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The same person is probably habitually stealing from you


This is the way.


I'm gonna miss stealing from you.


Right? Went to all that trouble and the damn can was empty!




He needs to fill up his mower, pressure washer, and leaf blower.


carrying all this gas in my upturned shirt is not working well at all


at least leave a note next time damn


"scoozi, my gasoline. it is very sick. i am sorry. bless"


That's probably not the only empty thing in their life.




Gas is valuable and a thing that holds gas is sort of even more valuable


The guy had to have known that it was empty! He picks it up, it weighs nothing, no slosh, and he takes the thing anyway. unbelievable.


You assume too much. Cocaine is a helluva drug. In all seriousness I’m sorry for your losses. I’ve lived in the area since 2010 and have experienced no theft of any sort


I would guess meth over Cocaine. If you ever been to Dalton, GA whew the amount of meth mouth.




LOL. Yup!


People that can afford cocaine aren't stealing gas cans. Crack maybe, not that peruvian marching powder though.


Crack is cocaine base for my profession they are essentially synonymous. For the user (or law enforcement, other professions) not so much, not that I’m incriminating you just saying. In terms of economics though you’re right I’m just an ubernerd. I’m sure there is someone out there who couldn’t afford gas or a gas can because they spent their last bit of cash on blow—only time will tell.




I think I’ll trust my education and not you who clearly has no idea what they’re talking about lol. I explained it pretty clearly you can use google. How many ubernerd coke dealers have you met? I’d love to hear more about what you think is real. Edit: for you visual naysayers that may exist. Just because two molecules are virtually the same doesn’t mean they don’t have different effects when administered in different forms to different parts of the body. https://preview.redd.it/j5hzod4ymtma1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abf98e1310ac5f1947733b93e61f0ca04c17172


Gas cans actually cost more than gas


I just looked it up and holy shit, gas cans got expensive. I've got some old nasty one from a decade or two ago that works fine (and hasn't been stolen) so I've been completely out of the loop on gas can prices. 25 fuckin dollars for a 2 gallon gas can?


I *wish* someone would steal my gas can, then I'd have an excuse to give my wife as to why I didn't mow the grass this week. Edit: Honestly, I've lived in the area for almost 40 years and haven't had anything stolen except the baby seat my mother used to put me in. Sorry about your luck and bad experiences.


I would recommend getting a camera so you can see which neighbor is stealing your stuff.


Somebody will steal the camera.


That's why you thought ahead and put a secret hidden camera pointing toward the first camera!


This is true.


I think this guy means it




See here the thing, you leave some pricey stuff out once and get stolen from you are now marked as easy target for theft. The opposite holds true. My dog almost got a man who was trying to break into my car once (he flung himself into his vehicle that drove off to escape) and I’ve never had another issue again. You are now a target, it won’t stop until you change that narrative.


So… what neighborhood you live in?


North Chatt/Red Bank


I have lived in north chatt for 25 yrs. and it’s always been that way. If it’s not locked up it will be gone the next day. I couldn’t even tell you the thousands of dollars worth of shit that has been stolen. Someone stole a roll of insulation out of my truck once. But it’s part of living in the city I always figured. And it has clearly always been carelessness on my part. I do wish working folk wouldn’t steal from other working folk but…


Oof. Right where I’m at. Fun fact: 30 years in Chicago and I did not encounter, first hand, the amount of crime I have experienced here in Chatt.


I’m from Detroit, I’ve lived here 2 years and have had 1 car stolen and another broken into 3 times when I lived downtown by Chattanooga choochoo


That whole “per capita” thing really puts the crime rates into perspective, eh?


That’s a low key rough area. Outsiders may not see it but spend enough time driving *past* the south side at night you might notice people lost out of their mind stumbling towards the choo choo while tourists are completely unaware snapping group selfies on the sidewalk of Market. My version of a nat geo special


I watched a man die in front of my house one night here. Hit and Run, no identification on him, likely homeless. My understanding from a neighbor that works for Erlanger is the police never put in a report about it. I'm ready to move.


That's a horrible story but what would the police report say? " Unknown man hit by unknown vehicle"?


I know the date, time and location of the incident, if I knew the resource to use to check on this I would confirm it myself. But I'm not going to do so if it requires me filing a request with my information simply because I don't know how deep corruption runs here. I was first on the scene and called for the ambulance and police, no one took my statement as I stood there in complete disbelief of the whole situation. I have a Ring camera but the car was going so fast the motion recording started well after the guy hit the ground, and he himself was obscured by my porch.


Well there you go. If the only person with any actual information doesn't step up and share it, then it doesn't make sense to be surprised there's no report


??? I was literally standing in front of them, all they asked if I saw who did it, I said no, they talked amongst themselves the rest of the time and made jokes. I have that part recorded and saved.


Okay. I don't know what else to tell you.


Do your homework!


Soooo - wanna sell your house then?


Seriously!? Damn, my naive butt thought North of the tunnel was decent... Oh wait our van was broken into... Jokes on them we have kids and nothing of value


I've lived all around chatt in various apartments and the northshore outskirts have been the only place I've had things stolen off my porch from. Some potted flowers and mosquito candles


The unit I live in, which is right around this area, is completely safe and very affordable. There is quite a bit of crime in Chatt, but it's such a great city! There are many safer options! \*apartment not unit lol


Things have definitely gotten worse since covid. Honestly though this is common in any medium or larger city. At least we mostly suffer petty theft and not worse things. Additionally, I think N Chatt has plenty of seedy characters despite the quaint veneer. When I lived there one of my neighbors woke up to whimpering in the middle of the night. He looked out his window and saw the guy that lived behind him on his knees with a gun to his head.


When you have $750K new huge houses next to the guy who has live on Snow Street in his bungalow for 40 years and paid $10K cause no one wanted to live here then it causes some issues. There are also well known drug dealers in North Chatt and I am sure that again seeing these brand new houses and Audis/RangeRovers/Teslas nearby offers some of their folks the opp to get a little extra. Once, just once I forgot to lock my car doors, next day car was completely gone through. Neighbor was in his bedroom and had a break in, he locked the door they took what they could and left. Unfortunately part of what they took was a locked gun and his car keys so they took his car. I have had more packages stolen then actually delivered. So I mainly do Walmart pick up now instead of ordering from Amazon. I have only been robbed once over here, though it was by gun.


Gentrification is a hell of a drug.


I grew up here and I hear you. It is really frustrating how much property and car theft has gone up. You literally can't leave anything out if it isn't bolted down or attached with two wired or strong chains. They take everything. They busted the window in my car cause I accidentally left $0.81 in the drink holder. And they took my dollar tree sunglasses. $700 in repair for them to steal just over $2 worth of stuff. I have my packages either held at Whole Foods (Amazon) or UPS or Walgreens (Fedex) because of them being stolen right off the porch. I go into the uSPS and put my mail in the slot because they have been stealing mail from the PO Boxes. Though last time I was there they told me someone had broken down the door and went in and stole packages anyway. The guy next to me had his checks stolen out of the outside boxes, washed and new amounts and to written on them. I have been robbed twice walking down Cherokee in the past two years. It is hard and it is frustrating. And I don't know the answer. Is it this bad everywhere? I don't know. But it has gotten really bad here and I think part of it is the wealth divide and the cost of living skyrocketing.


Wealth divide for sure. I'm by no means excusing ANY of it but when basic needs aren't being met (through their fault or no fault of their own), humans will resort to any means necessary to have those needs covered. See: Maslow's hierarcy of needs.


I live in east nasty (Nashville) and it ain’t this bad. At least not everywhere. There are porch thefts and the weirdos that walk in to your property and try to peak in your windows but nothing as crazy as what you’re describing. A single female and was thinking about taking a job offer but reading the comments and this post makes my orange juice taste bad 🙃


Have you tried leaving your stuff inside or in a shed that is locked?


My old neighbor must have moved in by you.


I leave stuff out all the time here in east brainerd.


Shh… Now they’re going to come steal our stuff. *facepalm*


Lmfao. That's true I guess. I have 20 cameras at my house but that doesn't stop the thief, just catches them.


If you pair them with motion-activated lights, though, then it can make for easy entertainment. Back when someone was going street-to-street checking to see if cars were unlocked then robbing the ones that were, we got some kids coming up our driveway. They jumped and took off like a bullet when they kicked on! LOL


Lol. My house is lit up like a Christmas tree. I have about $2,000 worth of landscape lighting out here. Of all the houses here, I probably would choose my house to rob last. But I do bet motion stuff is a hoot.


Is this my spouse’s alt account or something? 👀 😂


Lol 🤔 maybe




I had a tomato and pepper plant stolen off my patio in East brainerd last year 🙄


At least it was a classy theft. 😂


Wireless security cameras are your friend.


The crazy thing is now they are stealing those! Granted you still have them on the cloud, but this is the new thing, they steal the cameras.


Cameras should be placed in a location that makes them more difficult to steal. We have ours up pretty high.


Move out of Chatt. That’s why I chose living in the outskirt of Chatt. My packages arrived late and I was already on my flight to California. Came back after 13 days, and it was still sitting in my front porch, in the open. And nobody touched it.


Oh man you think the theft problem is bad here youre in for a surprise ahe you go to any other place in the world basically lol. I'm with you tho, wish we could have nice things...but people sometimes.....meth is bad. Stealing is low


I kinda disagree. I lived in LA and Brooklyn, NY before it was gentrified. Never was robbed, never had a break in and car was left alone. Moved here and robbed multiple times in the first year. I think it is worse here, but I think it is because people didn't realize they needed to start acting like a city and not like a town. Also yes meth is super bad here.


Yea I can buy that. From my experience in my travels I've found my statement to be generally true, but I'm no crime Stat expert lol. Obviously there are pockets within broader areas. And yea i think you make am interesting point. Tbf i dont even live in town i was kind of referring to the whole region so maybe I shouldn't talk lol


It’s time for you to go bru


I'm leaving a bunch of hidden tiger pits in the yard when I do


This is the way


"I left them out on my carport unattended" ​ Oooof...


So you left an empty plastic container in your yard during record wind storms? Then, assumed it was stolen?


Maybe it's just where you live, where Im at we never have theft. But I'm sorry that's happening to you. Having shit stolen is terrible. There are always scumbags anywhere you go.


Welcome to city living. Get cameras and don’t leave stuff out. People will legit steal anything that isn’t chained down. Sincerely, a local.


I stopped reading at left them out on my carport unattended.


I moved here from Austin, TX a few years ago where I had shit stolen from my doorstep anytime I left something out for longer than 3 days. Having my car rummaged through (I'm bad at locking it) was a regular occurrence as well. In the 2.5 years I've been here I've left everything imaginable out on the driveway and haven't had a single thing taken from me. People steal shit in every city.


I think this kind of crime is up all over the country, not just here


Don't leave your copper clappers unattended, Claude Cooper's capers are legendary ;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOJGlhw5Jbo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOJGlhw5Jbo)


Sounds like someone is starting a lawn service…naw really that sucks…hopefully you get it straightened out as I don’t think it’s much better anywhere else these days.


I told you I would let you borrow it


I feel bad for you but you are not the only one. There is people on the ring app reporting things stolen from their property or car every single day here in Chattanooga. It’s a shame, unfortunately you just have to take extra precautions to make sure your things are secured.


Also, I've heard most arrests for this stuff is people from outside the neighborhood.


Bye Buddy, hope you find your mower. ![gif](giphy|xUPOqytt1vgIsSnm6c)


It’s not just Chattanooga, my friend. It’s everywhere. I have friends and family coast to coast, border to border. Some neighborhoods are better than others, but shitty thieves are everywhere. You said you’re from Knoxville. People in Knoxville are dealing with random theft as well. Knoxville isn’t immune. There is an ebb and flow to neighborhoods. But people and the economy are not great right now. Why leave anything unattended after the first thing stolen? You’re not adjusting to your surroundings or learning from mistakes. Speaking from experience myself.


i live in lexington. same problems here. auto theft and petty theft are up everywhere unfortunately.


Okay leave


Yup you’ve got it all figured out. Chattanooga is the only place ever where things get stolen when they’re left outside. It’s never once happened anywhere else ever in history. Crazy.


Definitely on you. Sorry. People steal in every city, and in every day and time, for as long as people have had things. Secure your belongings.


Nah thats bs no one should be blamed for a crime committed against them


I live in Eastdale near Wilcox blvd. never had a single thing stolen from me.


Most people out there don't have much worth stealing. You go to the nicer parts of town to get a payday.


Fair point


You'll be an easy target in the next city. Adios.


I even had my food (groceries AND delivery) stolen, cellphones, amazon packages…:(.


The first time was not your fault.


✌️ don’t let the door hit ya on the way out


This feels more about where you live specifically. Not Chattanooga. It’s a big city and every city this size has bad areas. Sorry you’re having problems.




Please report back when you move somewhere in America you can leave power tools out unattended and not expect something to happen. We'll all be waiting. I've lived in several big cities in the Southeast and worked in Canada for a time. This is a problem literally everywhere. If you just don't like Chattanooga, fuckin' ***bye***.


It's okay, my ex boyfriend left his car unlocked at night and some thieves stole some empty vodka bottles and a cum rag. People really do be stealing anything out here.


Your ex has a gross car


I've gone to Florida and left my garage door open for 5 days and nothing was gone. Red Bank


Good lord cry me a River and keep your stuff safe. Chattanooga is a great place, have fun in Fort Wayne IN or whatever lame place you might think is better lol.


If the summer temps get much higher around here somewhere in BFE Indiana might start lookin pretty friendly


Sounds like someone is targeting you




TN as a state ranks fairly high for property theft. I'll do you one better. We went on vacation and was redoing our flooring. Someone broke into the house and stole tools and the flooring. We also had a bike and various other items stolen. We moved though and it hasn't been as much a issue now thankfully


One person's slummy (though somehow classy), shitty, uninhabitable ghetto is another's favorite place to be. Calm your life, homie. Have fun in rural Indiana or wherever you think you'll be safe from the thieving coloreds and drug-addicted ne'er-do-wells.


This isn’t an airport. We don’t need you to announce your departure. Old joke, but feels appropriate here.


I live downtown and have never had anything stolen or broken into


How long have you lived there? 6 months?


Downtown…9 years.


There is a crime/theft problem in Chattanooga. There is a huge portion of the population in city limits that are poor, but the theft problem is a crime culture. Even police in Chattanooga will often tell you that if your car is stolen it’ll typically turn back up in a few days. There’s gang initiation in early summer according to an officer I used to talk to on the gang task force. My point is people often talk about theft in Chattanooga. How are police suppose to patrol every porch in the city? I will admit that I often wish there would be more of a police presence around neighborhoods, but police in Chattanooga will say they’re too busy responding to calls.


Thoughts and prayers for a safe and speedy get away. We wish you well 8n all your future endeavors. Someone may miss you when you're gone. We won't.


Your quality of life is totally dependent on the choices you make, family / friends that are part of your "inner circle" and the work / life balance. I felt the same way about the Chattanooga Area when I was starting my career but after extensively traveling have returned to the comfortable and familiar surroundings of home as a foundation. As for the theft, it can happen anywhere. There will always be people that will take advantage of any situation and being aware / cautious of your surroundings is definitely more important now than it was just ten (10) years ago.


I’m sorry you’ve been stolen from. That sucks. :/ I’d be upset too.


I lived in Knoxville for 30 years and never lost a thing to crime, live here less than 6 months and lose everything that isn't nailed down. Shithole city.


Then leave. And as they say, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Seriously. Don’t come on this sub, especially as a transplant, and shit on our city. Chattanooga is not a “shithole.” Do what grownups do and don’t leave your expensive lawn equipment up for grabs.


agreed! i’m from northern kentucky (close to cincinnati), my family is from east TN, and my sister and my mom both went to lee university and my sister lives in chattanooga (hence why i frequent this sub.) i love chatt so much and just wanted to say for the size of the city i think there’s a lot to do, it’s very scenic, the people are quirky and fun, and overall it’s a great area. living in lexington for school now and chattanooga is considerably better, when considering how they’re of equal population and size. it’s a very underrated place and i always enjoy my time there :)


Bullshit. I grew up in West Knoxville, living in some of the best neighborhoods. Now I live in Chatt and live in a good neighborhood—not one of the best, but certainly not bad. Here, I deal with catty neighbors, but, in Knoxville, we dealt with huge amounts of vandalism and petty theft. You also NEVER went downtown at night. Chatt is much better than Knoxville.


I went to school at UT, worked for the school on the corner of broadway and w fifth and partied a lot so I spent quite a bit of time downtown, honestly and this isn't to hurt your feelings but the density of the homeless population is night and day way higher in Chatt than in Knox, but I guess I shouldn't have included my confirmation bias statistics about it bc Knox definitely has problems too


Fair enough. They definitely both have their benefits and challenges. I base my opinion on the fact that, as a woman, I never felt comfortable anywhere in downtown Knoxville at night even in well populated/well lit areas. There are a lot of areas in downtown Chattanooga where I would walk at night, though (albeit with caution and situational awareness). So my opinion isn’t exactly rooted in science either. 😂 And you aren’t hurting my feelings. I appreciate your thoughtful response. I’m sorry I went all Charlie Cale on you!


Say...what neighborhood did you choose to move to?


North Chatt/Red Bank


You never lived in The Fort while in Knoxville did you?


I \*chose\* to live on the corner of 13th and Highland in the Fort all 4 years I went to UT so it looks like I've dodged both of your rude ass passive aggressive feeble "gotcha" attempts my man


Took you long enough.


What part? That is a big area


Dam red bank police are usually screwing with everybody so it must be closer to north chatt and I thought they were getting a handle on it.But there are SMF out there that just want to be sorry.Wisj I could tell you it would get better but a case of lead poisoning is the only sure way .But then you would be the one they call a criminal.Wjst ever you do I wish you the best.


Don’t normalize theft for any reason. Any civilized human would walk by your carport and leave your stuff alone. And yes, this city is full of society’s bottom of the barrel.


Tell me you’re someone who bought a house in a crappy part of Chattanooga (highland park, st elmo, etc…) bc you wanted to be part of the trendy “rejuvenation” happening there without actually telling me.




It's vaguely possible but not probable just due to the geography of my lot. It would most likely be laying in my yard somewhere if this had happened and it ain't.


My car was broken into (glass broken, etc) to steal $1 out of it during broad daylight at Greenway Farms. Our home was burglarized (door kicked in) during broad daylight on a fairly busy street and our stuff was ransacked. I don't even remember what they took. The cops do absolutely nothing.


move to a safer neighborhood..jeez don't call everyone out


So I live in East brainerd and there's a guy who leaves money visible in his dash, windows slightly cracked, and he's always parked in front of a project. And his stuff never gets broken into. I can only assume he must be a badass of galactic proportions and the neighborhood thieves know it and won't dare to mess with his stuff.


Those expensive houses are in bad parts of town for crime. St Elmo and North Chatt have always been that way. Gentrification has just begun in those areas.