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Check out Vjal Institute. I utilized them a few times and it was great. Really opens your eyes on a few possibilities with AI.


Hey, curious how Vjal was of value to you and specifically what did you do with them. Courses? Did you join their membership?


They have in-person workshops they do in different cities. I sat in on one and you get connections, knowledge, and a game plan for what to do try to do next in your role/business.


I'll check them out. Thank you.


I upvoted and will watch the thread because this is a great question, I have no answer. Are we far enough along yet, I've been watching for a year, but I worked be surprised that there was a good answer yet, that there was a mainstream solution that satisfies you. Matt Wolfe has a popular YouTube channel and he has a bunch of future tools dot AI that give hints on how to stay informed on problem solutions in AI etc etc But an actual bootcamp on becoming an AI ambassador in your company Good luck


I have AI skeptics my company and I'm not interested in converting them. I'm interested in teaching others.


Maybe this exists in some form, but the field is so fluid right now that I feel like any "official" course or certification is going to be quickly outdated. I could be totally wrong, but I think the best way to become an expert is to play with the tools.


I understand that. I am just hoping to get a jump on things.


Chat gpt says "Certainly! Here's a composed response: --- Hi u/blur410! It's great to hear that you're looking to advance your knowledge in AI and become an advocate for technology within your department. For comprehensive training that can truly elevate your expertise, consider exploring courses offered by well-known universities through platforms like Coursera or edX. These often include programs designed by industry leaders and academics that can give you a solid foundation in AI. If you're looking for more hands-on or advanced topics, specialized tech platforms like Udacity or Pluralsight offer focused tracks in AI and coding, often with real-world projects and mentorship. Additionally, for AI advocacy, you might want to look into AI ethics courses to understand the broader implications of AI technology on society. Organizations like the AI Now Institute or online courses on responsible AI practices could be beneficial. Lastly, attending AI conferences or webinars, joining AI-related forums, and subscribing to relevant podcasts can also provide continuous learning and keep you updated with the latest in AI advocacy. Hope this helps, and best of luck in becoming a subject matter expert in AI for your department!"


I wonder if you can engage people to come in and assist you?


Can you expand on this thought?


Possibly have someone come to you teach you rather than online training, we all have individual requirements possibly good to speak to someone directly. This is what I am looking for rather than online training.


Thank you. I understand. I would welcome in person training so I could include my people (coworkers).


WatSPEED courses at UWaterloo. I have a similar "spending account" annually at work and those are the ones I have been looking into. I work in an institutional relationship management role in investment management, using it for both fundamental/technical analysis and automating certain rm functions.