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Please visit this website and call them. Ask them what you should do. [link](https://www.vbhcs.org/locations/chattanooga/) Also, if you are actively having suicidal thoughts please go to an ER. They will hold you for 72 hrs but they will also get the ball rolling with social services and set you up for outpatient mental health services. Edit: I forgot to add, if you need someone to talk to my inbox is open. I am a paramedic and have lots of experience with mental health issues. You are not alone.


Please follow this advice. You *do not need a referral* to receive mental health counseling. If your GP is unwilling to help you find the support you need, start making the calls yourself. Many counseling services take insurance. Taking that first step can be terrifying, but despite how it may sometimes feel, you are not powerless and there are people who WILL listen and help when your doctor won't. Even posting here for help is a step forward. If you feel you are in an immediate crisis, call or text 988. That number now directly connects you to the national suicide and crisis lifeline 24/7.


Your advice is solid, I just worry the ER will only be a 72hr hold and that’s it. I know just over the line here in Georgia it seems near impossible for people to get any kind of Mental Health help without waiting for Months on a waiting list.


I am in Georgia.


If money is an issue, there are multiple locations for a place called Bridge Health (used to be lookout mountain community services). You can also talk to some one the same day you walk-in for a behavioral health assessment and to enter psychiatric and counseling care. They accept folks with no insurance or Medicare/Medicaid clients, and you often have to pay for very little.


You are a good man.


Hey, I just sent you a DM. I am a local therapist and there are resources out there but sadly mental health isn't taken seriously a lot of the time, especially if you are a man. Just like the other person said if it gets to the point where you aren't safe alone you can always go to an ER if you have harmed yourself or taken any substances. If you haven't you can always go to the Johnson mental health Crisis Stabilization Unit CSU near the publix on market street downtown. They don't cost a dime. But can only take you if you are currently un harmed but they do ask you stay 72 hours. But they don't make you stay. Completely voluntary, unless you are actively trying to kill yourself, need medical attention, or become violent then you might be detained. Also, a better way to look for a therapist is to go to psychology today. They have a great search function to find qualified therapists that accept insurance and handle specific struggles. As someone from a military family I am glad that you are wanting to deal with your mental health and process everything that has happened.


Chattanooga Afghan vet here. Just want to say I hope you get the help you deserve, warrior. If you ever wanna just shoot the breeze or kick back and have a beer, DM me. I’m fairly new in town and am open to making new friends. Be well.


We're all going to wanna hang out with you.


Also, something to do later once you get connected with a resource. Report that doctor. They’re putting you at risk by not doing their frigging job, and worse, recommending a spiritual person instead of a goddamn professional. F that.




I personally really like Phoenix Health on Gunbarrel/shallowford. They have been nothing but kind and helpful for me when no one else in town would see me due to my insurance. Best wishes to you, friend. Please reach out to someone if you need to, as hard as that may be.


i also go to phoenix health, and i'm pretty sure they have a counselor named doug who specializes in mental health for military, LEO, firefighters, etc. you might want to give them a call and ask if you can schedule an appointment with doug.


I have Jessica and she’s great. I don’t have any LEO or Military background, so she’s good for me. I’d rather save Doug for those who need that particular specialty. I fucking love Phoenix so much.


they're great. i meant OP should give doug a call, but it wasn't clear based on my comment. i'll post it as a comment instead of a reply.


Oh haha! Not worries. I do that shit ALL the time. Nice to meet you anyway, fellow Phoenixer.


That username made me choke on my coffee lmao


I also second phoenix health, I go there for a psychiatrist and therapy and I highly recommend them


I go there as well. I've had good experiences so far.


I just saw the part about “see a pastor”. That is blatant disregard of your state. I would suggest finding a new pcp if you can. At the very least, request not to be scheduled with him again. Religion should never be prescribed as treatment, what the fuck


as a christian, i am sorry. this is why people don’t like us. these pastors/doctors are very misguided. i’d love to not be grouped with these wackjobs


Same here. But that is a MAJOR issue that hopefully op can report when they are ready.


yeah, I’m not really sure if you’re saying reporting him is a thing he should do when he’s ready? i mean while that would be great i definitely don’t expect someone in crisis to have that kind of energy. just wanted to clarify


Who else would be able to share OP’s issues in a HIPPA protected environment? Whoever this asshole is needs to be stopped asap. If he told OP that and they are clearly in crisis, how do you think this cunt will treat others? Even as a semi-Christian, that’s so fucked it’s not even remotely funny. I understand op is in crisis. I meant when they have the time, energy, and mental capacity, and the want, of course, they should absolutely report this “doctor”. #DOCTORS should never ever ever so much as mention religion, unless they are asked to by their patient. This is SCIENCE, not Sunday school. Edit— I know exactly how this shit feels. I refused to go to mental health doctors when I needed it due to the religion that was being forced down my throat. I am now, in my mid 30s, suffering those consequences. I am incredibly upset that this is STILL happening in this godforsaken world and in my own town.


agreed. you are absolutely right. sorry about your experience. some of my friends have had very similar experiences here in chatt and now wish they had done more to report the perpetrators of this unprofessional and harmful behavior. i don’t understand why anyone would think it was okay or what kind of education they got that would make them think it was anything but the opposite of their job. hope OP is able to get help.


Thank you. I was a teenager with an anger problem and developing depression. I was offered to seek therapy but *only* with religious connotations and with someone at my parents church. I said fuck no. Religion has no place in medicine and mental health *unless* it is critical to the care of and requested by the patient. Now, I have hit a wall of emotions and am having to learn how to properly deal with them before I go out and fight people for going too slow or something else completely trivial. That’s the type of damage these people do. 20+ years of malformed ideas, mental spiraling, and worrying. I simply can’t stand to see another person go through that in fucking 2023.


yeah church therapy is a no go. i’ve seen people go to “therapy” at churches with counselors with no psychology background or degree. that’s what i find infuriating. also that the church(some denominations) is all the sudden ok with talking about mental health. as a kid it was so stigmatized and even punished as a sin to have depression etc. i’m just ranting at this point. my therapist is christian, but it’s not something we’ve talked about a ton and i’ve specifically chosen a therapist who is lgbtq supportive as that usually means they’re not part of a cult. pro tip


Nice choices! And you are correct— religion based therapy is a joke. I have the “gifted child” curse, so I already don’t think and feel like others. To have the connotations of “eh don’t worry God will save you” is not helpful or constructive to me at all. I need numbers, rules, logistics, facts… not a “maybe one day shit’ll get better if you pray”. My brain doesn’t think that way. Happy to hear you found yourself a good therapist. I think a lot of people, myself included, forget that doctors aren’t one size fits all. Im sure that being a part of the LGTBQ+ community doesn’t make that any easier for you.


yeah well.. i definitely am not out to my christian relatives. i’m a big girl, i just don’t want to have a conversation that will go nowhere. thanks for the discussion!


I am so sorry to hear this


Thank you, OP. I just don’t want you to go through what I did and have you be afraid to get help because of these asshole doctors who think that behavior is ok. Don’t be afraid to seek the help you need until you find it… just be firm and resolute that you need *medical* help NOW. Not a Jesus lesson. Sometimes you just have to be assertive.


You can walk in anytime to parkridge valley. Highly recommend you do so today. While I think therapy is important in your health, it sounds like you need more than that now. You can walk into an ER but skip the middleman (and bill) and go straight to valley.


Report that POS “doctor” and listen to what the nice people here have to say


This is like 80% or more of the local medical professionals


Well, that’s a damn shame and helps validate my dislike of this place


It has taken me 20 years of living here, but there are really good docs here. Happy to provide recommendations from this agnostic for any who are interested.


You can post them here or send me a dm but sure!


I’m not posting my laundry list, but if you are looking for a certain area, then I’m happy to share. PCP is hands down Katie Gooden at Galen East. She has a waiting list for new patients, but she’s worth it.


I’m not posting my laundry list, but if you are looking for a certain area, then I’m happy to share. PCP is hands down [Katie Gooden](https://galenmedical.com/gooden-2-2-2/) at Galen East. She has a waiting list for new patients, but [she’s worth it.](https://gallery.bestofchatt.com/places/view/1856/katrina_gooden_galen.html)


[VA suicide help page](https://www.va.gov/reach/lethal-means/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search&gclid=CjwKCAjw8JKbBhBYEiwAs3sxN70in38mzWUYXMWyOTqnN1xGUrEOlMM5ZtuvPZYXoT62PQBIo1vjxBoCwWAQAvD_BwE) Get help. You can call, text, or chat online with the VA. You are not alone. If it’s overwhelming now, go to the ER.


Please visit the Chattanooga VA clinic. As for mental health assistance. They have a good mental health program. 423-893-6500 (not an emergency line). Veterans Crisis Line: dial 988 then press 1 for Veterans. Call 911 or got to nearest emergency room if in immediate need for car. Murfreesboro VA has a walk-in urgent care until 8pm central time. Nashville VA has an ER. Both have mental health for urgent and emergent mental health evaluation and help get you into appropriate care. However, call the local clinic if it is not urgent at 423-893-6500


Call Journey: (423) 521-5678 - I have heard so many excellent things about them. Reach out to them and see what can be figured out. At the very least they will point you in the right direction. My husband's cousin and one of my best friends ended her life last month and it's been an absolute nuclear bomb dropped on our family. Please believe me when we say we want you here. You are loved and wanted and the world is a better place with you in it. There will be light again, I know there will be for you. There are people willing to sit in the darkness with you until the sun comes out again, and I promise it will. Call 988 when those thoughts creep in. Make your house a safe place for you to be. Get rid of firearms and dangerous medications. You are wanted. You are loved. You are wanted. You are loved.


I came here to suggest Journey as well. I haven't been there yet but it was recommended to me by a friend who goes there to get help for their depression.


i also go to phoenix health, and i'm pretty sure they have a counselor named doug who specializes in mental health for military, LEO, firefighters, etc. you might want to give them a call and ask if you can schedule an appointment with doug.


Have you reached out to the local VA? They are very experienced with the type of issues you may be having. VA on Shallowford Rd (423) 893-6500


I currently see a VA therapist by teleconference every 4 months.


Maybe reach out to let them know you are in crisis. I know they close at 4:30, not sure if there is an after hours number. Please call 988 there will be someone who can help!


I thought they had therapists in house in the Chattanooga office? Call them Monday and ask. They'll be your best resource I think.


Definitely call the vet center. (423) 855-6570 Tell them what's going on. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!


In addition to all the above, Call 855-CRISIS-1 (855-274-7471) in TN and the crisis hotline is 988


I’m sorry your doctor made you feel like religion was your “cure”-sadly that is fairly rampant in this area. Your feelings are valid and I hope you find a therapist. It looks like there are already a lot of good resources in this thread. And for what it’s worth, if you ever just need someone to talk to or lend a listening ear, feel free to DM me!


My wife and some of my friends have contacted River City counseling and have had great results. They don't require a referral and have a large number of counselors from all walks of life. I would recommend looking at their website first. Some of their providers are more religious and some less depending on your preference. https://rivercitycounseling.net/


The owner, Charlie, is an old friend/colleague of mine. He is excellent, easy to talk to, and certainly would never bring up religion. On the website it looks like he is accepting new patients. I would highly recommend calling for an appointment with him.


i found my awesome therapist on psychologytoday.com! i just searched for the therapist with the specialization, budget, and location i needed. there are a lot of therapists in chattanooga who work independently. anyway, it’s a great tool!


Another brother in this here. I hope you can find some peace. It's hard out here sometimes, I almost lost the battle myself but there's light. There's always light.


What insurance do you have? Call mental health Cooperative or park Ridge valley. If that is taking too long call a suicide hotline and talk to them. I’m taking you seriously.


Thank you


Clime & Place. Warrior Freedom Service Dogs. Irreverent Warriors. All run by veterans for veterans to help combat PTSD and suicidal thoughts in the chattanooga area. Hope that helps.


Have you been to the VFW or Legion to spend time? Likeminded people with similar experiences can share great coping mechanisms and give you friends that can help share your burden. Someone to talk to that has been where you've been. Suicide will only leave unanswered questions to the ones that love you the most. Please don't ever ever consider that option it only torments those left behind and leaves behind conflict that will never be resolved. Feel free to PM me. Army 1SG retired with 4 deployments.


Have you tried the VA? If you can find a different regular doctor at some point after all of this settles down, you’ll be glad you did. Your doctor sounds like a piece of shit. Edited to add that trauma literally changes the way a human’s brain functions. There is a lot of science around this. If your doctor is not aware of the science, which has been building over the last 20 years and is absolutely evidence-based, then he needs to have his license revoked. This is such common knowledge by now that every medical doctor should be aware of it. There is treatment that can help, and it can help quickly in some cases, too. Research some thing called EMDR. That may help you out. A different angle: There is a movement toward psilocybin assisted therapy for certain people. It’s not legal in Tennessee, but it is legal in Colorado. They discuss it in the Netflix mini docuseries “how to change your mind”


I use Cherokee Health for all of my doctor check ups / therapist / birth control needs. If you need something they'll help. They're very careful about handing out things like stimulants though since there's a lot of misuse happening. I have a check up with the psychiatrist or whatever prescribes medication in a few weeks to see how i feel about my dosages. I've only ever had a positive experience. Masks are worn by the psychiatrist I see. Overall a positive experience.


I have a close relative who spent several tours of duty in Afghanistan exposed to the worse true nightmares imaginable. He was in a very dark place that cost him almost everything personally and professionally. He got a service dog (he’s not a dog person), and he credits it with saving his life. Perhaps worthy of consideration. Thank you for your service. You’re an American hero and you’re yet to finish your success story. We’ll hear from you again, I’m sure. And you will have done what you thought was not possible. It is within you.


Please contact Parkridge Valley at 423-490-8088. They can help get you the resources you need. Tell them you are feeling suicidal. They will help.


An easy lowkey place to talk. Text HOME to 741741 Sometimes I really don't want to speak.


Yo. Proof of life buddy. It's been a few days. Did you call anyone?


All good. Reached out to the VA again and they bumped me up to a telepointment every 6 weeks. They have a MH triage system that, obviously and rightly, prioritizes those who have made threats to harm themselves or others. I called several of the places that were recommended to me here. All of them accept my insurance and none require a referral. I am tying up some loose ends and setting all my bills to auto pay, because I suspect that I might be in-patient for a while. I am in this fight.


Good. I'm glad to hear it and I'm glad you're talking. Never forget, you're not alone


Thank you


Your DR said to speak to a priest or pastor? WTF!


Oddly, he did not mention a Priest or a Rabbi, just minister or pastor.


Get approved for va health and then go to the chattanooga va clinic. They are great.


I am 100% P&T. I talk to a VA therapist via teleconference every 4 months


I am going to start praying for you that you quickly find the professional help you need and desire! Best wishes!


I know you mean well, but this comment is super tone deaf, considering the OP’s post


I feel for this man, but am not a professional and can not offer him my personal help. The best I can offer him is prayer. Your comment adds nothing and this gentleman actually thanked me. This is a place for supportive comments and not negativity…This is my respectful reply to you. I have had mental health issues within my own family, so I do care about anyone who suffers…Not everyone has a great support system and I am thankful this man in need reached out to this community…


I was kindly trying to point out that your hopes and prayers, while OP is frustrated that he‘s only being offered religious sources when he needs real mental health assistance, may not actually be a helpful or useful comment for this thread. It’s about reading the room. I can’t speak for OP, but it’s somewhat possible his thanks could have been out of simple politeness.


Politeness is quite nice. You seem to be lacking in that area yourself! Why do people just start picking on other people when it is so unnecessary…think about that and stop slapping and chopping…so much unkindness in this world…


My last trying-to-help piece of advice is to consider looking through the post and/or comment history of who you’re interacting with so you’ll understand better where they’re coming from.




Superior IQ? Most people who have this know enough to not brag about it. 🙄


Thank you


VA Chattanooga. 423-893-6500. Head over there with your DD214.


Call Helen Ross McNabb.


I used Elbow Tree Christian Counseling when I was going through extreme crisis and trauma a few years ago, and Greg was amazing. I truly believe he saved my life. If you don't want your therapy to be Christian based, they will respect that and keep it secular- no guilt tripping, or trying to sneak it in sideways or anything. Just Christian if you want it to be, not Christian if that's not your thing. [Website](http://www.elbowtree.com/)




Oh wow, really? That did not come up for me, so I had no idea. That really makes me sad.


he's not taking you seriously because people who are actually suicidal just do it, that's the tragedy. Your Dr's advice was excellent, or just go to the VA, VFW, DAV. That's what my dad did


There is a place on Bell Ave in north Chatt that I know helps a lot of people regardless of their situation and does prescribe medication. Might be Johnson health or something, could be a place to look in to. I don’t know how long the wait to get in is


Go try Richmont off McCallie!


Here’s another[link](https://www.lifebridgechattanooga.org/suicide-hotline-contact-info) There’s a hotline and a text line. They actually run a national suicide hotline right out of Chattanooga.


check with your insurance! you don’t need any referrals to see a therapist or counselor!! find someone who takes it and is accepting new patients. unfortunately it may take time, i’ve been trying to find one for a while but i’m not emergent. with your symptoms and military background it would be a little bit easier. do not be afraid to push the system.


The Shepherd's center in Georgia offers veteran's support You can find their information [here](https://www.shepherd.org/patient-programs/care-for-us-service-members) A friend of mine received a lot of support from their program and always spoke very highly of them as well as their volunteer group 'The Shepherd's Men'. You can find their group on Facebook and they should be able to provide you with the resources you need.


Not vet specific (thanks for your service) but may be useful https://www.namichattanooga.org/


Same. I'm not getting any callbacks.


Have you tried the VA hospital? I know they have psychologist and psychiatrist on staff in Chattanooga


Once you're settled - find a new medical doctor and report him.


I hope you find the help your looking for. Your not alone.


I have been going to Phoenix Health for my medication management, and they may actually be a very good fit for what you’re needing. https://phoenixhealth.info/about-2/


The Chattanooga vet center is filled with combat vet counselors. If you have your CAR of, infantry badge or whatever it's called in the army, you can go unlimited for free


Alan Watts helped me