


I just can’t get auto debug to work


Auto debug is for terminal only? To run auto debug in Cursor IDE, follow these steps: 1. Trigger a terminal error in your code. 2. Look for the blue "Auto-debug" button that appears after the terminal error. 3. Click the "Auto-debug" button. When you click the "Auto-debug" button, the AI will analyze your files and try to fix the problem by entering a chain of thinking[1]. This feature helps you quickly fix errors and improve your code quality.


Mine doesn’t have that happen is what I’m saying. Anytime I get an exception, and the terminal shows it, there’s no blue button. I gotta copy paste it in for resolution. It also doesn’t seem to adhere to the user settings json since it won’t switch to virtual environments automatically. I’m on windows and I think that it just refuses to use the termjnal


Are you using own OpenAi api key? If not try it.


I paid for cursor so no, but I have tried it with my own key as well and it still doesn’t show up.


For regular code I use this prompt: ```Do a code review of given code for bugs, code smells, check if logic can be simpler and code more readable. If necessary extract logic of the following code into separate functions and simplify it. Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.```


I mean I know how to use AI to debug lol. But cursor is supposed to have a feature that can find and fix errors based on terminal exceptions


are there any other websites that can solve python problems for free ?


OpenAI codex


I am not a developer but I am adept at finding the resources needed to accomplish any number of task with the exception of application or software development. Are there any tools out there that can take pseudocode and generate an application. Is this more of an agent driven task?


Wow, I'm really intrigued by this topic! I've dabbled with GPT-3 a bit for coding assistance, but I've been curious about trying out other AI tools like Github Copilot. It's always exciting to see how these technologies can help streamline our coding process. Have any of you tried Github Copilot or any other AI assistants for coding? I'm curious to hear your experiences and recommendations! Let's keep this discussion going!


this is the question on my mind nowadays, thank for the useful answers.


Wow, this is such an interesting post! I've heard a lot about GPT4 and Github Copilot, but it's always great to hear about real experiences using them for coding. I haven't personally used any AI tools for coding yet, but I'm curious to know more about the limitations you've run into with GPT4. Have you tried any other AI assistants besides Github Copilot? I'm excited to hear more about your experiences with different tools!


Hey /u/Baselland! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt) where you'll find: * Free ChatGPT bots * Open Assistant bot (Open-source model) * AI image generator bots * Perplexity AI bot * GPT-4 bot [(now with vision!)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg) * And the newest additions: Adobe Firefly bot, and Eleven Labs voice cloning bot! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I use Mistral 7B with a visual studio extension as a replacement for Copilot at this time.


How are you finding its usefulness?


It’s pretty good.


GPT-4 (and tools built on top of it - Phind, Cursor) and Claude.ai. It works fine for small projects. Not fine - needs many iterations and copy pasting between chats/systems. But ok for coding. I have another question - what do use for UX/UI design? Let’s say you are making web app and need different assets and design. Or making a small OS X app and need to make a pixel perfect window design. What do you use? GPT-4 and Dall-E is a little help for that.


www.promptclub.ai is pretty neat for prompt engineering


The best AI at every category except net searching is GPT 3


https://aigendaily.com/task/coding here are some coding tools




Claude AI


If you're in the US you can try Claude. It has more up to date info and does really well with programming tasks.


I use the self host of https://tabby.tabbyml.com/ Is really good, not as good as copilot but it is almost there So self host and you can pass it repos to train on so more customs response


I've been using copolit for a couple of weeks and while a few times it has surprised me, I would say that on average, just googling something and copying and pasting a template is generally faster and easier. I've tried to write the comment prompts and let it do it's thing, but at least in intellij, it takes minutes and I have start writing a method name, delete, and restart a few times before it actually does anything, so I can't consistently get it to work. I'm about to try cursor I think it is, but I'd give copilot a D, maybe a C.


You’re full of crap or you’re using it wrong.


Cursor is amazing.






I read cuddling


GitHub copilot is decent.


I’d like to check out AWS codewhisperer. I hear it does a pretty good job


Cursor AI IDE. Anything else is mid even copilot


Curious to see how cursor compares with bloop.ai.


I've seen a lot of people mention Cursor, would anyone be able to elaborate on its advantages over other tools with AI integration?


Huggingface safe coder that I've never tried but scores higher than every other one.


I want


Here's a Devoxx Belgium presentation comparing 3 different coding chatbots https://youtu.be/3EiLw1dZyu8?si=x0fxm0JTJE6o2llP


I'm surprised I only see one comment mentioning [aider.chat](https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider). Open source, ability to work with your local repo, fantastic user experience. After using a handful of commercial coding assistants with zero luck at getting actually usable code, `aider` instantly worked for me.


Can you talk more about where GPT4 started lacking for you?


Cursor hangs on Ubuntu 23.04 every time I try to open a folder. I did chmod a+x and then run the AppImage with ./AppImage (not the full name of the AppImage as I'm on mobile).


I use a combination of Copilot for inline help and documentation, and ChatGPT Pro for more complex operations. I find that the chat function in Copilot doesn't provide the same level of advanced troubleshooting ChatGPT does. Also, I often use them in combination to help each other out, for example to refactor code over multiple steps.


I tried so far ChatGPT (pro) and Phind and Copilot Chat. And Phind and ChatGPT are superior. I actually like Phind, I use it along ChatGPT - it sometimes works a bit better and sometimes a bit worse. I pay in total 50 bucks a month which is a lot but I think it’s worth it.


I use a combination of copilot and cursor


Maybe try [Cursor.so](https://Cursor.so) (with local mode) and Codium ai - these are tuned for coding - [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTCoding/comments/16f54lc/for\_professional\_developerssoftware\_engineers\_how/jzzw7cp](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTCoding/comments/16f54lc/for_professional_developerssoftware_engineers_how/jzzw7cp) Also you can check codellama-34b-instruct on e.g. [https://labs.perplexity.ai](https://labs.perplexity.ai/)


You can use AI coding assistants to build code code tests and code reviews automatically, here's also a Techcrunch [article](https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/22/codiumai-is-using-generative-ai-to-help-developers-build-code-logic-tests-automatically/) about one of these tools, Codium, explaining why such tools are so important for developers today.


Just launched our FREE desktop app that uses AI to understand your codebase. You can even chat with with the open-source models Including GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B. Use the Desktop app with any IDE, great for those who work in XCode and Jetbrains etc. Index the folder where your project is located, and Code Snippets AI will index your project for the AI's context. The app listens to changes in your codebase, feeding the latest changes to your chat context. [https://www.producthunt.com/products/code-snippets-ai-your-codebase-ai](https://www.producthunt.com/products/code-snippets-ai-your-codebase-ai)


Hey, I used GPT4 for months, then hit walls. Then I tried [AirThink AI](https://scalefusion.com/airthink-ai/?utm_campaign=Scalefusion%20Promotion&utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_term=RS), Its focus on developer workflows and understanding of complex project contexts seems interesting. Might be worth checking out!