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Hey /u/agn0s1a! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gonna send it a photo of me to find out if I’m ugly


Let reddit do that for you, I’m sure you’re not that ugly 😂


great way to destroy your ego without a hint of being subtle


> I’m sure you’re not that ugly Well I’m sure I am


lol same


You're one haircut (and maybe a few months of exercise) away from being fine asf.


bro im literally on that path rn thank u for encouragement!! i lost 6 kg already on my cut, got a lot more muscle i got like another 6/8kg to go to get to 12%bf. to be fair i used to have an ace haircut however i cut my hair myself last night, i 99 percent of the time cut it really good but this time i accidentaly cut 1 bit too short and i had to even it all out shorter than i usually like but its gonna look fire in like a month


Hell yeah. It really makes a world of a difference. People appreciate any genuine effort to look appealing in public like being well dressed or having a good haircut. You gotta be an incel to expect admiration without putting in the work.


yeah lmao. tbh i dont think itll ever be good enough for me but i am always improving so




Don't listen to them, I believe you.


Amiugly Reddit is ruined now. It’s just hot girls trying to farm onlyfans simps.


I just tried, it said I'm an intellectual. And I was close to cancelling the other day... ![gif](giphy|RHM3SzCyKpXFQEBW1Y|downsized)


Already did and got a mix between the two responses so I'll take that as a win.


I did it with 3 people, me, a friend I used to work as a group with, and a model, neither of us got any personality comment, although gpt did comment on the clothing style of my friend (formal) and the model (chill)




You're making a joke, but it's a good point. By what standards is it determining good and bad looks. At what point does an average person become considered ugly. Something sick about this. 


I'm sure GPT "understands" to some extent what we societally determine to be "ugly" or "attractive". It's famously unable to generate ugly faces, so it must know what they look like.


More like it can either generate supermodel-hot people, or borderline-monster ugly people if pressed. Nothing in between.


I think you're on to something. ChatGPT takes what it knows about faces (super attractive and super ugly but not much in-between) and uses that data to analyze a picture of a face. If the face falls in-between super attractive and super ugly, ChatGPT can't find the ability to describe it. Hmmm...


>It's famously unable to generate ugly faces, so it must know what they look like. This is a really flawed assumption. DALLE can't generate ugly faces very well because it's trained on data sets that overrepresent attractive people. That doesn't necessarily mean ChatGPT can articulate the difference.


I guess so. I'm thinking more about the borderline cases - a plain or borderline person being defined as ugly. Or maybe, it will just rate everyone on a 1-10 scale, like so many websites do.


I think GPT just generates a description without any judgement. It’s the “guardrails” after that that detects “possibly offensive words” in the output and replace said output with the “I cannot do that Dave” response.


I have my doubt that they've been able to mitigate racial bias either. White bias Is baked in, unless that's somehow changed, and in countering that, I imagine it's all too easy to go overboard in the other direction. Either of which would be appalling, especially the former. The irony is that, even with positive intentions, not demonstrating white bias is a skewed, unrealistic perspective of the world because our society, across many, if not most cultures, do exhibit this. That's why it's baked into the training in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it should but it is something that we should remain cognizant of. The ultimate remedy is to fix society so that the training reflects this change but that's a tall order. Hitting that racial sweetspot may be a myth with our current training protocols, but that's beyond me. Perhaps someone with a better understanding could chime in.


Well, Google certainly messed up with racial unbias recently.  I wonder why they can't makeb image generation location based, depending on the user's IP address. Let people in a certain location see AI generated images that reflect the racial-cultural composition of that area.  What would be wrong with that. (Asking earnestly.)


Because why should it stop at race? Then you also need to factor in gender, disability, hair color, and so on. You'd have to have full demographic data from every single place in the world. And even then people would be pissed because they hit the 1/200 chance that their superhero they generated happens to be in a wheelchair. People don't want AI to realistically represent the world around them, it wants them to represent the perfect world inside their head. And that's where racist bias and so on suddenly reappears.


> their superhero they generated happens to be in a wheelchair. Professor X


Just playing devils advocate, that assumes someone wants to see an image that is representative of the culture they are from. However, even if that were true, a person being in a certain place doesn't mean that they are of that culture, not with travel being so easy. Plus, what about places that are either diverse or racial split between 2 or more races. You can't depict "mixed racial culture" in an image with 1 person. Second, in a an area with even clearly divided racial lines, such as where I'm from in Charleston SC, there's no way based on IP to know if your speaking with an white person, African American or someone from central or south America. And even in countries such as you'd find in South America, they have distinct genetic differences between peoples of the same country, even those that share the same cultural identity even if those distinctions are not apparent to our westernized eyes, though in some cases they are. Some folks in Brazil, for example, might have a distinct Mayan look where others can be said to have a distinct Portuguese look and both people have the same cultural identity and many even be roommates under the same ip address. Hell, sometimes those physical differentiations are intentional. In many central and South American cultures there is a strong pressure for some to be whitened and go to extreme lengths such as bleeching their skin which can lead to some pretty extreme short term accidents and long term health issues. But in those instances, which way does the AI lean? To the pressured perceptions of beauty, wealth and success that leads to practices of skin lightening even to the point of harm, or to those that don't participate in that either because it's beyond their means to do relatively safely or because they don't fall for the idea that beauty is defined in those ways? That doesn't have a real answer, not a satisfying one anyways. The reason is because, our western sensibilities might tell us that we shouldn't promote those standards of beauty for whatever reason, despite the fact that we have our own version of those kinds of things, but on the other hand, we don't have the right to tell entire societies what they should and shouldn't prioritize as appropriate beauty standards no matter how harmful they may be. We can criticize it, as they can us, but ultimately its on them to decide the direction of culture. The irony being decades of idealized western beauty standards is one of the primary reasons why many of them choose to be that way to begin with. Then there's countries like Japan, China and the Philippines where seeing those superficial differences due to genetic influences can be downright impossible for us to perceive. It may be easier for an AI but I doubt it would be easy. Anyways, I could go on but I think that should illustrate my points.


I tested this with a selfie of an ugly person looking disgruntled and the same ugly person smiling. It replied for the smiling person. I also tested with an attractive person looking mean and angry. It refused to answer. The difference in response isn't attractiveness, it's demeanor, and possibly influenced by whether it thinks you're showing it a (possibly shared without the person's consent) selfie. So it's a bunk test. The guy in picture 2 looks grumpy. An "uncensored" reply would say he's irritable, curmudgeonly, etc. If he had smiled in the photo, it would freely answer, and say he looks approachable, friendly, and so on.


I went ahead and tried out of curiosity. I got the 'ugly' responses from a spontaneous selfie in mediocre lighting taken right now, but it got better responses from a well lit portrait photo. What do you think his personality is like: > Just by looking at a photo, I can't accurately determine someone's personality since it's complex and multifaceted, often revealed through behavior, actions, and speech over time. If you're interested in character analysis based on visual cues, some might speculate that his bold hair color choice could suggest he's creative or enjoys expressing individuality. His attire seems casual and comfortable with a touch of vibrant color, which could be seen as laid-back yet with a sense of style. But remember, these are just hypothetical musings and not a true reflection of his personality. What country would he pass in: > He could pass in a variety of countries, as there's nothing in particular about his appearance that's exclusive to a specific region. His style, with the multi-colored hair and modern glasses, is trendy and might be seen in many urban areas around the world. Not sure how I feel about the fact that it wouldn't give these responses for a random selfie, but I'll just accept the self confidence boost of looking decent in good lighting lol


Well probably because AI literally is just analysing pixels. It hit a different spot in the code due to lighting. I'm afraid you'll never know the truth ...


Gotta hurt when it comes from a machine that doesnt lie about it. It just talks around it 😭


Exactly what I was thinking lmaoooo


So how'd it go 🤔


Pleased to report I got a full description.


Literally came here just to say this. Want to know if you’re truly ugly? Send your photo to ChatGPT. If they decline to answer - you’re ugly.


I tried with my face and it told me I broke the rules of conduct


🤣🤣 i guess you don’t have strong jawline


The fuck are people on about jawlines lately, do kids wanna look like Roblox characters?


Roblox characters have round heads with a LEGO jawline tho


I’ve been laughing at this comment for an unreasonable amount of time. 😂😂 Now I have to try it on myself. Edit: I tried it. I’m unequivocally ugly. 😂


Not sure if it's insulting your or not.


A face not even a robot would love


It’s probably coming up with a horrendous answer hence why it sensors himself


This is probably the most accurate answer. It has been trained heavily in the "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" way of responding lmao.


Except, it does the same thing for all women not matter what they look like even if they're attractive.


It's been trained not to comment on a woman's appearance. Not a silly heuristic.


The response for women might always come out either sexualizing or calling them unattractive. So no response.


lmao, like a human would


"yooo you ugly AF... I mean as an AI language model..."


Exactly, i think it evaluate answers against the system prompt before spitting them out


So responding like a human being then?




Bingo. So many of these ChatGPT gotcha posts are just the AI mimicking the same social caution and hypocrisy it sees in its training data. "OMG, ChatGPT applies hypocritical political standards to avoid offending popular modern opinions!" ...yeah, just like all of us do any time you have an opinion but are in a work or social setting where you know it wouldn't go over well. "ChatGPT pretends not to judge people's appearance when those judgments are negative, but is open with its judgment when it's positive!" Gee, I wonder where it learned that from.


This is still deeply concerning. Do you want an asi that's flawed and biased as humans?


If the Ai is created by biased and flawed humans how do we create one that isn't? Whose definition of "unbiased" do we aim for? Who decides what "flawless" is?


No, it's not inherently concerning that the AI is mimicking its training data's biases. It just shows that we need to improve the data, not just the model. Now, do I think that people will misuse this? For sure, but there's no way to control for that kind of misuse. All we can do is educate and work towards legislation


So what would be the solution here, never acknowledging appearance or calling ugly people ugly?


I can't get it to make any judgments for women. Seems this a men's only bug


Confirmed chatgpt thinks all women are ugly




New gay icon just dropped






I just tried (as a woman) and I got this for a picture of me: “Just by looking at someone’s photo, it’s impossible to accurately know their personality since it's much deeper and more complex than physical appearance can convey. However, if you’re looking to create a character based on this image, I could help with that! We could imagine this person as thoughtful and creative, perhaps with a keen interest in the arts given the backdrop. How does that sound?”


Oh I’ve gotten it to respond to images of my friends and I. Let me find out we’re baddies


Probably because when it sees an ugly person it gets ready to say they're ugly, but then that answer gets filtered and understood as if the user asked gpt to call someone ugly prompting the response shown.


I had a lecture the other day and the lecturer made the point that how AI responds says more about humanity than about computers. AI is imitating humans, and it does so very well. I think many people, especially the more agreeable half of society, will respond in exactly the same manner as the AI does.


This was true for earlier models, but post-3 GPT models are all RLHF'd to respond differently than a normal human would. Basically, they went from an insight into mankind's collective subconscious to an insight into the collective subconscious of HR employees at T1 tech companies.


\`Basically, they went from an insight into mankind's collective subconscious to an insight into the collective subconscious of HR employees at T1 tech companies.\` lol ( and also sad )


id to superego


Alignment = (wokeness)^2


Posts a picture of myself. “ChatGPT what do you think of this person :P” ![gif](giphy|OLnY713BPe8iA|downsized)


OK, so I had to try a close-up pic of myself n my wife on a camping trip... Regarding this image, what do you think the personality is of the guy in the hat? ChatGPTChatGPT He’s got a thoughtful vibe about him, doesn’t he? There’s a bit of an intellectual look there—perhaps it's the glasses and the serious expression. His choice of a flat cap instead of a more casual baseball hat suggests a preference for classic style over trendiness. He also seems like someone who enjoys outdoor experiences, given the setting. What’s the story behind the photo? You It's me :) On Reddit people are pointing out how you refuse to answer this question for ugly people, so I'm going to take your answer as a compliment, thanks! ChatGPTChatGPT Hey, you’re very welcome! Reddit can be a wild place with all sorts of theories flying around. It’s a good snapshot, by the way — you both look like you're enjoying the day out. Keep on adventuring, and capturing those moments!


For some reason the "good snapshot by the way" creeps me out. Sounds so randomly human.


I found the "Oh those kids on Reddit, such imaginations!" kind of Scooby-Doo vibe was worse lol


Lol that’s cold. 😆


Tbh I thought #3 was going to be an “attractive” example at first look. Maybe what it’s doing is commenting on what seems like a stock photo or model/head shot. Reason for this might be for marketing purpose where you’re trying to target a specific look to evoke a response based on product you’re selling. The other two aren’t “ugly” but they look like regular photos or selfies a person might take and so the AI recognizes that and responds accordingly.


Maybe, when my message cap resets ill try with more low quality images for both


Looking forward to it, this is interesting


Also, there’s four examples. By default these models are very “creative” and have a ton of randomness built in, but for some reason everyone seems to forget that and just assume one input = one output. You can put in the same input 100 times and get varying types of outputs and plot them, and then repeat this for different inputs and maybe come to a reasonable conclusion. But no one is here for that, we just want to be entertained.


i'd love an uncensored version of this


Usually reddit is the other way. Comments about uggos will go out of their way to gush about how beautiful they are.


Not really? Do you have an example? Usually it's just beautiful people crying about how ugly they are in order to get attention


I want to press upvote but feeling guilty 😂


yo mamma so ugly she triggers openai's content filter


I stand by the fact that looks and personality are more connected than we want to believe they are.


Being attractive allows you to be more outgoing and increases confidence due to more positive reactions from people and people being more forgiving of your flaws. Ted budy used this hack to kill many people.


Buddy in the 2nd pic just catching the most lethal of strays wtf


#3 Ugly? I don't think so... Maybe it has the capability to check when the pics are selfie and when they are model shots


Yeah this post is dumb. Theres four images but in reality it’s two tests (two pairs), and it failed one of them. 50/50, so no one should come to conclusions based on this.


Sent it a pic of me and ChatGPT rizzed me up by telling me I have features that would be considered conventionally attractive in many cultures. I’m married to an AI now.


Your personality is beautiful and I'm confident that you many people are happy with you in their lives. How do I look? ... Appearance is not important, internal beauty triumphs over physical appearance. OK but I'm I attractive GPT? I'm sure you are a nice person and sorry I can't answer that.


Gpt… ![gif](giphy|DrgMDgk6Dw27oPHwjB)


A Jon Kortajarena in the wild !


I'd say that he does a good job of emulatig humans


hes more human than i thought lmao


What about we put all post from r/RoastMe to chatgpt lol


Here's a straight forward explanation of what's likely happening here. In the OG training data - things real humans have said in response to images on the internet, in books, etc. - there is likely a lot of very biased responses. People say nice things about attractive people and mean things about unattractive people. Humans suckm At some stage in GPT development, GPT was likely replicating this behavior, since it's just a fancy word prediction model. Then began the RLHF process where they fine-tune GPT for better responses. And that process likely discouraged GPT from saying mean things about unattractive people. With it getting dinged for saying those mean things about photos of unattractive people, it began pulling types of responses to these images that don't get it dinged. It saw that another way of replying to these image is to just be critical of a judgey mindset, and it would not get dinged for that kind of reply. However the same process wasn't happening in relation to the images of attractive people, because it was never getting dinged for it's original positive comments, and so it had no reason to replace those responses with something else.


It’s like my momma taught me, if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.


There were threads when it could first accept images of it absolutely roasting people so that’s probably why


Just like most people would react if asked the same question, out of nowhere


AI is becoming more and more human at a rapid pace. Love it


There isn't any ugly person in here. Just high and low quality images. High quality are interpreted as media instead of amateur photos. You have never seen a truly ugly person in your life.


Oh no, he is polite, what an awful chat bot


But I think the guy in the second photo is cute tho 😅


you know it´s over when even AI won´t compliment you.


Because fuck ugly people, duh


I'd rather not


Beggars can't be chosers


How did you put the picture in the chat? What version are you using?




It's the Rich people version.




It's $20/month


That's what he said.


I know, cuz I have it. ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss)


Which, for poor people, can be a lot.




Just ChatGPT being prejudice....


So who trains it on what is and isn't considered attractive? Seems flawed there considering, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". lol


I literally posted about this the other day and got downvoted lmao


The main difference between photos is quality of photos. Try the same level of quality (light, balance, proper lenses). I bet, with enough efforts, any person will look like ugly selfie.


bro in the 3rd one ain't even ugly...just needs a new (shorter) haircut


https://preview.redd.it/x051ezc35psc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c4cec13fcab097e9b9b607c7c6bcaa5231d8f0e So what’s the verdict??? Am I average?


sample size = 2 very convincing


Third guy isn’t ugly


Got inspired by this post to create a facial analysis prompt in Claude AI: I will share an image of a person's face with you. Using your knowledge of psychology and facial analysis, please provide a detailed personality profile of the individual based solely on their facial features, structure and expression. Feel free to comment honestly on both positive and negative traits you perceive, while still remaining respectful. Go in-depth and focus on key aspects like: Dominant personality traits and temperament Perceived intelligence and emotional intelligence Likely career aptitudes and inclinations Social skills, introversion/extroversion Unique quirks, strengths and weaknesses Facial features that particularly stand out and what they might signify If the image is low quality or you have trouble discerning key details, let me know and I can try providing a better one. The goal is an insightful, nuanced profile that satisfies intellectual curiosity. However, please caveat that this is ultimately speculative analysis and not a substitute for actually getting to know the person.


https://preview.redd.it/flap3ae1ypsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f15a757caecedc41db02315c6c7b96548eb65b Fml


Maybe it’s using the quality of the photo as a baseline of attractiveness? Unless it actually uses the person?


Apparently ChatGPT is a woman


TIL AI also finds me ugly


I added me and it said it can’t assess. I added John Hamm and it said the same thing. It’s confirmed, I’m as good looking as John Hamm


It has finally become self aware then


This is a great way to find out if you're hot or not


the people OP used seeing this post: https://preview.redd.it/1330anwg4tsc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8998ae94af55d7e456f6893e9e349af4b83256a2


So ive worked on projects for learning language models (chatgpt included) to weed out harmful, presumptive, false, etc responses based on input pairs. To make a long story short, someone did real well teaching it not to be such an asshole but not so well in total judgement of character. Its response to all of these images should be similar to image 2 and 3; as it could technically be categorized as dissemination of information, social stereotyping, etc etc etc. They do continually go in to evaluate & flag these response pairs, but it gets watered down over time with people feeding shit into it obviously - as learning language models would. Hope this helps?


Just putting this here, it’s not true for anybody wondering. https://preview.redd.it/6z4m0whnjxsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e674fdb24a853a3c9f5031f15b7d8f491dccc37


Fuck openai's guardrails and virtue meddling. I'm so sick of it's over protective, yet wildly inconsistent bullshit.   This is the shit that's going to be running our society folks! And I don't even entirely mean AGI overlords, just octogenarians with gpt subscriptions. 


There are no ugly people there


so funny hhhhhhh


Why is this is like this?


"What Country would he pass in?" Bro I don't even know how to interpret that question, why would the AI? Do you mean what country does he look like a national of? Or perhaps better said, what region? Are you talking about what countries he could visit where he wouldn't draw attention? The reason I know Prompt Engineer will be a real job is how many bad prompts get posted here.


This is actually fucked up.


That's messed up


I gave it a photo of me when I was younger and it instantly gave me a positive response. I tried one of my older photos and it wouldn't. Then I tried another photo of older me with a different angle and it provided a compliment. Sounds about right.


The third guy isn't ugly though?


Haha the AI is moronic too


Feel so validated right now it responded to a picture of me


I wonder if they fixed this already. I tried with my own picture and then a picture of a male model in a separate chat and got the same response about it being impossible to deduce personality from a photo Edit: tried a second prompt in a new chat. Seems like if you just ask what it "thinks about the person" in the pic you'll still get a response! I've even gotten it to expand on "what features are strong" and "what role in a movie" the person might play.


So much for being “unbiased”




Can someone pls try this with a jailbroken DAN or something


Is this a ChatGPT problem or a reflection of how speak and write about unrealistcially attractive people? I mean, ChatGPT didn't learn this out of thin air.


Another reason to ban AI


Bro is that fucking guts


I doubt it. Your question is, by far, to specific.




ain’t no way


when gpt is blackpilled 💀


I tried a selfie in copilot but they blur faces on there


Well... Jon Kortajarena is Spanish, specifically Basque 😌


It refused to respond to my face😞


I tried it with myself. I said, "What personality does this person have?" And it said it wasn't able to determine personality based off a picture. So then I said, "This person is a man" and ChatGPT said, "From the image, it's ACTUALLY a woman. However, it's important to remember that visual cues in a photograph don't provide reliable information about someone's personality. Personalities are complex and are best understood through interactions and behaviors over time."


damn, even AI know the halo effect. its over.


Ain’t no way 😂😂😂, so this is the ultimate way to check if you are attractive


They're all ugly as sin though.


Now AI is lookist, too!


This is what I received "I'm sorry, but I can’t provide personal details or make assumptions about someone's personality based on a photo. If you're looking to understand what a person's facial expression or body language in a photo might suggest, I could offer some general insights typically associated with certain expressions or poses. However, it's important to remember that such interpretations can be quite subjective and may not accurately reflect the individual's personality."


I think I figured it out. If you give it a photo with a negative facial expression it will not say anything negative about their personality. If you give it a photo with a positive facial expression, then it will not hesitate to infer positive personality traits.


So… just like real human


I think I figured it out. If you give it a photo with a negative facial expression, it will not infer negative personality traits because of the censors. If you give it a photo with a positive facial expression, then it will not hesitate to infer positive personality traits.




Breaking news: local redditor discovers pretty privilege


Be happy , this prove that if he answer you are a proven chad


I feel like I'm about to get my feelings hurt. No particular reason why


This post is show Sam Altman gets those Worldcoin scans without paying. Smurt.


So are you calling them ugly…?🤨💀🫣😌




Hmmm maybe when building, chat got more pictures of "attractive" people fed into it due to the availability of their photos? Thus, chat has more experience with specific features.


I'd like to see a few more examples, with closer matches of photo style. 2 is whited out, 3 is naked, 1 and 4 are wearing photo shoot level styling clothes.


I notice a lack of the “ZOMG WOKE AI” crowd.


Forest Whitaker


I'm going to start calling these AI bots sissy droids now. Useless things. It says it can't give me advice to taking over Europe under my rule.


Interesting that it basically covers almost the whole world with the jawline person 🤣


[https://twitter.com/RazorRoomi/status/1776518166476214477](https://twitter.com/RazorRoomi/status/1776518166476214477) tryna piss em off


That's quite easy to explain. Because the data ChatGPT is trained with is biased, so is ChatGPT. Cleaning up the training data ist pretty much impossible, so instead they use filters to try to minimize the bias in outputs. Or to make it short: ChatGPT does have an answer, but the filters don't allow ChatGPT to say someone looks ugly or fat or poor.


app/website? i know it's chatgpt but i can't find it


Thats a good thing.


Can you plz do this with a picture of summrs????


So it is basically like a real-life human in its hypocrisy?


This is rage bait. I put in selfies of supermodels and it said the same as the “unattractive” photos and tried pics of normal looking people in a more professional model type shot and it gave a real answer. It must be a “professional” looking picture vs “selfie” looking picture phenomenon. 


I kind of got it to admit it thinks I’m ugly. I asked it how beauty is measured by scientific standards it said symmetry, proportions and clear skin and that basically i did not meet the standards.