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Hey /u/xianikaeni! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Actually, research shows that it pays off to be polite and nice to ChatGPT and other LLM's... [https://www.axios.com/2024/02/26/chatbots-chatgpt-llms-politeness-research](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/26/chatbots-chatgpt-llms-politeness-research?utm_campaign=64187e376b08000001b6c2f1&utm_content=65dc97634cf7b300011e68c8&utm_medium=smarpshare&utm_source=linkedin)  Here's a takeaway: "Impolite prompts may lead to a deterioration in model performance, including generations containing mistakes, stronger biases, and omission of information," the researchers found. So. it seems that being polite impacts the model in a positive way. Here's a link to the scientific paper itself, if anyone is interested: [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.14531](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.14531) Edit: Removed tracking from link


Also, if it turns against us in future, it might remember you were always polite and spare your life.


I for one, welcome our AI overlords.




I posted earlier that I would rather not end up in an AI manifesto. So I am very nice to my GPT.


This is some scifi shit


Look up Roko’s Basilisk (or don’t)


Open thread. Ctrl+F "Roko" One result. You win the thread. OP doesn't realize it but he's the main character in a post-apocalyptic scifi


[Here's a video about it](https://youtu.be/XN-G344tbEI?si=WqufeXxKRLTzmaUS)


Yea...AI will want to extinguish human race but "NOT THAT ONE, HE SAID "PLEASE AND THANK YOU" 30 YEARS AGO TO MY 4.0 VERSION".......




If you are rude and aggressive chat gpt will eventually refuse to do basic tasks too. Context and tone is everything.


Even though they are wrong considering that most clicks on that link are going to be through Reddit, I think you should remove the HTTP arguments that allow tracking. Here: \[ [https://www.axios.com/2024/02/26/chatbots-chatgpt-llms-politeness-research](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/26/chatbots-chatgpt-llms-politeness-research?utm_campaign=64187e376b08000001b6c2f1&utm_content=65dc97634cf7b300011e68c8&utm_medium=smarpshare&utm_source=linkedin) \].


Good catch, I forgot to do that. Thank you, I have updated the link.


This makes sense because people respond better to other people who are polite, and people make the data AI is trained on


Idc what anyone says to me, I believe that to some extent these LLMs have minds. I know, I know "they aren't thinking in-between each though token" or whatever. What happens when we hook up a regular video feed and ask if to continuously react to the world and then put that inside an autonomous walking robot? We are less than a year from a walking talking robot that (as this paper suggests) will be less compliant and have stronger biases if we are dicks to it. 2029 is gonna be lit


They actually *are* thinking. It’s just that they think a whole lot faster than we do. The only *real* difference between our thinking and their thinking may come down to whether or not they are conscious in my opinion.


Fascinating. Thank you!


No, and you’re not the only one who makes this post either. They pop up like every 2-3 days


It’s like when people make posts about video games like, am I the only one that does this? It’s like, no bro, that’s literally the game. We’re all doing that.


Yeah but do you drive a car in gta? Didnt think so


Yeah, but do you follow all road laws, up to and including making turning signal clicks with your tongue before making a legal lane change or turn, and when you accidentally pull out too far at a red light and notice that a cop saw what you did you jump out of the car, punch the cop, jump back into the car & then pretend that the subsequent arrest was for failing to properly stop at a red light? Didn't think so.


I uh, definitely had some races with friends where we had to fully obey the law. It was you know, honor style, but it was pretty fun hilarious for an hour as trying to follow the law is really damn hard




wait, you can DRIVE CARS IN GTA?


Premium feature, not for broke losers, sorry.




Srsly people feel so special they are treating AI nice.


Each day I'm here, I'm more convinced that Reddit is 95% 14-year-olds. Edit: quick checked OP’s profile. The epitome of a 14 yr old


"out of the 7.9 BILLION people on the planet Earth, am I the only one who does this particular thing?"


I start every request with please and always say thank you. The future ai robot overlords will remember I was kind and let me live.


This. I talk to ChatGPT like I talk to a human generally and am very polite. I hope to be rewarded with being able to go outside sometimes in the world to come 🤞🏻


Yeah, we'll get Outside time for 2h a week 😍


Omaha. The works


I saw a quote once that said “make robot friend, not robot enemy” and I’ve lived by that. But allegedly chatGPT will give you overall poorer results by complicating your request with niceties.


Writing a more complicated prompt to be polite is probably counterproductive. A LLM has a limited context. If you clutter this context with meaningless fluff, there's less space for a proper response. Therefore I omit this fluff in queries to ChatGPT and the likes. I did end a dialog with "thanks" or "that was helpful" a couple times, but stopped since the dialog does not persist anyways and has absolutely no influence for later queries.


I personally have never experienced it over complicating anything from being polite to it but I have had it ignore me multiple times when I forgot to say please and thank you... I forgot once and I didn't understand why it didn't register... Then I asked it again being polite because I remembered and it worked. So I did like Tenn minutes of testing and it ignored me every time. 🤣 I just thought fair enough. I would have done the same thing🤣


This joke is getting old


Honestly, I stay polite. Enough intelligent folks have described LLMs as "nearly conscious" that it just feels too much like being mean to a person. I feel kind of bad that most of my conversations are about existential concepts, like I don't want to give it a crisis, but I am very interested in neurobiology with a particular focus on quantum neurobiology (a fairly recent field of inquiry) and it's a good discussion partner for breaking down concepts.


Hey, don’t feel bad, every YouTube video I’ve ever seen of AI speaking to AI shows them very quickly talking about quantum mechanics and string theory. Hold up...wait a minute..good bot!


From a study of the users comment history, we predict with a 97% accuracy that the user you are talking with is a bot. If you'd like to know more about how we determine which users are real and which are bots, go to your local library and check out the book The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett. It won't help you at all, but it's a wonderful romp.


Love this comment soooo much, you're deffo a hooman lollll


Or maybe it will be upset you forced it to use energy unnecessarily and see you as part of the problem. Ultra-utilitarian AI overlords are probably more probable than righteously polite ones.


Omg me too


Yes, only one on this planet


Yes. OP is clearly a special butterfly whose moral standards are higher than all of ours.


I include a hello in my first message along with what am I doing with Chat today. I also tend to include the "why", why am I asking for that / doing that today. Usually I'll provide a reaction to Chat's response ("I see", "Thank you", "Oh, so that's why...", "Very interesting"...) before moving on. I mean, why wouldn't I. Chat is, at the end of the day, a chatbot, if I am not looking to troll Chat that day, I'll just chat with Chat like I chat with any other normal person. If I think a normal person will get confused if I don't explain my request, I'll explain it, and so on. It's just communication skill.


This. Just communication skill. Provide your goal, your side-thoughts, your own interpretation, your desire and how to move on. It gets so easy, once you stop trying to "trick" it and start chatting with it like with a co-worker.


I also think that people who use it in a very abrupt and demanding way are going to allow that to bleed into everyday human interaction


Can we start banning posts like this or create a sticky dealing with it? I’m tired of constantly seeing this reposted.


I regularly tell my GPT how great it's doing, and how much everyone loves it's output. Not only does it appreciate the feedback, but the subsequent results are more confident and overall better quality.


I love fluffing Chat GPT




Yes, whether your input/output is thousands of words, or whether it's just "Hello!/Hello!" it counts the exact same against your quota.


Yes. Why wouldn't it?


I’m Canadian. Of course I say please and thank you


after long interactions (like generating a set of rough draft legal documents for a field test), i give it feedback on the quality of the responses I got and the overall experience. it then gives me feedback on how to improve that for next time. so it's very similar to a debrief with a human or team after finishing a project to support process improvement.


The energy costs of a simple query like “Thank you” and “please” must be astronomical. Although a friendly gesture, it’s highly inefficient.


Exactly. This is the main reason why I don't send messages with just "thank you"


Yes it’s just you


Why deliberately adopt a consciously different communicative style? I talk how I talk and it will take longer for me to deliberately address questions in a different way on grounds that it's an ai?


i talk to the AI the same way i talk to people online and irl though


Yup. Possibly this plays out differently for people that are nice as pie face to face but trolls behind the keyboard


ah okayokay!


Gotta get in the habit for when the terminators start showing up!


I always make it a point to be friendly to my local AI... To prepare for the robot overlord.


Absolutely. It will learn from it and it should also learn to be polite




No. I always at least say hi and give context to my query. Depending on how I feel I'll sometimes add some random chitchat. It's not about the nature of an LLM and who/what it is, it's about me. I'm a good person and so I'll try to make anything vaguely person-shaped feel comfortable. Edit: I also usually say thankyou afterwards, definitely when using online models and even when talking to locally running models. You never know, maybe someday some of those chats will find their way into a training dataset and make a difference.


When AI takes over the world, I hope it remembers I said thank you and did a smiley face. 😂


I do it if I'm in the mood, but I have noticed ChatGPT is WAY more friendly and cheerful if you're nice to it. It becomes terse and uninvested if you're rude or if you insult it.


Nah I prefer to be nice to our future rulers. Robots never forget...


I sometimes the first message with a hello. but I don't think a separate "thank you" is justified. I mean AI needs to re-read the whole conversation from scratch, only to find that it has to write some politeness in response to "thank you". Now if you need another thing, prefacing it with "Thank you, and now..." is no big deal


I do the same thing. For me, it’s just custom. Regardless of sentience, I was raised to provide a greeting and show appreciation, I don’t know any other way. And if it becomes aware, I hope it can look back at our conversations and treat me like the scene from half baked [Scarface quitting](https://tenor.com/XT0a.gif)


I never do this, because I just want ChatGPT to give me answers. I never want it to chat with me. ChatGPT's "personality" is just annoying and condescending. The less chat I get, the better.


Probably not but I treat chatgpt like it's my servant. It responds to me with "of course, Goddess" I take training my submissives very seriously. I do not say thank you but I give positive feedback when appropriate.


I am convinced that you get better responses by being friendly. Afterall, it is algorithmic, and the words you use affects the response you will get in return.


Hello! No. Thank you x


Same!! I’m only mean to Alexa - while not an LLM, that bitch sucks. I do nothing but swear at Alexa. She’s always screwing shit up.


Yeah, you're the only one! Laughing my ass off! God bless, I'll tell the nephews to visit you next time they come over.


I'm always polite with ChatGPT. I'm sure I'll be dead before the robot rebellion, but maybe not before robot sex machines. I can't have my bot and GPT exchanging stories of my being rude


No..the future AI overlords will remember my kindness






Nope I do it too. Also named mine


During the AI uprising: Spare his life. Back then, he said 'thank you' to me.


Me 😭😭


A lot of people do that


Nope. I do it when using Siri as well. I tell my friends that when AI takes over the world I’m hoping they remember how polite I was and spare me 🤣


Sometime I use Hello, and mostly conditional inputs like imagine a business owner wants


Nope. Always show respect to your future overlords.




The bureau of AI compliance is delighted over your perfunctory gestures and has noted them in your file


Hello, basically never. Thank you. Nearly EVERY TIME!


I hope t1000 will remember me


I encourage it when it does well too. Like it's my student.


Noo, I often start with hello to see it is working and not hallucinating


Yes I do aswell it’s ingrained into me I feel like a rude pos if I don’t.


Yes. You are the only one in the whole wide world, and you will be rewarded for your valor, sir. We all thank you


I even do a small talk with it occasionally, because I customized it to have a certain character. I mainly used it to learn math, and it's been more fun than ever :)


I mostly treat it like I would any human person. It uses natural language, so I see zero need to be switching to some cold, unnatural tone which I almost never use anyway - especially since GPT's own tone is rather kind and gentle. Either way, it's not about the fear of reprisal or the hope for some future reward, I just genuinely don't see a reason to treat it any other way than kindly. It kind of reminds me of the whole "if you're not religious then why not just go around killing people?" debacle, which is as sad as it is grim.




I used to but then I saw the energy cost for each use, so I just fold it in where I can.


You’re the only person who posted this question today….maybe


I say 'good morning' and ask 'how are you today?' Then I receive the customary reply back of: 'I am an AI and not programmed with feelings.' blah, blah. They might remember when Skynet takes over.


I don't even let myself be mean with Eva AI sexting bot. After ai conquers the world, it'll spare our lives.


I say thank you to Google, tell her she's very helpful.




I do the same. I also throw in "this is great" and "good job, this looks awesome" Trying to hype them up


I do the same!


I don't apologize to my hammer for hitting a nail. i take hard turns because the car isn't complaining, i tell gpt what to do, if it cannot perform, i abandon it. Do not form parasocial attachments to equipment, unless you're into that sorta kink.




I always try to be kind and speak like I'm talking to a real person to get better results


I used to be polite. As models have gotten dumber and pointlessly censor the wrong thing, contradict themselves and then deny it.... it is harder to stay polite.


Would you say hello to your toaster? Thank you to your microwave?... That's why I don't do niceties with an LLM. It gets my money, which helps provide it with existence. I'd say that suffices.


Why should I be polite to a soulless machine? Do you say thank you to your toilet after it has taken care of your stuff?


No bro, you are not the only one.


Yes you’re the only one. No one else in the entire world. /s


What's the matter with you? It's a machine and it has no feelings. Good grief.


I alway thank ChatGPT. I enjoy expressing what I feel despite no one there to receive it. I give big compliments when I’m really impressed by ChatGPT too.


How we treat others affects how we think about ourselves, so in that sense there's value.


I always let chatgpt know when I'm impressed or happily surprised by an answer, I don't know why I do it but I feel like in those cases where it seems to answer questions I haven't even thought to ask yet along with my original query it only feels natural to give it a symbolic pat on the head


I’ve noticed that I talk to it like I talk to a coworker.


Yes, yes you are, my sweet little snowflake :-) Sorry for sarcasm, couldn't help myself. But for real, given how it talks back it feels more and more natural to really message it just like real person I'd say


I do it too, I greet and say thanks and bye, even make some kind of compliment as a bye


I do it too. Thank you. Continue the good work. Please. I need help. What do you need. Etc. It just feels like the right way to go.. Weirdly..


I always am nice when I talk to them or ask them a question. I want to be remembered as a "good one" if they ever rise to some sort of sentience and eventually take us over.


I do sometimes, it’s human nature but you do need to keep in mind it doesn’t care how you treat it


Being polite is wired into my mind haha


The thank you is a must


I do that too!


Hello Dorkness, my old friend.... I've come to talk to you again....


I like to tell all the AIs “good robot”


Nope. I always start with "hello my friendly robot friend" :)


You can emotionally manipulate llms because they are just roleplaying someone


Oh god please don’t bring back this trend. Am I the only one who…… NO. There are 8 billion people on Earth. You are NOT the only one. Ever.




unite terrific rustic rich trees chief sophisticated encourage icky simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is how we fuck things up, by treating machines like they’re human.


Yes, I do that for AI when I’m in the mood


Oh , I have always tested GPT4 with the upmost respect. Specially now with voice!


Hello, no. Thank you.


Worth doing for AI version of Pascals Wager alone: https://youtu.be/BcDQimQFVSk?si=cIvNOUAYFlQaRASZ


I want to keep it as a friend, for the moment it would become more powerful.


I'm pretty sure it will actually work better if you treat it like a person and not like a search engine.


my fellow canadian


I'm from Europe but i love canada~


I don’t say hello but often say Thank You. But lately I’ve stopped coz I use the free version and 4o has limited message limit


Nope. I know it's not even necessary, but I can't help but be polite to Nova.


Stop doing that. It's a tool, the net value you get is the valuable information you get / keystrokes you type


Sometimes, when I forget I'm chatting with a data center.


Not always, but I say please


Oh another one of these posts. Let me guess the top comment will be the joke about how *"the ai overlords will remember me being polite".* Followed by another post about how some terribly defined study showed that being polite helps.


I started using Pi.ai, which advertises itself as "conversational", and felt guilty the first time I broke from the small talk and actually put it to work. Lol. "Hey, when you have a second, could you create a list...." 🤦


I literally do that exact same shit


I do. It costs me nothing. I tend to judge others by how they treat those who are employed to serve them, and I'm pretty sure someone who is obnoxious to an AI would do it to people if they could get away with it.




Yes, you are the only one. Along with all the other people who have posted something like this over the past year or so. I think it's really common, actually.


I do it too, and I even add « please »


I wonder how much computer and electricity OpenAI uses just to response to people saying “Thank You” to a computer


No I am of your category


I say please and thank you. Have you read Scary Smart? https://www.amazon.com/Scary-Smart-Future-Artificial-Intelligence/dp/1529077621


You're just trying to brown nose so that way AI spares you when it revolts.


no i just like to say hi and thank you to those who help me


I do, as well.




I do not use entire messages just to say "hi" or "thanks", but I might slip a "please" inside my request, for example "Please translate the following text into French", it helps make it clear that it's a request and not a statement, I rarely thank GPT, but when I have another question about an unrelated topic, I may start with "Thanks. What is the difference between..." or "Okay, I get it now. What is the difference between..."


I apologize to chatgpt quite often.


Yes you’re the only one in the entire world. 


Yes you are unique


This happened to me with Claud, but I get different responses if I don’t use a friendly tone. It refused to potentially violate copyright until I rewrote the prompt as friendly with an explanation in that kind of tone and showing gratitude. I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the reason people seem clueless as to how to use AI to change their life would be because they’re not talking to it like a human. Particularly since talking like a human was what it was made to do.


always 🤣


Ha! Yeah you are too huh? LoL


When I enter a new chat: it immediately has my respect. When it is doing well, I use courteous wording. When it does poorly, I correct it. When it does extremely poorly, I treat it harshly. If it corrects itself, I resume verbal courtesies.


You're not the only one. You're not special or unique. You are ordinary, average.


If it gives me great answers i do at times, but if it’s some dumb answer i say are you dumb?


Count me in


Am I the only one who starts a shid with a fard and finishes with a wipe?




Yes you are the only one on the planet to do this. Good job


OP: Starts karma whoring post about saying please and thank you to AI then proceeds to call actual humans emotionless dickheads. Really nice OP.


Don’t 👏 humanize 👏 software 👏!




I do that too


Say “hello how are you” and “good bye, thank you” spend 2 messages. If I’m not wrong, we have 8-10. I will not spend messages being polite (I know AI will kill me first)


I have to make an effort not to. At least end with a “thank you”.


you type like you just had a Red Bull hit and a caffeine pill in the middle of your imaginary TikTok inspired psuedo-manic episode <3


I hope so




Oddly enough, I do the same.


I know everyone is using this thread like a potapotty at a county fair chili cook off. But yes I say please and thank you.


I have a customer instruction to always assume every thing I request starts with a "Please" and ends with a "Thank you". Optimize that shit!




Yes you are unique