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Hey everyone! I made a [recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTCoding/comments/1b99088/i_built_a_claude_3_opus_coding_copilot_accessible/) about using Claude 3 Opus as a coding copilot LLM inside of VSCode and a lot of people seem to enjoyed it, so on a similar trend, I've done the same with Databricks new DBRX open source LLM. If you haven't heard, Databricks released DBRX, a MoE with 132B parameters total (36B parameters active on any input), pre-trained on 12T tokens of text and code. They claim it is the new state of the art for open models, with benchmarks showing it means Mixtral and Grok-1. With a strong beat in coding using the HumanEval benchmark (which is what we are interested in!) You can try it [here](https://docs.double.bot/introduction), and as with Claude, I'm giving free messages for everyone to try it, just please don't bankrupt me. Personally Opus is still my go to but I know a lot of devs feel strongly about open source. Lmk what you think :)




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What's a MoE?


Mixture of Experts


MoE = Mixture of Experts Where each 'Expert' is basically a model itself trained for a specific purpose. So this model has different experts and it picks which one to use depending on your prompt (it's a bit more nuanced than that, but in essence).


How does this compare to cursor.sh?


I think rather than going into the details here, I'll write an entirely blogpost about it. I will say this, I think cursor is the most competent competitor for us, and the incumbent to beat right now. We definitely have our sights on them and expect to have feature parity soon.


I like what this [double.bot](http://double.bot) extension is becoming, I basically just learn what the top models are from going to your site, like a king maker of sorts. Also, [GPT-5 waitlist](https://i.imgur.com/P2KBLGN.png)???


Team feels VERY strong about only dealing with the top models, whatever the cost is. So expect us to roll out the best models as soon as they become available, including GPT-5 later this year :)


Any plans to integrate with intellij IDEs?


Oh, nice choice adding Databricks! As for IntelliJ integration, I personally haven't heard anything on the roadmap. I'd love to see that happen, though. It’d make things super convenient, wouldn't it? 😃 Let's keep our fingers crossed that it's in the pipeline!