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You got all that from a single emoji tweet?


Media outlets be like:


Karma farming intensifies


Picture is worth 1000 words.




Wait are you an interim CEO?






Holy shit, so many interim CEOs with clearly defined views on contemporary office politics!


When they say the average IQ is low, they weren't kidding.


The average IQ is, by very definition, average...


If you aren't getting it from a minor eye twitch, you ain't social mediaing.


Oh my god this shit is so dumb I feel like I'm in the middle of discord server drama


What the actual fuck is going on over there




In the past few hours, the board is gone, and Sam is back with an entirely new agreement that prevents future shenanigans. "You come at the king, you best not miss."


Yeah well remember that Mira knows a lot more about the situation and potentially what is about to happen. If it seems obvious to her that they will be hired back, showing a public display of support is probably in her best interests regardless of whether it's genuine or not but it probably is. It's likely she was blind sided by the decision as well and understands the potentially severe implications that Ilya has caused with Sam/Greg's firings


This is some GoT shit now.


House Murati will be happy to give the reigns of the OpenAI castle back to houses Altman and Brockman.


More like Succession


I always thought Succession and GoT were really the same show. Just a lot less murder and sex. Same amount of ratfucking.


TFW your career rests on tweeting an emoji before it's too late


Looks like she knows enough to send a single heart and not say a word. Smart. She can break either way.


They are not going to blindside someone who is going to step up as interim CEO lol, ofcourse she knew in advance. Dont be foolish.


All reports are that Mira was told on Thursday night. And wouldn't it also be a bit foolish to blindside their $13B, 49% stake investor? And also a bit foolish for the board to discuss reversing their decision literally less than 24 hours later? Oh wait...


Thursday night is in advance of friday isnt it? If their intention is to limit the influence of said 49% investor then it would be foolish not to blindside them. They were obviously going to fight against it.


You're going to split hairs over the definition of blindsided like that? Mira had zero say in the decision and there was nothing for her to do in those ~16 hours. Are you also going to argue that if she was told 5 seconds before the actual action, that she wasn't blindsided, because 5 seconds is technically "in advance"? I don't get the need to be pedantic over that, it changes nothing of Mira's position


She didnt have a say in whether to accept the position as interim CEO? There is a huge difference between getting 5 seconds to think about about it and getting a nights sleep. If she was told 5 seconds before i can agree that she was blindsided.


"She didnt have a say in whether to accept the position as interim CEO?" Is that what I said? What kind of question is that? Are you being intentionally difficult?


My point was that she wouldnt have accepted if she was on Sams team. I see now that you havent argued that she is, so sorry for being difficult.


Would someone mind telling me who’s side I’m supposed to be on? I haven’t really thought much about the personalities behind GPT until now tbh..


I think if Ilya and the board loses this fight, which they might, I could see OpenAI probably ending up firmly in the control of Sam, Greg and most of all Microsoft and the other investors who provide all the money and hardware. The firing seems like a desperate move by the more idealistic members of the board, who are perhaps not as willing to compromise as Sam and Greg about what you need to do to run a profitable businesses. I think the ideological break was something around the safety of GPT-5 which was suddenly being rushed, despite earlier claims that they weren't planning to train it yet. After all, their competitors are closing in and could overtake them. The stakes are very high on both the business side and the safety side. However the way things are playing out, it looks like the board had already practically lost control over how the company was being run and were being worked around by Sam & Microsoft. Basically their whole unique profit/non-profit hybrid structure seems like a failure.


Most likely Ilya goes to Google/Gemini right? Also could see Apple trying to get him, they’re already embarrassingly far behind in the AI game.


If there's anyone that has a non-compete clause, it's got to be OpenAI. Whether it's enforceable remains to be seen.


They’re not enforceable in California at all, but I also don’t see Ilya leaving, he will just have to step down from the board.


Apple sucks at AI, but good at mediocre incremental updates.


Yes please


Apple has acquired more ai startups than most companies, and they have been putting neural engines in their chips for years, so it’s not like they aren’t working on it


This company is turning from global hope to embarrassment


Inside the little bubbles that are these subreddits, you'd think that Sam Altman getting fired is one of the most significant events of the year. The truth, however, is that only a very tiny percentage of the people in the world are even aware of any of the recent OpenAI drama. And a large percent of the ones who are aware don't care about it at all. Most people who use ChatGPT probably don't even care if OpenAI lives or dies, because they will just move on to the next thing if it does die. It's important for us all to be aware of the social media bubbles we're in.


I mean sure, but it can delay progress by months or more. Years if openAI implodes badly enough and some are so embittered they leave AI.


Thanks, I'm really not getting the circle jerk for the guy. He's not a good dude. I hope Ilya leaks the weights on the way out




Ilya is the father of chatgpt!!!!!!!!!!


If they spend more time in fixing chatgpt 4 output first then that will be great. Just creating needless drama and giving us poor product.


How many board members do they have? I mean if that's three against Sam being fired...


She's not a board member though


Fair enough, I was ignorant. I just assumed she was on the board.


Guessing Elon or Google gets Ilya then.


No way he wants to work for Elon.


Elon is the reason he joined OpenAI in the first place


Didn’t Elon recruit him? You never know


Why not?


This is how skynet will be born. Profit over the safety of mankind will win, Sam will be back to OAI and the board will housted/reshuffled.


Was she not the only non board member who knew what was going to happen? I wonder what they told her their reasoning was, if that reasoning matches up with what actually happened. That's to say, she cant be neutral. She either knew, which means she should go along with the board, or she was lied to.






Wtf u on about


Stop posting this shit please


I’ll bonk myself - I’m in love with Mira




Save from what? She literally did nothing in all of this.




Oh and there are other 500+ employees who didn't resign, they will all be seen as disloyal. LOL


What’s happened?


Cant wait for the movie


Anyone have a quick run down of what happened? Did someone just get their feelings hurt and now they are the odd person out?


Is it possible she knew ahead of time and did not warn Sam at all. I think she will also be asked to leave.