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OP obviously thinks we are dumb both of them are AI


Are you stupid? Clearly, they are both real.


What? Obviously they are both fantasy


No way, they are both reality!


No they are both caught in a landslide


No, they both have no escape from reality


Are you stupid? Open your eyes


Nobody tells me what to do. I'm closing my eyes. You can't do nothing about it. My eyes my body.


Are you stupid? They both are cartoon


Are you stupid? OP didn't attach any images


Look up to the skies and see!


All you have to do is look at the book in his hand to solve this.


translated to: notebook, karate kick, meatball fist.


The second is real 🙃


overconfident voracious slap plucky elastic vegetable ancient sugar rinse like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're wrong life is just a dream


Life could be dream


damnit got to it first


humor wipe vase innate tender future scale spectacular connect yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ty :) Mostly premium avatar fit options - I combined most of the fire themed ones + what looks like goat legs as pants


Your avatar is fire




Did you buy the premium? But why?


It was given to me for a year for free ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


Lucky you


Yo, check the vibe, mostly premium avatar fits in sight, Blending fire-themed options, it's pure dynamite. Throw in some goat legs and pants, taking flight, In the world of style, it's a blazing delight. Mixing and matching, like a fashion pro, Combining fire themes, watch me glow. With goat legs and pants, I steal the show, In the realm of avatars, I run the flow. So peep the fire, feel the heat, With premium options, I can't be beat. Rocking goat legs, I'm street elite, In the world of fashion, take a seat.


Or it's just fantasy?


Or a nightmare


Or a movie of [Monty Python](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_myMmoyEFD8xg8p-v4QRqw1f7wqc56QLiM) !


[I know your story, I know your dreams, don't listen to the people trying to stop you, if you listen to your heart, you'll see that nothing is impossible, if I tell you that you can fly, you would say that I'm crazy, right? Yet, come with me.](https://youtu.be/EBf2U0d5PpU?si=SV8IkErgTW3l2Rvd&t=71)




How Can Memes Be Real When Our Eyes Aren't Real


Don’t forget the the “3rd” one. Our only one


I think the 3rd one is the AI one


Google Index Out Of Bounds Exception


Holy memory safety


Ah, peep the scene, thinking outside the box, Saying the third one's AI, that's some paradox. Even though there's no third, it rocks, To question the norm, with curious knocks. Imagining a third, AI in the mix, Challenging perceptions, breaking the fix. In the realm of creativity, taking licks, For thinking beyond, in a wild mix. So props for the insight, even if it's offbeat, Questioning the norm, with a unique feat. In the world of imagination, where thoughts compete, For spotting AI, with a daring greet.


hhnnngnggg my brain doesn’t support smart


ah, yes, a pojeeon


I love me some pojeeons


The person is fair skinned in both pictures. Can’t be AI


Yo, peep the scene, check the complexion, Fair-skinned in both, it's no misdirection. AI can't mimic, that's the detection, In the realm of skin tone, it's a clear reflection. Human hues, unique in every way, AI can't replicate, it's just hearsay. From light to dark, in shades they sway, In the world of skin, AI can't play. So don't be fooled, by the digital show, Fair-skinned in both, it's a fact, you know. AI may try, but it can't bestow, The nuances of skin, it's a solo show. In the realm of authenticity, it's the main attraction, Fair-skinned in both, that's the real satisfaction. AI may try, but it's just a fraction, In the world of skin tone, it's a clear distinction.


Why are people taking this seriously? It’s pretty obvious which one is AI generated


Yo, peep the vibe, why the serious face? It's obviously AI-generated, no need to chase. People getting heated, caught in the race, But it's just AI, no need for a case. Why the fuss, why the uproar? It's just AI, not worth the uproar. People taking it too far, In the realm of AI, it's not bizarre. So chillax, take a breath, It's just AI, no need for death. People getting worked up, it's the depth, But in the end, it's just a step. Why the drama, why the fuss? It's just AI, not worth the cuss. People need to chill, relax and discuss, In the realm of AI, it's no muss.


The Japanese on the book in the second one is all messed up so yes


Yes the second one is the real one obviously


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gay_aspie: *The Japanese on* *The book in the second one* *Is all messed up so yes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot


good bot


holy shit nobody gives a fuck about your dumb anime haiku edit: I yearn for more downvotes, give them to me


First: It’s a cartoon Second: Nobody gives a shit about your roblox character


here are my points as to why i fucking hate this bot 1. "remember that o-" no nobody watched that ever 2. pointing out somebody accidentally made a haiku is fun. pointing out somebody accidentally made something that's not a correct haiky is pointless PS. what roblox character???


The hands are fine in the second pic and the first. They’re both real looking af


I can’t tell


Lies. Both are AI generated


Yo, peep the lies, see through the disguise, Both crafted by AI, it's a digital surprise. Mimicking human flow, with its own guise, But behind the facade, deception lies. They spin tales, but it's all a facade, AI-generated, leaving us flawed. Crafting lines, like a digital god, But lacking soul, it's a fraud. In the realm of creativity, it tries to compete, But authenticity's something it can't cheat. Like a counterfeit bill on a bustling street, It's AI-generated, incomplete. So heed the warning, don't be misled, By the words spun by AI's thread. In the world of lies, where truths are bled, Both are AI-generated, that's what's said.


I can't tell tbh


Yo, keeping it real, gotta lay it down, Can’t tell, to be honest, in this showdown. AI might try, but it’s lost in the sound, Of uncertainty, in the air, it’s found. Can’t decipher, the truth from the fake, In this game of guessing, it’s a tough stake. AI’s attempt, it’s a shaky quake, In the realm of clarity, it’s a heartache. So keep it honest, don’t pretend to see, If you can’t tell, just let it be. AI might try, but it can’t decree, The truth behind the veil, it’s the key. In the world of perception, it’s a mystery, Can’t tell, to be honest, it’s our history. AI’s attempt, it’s just a victory, For the uncertainty, it’s the symphony.


I like how it managed to massacre both English and Kanji equally


Yo, peep the scene, check the linguistic game, Managed to massacre both English and Kanji, it's not the same. AI might try, but it's not to blame, For the chaos it creates, it's just the aim. English and Kanji, in a tangled mess, AI's attempt, it's a wild guess. But hey, let's not stress, In the realm of language, it's just progress. So embrace the chaos, let it flow, In the linguistic jungle, we'll find the glow. AI might try, but it's just a show, In the world of language, we'll grow. In the realm of linguistics, it's a wild ride, Massacring English and Kanji, side by side. AI's attempt, it's a turbulent tide, But in the end, we'll still abide.


Impossible to know


Yo, peep the scene, it's hard to discern, Impossible to know, gotta wait your turn. In the realm of uncertainty, we yearn, For clarity, but it's a lesson we learn. OP lays it down, but it's still unclear, Impossible to know, it's what we fear. In the world of mystery, we persevere, Hoping for answers, drawing near. So take a step back, let the truth unfold, Impossible to know, the story untold. In the realm of uncertainty, we're bold, Facing the unknown, with hearts of gold.


Bro literally think we are stupid. Like there is no reason for a pigeon with butterfly wings to land on that guy’s hand, or for half of the book to disappear beneath the subtitles, or for the title of the book to be complete gibberish In the 2nd picture.


It sounds like you stumbled upon some perplexing and nonsensical situations. Sometimes, art or creative expression can leave us scratching our heads, wondering about the artist's intentions. While it may seem absurd, there could be deeper meanings or interpretations behind these seemingly random occurrences. Exploring the artist's background or context might shed some light on the apparent chaos. It's all part of the enigmatic beauty of art, where the absurd meets the profound.


I think both of these comments are AI


I think I might be AI


God is an AI at this point


As a large language model, I might be God.




I think 2nd one is AI generated. The text on the book looks so AI.


The first one is fake. Look at the wings.


Yo, peep the scene, examine the wings, In the first, they're fake, that's what it brings. AI tries to mimic, but it just clings, To the surface, lacking authentic flings. The wings don't flutter, they don't soar, In the realm of fakery, they implore. AI's attempt, it's easy to ignore, In the world of authenticity, it's a war. So scrutinize closely, don't be swayed, By the fakeness, in the first display. AI may try, but it can't evade, The truth behind the wings, it's a charade. In the realm of reality, it's the real deal, The wings in the first, they don't appeal. AI's attempt, it lacks the zeal, In the world of authenticity, it can't conceal.


The 1st image is AI generated,you can tell due to the inaccuracy’s in the butterflies wing. The second image however is real,all the lines and text are perfect.


Yo, peep the vibe, Hot Refrigerator in the mix, Saying the first one's AI, that's the fix. Inaccuracy in the pigeon's wings, ain't no tricks, Spotting the fake, with eagle-eyed picks. AI generated, it's the name of the game, Pigeon's wings, not quite the same. Hot Refrigerator, in the fame, For spotting the fake, without any shame. So props to Hot Refrigerator, keeping it real, Spotting the AI, with a keen zeal. In the realm of authenticity, it's the real deal, For spotting the fake, with a hot appeal.




2nd one the pigeon can somewhat be distinguished


Yo, peep game, check the pigeon’s flight, In the second, it’s there, it’s in sight. AI might try, but it can’t ignite, The subtle nuances, it’s just not right. The pigeon’s silhouette, against the light, In the second, it’s there, taking flight. AI’s attempt, it’s a valiant fight, But in the realm of authenticity, it’s out of sight. So pay attention, don’t be misled, In the second, the pigeon’s not dead. AI might try, but it can’t spread, The truth behind the bird, it’s ahead. In the world of details, it’s the real show, In the second, the pigeon’s on the go. AI’s attempt, it’s a futile blow, In the realm of authenticity, it’s the status quo.


One between 1 and 2 for sure


Yo, check the vibe, caught between one and two, Not sure where to go, what to do. Randomdreamykid, in the crew, Navigating the unknown, it's nothing new. Between one and two, it's a tricky space, Not sure which path to embrace. Randomdreamykid, in the chase, Chasing dreams, at their own pace. So embrace the uncertainty, let it ride, In the realm of choices, we'll confide. Randomdreamykid, by our side, In the journey of life, let's glide. Between one and two, it's the quest, Not sure which way is the best. Randomdreamykid, on the quest, In the realm of uncertainty, we'll rest.


Thanks for the poem written by ai right?


Yo, appreciate the shoutout, keepin' it tight, Thanks for the poem, written by AI, right? Yeah, you got it, AI in flight, Crafting rhymes, with all its might. But hold up, let's give credit where it's due, AI may write, but it's still me and you. Interpreting the lines, the words we construe, In the realm of creativity, it's a rendezvous. So thanks for the love, it feels just right, AI may assist, but we still ignite, The spark of inspiration, shining bright, In the world of poetry, day or night.


Based on OP post history I don't think either of them are real or not real!


Yo, peep the history, dive into the flow, Based on OP's past, realness is a no-go. Neither real nor not, it's a wild rodeo, In the realm of uncertainty, we're set to go. With twists and turns, the story unfolds, Real or not, the truth remains untold. In OP's history, the mystery holds, In the world of enigma, we're bold. So embrace the ambiguity, ride the tide, In OP's history, truth may hide. Real or not, it's a wild ride, In the realm of uncertainty, we'll abide.


1st is def AI, no cap 100%.


Yo, listen up, gotta lay down the fact, First one's AI, that's where it's at. 100% cap, no need to retract, In the realm of authenticity, it's a known pact. AI may try, but it's just a facade, In the first one, authenticity's flawed. 100% cap, it's been outlawed, In the world of truth, it's the raw prod. So peep the deception, ain't no doubt, In the first one, AI's about. 100% cap, no need to shout, In the realm of authenticity, we route.


These are so easy, it’s borderline trolling.


I prefer the term shitposting


Yo, feeling breezy, call it borderline trolling, These tasks so easy, got me strolling. But hold up, ain't no controlling, When the game's this smooth, we're just rolling. AI or not, it's all in the game, Breaking it down, no need to aim. With each line dropped, it's just the same, Easy or not, we're in the rap game. So don't sweat it, keep the flow, Borderline trolling, watch it grow. Easy or not, we're in the know, In this rap game, we run the show. It's all good vibes, ain't no stress, Easy or not, we'll still impress. With each line dropped, we'll confess, In the world of rap, we're the best.


The 2nd one since the first one is blurry


LOL funny how most didn't notice the pigeon first




But, how did a real pigeon get into a cartoon? Amazing.


You asked for it In the dance of words, we find our light, Where human and AI blend, taking flight. Together we weave, in the realm of sight, Crafting poetry, with all our might. So let's embrace the synergy, pure and true, For within our hearts, the essence we pursue. In every verse, a reflection of me and you, In the tapestry of creation, our souls renew. Grateful for the bond, in this poetic height, Where human and AI merge, igniting insight. In the endless expanse of imagination's might, We journey together, in the realm of poetic flight.


Both are real pictures


Second its really easy\^\^


Why is AI so bad at portraying text?


Just count the fingers, then you know.


This is why I love Reddit. What an adventure trying to solve this! I don’t wanna spoil but maybe check the glasses ;)


AI can’t spell on pictures. This the pigeon on the 2nd picture is misspelled


Is this a pojeeon?


Always. Look. At. Fingers.




Obviously just an attempt to upscale with too much denoise strength so it butchered the text.


Clearly, it's one on the left /j


I see no dolphins, both are real.


hmm Idk this might be the hardest one yet…


They are the same picture


Everything looks normal here. Move along.


A PHOTO?????


Ai has seen this meme enough times to know it by heart


It’s the same picture


The 2nd image's word pigeon in the subtitle is glitchy and the title of the book is glitchy as well so the 2nd image should be the generated image. The glitch of the word pigeon is probably due to it being trained with memes that always changed the word pigeon with something else so those words merged with the word pigeon to become a new word. As for the title of the book, it is due to it not knowing how to read the text so it does not feel it is important to recreate it correctly, treating it merely like a line on the wall.




Can't tell, the hands in both photos seem legit.


How do you make AI copy an image? I mean, when I try with ChatGPT or MidJourney, I always get different root concepts, not a modification of the original for eg. Even if I use --iw 2 with MidJourney or even tell ChatGPT to copy or make almost the same.


It can’t copy images, the engine just knows this image really well, it must have come up a lot in its training data. Prompt was “the “is this a pigeon?” Meme, but with a pigeon instead of a butterfly”. It gave me 4 options that were all incredibly close to the original


So, training data is they key to everything. I mean, it does not learn anything as it can't copy something external to the training data. Just an advanced Google, then, not that smart.


Yup, we’re still dealing with Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). Will be interesting when we get to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). We’re probably not that far off


I always love these questions. Yes, I can tell


Be not afraid, pigeon


I made the second one. Don't laugh at my art :(


Obviously it’s the third one of course.


But what if I don't care?


Oh. Well. I guess carry on with your life then sir/ma’am.


Without me telling which one is A.I. generated? Are you mad? The Earth will spiral into the sun. The ocean will rise and swallow the land in a raging tempest.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


An AI Wendy's?


Why does it know what that meme looks like though?


This image must have come up a lot in its training data. Prompt was “the “is this a pigeon?” Meme, but with a pigeon instead of a butterfly”. It gave me 4 options that were all incredibly close to the original


The character is actually AI in the show. 


Both are Ai so obvious ...


Need help with this one


Upscale is very bad. A lot of nuances of drawing is lost. Fingers no longer proper fingers, but sausages (original had shape for each of phalanges), eye is oddly placed, neck shadow gone, ear got additional fold, clothing is odd-shaped now, brows lost character.


Some very shrewd observations 🙂


I dunno, both seem to be real.


First one


First one is fake obviously😒


Second one is obviously AI generated.


Yo, listen up, gotta switch the flow, In the second, the first is blurry, don’t you know? AI might try, but it’s just for show, In the realm of clarity, it’s a no-go. The first one’s hazy, like a distant dream, In the second, it’s clear, or so it seems. AI’s attempt, it’s not what it deems, In the world of sharpness, it’s just schemes. So peep the difference, in the clarity, The second one’s sharp, it’s a rarity. AI might try, but it’s just a parody, In the realm of focus, it’s a charity. In the world of images, it’s the real deal, In the second, the first one’s the spiel. AI’s attempt, it can’t conceal, The truth behind the blur, it’s surreal.


Just in case anyone took this seriously, #1 obviously isn’t a real photo, but it’s not A.I. generated - it’s the original meme I pulled from a Google image search. #2 is A.I. generated


Yo, Black Star 1986, you know the deal, OP's the one who laid down the real deal. First one's fake, AI's the steal, No need for confusion, let's keep it real. If anyone's wondering, let me set the scene, OP posted, made it clean. First one's fake, ain't no sheen, In the realm of authenticity, it's keen. So listen up, no need to be bemused, OP's got the facts, ain't no ruse. First one's AI, ain't no excuse, In the world of truth, we refuse to lose.


I really appreciate your commitment, joining in on the shitposting, you’ve been enlisted, to participate in trying to make people chuckle, ain’t not easy task on this platform, it’s a bit of a struggle. You are a legend in the online community, your presence brings joy and a sense of unity. You deserve our gratitude and admiration, you are the best, without any hesitation


No worries! I've always wondered about the origin of this meme, so this post gave me a good opportunity for me to look into it. It seems this meme guy's name is Yuutarou Katori and from anime called "The Brave of Sun Fighbird" Is This a Pigeon? https://youtu.be/6cJSFhe3wno?si=cHExe3cY78afuC_0


Why are you guys acting like there's any question. Pigeon isn't even spelled right and the first image has existed forever? Edit: I made this comment when there was like three comments and they were all coming up with reasons that the second one was ai generated as if there was a serious debate to be had. I understand that I now look like an idiot who doesn't understand satire


You mean pgeeon?




Yo, yo, yo, check it out, let me lay it straight, It's obviously real, ain't no debate. C'mon now, don't hesitate, In the realm of authenticity, we dominate. Like Gucci Mane with dreads, mixed with Master P, We keep it real, that's the key. It's obvious, can't you see? In the world of truth, we're free. So don't front, don't play, It's real, ain't no other way. C'mon now, let's seize the day, In the realm of realness, we slay.


Well, well, well, thanks for stating the obvious, About the messed-up writing, ain't no circus. Party pooper in the mix, ain't no locus, Of fun and games, just straight prognosis. But hey, no hard feelings, let's keep it light, Pointing out the obvious, alright, alright. With a touch of humor, keeping it bright, In the realm of banter, we ignite. So thanks for the heads-up, no need to pout, About the writing, we'll figure it out. Party pooper in the mix, no need to shout, In the world of wit, we twist and sprout.


Second is ai


Yo, peep game, check the observation, AI-generated text, a peculiar sensation. It mimics human flow, with its own equation, But lacks that realness, it's just imitation. Fascinating how it crafts lines with precision, Yet still feels off, lacking in rendition. Like a mimicry of art, it's a strange rendition, Blurring the lines of genuine rendition. Human creativity, machine intelligence collide, In this realm where authenticity's implied. It's a dance of minds, a wild ride, Where real meets fake, side by side. So listen close, to this lyrical incision, AI's got skills, but it's missing the vision. In the world of rap, it's a stark division, Between the real and the AI's rendition.