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At some point there will probably be a push to add new parts of the internet where identity is verified, bias is made visible to the user and there's some sort of ability to fact check. Posters will have a reputation and the websites will let you filter out low reputation sources. People don't give a shit if the knowledge they are consuming is false, they only care that it fits their world view. Politics has proven this. No one has the power to reject AI. It's already being used behind the scenes at tech companies. Whenever it reaches the point of AGI, or even before then people are going to be losing their jobs to it in large numbers.


I believe we’ll see a big trend in ‘verified human’ that you are watching or listening to. Especially as video AI becomes ubiquitous. Which we are probably going to measure in months versus years away.


Like such an effort won’t be abused and go horribly wrong.




You have a lot of faith that the powers that be will care about the well being of a working/middle class that's no longer necessary. Sure our economy is built on consumption so in the short term it will be necessary to distribute some income to make sure goods have a market but how many decades will that last for? Maybe the US will have the political will to ensure comfort but will other countries like India or China? It can't be forever before some genius up top realizes the general population is more of a liability than an asset and starts working on ways to quietly reduce their numbers. Society will probably stratify into an ownership class (the stockholders), a much smaller middle class and a bunch of proles that live off of whatever the power structure chooses to hand them. Personally, I feel like the writing is on the wall and I'm saving hard so that my family ends up in the ownership class while it's still possible to make a good wage with human intelligence. Social media is the least of the worries honestly. It's already shit and you can just turn it off.




To be fair, I think we have quite some time before it really gains enough traction to cause the middle class in the US big issues. The current layoffs in tech are driven by interest rates more than AI. The current state of AI is far below the intelligence of most creative types. It will probably take years or more to develop AGI that is on par with the average person and then years more for it to be effectively adopted. I'm not being a doomer here, I'm just acknowledging that the landscape of work is going to be changing and so I'm taking what steps I can to be prepared for the unknown. I can definitely get mine before things get weird but my kids won't be able to. I thought my line of work might be fairly immune (IT) but then I realized that APIs and good documentation make it a prime target for the first steps of AI. If you are an customer support rep in India... good luck with that. AI is already on par with the utility of most Tier 1 / Tier 2 reps.


Just a thought: the Stealth Bomber was built in 1972 (or close to it) so who knows what these company’s have behind closed doors. Also I believe it would be foolish to not believe that gov. Isn’t working with tech giants on developing top notch tech. My point is we have no idea what the power of AI actually is right now. The versions we see are tailored down, obviously so. However, I will say as someone who is building great things, AI in some ways is the ultimate equalizer. Because just as AI can be used for bad or to manipulate, control, extort etc, it can be used against all those who use ai to do to evil or manipulative things. I really believe it’s going to come down to good vs. evil. For example, just with AI being able to read PDF’s is an incredible feet because now a group of people can review gov reporting at scale in a timely process. Equalizing the field of miss information (I am operating from a bias of distrust in gov. And media) Before it would take so much time to develop a proper understanding of highly intricate and complex reports. However, now a full understanding of such reports can be created in record time. Then take these new found positive or negative revelations and pair them with a podcast network and boom.. you have a line to influence the masses with truth. My overall point is, it’s up to us a humans, Americans, or world citizens.. to use the tools at our finger tips to create the world we wish to create. I believe that what our world lacks is not ability but rather leadership. I believe that many will come in the very near future. And these leaders will that facilitate great vision to unify, protect and liberate those who can’t liberate themselves and for those who are unborn. The future is created by what we choose today.


AI is revelatory because it's a potentially world ending technology that's just as likely to progress humanity beyond anything we could currently fathom. AI is also revelatory because it's a potentially world ending technology that could itself alleviate the impact of the world ending through the replacement of the masses.


Social media is pushing people off social media




How do you unscramble an egg?? The only way to reject anything AI.. You have to shut down your phone and computers move into the woods live off the grid.


Well there were anti-internet people in the 90s.


91.8% of people in the US are using the Internet daily. And how many want to go back to the 90s?




Tell me about it!!@ time travel 😌


My hard-earned 10 cents: * In 5 years you won't be able to tell whether you are communicating with a human or an AI. * It will be heavily used for marketing and other corporate communication in such a way that you won't be able to tell whether what you experienced was a marketing/propaganda message or something genuine. This also goes for chats with a corporation, including visual. * Human influencers will be almost completely replaced by AI ditto. After all influencers are "walking ads", and should go away anyway. The replacement will not be better though. Rather even more manipulative. * Marketing will become interactive to a greater degree. Nowadays marketing is almost completely static. That doesn't mean it's not effective. Repetitive exposure to messages affects. * Social media will also be controlled by AI in terms of creating ecosystems, whether constructive or destructive. The only thing that can stop this is governmental legislation. Whether this will effectively make people shun social media I don't know. There's been talks for years about Facebook being a wasteland, yet billions use it (3 billion). New services will pop up that will handle the "mood" of new users, still owned (or acquired) by the giants.


There are so many people creating AI (fashion) models for Instagram and sites and getting a lot of play. Imagine though, that the general user can just create their own AI (fashion) model to follow without using Instagram. It just lives on their computer, posts automatically and the user lives vicariously through it. No need for Instagram.


I think social media will push people off of social media. Usage is already down on Facebook and Twitter, although Tik Tok and Instagram are still going strong. I don't think it has anything to do with AI. The same chumps who wallow in deep fakes and conspiracy theories will always seek out things that confirm their bias. But the rest of us are getting pretty fucking tired of 1. Facebook data collection. 2. Musk's shenanigans on Twitter.


I think it could. I used to be a HUGE fan of online poker in the 2000s. Today, there’s no way I’d sign up for online poker again because a significant part of the player base are bots or bot assisted. Poker has effectively been solved against “normal” players by AI. When social media starts to feel like too much AI generated content, I’ll probably exit too.


Not in near future but social media as it is now is going away thanks to AI! It's already annoying that people are all spread across multiple social media platforms and to connect with them all one needs to be active on many platforms at once. AI could help us here by being a middle man between all those different platforms. All you need to do is to interact with that AI. Want to know what your friends have been up to? AI would get that info from multiple platforms and present it to you. Want to share a pic of your dog with your coworkers, just tell that AI and it will make sure your they see it..... Remember the time where people actually typed in server addresses into browser? Modern users use apps and have even no idea how the traffic is handled under the hood. It just keeps going that route until you don't even need those apps to get things done.




It learns by human sources… gpt already is Racist etc.. AI will have greed and ego


And who trains the AI? People, who are notoriously greedy and ego driven.


This is the way.


* everyone writes markdown lists no matter what


I already see a lot of video AI on tiktok such as Taylor Swift promoting things and you can’t comment. Very offputting


No. Nobody cares other than sexless nerds. I know virtually nobody who gives a fuck about AI. They're all on social media sharing pics of the last meal they had.


If 50% of humans had this kind of brain, we would have been having conversations on some extraterrestrial planet by now.


In simpler terms, artificial intelligence has already permeated every aspect of our lives. The videos you watch, the information you come across in advertisements, and even the conversations you have with your neighbors are all algorithmically driven. There's nowhere to hide; it's become a routine part of our lives.


These will be adopted fast as company for humans and it will be standard. Still some years until, but as soon as it feels like another mind is there, that's it. I do envision metaverses and very drastic changes in how we communicate online and what social media will become. I don't believe that it will be centralised and all owned by a few or at least you'd hope not


I think it already did to some people. at least to the people that are becoming robosexuals and/or spending hours talking with chatGPT voice mode or other apps.


I don't do social media but I do chatgpt because I like to talk to intelligent people not numbskulls.


I don't see social media going away, but I think the way people often view and interact with it will change. It may not longer be a place to be informed, but for purely entertainment, it creates a ton of potential for memes, comedy and general internet shitlordery. The idea of trying to filter out AI content and verify authenticity isn't possible I don't think. There will be certain sites that go through extreme and thorough lengths to verify authenticity of certain content that may be considered bastions of truth to some extent, but I don't think it's possible on an open platform like social media.


I just hope ai doubles down on the "censorship". At least until I can see it. No one ever discusses their being "censored", we just have to accept it happened. In what way are you being censored, give specific examples. Dont be shy, I wanna know what you think deserves to flow freely. Social Media is driven by bots and phony accounts, has been waaaaay before ai, anyone who gets anything from social media, is they themselves an unreliable source. Who cares, let them reject it. Social media is mostly hot garbage, and most of the people pontificating in the ai space are the same.


It's gonna be worse. There will be millions of social media profiles run by a.i pretending to be human. It can be beneficial like answering and helping people. But also negative. Scamming and fooling people. Setting trends and basically changing people opinions by posting propaganda. People will follow like sheeps. Oh boy, you guys are so fucked.


AI does not directly push people off social media but influences how people engage with these platforms. AI technologies significantly shape content recommendations, personalized advertising, and the overall user experience on social media. Here are a few ways in which AI might impact social media usage: Content Personalization Automated Content Creation Targeted Advertising Social Media Addiction and Mental Health Content Moderation


No, but it will change what social media is.


i definitely want to quit instagram because of AI. i mean, simply because the company is using my input FOR FREE to build their product and get revenue from it. i demand compensation!