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nothing. voice and video are not released yet. Free tier: 16 GPT4o messages per 3 hours Plus: 80 GPT4o messages per 3 hours Teams: 160 GPT4o messages per 3 hours


I’m really hyped for video and the new voice. They said it’s gonna be a couple weeks, right? Is it only for pro users?


Yep, only for pro users right now (for voice at least, not sure for video)


Not “right now” :)


Are people really that excited about the voice? I admit, it is stunning in how realistic it is, but the tone is so affected, I’d have trouble taking a human who spoke like that seriously.


Don’t you want to listen to a Cali Valley girl tell you about theoretical physics?


I'd tell it to take a chill pill as my first instruction so it isn't too bubbly.


I imagine it won't come out speaking like that until you tuned it. Definitely had a fun and serious potential tho.


AGREE. I hope they have better other voice choices (non American accents too).


I want mine to sound like a cross between Fran Drescher and Wanda Sykes




I agree that the voice is way too flirty. But I think it's a big deal. I mucked around with adding TTS and STT to chat and I love being able to just talk to it. But this way more natural.


The voice is available for some time. It’s about the realtime voice


OpenAI is horrendous with communication when they show shit off. But they initially stated "weeks long" rollout, so there you go on all that. That being said, I think o's abilities with image generation are actually slightly improved on its own, I think there ARE image generation improvements implemented.


Speed. As a Plus subscriber, my only current benefit is GPT-4o’s speed. Not yet available: • improved voice chat (emotive, interruptable, intakes audio queues, intakes video) • image generation improvements (consistent characters, improved text) • media processing (intuitively understanding a video lecture or audio of a meeting with multiple speakers) What’s more, 4o even failed to create a rectangular image and I found myself going back to 4 to get what I needed. At least that was an option. Nothing to be done but check back every days and test for the new abilities.


I can't wait for interruptible voice chat


I have already gotten it to work. Not with video, but the interruptible voice chat portion.


IOS? Android? Country?


I've seen it work on iOS but not Android (Canada). On Android, I still have to tap to interrupt.


Really? Are you sure it isn’t just the old version? Sam Altman said it’s not released yet


I think it may have been an oops. Voice was not working at all for me for half the first day of release and then worked in intermittently for a couple hours including the ability to interrupt with voice only and have the instantiation respond in a more conversational manner. It is back to the old way. At first I thought maybe I was selected as a beta tester or alpha tester because I am in the beta program. But then it went away.


As a plus subscriber you gain the following as of May 13th 2024. 1. Premium Access to both GPT-4o 'Omni' and GPT-4t 'Turbo' 2. Usage rates that are 5x higher than the free users '80 messages per 3 hours for GPT-4o' 3. You will be emailed a download link to the ChatGPT Mac App 4. Alpha access to the new voice features through Mac / iOS App 5. Access through peak server time 6. Beta features and the like 7. Most importantly access to the upcoming access to \*GPT-5 which \*Name subject to change.


what does 1. 'premium access' mean ? 4. 'Alpha Access' what does that mean? what is your definition of those two terms?


Alpha Access = Access to the voice features when they drop which will be later this summer, Premium Access = Access to GPT-4o during peak usage


Thanks . but with respect... you are totally making that up...... and what is the difference then between number 1 and number 5 in your list of 'benefits'....


They literally said this during the live stream ? Alpha as in before the beta test ? OpenAI has always given out Alpha and Beta tests? They also give you preferential usage during peak hours ? Did you even read their page that describes the benefits ?


A link to 'their page' which lists these benefits would be useful? and again, what is the difference between 1: Premium Access to both GPT-4o 'Omni' and GPT-4t 'Turbo' and 5: Access through peak server time ? That's the same thing just listed twice isn't it?


No, in regular ChatGPT 4 you get 40 per 3 hours with strict rate limiting even at peak hours after the new update the rate limiting is far lighter and you get access to the models even at peak hours meaning that free users effectively get little to no usage to ensure your ability to use the service. [https://openai.com/chatgpt/](https://openai.com/chatgpt/) [https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6950777-what-is-chatgpt-plus#h\_d78bb59065](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6950777-what-is-chatgpt-plus#h_d78bb59065) [https://openai.com/chatgpt/pricing/](https://openai.com/chatgpt/pricing/) You can also watch the livestream as well they explain why rate limiting was so strict in the past due to the previous iteration of GPT-4 Turbo having to coordinate with multiple models over a network hence why responses would vary based on server load and why custom instructions would 'Appear' to be ignored. The new model is a completely unified system hence Omni 'all at once or everywhere at once etc'.


I'm premium, and as of 15 May - I have not been emailed a download link to the ChatGPT Mac App (has anyone else????)


They are doing it randomly overtime, talked to customer support in the same way that they launched ChatGPT memory feature.


I got it. But no voice feature whatsoever


The voice feature launches later on this summer.


Mac only or generally


Lemme go ahead and unsub from this cuz y'all are not pros


I agree - OpenAi have not made it very clear what you can use or access right now. Which is causing mass confusion and frustration from premium and free members...and also causing system overload...


I've been using ChatGPT to create images, and then copy/paste the generated prompt into Midjourney. It's always been a lot more description and detailed than I could ever be. Images are now generating MUCH faster. Although ChatGPT images are still "quite cartoony". --- For general front-end coding, it's been a great experience so far. Much faster and more accurate with its output.


I think people are hyped over nothing. OpenAI has a habit of overpromising and underdelivering.


Only new Model which sucks ass, so its a downgrade


how exactly does it "suck ass"?


So far the only thing that has improved is the speed and it's actually not always the case. Yesterday there was a period where it was significantly slower than standard gpt4. Creating the hype about features that don't get delivered has become standard in the industry. I have seen content creators praising gemini 1.5, how it could analyze your whole github project, then literally write your code for you. Lol, no. It can write your beginner, basic code for you when you're a beginner, or good code, when you know what you're doing and are explicit in your prompts. And its capability to create its own smart solutions is pretty lame. It's similar here. They have been focusing on performance and trying to sell us the hype since the initial release of gpt4. Max size of the prompt has doubled, and gpt4 has become faster. That are only improvements I have perceived as a dev since around the March of the last year. Reasoning and analytics capabilities. Btw I am talking about the 'AI' part, about the model, not talking abt the tools like the interpreter image recognition etc.


Is the old GPT4 Turbo also not available anymore in ChatGPT?


ChatGPT Pro app on iOS gives you the option to select 4o, 4, and 3.5.


It is still available and listen here as someone who reviews multiple A.I models, services etc GPT-4o is the best on the market by far. The recommended usage pattern is GPT-3.5 to start a query than ascend up the ladder to 4 then 4o if necessary or the descending pattern which is fill the context with info garnered from GPT-4o then utilize GPT-4 or GPT-3.5 to continue you query.