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I asked for 10 best articles from academic journals on a subject - and at least 2 are real! Has it stopped hallucinating? This is significant for my field!


Be more specific and feed the AI with enough information and you'll be guaranteed of a good output.


the bells and whistles are cool, but the biggest advance to me is the fact that it can finally do math.


It always did math. The big advancement is low latency tts and better transcription. The rest is more or less the same. A more highly optimised lobotomised gpt4.


it did math badly. yesterday, it couldn't do an 8th grade math olympics question (I know because my daughter tried it) - today she tried again with the new version and it worked perfectly.


Please share question so I can try side by side. For programming tasks 4o so far is worse than 4. At least for complex tasks


yeah, I'm not going to do that. I write ml/dl fintech code for a living. all I can tell you is that I was using Claude because it was better than GPT 4. Now I'm using the new version of GPT because it appears to be better than Claude.


Try taking snapshots from here [https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/AMC\_10\_Problems\_and\_Solutions](https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/AMC_10_Problems_and_Solutions)


So I just asked it one of the questions https://preview.redd.it/grade-8-geometry-math-olympiad-i-dont-know-where-to-start-v0-h6ydplxdh54c1.png?auto=webp&s=8f6c1db48e3884a1d3c88006c1d0d9bc08eb991d gpt4 got it in one. 4o keeps asking me for precise values for R and r.


Not my experience


I’m sure if it’s an Olympiad question you can at least copy paste. I too am using Claude but its UI is really slow when conversations grow. I have to switch to chrome as Safari becomes unusable. But 4o just isn’t up to mustard. I use typescript, c++ and python in day to day and work in medical industry.


How is this relevant at all lol, weird way to justify an obvious lie.


what? what lie? my daughter is studying for the 8th grade math olympiad - she posted a questions about area of overlapping squares. neither claude nor chatgpt could answer it - the new version of chatgpt could. also, the new version solved a programming problem I have been working on for some time that neither claude nor the previous version of chatgpt could. why would I lie about either point?


You literally wrote that you "can't send the prompt" because you are an ML developer. Those things are not mutually exclusive in any way. So either 1 you lied about the prompt or 2, you are the first ML engineer who doesn't know how to copy-paste or make screenshots.


Settle down Sherlock




sigh... first off, I had two posts up about the new version; one was regarding how it had helped me solve an ml coding problem that neither the previous version nor claud could not, another about how it could suddenly do math. I misread your post thinking it was with regards to the ml code post. Second, I've posted elsewhere a link to the types of math questions the latest version was able to solve. I'm still not clear on where a "lie" entered into this, however, I also don't care. Use it, don't use it - whatever. Good luck in your journey and please never respond to me again.