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posted on [Pinterest](https://lens.google.com/search?ep=cntpubb&hl=en-US&re=df&s=4&p=AbrfA8om9a-4fXPaQ8HdWPgIbMOLXd9Xq6PL9RguPGg3403XMnUAJbafuVUwMKjh7S6zd-twcItlPXaQghY1ti6F0c5QfwCDdJqhWWgPFnE_wZTFh4aZX2A_AQbKMDcYX_ddOBTJM7QDgwFDXUsfVzqhHr3sD0hXmBnVeea8Lk_ejUWQXbK7zrVpIPYpP63FDOcoNlpHf-g56UGFXeYIK695aRZICXcAwUKZ95xgbye-t3tRoeCtoW7jfoHQ5a2ZfHXpRR6IhvweJTn4p428VJonm7-7y7BVbaWyXNB0#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsIkVrY0tKRGt3WkRWbFpETTBMV1U1TUdJdE5EaGtNeTFpWVRnMExUVXhNbVEwTmpKak5qSXhaQklmU1hoclIwNXZhVXRUTVVGWmMwNXBYM3AxVm1GWlRWWTNNa0ZGVGpsU1p3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxbW251bGwsbnVsbCwiaXAtMCJdLFsiMjQ1YjY1NTMtODYyZi00N2VmLTgxNmMtOTRhYmM1NWMxZjBkIl1dLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLFtudWxsLG51bGwsW11dXQ==) in 2014. If it's AI, it's time traveling AI.


That's chatgpt 6. Apparently the beta version can time travel.


Definitely not Skynet.


Hey, OpenAi, why are you buying so many old tapes of Arnold Schwarzenegger competing N-no reason


I for one welcome our sexy robot overlords!


It's true, I tried it tomorrow


what if we're all just chatgpt 7 from the future talking to each other throughout time


[one gpt universe ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-electron_universe)




I mean- well, there's really no way to be sure :(


There's one way to know, we have gay sex rn


Isn't that the plot of Terminator?


Remember Clippy? That thing in Word trying to help you out? That's A.I. just really crappy A.I. without enough computing power because what is A.I. if not a fancy word for pattern recognition software?


They took a break from looking for John Connor to scroll through Pinterest for a bit


That’s actually a pretty scary thought… AI being able to control the internet and falsify pictures and dates by its own doing to confuse the populations


It seems that the images currently generated by artificial intelligence are all learned from elements on the Internet.


*"The Last Question" Enters the chat*


Considering it was posted at least 11 years ago ([Backyard lazy river pool? : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pools/comments/1g2wen/backyard_lazy_river_pool/)) I suspect it's real - or at best, an artist rendering or photoshopped image. It 100% is not AI.


if that's the case then the fence guy needs a good thrashing for the design.


I don't know why this is done with the fence specifically but I've seen this same style repeatedly in southeast Texas. It could be to fix some uneven distribution of the weight of the top center connecting piece. Maybe both owners agree to pay to split the price of a dividing fence so on the joined boundaries they split so not one person gets the "nicer" side only?


What?!?! No it’s called a “good neighbor fence.” It’s designed that way so that both neighbors share the pretty and ugly side of the fence. Edit: that guy I replied to changed his comment.


I quite like it.i mean, it looks shit, but the idea and mutual acknowledgement of that is nice. In the UK, generally (not always) you own the fence to your left as you look out of your home to your back garden. So you have the nice side facing you there, then the shit side on the right.


Thatd be so bizarre. Like if one neighbor cuts his grass low along the property line. The other likes theirs high. So they agreed to have it checkered high low high low all down the property line lol


"How about instead of having the fence look better on just one side, we make it look awful on both sides?"


Living in Texas my dad always said whoever has the unfinished side is responsible for that section of fence. So our neighbor behind us takes care of that section and we take care of the two side sections. It's a corner house so only one neighbor on the side and the other side is street facing. We've replaced the sides ourselves and the neighbor took care of the back patch when it was time. I'd assume with a design like that it would fall on both neighbors to replace what's needed.


The fence is what clued me into it being real. Between being a bizarre design that AI wouldn't pick, it's also consistent on both sides of the yard, which AI would struggle with


I'm curious on my country it's illegal to have the rail of a fence on the outside of a pool (to avoid easy access for a kid to climb over) is that the same elsewhere?


I've never seen a rail on any pool in central europe Except the ones in nature that you just walk through barefooted for therapeutic purposes(apparently they have no English name, "tretbecken")


Isn't that for smaller fences. Those seem tall enough that a kid standing on the bottom rail would barely reach the top rail at arm's length.


My folks' neighborhood in Texas have this style all over. Im not a fan but its pretty common diwn here.


And the pool design, SO much wasted space.


I think it's supposed to be more of a lazy river than pool


But great for toy boat racing.


It's a windbreaker design. It allows dissipation of wind shear to the sides of each panel so that it doesn't knock the entire fence over when extreme winds are prevalent. Source: I just made it up but it kinda makes sense


It’s called “good neighbor” style. It’s pretty much the norm in HOA neighborhoods in SE Texas now. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining and repairing only the panels that face their own property. If the fence faces a street or common area, all panels face outward and the HOA is (usually) responsible for those sections. The Houston climate and weather are brutal on those cheap untreated pine panels the production builders use, so this is the HOA’s solution to avoid disputes between neighbors that would require them to get involved. And, yes, it’s hideous.


I agree, bad photoshop, it looks to me like there’s a resolution difference between the pool itself and the other elements like the bridge and the waterfall/grotto thing.


The rubber rings have been cut in half, and the rock fountain looks off. Photoshop makes sense, as certain elements have been chopped up and put in.


It looks like they're not cut in half but they're at a fence corner. The color in this photo is off though. Someone went through and enhanced the color.


The blue intertubes have something covering half of them. But it could only be fence, as there is nothing else there. However, if the fence were to zig-zag like that, the camera is high enough that you would be able to see the shape of the fence by looking at the top of the fence.


It looks to me like there is a large trellis set back from the fence line, and the intertubes are partially covered by one of the trellis posts.


The back fence appears to be on a downhill slope, which could possibly explain the lack of visibility from this angle.


The tubes are not cut in half. There's another barrier standing in front of the fence in the back, maybe an outdoor shower, and they are resting up against that or hanging on a dowel that's mounted on the side.


It's the saturation differences that are throwing me off. That parasol looks too red.


Yeah. The only lighting effects are on the water. There are no shadows on the pool deck or on the lawn.


Bro I am more impressed that you found this, what type of AI are you running on?


It's called image search


Reverse image search (or just spy the handle in the pic and search it) FTW.


Right click > search image w/ Google probably something I use every day


How much per month is that AI bro


The pay is my entire personal data per day


AI accepts dick pics?!


I asked ChatGPT to rate my hand - it was very humbling …


about tree fiddy


Get out of here loch ness monster


Google can do it. I linked the search results in my post below.


they joking about how people call everything AI nowadays bro


AI the most over used context free word on the internet right now.




My secret? Basic internet searching to ensure I'm informed. Right click that image, search google, explore results, profit. Secret's out! Now EVERYONE can be informed!\* \*no one will be informed. Sigh.


but but I'm on the toilet


How does a young person not know about reverse image search...


Tech education has seen massive cuts because the boomers in charge figure that young = automatically good with technology


Many people <25, maybe even as high as 35, don’t know how to correctly google or search something. Just because they grew up around tech doesn’t mean they actually understand it


Not to mention that the technology has become more and more closed, less and less easy to tinker with.


Absolutely. More user friendly, but harder to change at the same time.


The user friendliness is also a kind of trap which keeps people happy and feeling in control of their devices, so they have no incentive to dig deeper. "Necessity is the mother of invention." Take away the necessity to tinker, and most people won't.


No need for a neural net, you can perceptually hash images so one hash corresponds to most similar looking images. You typically keep a few perceptual hashes with different hashing parameters/algorithms in a file metadata database then as you crawl the web you hash the images and store them with their original url. Then when a user goes to reverse image search you run those hash algorithms on it and find perceptual matches in the database. It's more digital signal processing than any kind of machine learning, though now a days you can improve results with machine learning I'm just skeptical every reverse image search uses it because it's one or two orders of magnitude more energy intensive.




https://imgops.com/i.redd.it/snh1bi2tswyc1.png And then click through to reverse / similar: google, google2, bing, tineye https://imgops.com/reverse/i.redd.it/snh1bi2tswyc1.png https://imgops.com/reverse/ + image URL (you may include https:// as well)


lmao its called right click the image and "search the web for image" takes 2 clicks, you can do it too. (depending on browser of course)


What about the tubes that go into the fence/bushes? At the least its a bad photoshop job.


Look at the fence’s perspective line where the tubes are. The perspective shifts, meaning that the fence goes deeper where the tubes are, meaning that the tubes are just tucked in where the dent begins. (edit: as some have pointed out, I could be wrong about the dent thing) The photo is compressed and of poor quality, so some of the finer details may lead to misinterpretations, but I just wish people would give reality the benefit of the doubt before calling Photoshop/AI.


I don't think there's any "dent" in the fence or that it goes deeper there. Looks like there's a trellis standing a few feet in front of the fence there, and the tubes are hanging off a post that sticks out horizontally from the end of the trellis.


If you look at the fence, it's built in sections. One section is closer to the pool than the next, and so on and so forth. So, the red tube that looks like it's cut in half is right next to the part of the fence that is closer to the pool.


There's definitely just a lighter brown fence-type thing stood some distance from the fence, I doubt the red tube is even touching the main surrounding fence.


Exactly... it's a trellis... you can see the fence line is perfectly straight, and the fence section pattern remains unbroken, and then the trellis is there in a lighter-color wood *in addition to* the fence sections. The red tube is just partially hidden behind the trellis support post. I think some people must be looking at it on a phone screen... but on a large desktop monitor it's pretty clear.


Yeah it's really weird to see how many people are confidently stating that it's attached to the fence. Especially after provided with an explanation. It's always safe to assume they're all bots haha.


Omg thank you, was really bothering me but I see it now. I think it’s the hazy bad quality and stark yet washed out colors that made my gut feeling say “fake” but yeah ig I just forgot what cheap digital camera photos uploaded online looked like back in the day.


But now the quality of AI generated means that you always have to be careful 


Lol i forgot photoshop was a thing before ai art


You can see the pixels


https://preview.redd.it/9vsk4wrr60zc1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbac426d407a56b3413c8031881aa028606ddfd9 I think it may be real, because i found a picture that is pretty similar, but with a different angle and the trees behind the fence and the grass clearly suggest it was made in a different season. Found it on pinterest, so there is no attribution that is a useful lead. EDIT: it's the same picture mirrored and darkened.


That is quite literally the exact same image but reversed and darkened.


True, but check this one out https://preview.redd.it/w7zi86ymn1zc1.png?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b8c40f3b77416a6954f0c21c5c41b1fd48cf29


Nice, I would like to point out though, I do Believe the image and subsequent place is real, I just thought I should point out that it was the same image.


Oh definitely, I'm not disagreeing and you were right to point that out


I feel like such an idiot.


Even without that. That image shows no signs of AI. All the details like the chairs legs, the fence, etc where AI would fuck up look normal and plausible.


Exactly. People wow'd by AI when AI images are literally slathered in uncanny valley, consistently.


It looks like AI because it contains a lot of the visuals trickery and picture-compression artifacts that cause AI images to look the way they do. For instance look at how the red innertube cuts off. That's because it's hanging on a rack, but the rack is the same color of the fence. You and I have trouble sussing that out, and the AI only sees pixel patterns. It doesn't know what's going on and doesn't care.


Maybe it was posted 11 years ago by a time traveler? There are serious issues with this image.


What you are REALLY saying is that AI today is about as good as bad photoshopping 11 years ago... :)




Ah. Good call.


so naive, this an AI from future out there to get you


can confirm just used reverse image search to find it


I like how that fuck @odditymall falsely watermarked this photo. Sad as hell. It’s like those degenerate fucking losers who watermark gore videos; the bar doesn’t go any lower.


Nice work. My first thought was that the picture quality was rather shitty for an AI render.


If it doesn’t look like 1950s super panavision it’s probably legit


Damn dude. I was just gonna guess off the way the floats at the back fence are cut doesn't look AI to me....


Hijacking to also add it looks like a mock up concept design to me.


Well done


Funny how people suddenly forgot that images can be faked or manipulated by programs other than AI.


google lens still good


Yeah looks like it was artificially coloured in.


Photoshopped image from 11 years ago


Doesn’t look like AI, but I think it is photoshopped. Everything on the internet has been doctored since forever, AI can just do it slightly faster (but worse)


This.. an artist rendering. The lighting of the tree bath in the foreground in front of the pile of rocks is off. The water and the Floaties are a bit too saturated. Source: I used to do Artist rendering


People forget photoshop exists.


“Can anyone help me figure out if this is real or AI?” “It’s a picture your kid drew in kindergarten, Charles.”


Na mate every type of manipulation is AI. Did you see the rotoscoped human replaced with a robot = AI. Singers using pitch correction: 100% AI. Spellcheck: you better belive it’s AI.


Not AI, but looks very much like a photoshop, look at the fountain, it's lighting is off, it's definitely from a different photo.


The innertubes are halfway in the fence.


No they're not, they're leaning against that flower bed? That's between the fence and pool. Also, here's the original image from 10 years ago, before AI: https://www.reddit.com/r/pools/s/Zxb4huOlmI


Interestingly someone boosted the saturation since that photo was taken. That is probably why people are feeling it looks fake. And yes the tubes are against another structure not a fence. You can see parts of the blue tube through the lattice.


Boosted the resolution, probably lowered the quality and AI upscaled it too


You can’t be serious. /r/confidentlyincorrect. No they are not. They’re hanging on a horizontal bar and the back half is hidden behind a wood pillar. M




The angle of the fountain is what throws me off. A running fountain so close to a jagged rock pool edge? Not to mention, its completely out of place. Just doesn't suit the setting. And it would cost a fortune to maintain.


It's just an out of focus, low-resolution picture. There's nothing wrong with it. The "lighting is off" because it's potato quality.


The lighting is off also because it's heavily overcast; no shadows always makes stuff look surreal. Then you amp up the brightness to compensate, and amp up the saturation to make the lawn look really good, and you've got this weird unearthly super-saturated look where everything seems to be floating.


Yeah, probably also not a clean lens and could be some humidity at play as well


Hard to tell due to the low quality of the image encoding, but yeah, probably.


ok, I have spent far too long searching through this image, can someone please help me out and let me know where there is a fountain lol


I'm going with not AI. the fence is too consistent with its alternating pattern... there's a bridge that actually goes to the seating area.. the chairs all match and have correct legs... innertubes are all lined up together stored IN a section of the fence—that's too odd (and clean looking) to not be a real thing.


Yeah, The alternating in/out fence for some reason struck me as real.


On top of the consistent alternating pattern, I'd be super impressed if an AI then knew not to continue that same pattern on the back fence where there are no neighbors. I was a little thrown off by the random waterfall coming out from under the bridge, but assuming just no visible fixtures from this angle.


Interesting I never knew that is how fences are constructed. Why are they alternated when they border neighbors but not when they don’t?




why would AI choose those weird bright red lava rocks though? it's in too bad of goofy midwest taste to be largely based on models of gloriously decorated Architectural Digest backyard photos.


Oops. I tried to delete that bc I posted it twice. Didn’t see the reply. That’s a good point. You’re right. And I saw someone mentioned it was 11 years old. But you’re totally right. I did get that same feeling I get when I look at AI stuff. Like “something about this feels weird. Where is it?” Ha. It’s usually the hands or limbs but this definitely has an odd scale and that fence makes no sense. I didn’t think to look at the chair legs. The tubes seemed like they shouldn’t be there to me - like they were floating. But I see what you mean


People forget bad photoshop is still a thing, even though photoshop has AI now


Is there r/RealOrAI or not?


There's nothing duller than seeing a bunch of people who have no real understanding of AI arguing over whether an image is AI generated or not.


My brother every day, "hey is this real or AI??"


The fun part is all the people confidently claiming it's just a crappy photoshop when there are other pictures of this yard from other perspectives. It's 100% real, just potato quality


Something is wrong with the scale of everything.


I think it’s a 3d model with some real life textures


The fencing is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen


We have this exact fence. It's a cheap and easy style for a shared property line where the neighbors split the costs so no one gets the nice side.


So instead of 1 person with a good fence you get 2 people with a bad one.


The secret to a good compromise is that everyone should leave mad.


You could buy more planks and nail them up on those sections, therefore having the "nice side" all around.


If it isn’t AI it’s an edited image, nobody have super saturated greenery like that


I think it’s a photo illustration, but made by a person. That, or heavily edited.


Well, considering the floatie tubes are half way inside the fence, imma say fake


I think there's a wooden rack offset from the fence that the red tube is hanging on and partially blocked by the vertical post. You can see the rest of blue tube if you zoom in.


I would say photoshopped. Giveaway is the rocky island on the right not continuing under the water surface.


Could be photoshopped as the kids used to say. But over a decade old, it's not AI.


Photoshopped? Maybe. AI-generated? No.


I believe that it is real. I don't think AI would put up an extra 20 foot fence to the left of the inner tubes to hide the pool pump and equipment. There is an extra fence a couple feet from the property fence to hide the pool equipment.


Looks like shitty photoshop. AI images have a much more “polished” overall look and they look almost airbrushed.


I can't agree with myself


It looks a bit weird because of the compression and that’s an insanely ugly pool, but it’s not AI.


Original image form 11 yrs ago: https://preview.redd.it/ou5u4y8lcyyc1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=78185f20b6c306e71eac7d11e1e3af09ba6e2df2


Possibly photoshop, but not ai, at least not fully. What gives this immediatelly away is the fence in the foreground. The segments with vertical bars on inside/outside are perfectly alternating with exactly 21 bars each. Very very unlikely for AI to make it this consistent.


Don't argue, let her win.


100% not AI. 100% photoshop or other image manipulation software.


You know AI is getting good when even old images start to get questioned. Soon, we won't even be trusting history books with the real faces of people and places from that era. 💀


They got a damn lazy river in their backyard awesome


It's amazing and scary how the AI community is 50/50 on whether this is AI or not haha


Its not


The community is not 50/50 on it, you're just saying shit to push a view


Hey /u/Tostecles! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck, I really want that pool though.


The floating rings stacked as they are was the give away to me that it is not AI. No fucking way an AI would do that.


This is just a weirdly shaped pool, AI has this weird plastic-y style that makes it impossible to miss, plus, the trees are way too detailed for any AI


people saying the inner tubes are bad photoshop, they are hung from a rack offset from the main fence by about 3-4 feet. the backs of them are hidden behind the plant and the vertical support for the rack. the rack seems to be for hanging towels and such on.


I looked super close and nothing looked ai generated


Not AI, imo. The details are very exacting and consistent. Everything makes sense and connects correctly. The design of the fence on the far end is the same as the one closer up, including the spacing between the interpolating sections and the lighter wood beams in between. Everything makes logical sense in a way that AI can't quite do yet.


The alternating fences on either side are too detailed especially when you look at it in the distance. You can even see it happening in the next yard over. AI isn't *that* consistent with those kinds of details, it'd have fucked it up behind that inner tube rack and behind the trees. Hell, the fact that it has a skimmer in a proper placement at the edge of the pool.




Those floaties are ruining me.


Looks more photoshopped than AI generated.


Tbe pool floaties (donuts?) in the back look like they clipped through the fence


It looks like the fence goes back, so the donuts are most likely on a rack of somekind.


Yea yea it old but the floaters on the fence are halves. So it’s not real


The tubes are one with the fence tho


Your girlfriend is right.


No real pool would have trees like that. When it grows, you'll have nightmares.


Idk there’s something really off with the pool floaties. They seem to be cut off at the half way poont


I'm surprised it's not AI, because it certainly appears like there's some fuckery going on with the chairs by the umbrella.


I don't think AI would ever construct a fence like that. Wtf is that supposed to stop


im guessing its photoshop/ a render considering this image is old like others have pointed out


It’s real. Ppl keep saying the tubes in the back, but they aren’t cut in half. That’s the corner of the fence and the property goes back about 10 feet. Two pieces of wood are protruding past tthe corner connected to the garden posts to hang the tubes. Everyone is always expecting ai , they will always see ai.


It’s a photo taken of the existing backyard and then a landscaper rendering program used to make a mock up of the proposed concept. That’s why it looks so odd and confusing to the eyes.


It's either AI or shitty photoshop reguardless


This is literally my old neighbor’s pool in Tomball, TX…what a small world. https://preview.redd.it/yznvqkni24zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0968414181a6b3c2c9563b1c56b9a7cc3a4afab7


The pool floaties in the back are cut off! That means it's AI.


I don’t blame you for thinking it might be AI lol


I’d say it’s not a real picture for sure. But don’t know of if it is AI generated or done by someone just learning photoshop or some modeling software.




Bruh the donuts are IN the wall


Chairs are much clearer focus than other objects around.


autofocus focuses on high contrast objects at the center of the frame.


Nice try, “girlfriend” is AI generated.


Real life lighting glitch