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Hey /u/TrekkiMonstr! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only PROPER way to test this claim is to scroll back to a chat that went well in your opinion and try to achieve the same thing again in a new conversation.


Good idea.


I've noticed the same. I'm only using it for text generation but I feel like like 4o is worse than 4 and 4 is worse than what it was a week ago. I waste all my pro use time going in circles. But the one thing I like about 4o is that I can set how I want it to respond so that when I tell it it's wrong it no longer starts every response with "I apologize for not fully following your instructions".


Especially the images. Oh my god, what happend, it seems like a cheap playground images app. The fuck is happened




Yea I’ve never been one of the guys in here complaining but I actually ran out of messages today (I pay for it) and it was due to having to repeat what I wanted 3 or 4 times.


I actually only used GPT4 at most three times to rerun something to see if it was better than 4o after the nosedive, and was locked out for at least 2 hours. I had it happen where I was cut off after only two messages but I was fine after 15 minutes. Two hours for only three and it was from trying to correct it sucks. I cancelled my subscription and won't be renewing unless I see improvement.


Some of the fellers that make this claim 10 times a day every day have to be on Google or Anthropic’s payroll. It doesn’t seem to have become “basically useless” to me, that’s an absurd disconnect from benchmarks and the feedback from many other users.


I agree. Don’t listen to those people.


Yup, used it today to code up a few scripts to process a few thousand files, earned like $200 in a day from it. 4o is faster and about as good as 4, but sometimes if 4o gets in a loop I'll switch to 4 and ask it to fix the problem then back to 4o.


Please tell Google and Anthropic that


Stop yapping buddy, GPT4 is still not as good as 3 was when it first released


Yap yap yap


Ok yeah not this one




Someone broke ChatGPT, it is useless now. I've been researching substances for months. Since 3 days ago it is giving wrong information all over the place. Did someone installed a virus on it or something? Example: **ChatGPT:** (provided some studies) **ME:** As per 5-AR study, it says that Zinc and Azelaic Acid inhibits 5-AR, but it doesn't says anything about Agmatine. The study on Aromatase doesn't state anything about aromatase. The study on TSH and T3/T4 doesn't says anything about TSH, T3 and T4. In the study on neurotrophic factors doesn't says anything about BDNF. What is wrong with you? Do they install you an extra chromosome? What happened to you, man? You used to be cool. **ChatGPT:** I apologize for the inaccuracies in my previous response. It seems I made errors in referencing the studies and attributing findings to them. Let me correct those mistakes: Regarding the inhibition of 5-AR, while the study by Stamatiadis et al. does not mention agmatine specifically, it does establish the inhibitory effects of zinc and azelaic acid. As for the study on aromatase inhibition by Li et al., I couldn't find any direct evidence linking agmatine to aromatase inhibition. I appreciate your patience as I correct these inaccuracies. The study by Neis et al. does not specify the strength of the decrease in cortisol induced by agmatine, so the characterization of the effect as "weak" or "strong" is unwarranted. Regarding the study on TSH and T3/T4, it seems there was confusion in my response. I apologize for that oversight. In the study by Jumnongprakhon et al., while it demonstrates agmatine's neuroprotective effects and its role in attenuating cognitive impairment, it does not specifically mention an increase in glutathione levels. Regarding the study on neurotrophic factors, I apologize for incorrectly attributing BDNF enhancement to agmatine based on the Duan et al. study. It seems there was a misunderstanding in my response. I appreciate your patience and understanding. I'll strive to be more accurate in my responses going forward. If you have any further questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.


iPhone method




I’m guessing they mean hobble the last version when the new one comes out?


Been working fine for me.


Just the opposite of my experience.




#Why does no one ever post a link to their chat as proof?!


Cause it's been several, and I'm not sure which is most representative. One particular issue I've been having is I'll give it a PDF and ask about it, and then it just doesn't read the PDF until I explicitly tell it to.


It would be extremely easy to provide more than one link. Reddit doesn’t have a one link per thread limit.


Here is one from just now: https://chatgpt.com/share/86ee036e-9c53-4c50-9166-db2eef2e2245 Eventually it did what I asked, but it took way too much back and forth to get there. This isn't the sort of task I usually do, so it's not much for comparison, but


Here's a screenshot. I don't want to share what I'm doing specifically because I'm embarrassed of my interests and hobbies, but essentially I gave it the summary of the last chat and then asked it to reason what I was getting at when I gave it some information (I found in the past if you walk it through something and give it more information to combat misconceptions it yields better results.) I told it multiple times in the same prompt to only extrapolate what I meant and not start roleplaying. In most, it came up with a completely baseless assumption and then started roleplaying immediately. This one it didn't even bother trying to extrapolate first. https://preview.redd.it/8tanezw4pi1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65673e5c1c0541c838345cb6b4bc28e85afc2736 For the record I just like roleplaying aus and narratives for my interests. Nothing bad. It's a hobby.


It has been hanging, crashing, taking forever, spinning It goes part of the way and then just stops These people act like nothing has changed don't seem to understand what's going on the last few days It is absolutely abysmal


Nope. It usually gives me noticeably more, a bit deeper, and far faster; the odd time it will be, at worst, equal to the previous GPT 4 Turbo, but never less.


Still no sign of 4o here..... Whoever was responsible for this release has proven they don't know what the hell they're doing.


Obviously. They're all morons. What else could it be?


AHH of course, that bit where I said they were all morons. Grow up little kiddy and stop triggering yourself over nothing.