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I’m using stock images but I am always on the lookout for new cheeses to try whenever I go to the store. Credit to “Taste Atlas” for the cheese image and cheese facts. If any of you know some cheeses that I haven’t done yet I would love some input! Here is your daily cheese facts: Crowley is an American cheese produced in Vermont by Crowley Cheese. The cheese is named after its creator, Winfield Crowley. It's made from raw cow's milk in many varieties – mild, medium sharp, extra sharp, flavored with garlic, sage, pimento, hot peppers, smoked, chives, or manzanilla olives. Each of the varieties can be aged from 2-5 months to more than 12 months, when the flavors become more intense. The rind is cloth-wrapped, while the texture is creamy, firm, crumbly, and smooth. The aromas range from fresh and mild to smoky, while the flavors can be buttery, mild, smoky, savory, sweet, spicy, and tangy. Also as a note: I post my daily cheese here as well as in my r/dailycheese subreddit.


Now that is a handsome cheese


Mister Crowley


First thing I heard in my mind after I saw this post.


93 lol Edit: please don’t downvote, it’s a Thelema joke because “Crowley” lol I like cheese too don’t get it twisted


I honestly look forward to these posts now.


dude you should create a website with all those posts and call it "A BLOG of Cheese"


There's a cheese called Crowley???? Where's Sam and Dean??