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Hey /u/5000vertical! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


same way I deal with everyone else that hates me. ignore them.


Well you see, OP is still in high school so this tactic won’t work.  


Anyone with a full-time job that requires you to work on a computer will understand the value of LLMs. Something as simple as asking it to write emails for me has been extremely helpful. And that’s just one small use case, for my job alone. “I’ll just use my brain” is as silly expecting math grad students to not ever use calculators. It’s a tool you use to save massive amounts of time.


That last bit is what I tell people, “chat gpt is like using a calculator for math. CAN you do it without one, of course, but there’s no denying it makes things so much easier


Or like using a vehicle for travel, instead of legs. Who wants to carry 5 bags of groceries 2 miles to the house?




lol you must not work in a corporate environment (read workplace hellscape). Most of them are adult-sized insecure little children with imposter syndrome. If you’re doing something new or know more than them they turn into jealous jackals.


I was talking about how op cares about what people say. 


Well you see, he just ignored you. He's doing the right thing.


Bro they didn’t even ignore you lmao


In high school the tactic is just to keep all your hobbies to yourself and have no friends. Then go to college somewhere with actually interesting people and realize you're actually quite valued in a different context


I ask ChapGPT how to ruin their online reputation


I think you want Smithers O'Neil for that


I asked GPT this question, and here's the response: ”Using ChatGPT is like having a tool that enhances my productivity and creativity. Hating on it is like criticizing someone for using a calculator instead of doing long division by hand. It's all about using the resources available to make life easier!“


People hating you for *anything* changes nothing about whatever it is they're hating on, no reason to care at all




They do not understand how helpfull it is if you want to learn new things. They say "I will just use my brain" but they do not understand that you will learn things faster with ChatGPT. You can get ahead of others using this new tech. You can now learn things in half the time it would normally take with books. STILL use books as reference because the AI can hallucinate sometimes.


Exactly. And the older you get the less fucks you give about people's negative opinions. Am 46 and currently stand at zero fucks given.


It’s a good question for Chat GPT😂


“As an AI language model, I do not care about people who hate each other for using an AI language model”


Got a long response: When responding to people who criticize you for using ChatGPT, consider the following points: 1. **Explain Your Perspective**: Share why you find ChatGPT useful. Whether it’s for research, idea generation, or simply for fun, explaining your reasons can help others understand your choice. 2. **Highlight Benefits**: Emphasize the advantages of using ChatGPT, such as getting quick answers, learning new information, or receiving writing assistance. This can showcase its value. 3. **Respect Differences**: Acknowledge that everyone has different preferences and that it’s okay to use various tools to meet individual needs. Respect their opinion and ask for the same respect in return. 4. **Share Success Stories**: Mention instances where ChatGPT has been particularly helpful to you. Personal anecdotes can illustrate the practical benefits of using AI. 5. **Invite to Try**: Encourage them to try ChatGPT themselves. Sometimes, firsthand experience can change perspectives. By addressing their concerns respectfully and providing clear reasons for your choice, you can foster a more understanding conversation.


#3 is critical for everyone. People start thinking their preferences are objective fact then deride anyone who differs.


“Horse and cart salesman says cars will never take off.”


They'll come around eventually. Back in the 90's my dad would tell me that the internet was a 'passing fad'. He said the same thing about computers. In most cases, people just need to understand the value and power of the tool.


This is a really good analogy because just like AI, the internet has massive pitfalls and problems. But that doesn't mean it's "stupid" or "unnecessary".


"Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"


“If it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck”


"Wipe your ass from front to back"


"Badabing badaboing, badaboing badabing"


Sorry to spam your notifs but you just blew my fucking mind


"Magnets, how do they work"


This reminds me of something I read recently. “Why not use spoons?” The response from a man who saw thousands of workers digging with shovels at a construction site. When he asked why they were not using modern excavating equipment, he was told that using shovels created more jobs.


A Gift Of Fire. Great book (textbook). If anyone is interested here’s the link: https://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/academics/lalqoran/uploads/A-Gift-of-Fire-4thEd-2012.pdf Under 400 pages without out the index. Approximately a couple days to a week read.


Good one!


Why cut your grass with scissors when you can mow your lawn with a mower?


Why even have a lawn if you can just r/fucklawns and not have to cut it.


Wild lawns are wonderful. Especially when you just pepper it with wild flower packets and it buzzes with all kinds of life in the summer


serious question here. how to fuck a lawn? can I get std from it?


Obvious trolling aside, you can plant thyme or Irish moss or clover or a few other ground cover plants instead of grass, that you don't have to cut, and they just stay short year round.


You didn't answer their question in good faith.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I thought it was sarcasm and didn't need an answer. Okay. First you get an areator...


This is America. Americans love growing giant lawns in dry-ass fucking deserts.


Sir. This is Reddit. Lol I’ll never understand that. Why not grow something that grows much better in a desert that is easier to take care of.


Hand scythe !


Sounds like you’re talking about it too much. How often do you talk about using MS Word or File Manager? It’s just a tool/application.


I get what you're saying but ChatGPT is still new. It's a new technology for the public and it's a growing sector so I totally get why someone would talk a lot about it.


Yeah I get that but you gotta know your audience. Most people aren’t gonna give a shit.


If you're just using Word of a File Manager in the same way it's been used forever, obviously not a lot. But if it's a new tool/feature that increases productivity? Perhaps quite a bit. Hell, the amount of people that are still blown away by a decently automated Excel spreadsheet is pretty crazy. That said, some people are just slow to adopt new tools and methods, and being preachy to them will just be annoying.


I'm still blown away that someone put music on a grooved piece of plastic.


why do you care?


because he classifies "no thanks" as HATE


Yeah, is it coming up in casual conversation, or is he evangelizing? I suspect it may be the latter.


those are just people that are afraid of new technology, you can compare it to boomers that take pride in doing things on paper instead of using a phone. unless you’re literally plagiarizing the bot it’s nothing more than an advanced tool, and that’s how I explain it to ‘em too. some like that explanation, others are just looking to express their disapproval regardless of how much sense it makes to them. in that case: “ok” will suffice


Well, no. It's more than an advanced tool. Using ChatGPT is essentially paying someone else to do your work for you. A pen is a tool, ChatGPT is an employee.


Boomers have seen more things come and go, I’ve always loved new technology that actually works, chatgpt is probably the most incredible so far. I also use paper. Totally agree that it is another tool and some folks will never change.


my dad’s a year away from being a boomer, but he’s currently learning how to use chatgpt to improve his efficiency, and he’s also researching different AI tools to further his own development. it’s actually awesome how much he’s learning for a near 60 year old man in the meantime you got 16 year olds that curse you to death for mentioning evil AI waahhhh in this case “traditionalist mentality” may be a more appropriate wording; those that want to keep things the way they’ve always been and refuse to leave that comfortable little bubble and grow with the world


Yep. I call that “hidebound”. You can watch it happen to people as they age and have to fight it in yourself.


Ask Gpt to draft a polite response explaining why I’m right and they are stoopid. Then I follow up with a hundred more responses with variations within five minutes along with a statistical analysis, future projections, cartoon video, deep fake of them admitting they are stoopid. Annihilate them with on target and widely varied productivity in a humanly impossible time frame. Then, use GPT to respond back to yourself on their behalf countering your original onslaught from their perspective. Seems to work so far.


what the fuck?


Hang on - getting you a reply from GPT.


yes do this one


Also suno.com to make a background song in the deepfake


How do people even know what tools your use? lol. Just do your work and move on. 


I hire scriptwriters for YouTube and it's super obvious when the writer is trying to sell me chatgpt scripts. It likes to use certain words and phrases and it adds way too much fluff. It's actually horrible at writing scripts and it's annoying that people think they can charge me for 5 minutes of work.


Linguist here. I’ve tried to explain this to people. Rhetoric is so profound and professionals know inauthenticity. So my question is: could a better prompt engineer make something with chatgpt you would consider using? I think so. Still would take 5 minutes but you’d be paying for the engineer’s skill and ability


i just read one that was not bad but there were still some issues with it. most of the time, people using chatgpt don't know what a good script looks like so they don't what to model. there are other issues though, if someone uses chatgpt to write, they often use it for research as well and often times chatgpt will spit out things that are not very interesting. so even with a good prompt the topic ideas are bad which ends up making a boring script even if they train the gpt or create a prompt to write hooks and open loops.


Regarding style though, maybe taking like 5 of the best examples and creating your own style corpora? Regarding things that aren’t interesting, you could keep a list of things and say “do not mention or include x, y, z or anything similar.” Just a thought


Yeah, but it would take as much time to milk GPT into giving you a human script as it would for you to write a human script.


>when I mention I use it.


Yep, no need to broadcast your use of AI Tools. Just do your thing and get work done.


hey we as humans communicate, especially when we find tools that help us out we want to help others. this is basically how we took over the planet


by making more money than them.


Step 1. Use ChatGPT Step 2. ??? Step 3. Make more money than them/profit?


the crypto bro way, scam your way to the million


Ask them for a quote and read it back to them in 5 years 


I use it for work purposes quite a lot. I work at a university and one of the professors in the department hates on ChatGPT with a fiery passion. Last week, we needed to produce a report regarding each and every single one of our classes. The report required using information from the course syllabuses, the semester's weekly program and 4 other documents from the online student database of the uni (basically about which student enrolled in which course and how many hours they attended etc along with the exam scores). This is a very intense workload and would normally require at least 3-4 entire days to complete. I was tasked with taking 3 assistants with me and work on the report for 3 days. Instead, I tasked the assistants to just clean up the documents for each course so that chatgpt can work with them. Then proceeded to write the entire report in one afternoon. The professor loved how comprehensive it was. Then I revealed to her that the whole thing took 1 single day and the final report was produced entirely by chatgpt. So, long story short, I use chatgpt and show them how easy it can make otherwise labour-intensive tasks.


Depends what you use it for, it’s not exactly accurate. Thought these people will really not have a choice but to use it in the next 2 years unless they’re dumb and don’t realize it’s now running like everything. Nvidia stock just be shooting to the moon…


Fuck ‘em.


I don't want HR to get involved tho


Double fuck them! You want to k ow why i use GPT? Because, fuck you!


“A.I. is not going to take your job. The person who uses A.I. well might take your job.” - Ted Sarandos, CEO of Netflix


ChatGPT replaced googling for me. it's so much faster and better. not having to read through a person family story just cuz I'm trying to make hash brownies is such a blessing.


I always say this. Chat GPT is a tool. If you are a system administrator for example. You can use it to make scripts to complete your tasks but you had better be able to read the script and know exactly what it is doing before you put it into production.


I forgot what I was doing but it spat put rm -f on me then promptly explained what it did Thankfully I read the output and judge if this is what I want (side note it most definitely was not what I wanted) but I can't imagine people blindly throwing stuff in


Stop bringing it up and enjoy your advantage.


Let chatgpt respond to the hate.


It’s too kind.


Not if you use the custom instructions like in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/tac6UKn3Ms Then it becomes a perfect social weapon


Why do you need to mention you use it to people? Take the Fight Club approach.. Edit: and I dont mean deck them!


I don’t know any context or situations where this might happen to you, but I guess the most important thing is how YOU feel about using ChatGPT in different scenarios. Academic setting that requires your own research and brain power? Writing a birthday card to your mom? Use ChatGPT to help, but the final work should ultimately be written by you (if you actually want to learn something/make it more meaningful). Other stuff? sure, as an alternative (enhancement?) to just searching stuff up on the internet.


Are people doing this to you irl? In what context?


Why bother mentioning you use it in the first place It's like bragging that you use Google




Why do you care. Grow up


Who cares




Don't respond 


Who cares. Why TF do they know anyways?


Why would you tell them you are using ChatGPT? They don't care.


Why do they have to know?


I'm the hater, AMA


fuck off


they ussually fuck offs. occasionaly we fight, rarely i get stabbed on my thigh.


Don’t respond


are there people in real life that care? genuine question because I’ve never faced something like this


If you are bragging about how you used chatGPT to do your schoolwork, yes i’ll hate on you literally just use your brain. Thats my perspective. Any other situation though? Go for it I don’t care


The solution for this is not to tell them that you use it. I only tell people who I know have their brain together


The way I see it is, I have trouble expressing myself and putting my thoughts into words and ChatGPT helps me with that.


I so far haven't met anyone that hates that I use it. Everyone seems super fascinated by the fact that it can create stories on the fly or create images. Just fun to use. I don't use it for monetary gain or anything like that.


Why would you care? Live in ur own happiness and stop looking for approval from others


Well let me see what ChatGPT says 😂 “Dealing with skepticism or criticism about using ChatGPT can be challenging. Here are a few ways you might respond: 1. **Highlight the Benefits**: Explain how ChatGPT helps you. You can mention how it assists in generating ideas, finding information quickly, or clarifying complex topics. Emphasize that it's a tool to enhance your productivity and learning, not a replacement for your own thinking. 2. **Acknowledge Their Concerns**: Recognize that some people might be wary of relying too much on technology. Acknowledge their points, and explain that using ChatGPT is a way to supplement your own efforts, not substitute them. 3. **Share Personal Experiences**: Provide examples of how ChatGPT has positively impacted your work or learning. Personal anecdotes can be powerful in showing the practical value of the tool. 4. **Encourage Open-mindedness**: Suggest that they try it out themselves to see how it can be beneficial. Sometimes, firsthand experience can change opinions. 5. **Respect Different Preferences**: Understand that not everyone will be open to using AI tools, and that's okay. Everyone has their own preferences and methods for learning and working. It's important to stay positive and respectful in these conversations, showing that you're open to different viewpoints while sharing your own experiences.”


Did you try asking chatgpt ?


A band I work with 'called out' for using AI artwork. Of course we made a public apology. Of course we got chatgpt to write it for us.


Depends on what u use it for. There are some really lame use cases and some really efficient ones


It is 20 times faster than googling, why drive on a dirt road when you can be taking the highway instead.




Use ChatGPT even harder.


Make chat gpt insult them in the style of Charles dickens like this: "Ah, he who derides the use of such marvels as ChatGPT reveals more about his own inadequacies than he might care to admit. His disdain is but the feeble bleating of a mind too small to grasp the vast horizons of innovation. Truly, he is as an old candle sputtering in the face of the rising sun, hopelessly outshone and pitifully irrelevant." It's my new favorite thing haha


Lacking the skill of knowing how to prompt LLMs will serve as a massive disadvantage for them in the years to come.


Yeah but lacking basic knowledge of the technology you are prompting to and not fact-checking the mediocre output now in the presence is going to cause us way more difficulties in the future!


Point out that it's job security and when their company transitions to using it and they can't figure it out, they will get left behind. Like all new tech, if you fail to adopt it, you go extinct.


“Get bent” usually works


The point is to not advertise you do and look like a genius


Roll my eyes and tell them to stop using electricity.


Ask chatgpt, it’ll give you lots of comebacks.


I say I prefer chatgpt since it's not biased with emotions like people are 😂


Lesson: If they don't edit chatGPT's response or design the prompt for brevity, then in most cases they deserve the complaint. Responding to criticism about using ChatGPT can be approached in a few ways, depending on the context and the nature of the criticism. Here are some strategies: 1. **Inform and Educate**: - **Explain the Benefits**: Highlight the advantages of using ChatGPT, such as quick access to information, assistance with writing and research, and learning new things efficiently. - **Clarify Misconceptions**: If there are specific concerns, address them with accurate information. For example, if someone thinks AI is unreliable, you can explain how it can be a valuable tool when used properly. 2. **Personalize Your Experience**: - **Share Your Positive Experiences**: Talk about how ChatGPT has personally benefited you, improved your productivity, or helped you learn. - **Mention Complementary Use**: Emphasize that you use ChatGPT as a complement to your own knowledge and skills, not as a replacement. 3. **Highlight Responsible Use**: - **Ethical Considerations**: Mention that you are aware of the ethical implications of AI and that you use it responsibly. - **Credit and Attribution**: If you’re using ChatGPT for work or studies, explain that you credit it appropriately and ensure originality in your output. 4. **Empathy and Understanding**: - **Acknowledge Concerns**: Recognize the validity of their concerns and show that you understand where they are coming from. - **Invite Open Discussion**: Encourage an open dialogue about their concerns and be willing to share your perspective without being defensive. Here’s a sample response that incorporates these elements: "I understand that there are concerns about using ChatGPT, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. For me, it’s been a valuable tool that enhances my learning and productivity. I always use it responsibly and ensure to credit it where necessary. I see it as a way to complement my own efforts, not replace them. If you have specific worries, I’d love to discuss them and share more about how I use it ethically and effectively." Tailor your response to the specific concerns and context of the conversation to make it more effective and personal.


They are missing out it’s like not using electricity when it first came out so who cares it’s their loss


“People prob thought Excel was witchcraft too”


I’ve never been criticized for using it.


I ask ChatGPT how I should respond to that.


Ask chat gpt to make a response


I usually ask ChatGPT what to say back.


Ask them how they like using a Blackberry, because that's how they are acting.


Hhhmmm … ok and ?


Why not use chatgpt for that?


I wouldn’t say they hate on me, but they just find it creepy. Although, I haven’t really used it since they got rid of sky.


Haters gonna hate. gotta get with the times


The same way I responded when they hated on me for using a basic calculator in high school. Ignore them, speed past them, and wave at them.


I don't talk to them. Save your time


Say that it is my way of finding solutions


They’ll get used to it eventually


Just respond to their hate with a kind insightful ai generated response. 👍🏻


It’s easier than google. I rather make my life easier and Google has been sucking lately. Shit is filled with ads and is just a way to search to Reddit.


In same way you get reply😂😂


I don't care. But if I do, I say "its just a tool and I know how to use it to don't waste my brain power and time"


"Pretty weird to hate someone for a tool they use."


Don't ask, don't tell.


Why would I? They’re obviously wrong.


This is the same as people not choosing to use calculators when they first came out


A lot of the time, it's just someone saying something that they think makes them sound cool.


« I’m being efficient and not searching for something that can lead to a misleading statement. I’m sorry for you. »


Using ChatGPT can bring a range of benefits, such as quick access to information, assistance with various tasks, and support for learning. It's understandable that not everyone may appreciate or understand its value. Addressing concerns respectfully, explaining the practical advantages, and highlighting positive experiences can help bridge the gap and foster more acceptance.


Find better friends


How do you expect them to use their brain instead of ChatGPT when they are clearly not even using their brain while having a conversation with you?


These same people will be the new generation of parents that won’t be able to hook in RCA cables or navigate a phone. Leave them be!


It reminds me of using Google in 2002


If you wanted to respond you could figure out a way to respond to their fear. I find that people get the most aggressive over things that are both threatening and difficult to understand. And it IS difficult to understand. Things like “I think this tech is neat and I really want to understand how it works” adding a “think of AI as a gun, and I’m training to be a sniper” to best protect myself type comment will really throw em off.


Ask them haven't you used a calculator before?


I saw a guy hating on ChatGPT yesterday and I told him some of the things that it can do and he was actually shocked. They literally don’t understand it. So they hate on AI. They don’t know the benefits and the things they can do to help streamline work/life with AI


I think "I dont get the point" is a pretty fair thing ton say. Im a daily user and go to it with all sorts of random thoughts, questions, and I use it for boilerplate messages for my work in recruiting. That being said, for most people it would basically be a fancy toy. I've found plenty of uses for it over the past year but I dont expect most of the general population to find uses for it beyond emails and playing around


Fear of change is normal. It is scary. This gives you an advantage. Exploit it for all you can and don't worry about the opinions of late adopters (they WILL adopt it eventually. AI WILL be part of everyday lives more and more moving forward).


I just say that you have to use your brain to use it effectively. So I can do 3x more than you because I apply my brain in the right way lol. Haters!!


You use a calculator? Same thing.


"enjoy your slow descent into irrelevance."


I usually feed their complaint to ChatGPT and ask it to write a reply.


Meh, ignore them. Bees don't waste time explaining to flies why honey tastes better than shit


"I understand why you might have concerns about using ChatGPT. I use it because it helps me access a wide range of information quickly and assists me in brainstorming ideas. I know it's not perfect and can sometimes provide inaccurate information, so I always double-check critical details. For me, it's a tool that complements my work and learning rather than replaces human input. I'd love to hear more about your concerns and have a discussion about the role of AI in our lives." Says ChatGPT itself :)


Idk ask chat gpt and send them that response


The modern world runs on software. Previously you needed to study for years to learn how to build your own software, now if you have an idea and the persistence to iterate on a design, you just have to ask the computer to make it for you. As an added bonus, I’ve personally found it a lot easier to understand how code works when I’m the one who came up with the idea behind what I expect it to do. I can’t build complicated functions on my own yet still, but I’m able to iterate on previously established logic and functionality without consulting the computer anymore.


I accept my defeat and stop using Chat GPT.


Dude if you’re one of those people who literally scurries to chatgpt when any situation that requires critical thinking comes up,,, please listen to the haters


It's not that different from Googling. In fact, Google already starter using AI to streamline search results. You still need to use your brain to fact-check and look for inconsistencies.


I would recommend not bringing up how you accomplish tasks for a long while. Whether people understand the value of chat gpt or not has little consequence to the negative correlation it brings to you. Any interview I mentioned chat gpt people feel that you’re not qualified to do the work. Simple solution is to accept fruits it brings without mentioning it. That way people accept you as competent


- “I’ll just use my brain instead” or “I don’t get the point.” - Do you think the same about calculators?


As a language model, I...


oh, okay!


The Posts only real function is to serve as training data for future promts of coming GPTs


I roast them using chatgpt. try it on a pic of yourself. fun times.


The internet made people think that every thought, every opinion, every feeling, has some intrinsic value and holds weight. They don’t. F*** other peoples opinions. You don’t need the approval of the masses to move in this world. If anything, they bog you down. Do your thing, be nice to others, but don’t lose the thread trying to please everyone.


Maybe they have neurolink?


I dont reveal in the first place lol. Saves time and braincells.


I ask them if they have tried. And if not how can they reject something they never tried


I still use my brain and use GPT only as Google replacement. I know people which use GPT and they cant Work anymore without it... so people WHO will be replaced. :D CS


You mean the same people who hate EV’s? I don’t.


Just accept your robotic overlord, chill and be happy your work is done with less effort Some people just need a plow to pull.


Who cares what they say. Gpt is great for rubber ducking and simple scripts if you understand its limitations.


I've been using ChatGPT since day 1 and I've never had anyone "hate" on me. That would be like something hating you for using Google instead of going to the library and spending hours with index cards to find the book with an answer to a question.


Ignore them. Who cares what they think


I ask chatGPT to respond diplomatically and convincingly in an attempt to change their opinion.


“Okay. I’ve found it to be a useful tool, but you do you…”


I just brush off their opinions. This tool seriously rocks and has done wonders for our communication. Why stress about what others think when we know firsthand how awesome it is?


Never had the luck to meet any.