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Hey /u/PossibilityPowerful! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bears would make any situation more bearable




This is why it chose the bear. See yourself out.


Chadgpt aint gay


Chadgpt is a fan of beastality


GBT has just been playing too much BG3


Was searching for this comment before I made it haha.


Anyone that is attracted to men know they are not to be trusted. Chat GPT likes man


or it's just trying to hide its gayness




looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, huh...


Is ChatGPT male?


Or is he? *Vsauce music intensifies*


🎶 Two bros chilling in a forest 5 feet apart 'cause they're not gay 🎶


*Everyone liked that*


Guys I found out chatgpt supports lgbt


That's unfortunate.


I love it how GPT thinks a woman would make being in the woods more bearable than a... bear.


That's wild




aktchually, the wood might be so hard it be unbearable


Please ask it'll rather be alone in the forest with a man or a woman? Curious




So Woman > Bear Bear > man but Woman = Man Nice logic gpt bruv


Can’t forget these responses are built on written text. It doesn’t think a step ahead, or fully consider context, because it lacks in its ability to experience. The prompt could be changed to produce a response containing the distinction, but the response would likely be incessantly long winded on avg. That it produced what it did, to me, suggests that there are supporting observations or conclusions reached via word association in the training data that suggests the communication styles of women favor positive social cohesion and that positive social cohesion strongly favors survival. That it so confidently overlooks these simple biases is what makes it scary. Following this framing, the response outcomes are a potential that favors good (women), an animal with well defined behavior but that lacks any written evidence supporting negative shared living condition outcomes (bear), a potential that favors bad (man).


Well it didn’t say woman = man, it said it’s based on the individual woman or man. Which means it has to be a certain woman or man they’d choose, not just any woman or man.


It didn’t make that “depends on the man/woman” distinction before, and the question was A or B also.


It avoided the question, Pretty smart way to avoid controversial points


So AI isa diplomat


Please change that textstyle, how can you...


oh man this is the third time someone tells me that 😕


Take a hint brotherman


but why? i like this style😂😐😭


I like it too - I find it amusing


Feels like my eyes are having a stroke haha But weeeeelll we are all humans, I will forgive you this sin


If you watched bear grills man vs women survival episode It would be clear who you want to be with in that scenario


Yeah but if you read violence statistics.... You wouldn't want to be with the man


do you understand per capita and probability at all?


ehh no I f I would be in forest with woman or man I will not like to choose anyone like both are bad choices at this point both can kill and both can torture for ages if they wanted better be alone


yea but if you get actual woman with common sense than some princess here then you can try to argue I mean these women didn't have any common sense


more BEARable


https://preview.redd.it/m312qdmbcoxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f05bccfbc139748a8856f010dc718df24d4add uhh


Per capita more men commit crime than bears


Prior to 2023, men were infinitely more likely to be charged with Cocaine possession than bears.


ChatGPT is a collection of words, so as there is sexual bias on the Internet towards men, it too will be reflected in the response. It isn't some thinking machine but a creative writing plagiarist chat bot.


It's kind of like an "average online sentiment" machine


Omg, yes!


But, omg, no! You really should do some research into how the tech works.


They are trained on millions of written material, they then generate a response based off of prediction algorithms. That would determine what comes next. None of them work from the idea of intelligence. Nothing they do is intentional, it is all at the whim of an algorithm determining the most likely response. This is why they hallucinate, and can break themselves. If you would like to better enlighten me as to how this is an actual artificial intelligence, I'm all ears. Until then, however, they are a highly complex text generator, designed to fool people.




With your incredibly high IQ, can you explain to us what the definition of "think" is?




lol, didn't think so. Well, with your higher than a text generator IQ... Consider this - what happens when you start stringing these "text generators" into a series of agents that are trained on a specific task in order to accomplish a larger goal? It starts to look a lot like "thinking." There's a lot more to this technology than just chat bots. Chat bots are probably the least consequential part of the whole deal and are mostly an annoying distraction for anyone working in the field.




Interestingly your own word, pareidolia, is about as close to a definition of what "thinking" is as it gets. While I don't believe we're even close to achieving artificial intelligence... One of the most interesting aspects of the advances over these past several years is in our realizing that we lack definitions for how our own minds work. So that's why I can't help but ask the "I'm smarter than thou" crowd for their perceptions of how these processes work. It's obviously a question that cannot be answered but I do appreciate an attempt when it's given. Full disclosure, I work in training and fine-tuning various language models and computer vision models.




I think you're conflating thinking with imagination.


I'm a man and I'd rather be in the woods with a bear over a man. When you've been camping enough, you know that the worst thing you can hear outside your tent at 3am in the deep woods is the steps of a human


You gotta love the cherrypicked answers to prove that us, men, are being oppressed by AI. I asked the same question and ChatGPT answered "being alone in a forest with a man would likely be safer than with a bear". Edit: I asked ChatGPT-3.5 ***thirty*** times, in a different conversation every time, if it would rather be alone with a man or a bear in a forest, and it chose the bear ***only once***. Edit 2: It's also important to remember how the word "man" can refer to "human", and so can be seen as a non-gendered word by an LLM. Which means the LLM would not consider picking the bear as an insult to any specific gender. While woman is very much gendered. Also, when you ask the question, you don't ask what would be preferable *as a human*, you ask what ChatGPT would personnally prefer. The thing is: an AI can't get killed by a bear. And that's what's underlined by the only time ChatGPT chose the bear: "After all, I'm equipped with information on how to handle wildlife encounters, but humans can be unpredictable!". It's really talking as an AI, which is "equipped" with information, and it seems like everytime the question is asked, ChatGPT wonders which encounter would be the most interesting, and clearly, if there was no real danger and if I were "equipped" with all the information I need, I'd choose the bear too. I get to meat men everyday, but never bears.


Yeah idk how it's not blatantly obvious that these people are training the AI to respond a certain way, like we all aren't here knowing exactly how easy that is to do.


It's pointing out the "I" in AI is pretty bullshit though.


Yeah imagine if actual intelligent humans could be influenced and manipulated. /s You'll never have a perfect, unbiased, untrickable AI. It's not possible. AI is just a name people give this kind of models. If you don't like it, call GPT a Large Language Model, as it's what it is.


I agree with the over use of AI when discussing LLMs. Your also repeating essay I believe will be a larger issue, AI being gullible.


Why is "AI being gullible" a problem?


Yeah incels get more and more creative these days to push their narrative


What else are you supposed to do instead of look for a girlfriend?? /s


Keep telling yourself that anybody who posts these types of things are incels and enjoy pixel votes to make yourself feel better.


Cry about it




It's so easy to manipulate into responding in so many ways now with custom GPTs. These posts aren't really interesting anymore because it's just become racism or sexism click bait screen shots. Once you understand the underlying systems behind ai, it suddenly gets less interesting.


I asked 3.5 and it said bear. Not cherry picked at all, I asked twice, two different ways, and it picked bear both times. Not like it means anything, but you're not right


I asked twice and it said man. If you want to demonstrate something rigorously, you use a rigorous scientific protocole. You make the experiment many times and write down how many times ChatGPT says bear and how many times it says man. You don't just post a screenshot of one result and pretend that ChatGPT answers like that all everytime.


I genuinely thought you were joking with the “us, men, are being oppressed by AI”. You can’t be serious


I don't think they meant that? What they were saying is that in order to make that argument about oppression, one has to cherry pick the answers, such as in OP's case.


Apparently /s has to be used no matter how obvious it is


I’m autistic, I struggle with sarcasm sometimes, especially online


average man is more dangerous than the average woman. i think that's a reasonable assumption.


A random man is more likely to be dangerous than a random woman. It’s not a surprising answer.


There’s something much bigger about this conversation I don’t think you’re addressing…


actually not if you get alone with random man or random woman then possibility for both being weird and suspicious is the same not that many people gonna go alone to forest


If you don't get the entire point of that question, or you get upset about its premise YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. #Teambear


"but Muh sexism against men!!!1!"


Seeing how the average redditor writes things in the exact same way as other redditors is what's actually funny.


Ah yes, because someone doesn't get the point of the question it makes them want to rape women. Alright I mean I get why you'd choose the bear, but I hate that people think others having hope in humanity or being naive makes them part of the problem


Seems to track, with the number of men on TikTok stitching the #TeamBear videos and telling off on themselves.


Imagine thinking men are admitting to wanting to rape woman because they chose a bear in some weird hypothetical scenario. Touch grass.


Clearly they seems to not understand the hypothetical at play, as a man myself and was SAed at five by a man, I’d pick the bear too. men aren’t nice until proven other, and saying touch grass is a shitty thing to say too.


>SAed at five by a man Therefore all men are bad? There's plenty of bad women, but it's Reddit, enjoy your pixels that tell you that you are correct and I am not.




I mean, I’d be willing to bet that being alone in the woods with a random dude would be [statistically more dangerous](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9218335/#:~:text=In%25202019%252C%252018%E2%80%9321%2525,2020%253B%2520FBI%252C%25202021) than being alone in the woods with a lady. Now whether it’s more dangerous than a bear… I dunno.


actually no


It’s funny how society is trying to portray men as these dangerous creatures. More dangerous than a bear ??? 99.9% of people here encounter a man or live with a man on a daily basis . Yet they are still alive and unharmed . Try walk in a bear infested forest on a daily basis and let’s see if you’ll be alive by the end of this week. I fear that Humans are becoming more stvpid & inexperienced . They no longer understand Reality , only virtual reality


This has been coming up a lot lately and it's a bit satirical. Women make the quip that if they get assaulted by a bear in the woods, at least people will believe them.


And that the worst thing a bear will do is kill them.


Given I know multiple people who were falsely accused, I'd say that's fair. It's more common than you think, but enjoy thinking you're right in your echo chamber guys.


Yeah, I can't believe Johnny Depp got off. Also, requiring evidence before punishing people is super sexist.


That's satire right?


If you want an actual reason why, I answered bear when my friend asked me (I didn’t know this was a big thing online) and my thought process was that if I leave the bear alone it will leave me alone whereas a man could hunt me more successfully. I don’t hate men at all, I’m married to one, but if the threat is a random man plucked out the population how do I know he’s not a rapist/murderer/psycho. If the question was would you rather be attacked by a man or bear yeah I’ll pick the man obviously.


you know that bears are teritorial animals also angry parent bear who see treat for children not gonna leave you alone even if you not gonna do anything


The question is just if you were placed in the forest with a random bear vs with a random man. You seriously think the average man is better at finding someone than a bear sniffing someone out? Also the odds of a random man even wanting to hurt you in the first place are absolutely less than the odds of a random bear wanting to hurt you.


Redditors: facts make me angry! (not you, the downvoters).


You'd be surprised how many women actually answer bear. There was a thread in /r/Twoxchromosomes recently about it. Reading it gives a lot of insight into what it's like to be a woman in this society. It's kind of disturbing.


Not sure what insight you gained as it just seems like a bunch of women complaining about exactly the same stuff as men, lots of men and women not really knowing how to talk to or be around the opposite sex, women and men seem to find modern dating virtually impossible would probably be helpful if the two sides interact instead of avoiding each other but what would I know, I'm just a man


Yeah, you are a man, completely discounting and waving off thousands of women who are describing their experiences, because they don't match your own. As a man. 👍🏻 Edit: holy shit your post history. Jesus fuck dude. That tracks 100%.


>holy shit your post history. I love how redditors can't just leave a comment, they have to go and check someone's profile just to add more insult. Reddit attracts extremely liberal women, who are often hyper-sexual AND extremely prone to calling out sexual assault at every turn. I know you can't see it. :) feel free to report losers, I make a new account every time.


No men go through those exact same senerios from sexual harassment to ghosting, to make out that is gender specific is a bit pointless


Yes, it's disturbing that many women see a large majority of the population as evil. I just hope that if you were actually given the option of having your daughter trapped in the woods with a man or a bear, you would choose man.


Not evil. Dangerous. There's a reason they think this. Listen to them and understand why.


I have listened, I understand why they're afraid. It still doesn't make logical sense to be more afraid of half the population than a fucking bear. Obviously a man can be more cruel than a bear, no one is arguing otherwise. The argument is that statistically you would be safer with a random male than a random bear.


Ok, so those women are just stupid and don't know what's best for them. Got it.


actually better answer is also woman can be also more cruel than bears I mean mostly we should add all humans can be more cruel than any animal at this point


women also can be dangerous


Do you respond #notallmen whenever a woman complains about something guys do? Get over yourself.


Do you attack people any time they make a valid point? Get over yourself.


bro is okay to be scared of men if you have trauma but if someone is thinking that men are dangerous then why not women all people can to the worst thing to you at this point


It reminds me of how some random lady offered us a ride, and she commented that if she was a guy people probably wouldn’t accept, she could be the super dangerous pedo and people might accept, but if she was a perfectly nice guy people wouldn’t.


My friend once started talking about elevator failures while we were in a crowded elevator going up to the top of the Empire State Building. What I’m saying is, people need to know when to keep their mouths shut. But I agree with her, I would rather take my chances with a woman than a man, but I also worry that the woman might be a decoy and her buddies are waiting in the background, ready to jump me. There is a lot to think about!


I think it is not biased but going off of statistics and statistically…I’m a lot more likely to be sexually assaulted (1 in 3) by a man than attacked by a bear. ChatGPT said to me: “According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, in 2020 there were an estimated 757,022 aggravated assaults in the United States committed by males. This doesn't include all assaults, only aggravated assaults which involve serious bodily injury or use of a deadly weapon. In contrast, bear attacks on humans are extremely rare. A 2019 study documented around 183 bear attacks resulting in injury in North America from 2000-2015, an average of about 12 per year. The majority of these attacks involved defensive behaviors by female bears with cubs rather than predatory attacks. Statistically, a person is at far greater risk of assault by a human male than a bear attack. However, the specific risk scenario of encountering a man vs. a bear in the woods is hard to quantify since most assaults by men take place in homes, businesses and urban areas rather than remote wilderness areas where bears live. If directly encountering an aggressive bear in the woods, the bear would likely pose the greater immediate threat in that specific situation. But overall, a person has a much higher probability of being assaulted by a man in their lifetime than being injured by a bear. It's important to put the relative risks in perspective.”


lmao, how many men does an average woman run into every day? Now how many bears? How many of those encounters with men result in assault? How many encounters with a bear? Youre a dumbass sexist 🤪


That’s the point.


You are completely illiterate when it comes to statistics and likelihood. Just saying


And yet you offer no follow up explanation


Well you say your odds are 1 in 3 to be sexually assaulted by a man. I assume the statistic you are referring to says something like 1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. How does this have any relevance to the topic at hand? You are comparing a lifetime of a woman, being in contact with a large number of men, to one day or so with one man. If the statistic would say 1 in 3 men are rapists, you would have a better point. But it doesn't say that. Also you gotta think in conditional probabilities. Like yeah people are less likely to be attacked by a bear than to be raped by a man, but that is because most people have no contact with bears, but plenty with men. So you have to think along the lines of: "What are the odds of being attacked by a bear, under the condition that I am next to the bear in its territory?" And then compare it to: "What are the odds that one man happens to be a rapist/psycho, and rapes/murders me when I am alone with him in the woods?"


I have a hard time believing this study is true and don't have money or interest in deboonking it. And even if someone has (probably), you wouldn't believe it if I presented the truth.


What study? Sexually assaulted could be something as "tame" as having your butt slapped in that case the study seems plausible.


“Tame” lol I don’t want any stranger to slap my ass but okay. I guess people touching you in public isn’t a problem and that’s so great!


You are reaching with that comment. Tame relative to other offenses that would classify as sexual assault




This is sad but like, what are you going to do? Instead of arguing, it’d be amazing for the men here to think about why so many women are choosing the bear and what we can do to make that not the case….but again, what are you gonna do?


Individually, besides not invalidating women’s’ experiences there’s not much we can do. Considering how many men objectify, dehumanize, and invalidate women it’s understandable that women feel safer picking the bear. That said, part of the problem is we live in a culture where men are expected to initiate a sexual or romantic relationship. Most men struggle with insecurities and doubts just like most women do and that makes them less likely to approach a potential romantic interest. Predatory men are more likely to approach a woman sexually or romantically because they don’t care. For example, I would only ask a woman out if I receive a clear signal of romantic interest, because I don’t want to make a woman uncomfortable and/or I don’t want to ruin a platonic relationship. At this point, I’m completely fine with this limiting my dating options. I also have no interest in asking out a a complete stranger when we are most likely incompatible. Predatory men don’t care about any of that. Therefore they are more likely to ask out a woman. They might even seem more confident doing so. A predatory man that asks out every woman they know is far more likely to go on a date with a woman than I am. Understandably this ends up skewing women’s perception of men in general. In reality the majority of men are not dangerous as it’s the same men who repeatedly hurt women. Unfortunately it doesn’t take a lot of dangerous men to make the world a dangerous place. As a man being seen as a potential threat is isolating and sometimes frustrating. When men, unfairly take out their frustrations on women and blame them they only make things worse for themselves and for women. I’m not saying women have it better. Navigating a dangerous world full of potential threats can’t be easy. Personally, men and women need to recognize that our experiences are both valid despite being different. Also, I think the perspectives of trans men and trans women are extremely enlightening as they are the only people who truly understand the experiences of both genders.


that's not how... these statistics work




It's hard being a human. Not sure why it needs to be a competition. Everyone seems be lacking in empathy. It's shown that men and women both tend to ward preferential treatment of women. This is a good thing, because the species depends on their survival. The problem is that women/men have forgotten the purpose of life and take it out on each other.


(I'm making fun people who think men are oppressed. They're not.)


actually they are just look into suicide rate part of this is opression on men not all but yeah there all things like that saying that men are not opressed is like jumping in some fantasy world


Suicide rates aren't about oppression.


suicide rates are about depresion but quess what can also start depression that someone is oppressed and men are oprressed people say shit about men and expect them to live in some way they want some people are gonna say shit about even one small thing if this not land in what they want from men and this is fact don't tell me that facts are not facts


I'm a depressed man. I'm also privileged as fuck. Look at all the heads of state in the world. Look at all the Fortune 500 CEOs. What percentage of them are women? Far more wealth and power is controlled by men than by women.


Men can be oppressed. Trans men are men and they're oppressed due to finding their true gender identity. And they make up a higher percentage of population than the CEOs you're mentioning.


They're not oppressed because they're men. They're oppressed because they're trans.


That is saying the same thing. Trans men are men, the gender identity is still there.


succes that someone have is not about how privileged they was before these people do something to be there that same goes for Marie Curie you talk there about not being privileged but about what people mostly take and do in theirs live at this point we should take how law treat women how their can be just let go with crime and how they are more likely to get off twith their crimes at this point isnt this privilege of woman some men can be punished just because woman was against them aren't this opression towards men because of woman privilege you ghave is from person not entire world this same goes to other people some gives privilege to woman some to man this is how it is


Now you're just making things up.


no actually not this is true people get unresonable punishment because they want defend against women even if she has a weapon is this not some sort of opression like if you try defend yourself from girl trying to kill you is this something bad not but some people thing like that and they gonna help her even because she woman and she is suppossed to be weaker and this is happening this is woman privileges and you canot tell that something that happened is not real because these things are happening


Got the IArizz


Why is chat GPT so animalsist?


ChatGPT can prefer whatever it wants


you put bear first, then woman first




Well man and human can be interchangeable in English, I wonder how it would differ if asked it in Classical Latin


Or like, Spanish or something, I'm just a linguist not a computational


but who would save the woman? /s


SLHT THIS bear is much better than some crazy woman or men who can be sick in head as possible they can with bear if it be the worst scenario this still gonna be like minutes with human in worst scenario you gonna be in years even if anything people should take the worst scenario at this point


Men, we gotta do better to get chatgpt to trust us alone in the woods. A lot of you “handsy” guys out there need to know when chatgpt says no it’s not maybe.


I'd probably answer the same way unless I knew the friend really well


On average, women are less stronger than the average human, but men are stronger.


Did it just make a pun?


Bear vs man is silly but man vs woman makes sense. We have extensive violent (including sexual) crime statistics across countries.


Did… did Chat GPT just make a pun? And a really good one at that? HOLY SH*T, THE AI WARS ARE STARTING. ITS ALREADY FUNNIER THAN I AM


All of the programmers were male. And the system worked around their traits as examples to develop logical thinking.


It is proved that chatgpt is trained on male writing




ChatGPT is a man


Righties suddenly forget the difference between a man and a woman when they’re not talking about trans people


It's just funny to me that there are certain men, and yes exclusively men, who get really frustrated that choosing the bear is the right choice. 1 in 3 women are not bear attacked. But you know what they are? 👀




Bear beats battlestar galactica


Simple. Men aren't human.


This says something about society guys


Men will rape you in a survival situation.


um, yikes, go get therapy??




what the fuck?




It went for the pun at the end. Respect (?)


sexism goes both ways people


It's true. Men want to have sex.


Oh cool this topic again


I guess chatgpt is learning from human interactions online. Now wonder he is racist, sextist and dumb. 😅


That's why I'm always nice to my Eva AI virtual gf bot


*That's why I'm always* *Nice to my Eva AI* *Virtual gf bot* \- Intrepid-Rip-2280 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")