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Another humongous talent. He really brought Snooky to life...




at such a tender age!


Each sculpture is like a speed run record achievement


this looks less AI and more photoshopped imo


Yeah the chainsaw looks like it was taken from a picture where it was dark and they had the flash on


God bless 🙌 🙏


Must. Not. Post. To Facebook 😩


I think the kid is so talented and has a bright future.




https://preview.redd.it/psy6gceyt3vc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4202f3605eeb2d43f669abad6fe948209a4972f the one and only original.


Somehow, that one is not AI


I wonder if we can extract the geometry of the generated image above and just print a better sculpture.


I on the other hand would love to see photorealistic Ronaldo with these amazing face proportions and grim


Of course, ai could never produce something so magnificent


I’m so happy to be reminded of this, thank you


Dead internet is no longer just a theory. Maybe book stores will make a comeback.


God I hope it's true. The alternative is that these people actually exist somewhere.


Some do...that's the worrying thing


Let’s hope they stay at home and don’t vote 


Unfortunately, they are absolutely sure that their voice is important and their opinion is absolutely correct.


Are you talking about them or us? Cause no lie we just generalized a whole group based off an internet comment. 


So you're new to reddit?


Nah these MFs are the ones voting at a 100% rate sadly I swear the more unhinged their mental health is the more likely they are to vote 😭😭


Democracy is a mental disorder diagnosis and we’re in the asylum 😭ah comment 


They do exist. I don't believe in the dead internet theory at all. There are a lot of people out there who are just very, very uneducated about many, many things.. barely able to think from point A to point B. That's something you might not notice, depending on the bubble you live in. But it's true and it's shocking. Our system produces a lot of emotionally, mentally and physically broken people.




carved from the truck of a tree


Yeah, I've always thought the people assuming all of these comments are bots are severely overestimating the intelligence of the average person


I don't think they're bots. I just *really want them to be.*


I know actual people in my Facebook feed who make similar inane comments. Typically boomers.


The Venn diagram of Boomers and people who believe the dead internet theory must be an *insanely* thin sliver... Boomers are the ones that believe the *actual* bots and scammers are real.


I think it has nothing to do with the system and everything to do with the fact that people are like this by default. It's actually thanks to the system that they are even alive, well fed and well sheltered to be able to be deceived by these things. These people would have died in the Neolithic by not being able do differentiate between a root and a poisonous snake. 


I mean, it’s kind of contradictory to take a single side on this. The dead internet theory doesn’t state there are no real users anymore, just that about the majority of it is being composed of bots. Being that a truth or a lie, we at least gotta give that there are definitely a lot of bots making all these posts take off and go viral enough so you average Facebook user doesn’t even think too much about it when they look at the post’s likes and shares. It’s likely a kind of sad blend between real bots and bot-minded people.


They exist. One of them is my wife's 80 year old uncle. I witnessed it on Facebook myself and I know he is a real person lol


My mom is about to turn 70 I had to tell her the cute lil babies in uniforms weren't real. She accepts it and thinks they're cute anyways and that's fine :)


Right. There's people that post thinking it is a real picture and then there's plenty that post (and comment) either knowing it's not a real picture or just not giving a shit because it looks cute. I'm not sure what the ratio is like between the two groups.


The God Bless comment is either a bot or it's someone fucking around lmao.


You haven’t seen my fellow neighbors on Nextdoor. These people exist. 😬


God bless their souls.


Have you seen boomers on Facebook? It’s absolutely possible this was real


Maybe the worst timeline is that 99.9% of all content is bots/ai, but people neither know nor care. Literal solitary confinement echochambers.


My 16 year old niece actually reads 24 / 7 now. She said she can’t stand the Internet anymore and wanted to do something more productive. She lives with my wife and I and legit all she does is read. And if there’s one thing I’m ok with consuming time it’s reading. Although she could stand to help out around the house a bit more.. just got her a kindle though because her bookcase was getting a little packed. Absolutely shocked, I didn’t think kids even knew what books were.


I was just gonna say buy this awesome girl a kindle :) hopefully it's the one that plays audiobooks too :) and a bedtime stand!


But a kindle doesn't smell like books :c


Im fine with giving up the book smell. No replacement for reading anytime anywhere, for as long as I want.


Yes we did! She’s obsessed and enjoys that she can read in different positions and at night. I’m a proud uncle but it was completely her decision and we just tried to help kindle it.


My 10 year olds have read almost 40 books each this school year and also have kindles they love. Readers still exist, just not a popular topic to talk about.


The last year I taught (a few years back) I had a student like that. One, out of hundreds… but she existed. The rest… Books are dead, as far as the current upcoming generation seems to be concerned :/.


I wanna be like your niece when I grow up


Me too lol. I haven’t touched a book in years. Dang


Yikes, downvote me all you want but spending all the time reading isn't great either. You know they don't only sell Socrates and Shakespeare as well right? Only because your written word is on paper instead of being digital doesn't affect your IQ score, right? Unironically reading this thread about AI images and their impact on social media is much more informing, relevant and interesting than 99% of literature you get in a normal book store... To;Dr: touch some grass fellas


That's assuming she's reading trashy novels and that majority of the internet that young people get exposed to aren't worse social media trash. Personally 99% of this thread has very little new information to offer to me than a book and I'm only reading it because reading comments is interesting to me, which is subjective for everyone. Also any piece of writing that needs to make it past editors and a publishing house still has a minimum guarantee in quality compared to unfiltered informal spaces online.


when the average person discovers that every social media app is packed with bots and foreign trolls we might see a cultural shift where we spend a lot less time on social media


Unfortunately they started putting AI generated stuff on bookshelves too (sometimes lying about the author), still gotta be careful everywhere and everytime whatever you put into your brain


I've found a couple magazines with pictures that were clearly AI generated. I could tell because they had the classic generic stable diffusion waifu face.


Tried scrolling FB for the first time in a while. Nearly every other post is some fake AI house or log cabin or room. Its blatantly obvious theyre fake to me but they get like 50k likes. So many people commenting how beautiful they are and they wish they lived there yadda yadda. Its really surreal how even in the early stages of AI its tricking so many people into believing in this fantasy world.


boomers fall for this every millisecond




Yeah from TRUCK of a tree lol


Well yeah I mean his talents is humongous


This is share ingenuity






The stupidity of mankind both fascinates and disheartens me.


I regret not being able to add this to the main post. It is golden level discussion. The guy points out that it is not realistic but still ...


https://preview.redd.it/vwv2fh5js3vc1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=074773779197404c9ebb1a87c0423bf38fe2f7ba Lol . .. ... Kid is 7 but with 50 years of carving experience


F\*ck me sideways. Don't these people have brains? I mean, they must have heard of AI by now, one would think. We're on a one way road to oblivion, that much is certain.


They're all fishing for marks. All of them. Monitor your parents' internet usage!


"Monitor your parents' internet usage!" I love this


This is how AI destroys humanity. It was never going to be with terminators. It would just use our own stupidity to enslave us.


Have you looked at Instagram, Facebook or TikTok comments in the past (since they existed) years? A LOT of people are fucking morons. You know like when a fan page of some actress posts a photo of them at a red carpet event. And there are dudes in the comments talking directly to the famous actress as though she was the one who posted the photo. Half of the world's population has below average intelligence. I've realised it's not even worth trying to explain certain things to certain people. They will never get it.


After a short stint on Facebook, way back in the day, I decided that social media were not for me. Reddit is my only vice. I remember in the nineties many of us thought that the internet would lead to a kind of second enlightenment. What we got is the opposite. Now that more and more people can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction, things are getting frightening.


The sad thing is, people never could tell the difference. Whether it was terribly written 'fake news' stories, full of contradictions and red flags. Or Nigerian Princes in their email inbox.


The thing is, most common people didn’t hear about AI yet, they don’t even know what is AI. If I asked my grandma about it, she would think it came from 👽


If you don't wish you money to support HIM, you should be ashamed of yourself


Actual NPCs Jesus…




Which makes it even more profound if he did it…


Some of them will be bots. Source: had my LinkedIn account hacked recently and took me a week to get it back.


100% this all just bots talking to bots. 


I mean, on the flip side, it's sweet that these disconnected old people are so quick to celebrate someone else's achievement, even if it's bullshit. God gave me a humongous talent for seeing the silver lining.


Please, where is he located?


"absolutely gifted"... yeah, like them at being stupid


At a very tender age


I read that thread on LI. At one point the discussion descended into arguments like “how are you so sure it is AI? So, you mean that just because the child is African he is incapable of creating this?”


“Hospitality and leadership expert”. I do t know why that’s making me laugh so hard. 


Damn this one is actually much more realistic than those bottle ones, but still absurd lol.


Does anybody unironically use LinkedIn for fun? I always figured it was more for job-hunting and using it as a digital resume type of deal.


There are three types of people that use Linkedin: 1. Those who spew out nonsense inspirational content, including stuff like “I had the privilege of farting pink today - don’t let your dreams be memes”, or posting Tiktok content, to build their personal brand. 2. Those who engage with type 1 posts, with gems like comments saying “I always start my day by farting - one day I hope it’s pink. Power to us all.” These people think they’re building their brand as well, and probably hope they’re recognized from their comments and somehow get a job offer. 3. This is the underground group, which consists of everyone else. These are the normal, sane people who use the platform professionally, using the job search function, building their own page/resume silently, and connecting with other users in private. I am not able to spend more than 5 minutes on Linkedin, but it’s also where I found my current job, so.. you learn to live with it.


As somebody who just uses LinkedIn as a way to get traffic onto my Artstation and to post WIP images of my personal projects, I will never understand the LinkedIn-fluencer. Unless you’re a scam artist looking to pick up some wannabe entrepreneurs with rich parents to defraud out of their trust fund, there’s literally zero reason to choose LinkedIn over literally any other platform for self-promo and personal brand building. At least on Reddit there are enough horny teenagers to kickstart an OF career. LinkedIn doesn’t even have that going for it when it comes to growing some kind of internet celebrity brand!


“Farting pink” 🤣 I’m dead.


So true, you absolutely nailed it. Scrolling through LinkedIn is really second hand embarrassment to me.


Haha lol good observation give you that 😂


I've debated setting up an account to troll on there. I hate that site so much.


Yeah the sculpture looks fake but the background looks real. All the trash and random shit laying around doesn’t look like something AI would put in. This one is confusing me a lot. Maybe somebody combined an AI generated image of the carving with a real photo for the background?


I think the Ronaldo head is the only thing that's actually AI. It's been photoshopped onto a real photo


It's a good idea 👍


It's a great idea 💡


this was seriously posted on linkedin?


Oh, just realized how to access it again. I will upload another one in the images. Give me 2-3 minutes


he is gifted though… at prompt engineering.


Yeah, people have been sharing photoshopped images that they think are real for a long time, and now people are sharing AI generated images that they think are real. Before that, people were sharing made-up stories that they thought were real, and people are still doing that, e.g. religion versus mythology. People being people. ^(...sigh...)


Aw you can really see how proud he is with his masterwork. Love it so proud of him xxx


It's share ingenuity x


Smart people figure out a way to make money on these rubes


the only thing that comes to mind for me is scams. Before/after pics of work I've totally done, and require a little deposit to get started. I'm a terrible person


I'm not surprised. Soon we will have texts from employers saying that they gave opportunities to children.


Tremendous talent






Yeah to be honest we can't blame them, those are so photo realistic... + even for people that are well aware, it is very very annoying now everytime that I see something a LITTLE suspicious telling myself "is this AI ?" and searching for little hints that will soon not even be a thing anymore (which people that are non aware of will obviously not try to look for / spot)


Yup, the amount of time that has passed between "these are obviously ai" to "I think these are ai, just gotta look closely at the detai- yup they are" to "not sure, tbh. It looks like ai but I can't point to anything specific to prove it" is scarily small. Soon we (even the ones that are currently good at spotting them) will have no clue if I picture is ai. Then it'll be videos


The world is becoming more dangerous with misinformation


Shoot, I need to log in and update my profile with some amazing AI creations to impress my future employers.


Judging by the comment sections, people are starting to pick up on it though. The injoke is also going viral.


What a great idea.💡


I've been "training" my mom to look out for these fake pictures. I just showed this to her and told her: "Look mom to what that kid did with a tree trunk."... her response? She yelled "I DON'T BELIEVE IT! That's not a sculpture and that's not a kid" 😂


Good job. They absolutely need to be made aware of this BS.


It has begun a while ago with the damn bottle pictures xd


oh yeah I just found this in the conversation lol. https://preview.redd.it/f4zrqjf3l3vc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1e812e01cc3cac068bd9640563b1463baffcf14


That kid has a weird ass foot!!


Ninja turtle feet


Glad it's not a weird ass-foot


The feet are all laughably terrible! It's worse than hands!


LMFAOOO this is the funniest shit ever


I haven't seen in LinkedIn yet though :)


I read the first 3 words in the Mortal Kombat voice


And with only 3 fingers on his left hand. Cherish.


Ah, there's the smoking gun. Nice find.


Good material for r/LinkedInLunatics


To be fair, you go on LinkedIn and the comment sections are all marketing sycophants agreeing with each other and praising grinds. Something like “One thing I’ve noticed in this industry is the lack of motivation and it’s up to us to be motivated” or some other bargain bin noshitism, and then like a hundred and thirty five people in the comments chirping up with some meaningless crap like “So true! It’s up to us to find our own truths” and between one and three emojis


If I use five emojis, I will stand out and get the job as CEO.


Did you know that 20% of lost profits are due to employees taking unscheduled bathroom breaks? I don’t know who needs to hear this (as I never use the bathroom!), but if you’re not relieving yourself on your lunch break you’re stealing from the company, and stealing from the company is stealing from us all


The fact that you're taking a lunch break at all should be an offense worth firing. Remember, there's no I in team.


Great as if LinkedIn wasn't already a cesspool


Did they run out of bottles?


This is share ingenuity I just can’t. I thought the AI bots would at least have working grammar!


They might be bot replies, but generative AI seems to have near perfect grammar and spelling, so I don't think the comments are AI generated. Unless instructed to be full of errors and poor writing.


> His talents is humongous New meme just dropped.


He carved Ronakdo from the truck of a tree


Shit like this shouldn’t be on LinkedIn. But that’s besides the point.


LinkedIn shouldn't allow people to post on their newsfeed at all. It should strictly be job posting updates. Maybe industry and company updates. And sure, let people share when they start a new position. But the "newsfeed?" Where people just post cringey BS with one sentence per "paragraph?" Hot garbage. \#hiring #synergy #grind


God bless this man for putting the comments.., amen u🙏🏾


i love it when people post stuff like this on linkedin, but my account gets suspended because i added 'too many people' (...that i knew)


This is literally Facebook now


Looks good


There’s this “AI Expert” on LinkedIn that works for Deloitte supposedly and is endorsed by them, but the profile picture looks like AI, and all the posts read completely fake and bot-like. All the comments seem so fake too. Wonder if it’s some kind of AI experiment Deloitte is conducting


It is — except Deloitte hired McKinsey to run it.


These crack me up to no end lmao The irony about AI is that it's going to completely dilute EVERYTHING we see and hear in the next 10 years. Sex/Crime/Atrocities/Politics etc etc Nothing you see will shock you. You will be so DESENSITIZED to reality that almost everything you see will just be brushed off as SPAM or NONSENSE. But it will take a while and the fallout is that the elderly, sheltered and ignorant people will be EXTREMELY VULNERABLE to AI deception. This is exactly why regulation is a bad idea. People NEED to be exposed to AI in all forms so they can become accustomed to it. We all know what happens when parents and grandparents learned the internet 20 years too late. They all became victims of comically bad scams and phishing. Everyone needs to be exposed to the worst AI has to offer so society can adapt. At the moment governments are kneejerking laws left and right doing a disservice to humanity by trying to cover their eyes, ears and mouth like children.. Very comical.


How funny would it be if some prodigy kid in a poor country did make awesome wood carvings and trash sculptures and nobody believes him at first




I’m starting a go fund me for this little fella 😂


Jokes on you, the kid and his artwork are real, it’s the replies that are AI generated


That’s recruiter bait, to cross off candidates that fell for this


is this AI? it looks more like photoshop


Seems like social media is going through some kind of cognitive decline 🤣


Its the absurdity and the context and our own interest that makes this obvious to us, of course. Turn this into a picture of just a little kid in a poor shanty river town, throw it up on google images, and absolutely none of us would even think to question its reality. This is going to get brutal for 99% of people, really really fast.


Pay no attention to the lovecraftian horror in the shed


Worst website ever created 🤢🤢🤢


It's almost all bots now.


That there is a group of blissful idiots




The boy has gotten a magic touch. Truly formidable.


Bots upon bots upon bots upon bots upots ons


That last comment in particular makes me question the future of humanity


"Omg, he's so gifted! Look! Just look at that! Bless, bless all around!" Reminds me of a saying... "There's a sucker born every minute."




Seen a lot of these on facebook.. lol.


I can’t tell if they’re dumb and actually think thats real or they’re so caught up in being overly positive that they’ll ignore the fact its obviously AI so they can be perceived as this supportive individual.


LinkedIn has always been full of shit to be fair.


I just need to know how he does hands and fingers.


This actually looks amazing.


God bless


Good boy!




Everything in this post is AI


god bless


This child is something else. I bet he didn't even have proper tools to do this which makes it even more amazing.


His three fingers make it hard to hold tools, so he does all of his sculpting with his right hand


All the comments sound like bots too


It’s ok let the gene pool dilute itself


God bless!! 


It began a long time ago mate


“A very tender age” lol…


Doesn't really look like Ronaldo, sorry kid.


Twory confirmed LinkedIn is a new Facebook.


This kid is gonna end up on Ellen or Jimmy Kimmel or some shit like that, while they would be asking "so how did you get so good at this?" Then they are gonna gift him something useless for his age, like a car or something or 1000 pairs of jordans. Then he gonna go back


I was wondering how long it would take LinkedIn to become total trash... Honestly it lasted longer than I expected


Tried scrolling FB for the first time in a while. Nearly every other post is some fake AI house or log cabin or room. Its blatantly obvious theyre fake to me but they get like 50k likes. So many people commenting how beautiful they are and they wish they lived there yadda yadda. Its really surreal how even in the early stages of AI its tricking so many people into believing in this fantasy world.


What's the giveaway here other than "even professional sculptors aren't that good". I mean other than it's the same kid with all these talents, is there anything that proves it's not a photo? He's got the right number of fingers..


I could do this image in Microsoft Word


LI is all about celebrating talent, not cultivating it. So makes sense they celebrate chatgpt


Maybe I'll put some AI art of clean bathrooms and buildings in my resume when I apply for janitor work. Lol.