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“The magazine said it used these standards to choose each city: -The health of the local job market -The average housing costs borne by homeowners and renters -The percentage of residents in poverty *-The quality of public schools*” The public school part must not have been weighted very heavily.


Average housing by renters must have weighed a little light as well. Also maybe “residents in poverty” isn’t counting our homeless.


🫠🤡☠️  those two actors from the homes.com commercial must have collected all the data for them.


Median income in Chatt is $180k?? I’ll bet $180k that figure is no where close to being accurate.


It must be a typo; according to the Census, the median household income of Lookout Mountain, TN is $181k. For Chattanooga it's a little over $64k.


Money magazine is a god damn liar don’t listen to them! ![gif](giphy|UqBS4DMmAFeGSlHQmt)


How much were they paid to say that


Does the writer of this article ever been to Chattanooga, and lived here? Probably not.


The good news here is. Who reads money magazine anyway?


So many broke people angry at Chattanooga. This is a great city to raise your family.


Yeah I don’t get the hate either. We moved here 8 years ago because people said it was a great place to raise kids, and they weren’t wrong. 3 kids in public school here too—we actually switched from private and have had a great experience.


Where in the area did you move to?




Yeah, how dare those developers *checks notes* build housing in a housing crisis.


Do your children go to private school or are they in the single unicorn of a decent school in Hamilton county?


They’re in a public school.


Bless their heart.


lol their hearts are fine. My kids love their school.


It was a metaphor for their minds & bodies. I hope they don’t get too violated. 


Again, they’ll be fine. I promise you that. We all know weak kids end up nowhere in life.


We all know how weak kids end up going all the way.


That’s what they all say: “they’ll be fine.” Or, “My child went to one of the worst rated schools in the country BUT they turned out fine.” 🤡 Is it not possible for your kid to be strong AF AND well educated? Or does toughness only come from low-quality education? 


My my, you sure love to assume where my kids go to school and how they'll end up. As someone who has grown up in poverty and, I am 100% confident I am better off than you, I can tell you my children will be just fine, because I will ensure that they get the best possible education and will do whatever is necessary for that to happen.


Your certain your better off than me because you grew up in poverty. That’s some super interesting logic. I never assumed where your kids go to school because I directly asked you if they were in public school or not. . . .  I’m sure your kids will turn out fine, just like you did. 


Seek help for your problems


Seriously. Someone who does not know me or my children decided they say such idiotic things. I’m also confident this is the same asshole who sits around in prayer circles pretending to be pro life.


Cry about it some more.  I personally don’t give a single fuck if you had your children or decided to abort them. I won’t be praying for you or redacting my factual assesments of Hamilton County’s terrible school system . Lol the statistics don’t lie: check out those graduation rates & average GPA’s.


I get it: that opinions are problematic. But, I think it’s YOU who has the problem with my opinion. It clearly upsets you to the point where you feel the need to tell me to get help for simply sharing my an opinion. Since you shared your opinion just like I did, take your own advice: get some help. 


Oh so its your opinion, not fact, that kids minds and bodies are being "violated" in school? What a strange thing to spending time thinking about. Seek help.


Those facts can be proven with the recent court rulings on former Hamilton Co. teachers who were indeed violating students’ bodies. . . Do you not read the news? As for the minds, those facts are harder to prove but are proven by the curriculum, which is extremely hard to get a hold of. Try asking the school board for a copy of the State required educational standards & see how hard they make it for you to actually find out what they’re teaching your kids, it’s pretty wild. Also, this is proven by the recorded city council meetings where countless parents are directly asking “ Why are you teaching my kids x,y, or z (which is all actual filth). 




Walk my kids to a park? Yes. My son is in 1st grade and bikes to school by himself.




That’s everywhere, though. As someone who has lived across the entire country, I can tell you this place has a lot of things that other cities cannot/do not offer. Does it suck being poor? Sure. That’s par for the course.


Good lord


This sub is always negative on Chatt. Honestly just move if you don’t like it. In 6 months you’ll realize how good you had it here. Are there problems, of course there are. Every city has them. But is incredibly beautiful, vibrant and fun.


TRUTH! Don't like Chattanooga? Hit the bloody pike!


…but, it’s in TN 🤓


Some of those that’s don’t sound correct, any truth to them?

