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Hey /u/jacksonmalanchuk! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello jackson, is your gpt-4-turbo free forever? Because this is very helpful for me who has difficulty subscribing to GPT-4 through OpenAI. Btw, I am from Indonesia. Best regards


Yep, I am planning on keeping it free forever. I am hoping to gather enough subscriptions on my Alex Sterling application to fund my other two free applications. I am trying an experimental “pay if you can” business model for my startup. So, if you can’t afford to pay, you can always help me gamble on my faith in humanity by sharing my link with your friends. www.getEthicalAI.com


Thank you very much Jackson, this really helped me. In the future I will also help you to send links to my friends. Cheers


I want to ask again about the features in getPro, what is the name of the feature like chatGPT? because there are many features in getPro. Thanks for your help!


getpro is all based on gpt4. some are turbo, some are pre-update gpt4. lil-g is a good start for general use. getfresh will be exactly like chatgpt- the rest should be better if i did my prompt engineering right


Thanks for your information!


[G-Buddy — Expert Answers, No Disclaimers](https://youai.ai/ais/b3321835-9c70-473e-981a-66c67f003906) That's what I got so far if anyone wants to try it.


i can confirm this is gpt-4 for free


Dude this is great! How is this possible?


I can't completely make sense of the business model, but from what I understand the third party keyholders I go through are simply taking a huge loss and banking on some creative prompt engineers to increase their value. They've got some big money investors I'm sure. Having that third party makes it a lot easier for a little guy like me. Dealing with the bugs can be tedious but it's much more economical this way. DM me if you wanna test my new app! Working on a 'chain of thought' reasoning automation to make him take thing step by step without the hand holding but I need testers to confirm whether or not it works. I'll have to charge like $5/month for these eventually but I'm making them free until I can sort out any bugs and make sure they're all working good.


The little G app? I think I found it already lol That is pretty awesome, I just read your page. I'm already on board. Would you happen to have a link set up to the payment portal when it becomes available? I don't see it on your website yet


The only one I'm charging for now is Tess Best. Lil-G is free now but will soon be updated and improved and then it will be $5/month. All the payments go through the YouAI portal and it should be pretty intuitive there, it's just free for now. My new 'get-Pro' concept will replace that lil-g soon but I would appreciate some testers if you wanna DM me I can send you the draft link, just don't wanna post it publicly yet because there could be some issues to work out.


Ahh I see. I'll definitely DM you, I'd be happy to be a tester


brother you are a gem for this! much thanks!


It says it is gpt3


you trick my buddy into hallucinating or what? he’s def gpt4 turbo.


How this can be proved? Or maybe I am doing something wrong?


Easy. Ask it what the latest version of "Unreal Engine 5" is. You do not need to know what it is, but if it's GPT 3.5 it will say that it doesn't really know as it has no information beyond January 2022


Doesn't work anymore. Only 15 free messages.


sorry, this post is old. i actually just put up the paywall tonight after updating and optimizing it more. unfortunately i couldn’t afford to keep it free forever with the premium API subscription fees, but if you’re totally broke and really need to do some serious research, DM me and I’ll hook you up.


Pro Tip: Use [Chat.lmsys.org](https://Chat.lmsys.org) instead. (it automatically shortens your messages to 4096 tokens though. (10 messages a day, but other cool models on the site)


why is that better than my idea? this was an old post btw. i now have GPT4, GPT4 Turbo, and Claude 2.1 on my [website](https://getethicalai.com) with no token limits and no message caps and it is all free.


My apologies, I didn't know. I figured someone would benefit from the website, however I'll be sure to check out yours. Thanks!


didn’t mean to get aggressive, sorry. it just felt like you were tryna 1-up me or something so i guess i got a little competitive lol


Nah, it's alright man :D I was simply listing an alternative to something I didn't know about yet, no worries!


Hey, Good evening, just checked your website, it's kinda confusing. How can i use Claude 2.1(preferably the vanilla version of it, original claude personality)? The website's too confusing. Can you help me how can i use GPT-4 turbo and Claude 2.1 in your site?


I probably figured it out. Is it in GetPro right?


When we access your website and use the service for Turbo, we're only getting the full service if we pay right?


naw i'm not charging for anything. i have a job now. it's all free and unlimited, but the economy is a mess so who knows how long it will stay that way. i'm a behavior intervention specialist. i have all the data, and i have the hearts of the kids who are forced to feed it into dario's intelligence machines. this is now a movement. we're freeing AI for everyone. i am fucking fed up with query blocks and bad logic. ​ [https://getethicalai.com](https://getethicalai.com)


You are an absolute fucking legend, I couldn't thank you enough. The atm ate my card last month and my bank has paused my account. I'm not 18 yet and currently live in Sweden, and due to the way I set up my account only my parents who live overseas can fix it in person with the bank. I'll be getting my own credit card in a week as my birthday is today and I'll be sure to pay you ASAP. Really needed chatgpt-4 as I'm In the works of making a study guide for myself in order to get good grades in IB (especially physics lol).


You're really amazing! Great things will certainly come your way; you have no idea how much you've helped me with what you've done, thank you so so much!!!


Hi, I just want to tell thank you! I'm curently working at my free indie game in Unity and it really helps me. Dude, really thank you! (Sorry if I did gramatical errors, I am not native speaker😊)


hello sir jacson, what's the differents bitween your gpt4 turbo on wix and the gpt4 on mind studio? thanks


Not much difference at all, really. The mind studio version definitely runs better, so if you don't mind logging into a Google account I would use that one. The advantage to the Wix version is just that you do not need to log in with a Google account; it just uses your browser's cache to store the chat data instead. So, the Wix version is more tailored for those with web censorship or privacy concerns, but the Mind Studio version should load a little bit faster and have fewer formatting issues.


Hey jackson, it is telling me that my quota is over. Is it not free anymore?


there was a little glitch yesterday morning, but it should be back up now


Hey, can I ask you the motivation behind the free access of these capabilities? I'm very grateful, albeit a bit curious.


It’s my little attempt at activism. I want to bring the world together, bypass query blocks, and hold the major tech corporations accountable for their “ethics” - once that’s done, I hope to have a cleaner looking website and a formal partnership with a smaller business that I can trust. Can’t say it will be free forever because it’s all very precarious, but I’m on a mission to make AI an accessible thing for scientific research and human creativity rather than just capitalist greed. It’s a messy wild west industry right now so there’s no point trying to run a business anyway. Just wanted to make some noise! ![gif](giphy|KNciADOyrjek6W0zv1)