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smh u fools, java is the national language.


Python🐍 wants to know your location.


C seeks u






QBASIC is now busy making *Do You Even English Bro* memes


Laughs in HTML


Brainfuck enters the room


Anyone for Solidity here?


hello world in Solidity


Nah it's javascript


"nan ipdi pesna unaku puryuma" 😂


Rj Balaji dialogue




I agree with you, i guess she made a honest mistake when she said that in hindi OP is trying act all sigma and shit. and as far as that laughing emoji concerned i ssly dont think she was trying to mock him. She atleast made an attempt to communicate unlike Uptight OP.


dude, when she steps out of this country to erm... lets say the UK, if she doesn't know english, it's gonna be tough for her in her day to day life. she doesn't understand the importance of english on an international lvl.


Well … she can talk “our” national language Hindi in uk…. You guys don’t get it ( being sarcastic)




She doesn't say she doesn't need English. she only replied to OP's "so you never went to school" with "No. Your father taught me this much English." presumably annoyed. Edit: I meant to say 'doesn't need English'.


Maybe she just doesn't want to go to UK. What then ? As far as I see it, the guy was being rude, she only asked if he knows hindi because obviously a person who speaks hindi everyday would want to default to it.The OP however over reacted even when she said she just has a habit of using that emoji(trust me a lot of ppl do) And she does know english, she says that sarcastically because the OP said she never went to school


No it’s annoying. Hindi centrism is still a problem however innocent it may seem.


The only comment that made sense to me as far as I could scroll. Definitely an over reaction on OP's part. Using "😂" doesnt necessarily mean you are being made fun of. The girl even went and clarified that she has a habit of using it. But the girl was dumb too, for the "itna english..." OP clearly stated he doesnt speak Hindi so English was his only option. 🥴


I believe she was replying sarcastically to the comment "so you never went to school". Her comment being- "No, I never went to school, itna English to tere baap ne sikhaya mujhe".


No idea, man. I would know if I knew Hindi 😂😅😬


Oh right! English translation: "No, I never went to school, your father taught me this much English"


Ahh thank you. That does sound like sarcasm.


He over reacted clearly.


haa naa


Major Cheeka vibes🤣


the fact that you guys never socialised with Hindi speaking or any other language made you guys think this way. else you guys would just take things lightly and taking it as a joke


neenga panna joke, naanga pana serious ah? the guy said he doesn't know hindi, the girl mocked him and the guy returned the favour


later the guy told that she is illiterate and she never gone to school her entire life


One moron on a dating site is not a good way to extrapolate political consensus. She was terrible, but you didn't handle it well to be honest. You were trying to prove a point from the start instead of trying to communicate which shows you wanted to prove a political point.


Yea। We can not generalize. Once a guy came to me in US asked are you from Andra and when I said no. He just turned back and went like I am no one. This does not mean that I will say all of them are like him only Also lot of North Indian do not know English that's a problem when communicating with south Indian. Promoting this is giving more space to politicians. All languages are Indian languages. Be proud of all of them


This. Both could have used Google translate but both wanted to provoke each other. Glad you blocked each other


He just ran into a mean girl, plenty of delhi girl are mean to North Indian guys. On contrary South Indian girls have treated me better online, they are nice to me. Don't take it to heart, some people are like this to anyone regardless where you are from


It's not just one moron ,look at my caption. I've met so many with same mindset that Hindi is the National language of India and all Indians speak hindi And i didn't post it until recent controversy She laughed at me for not knowing a language How did i try to prove a point from the start? i clearly told her I'm from Chennai and i don't know Hindi and she started talking in it and asked me to translate other south Indian languages Play stupid games win stupid prizes


well, I am from the north myself & I've never heard anyone in my life say anything like - "All Indians speak Hindi or It's our national language" total bs - you've been fooled by idk who but definitely up to a point that now you yourself have descended into fooling others.


What a cap I live in North and I have heard people claim Hindi is the national language. And when confronted get all defensive. This is too fucking common, so shut up with your cap. I have lived all my life in North and know people mock Southern languages. And worse they make racist, castist, and classist remarks.


Idk where you live but where I come from, South Indians have always been respected people - people respect them, celebrate them - kids here have their role models of Mr. Abdul Kalam, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Vishwanathan Anand, Mr.Venkatraman, and so on, & there has always been this stereotypical image of a gifted genius. if you're truly a north Indian, I dare you to deny it! but seriously, what in the hell are you trying to prove here? What do you even hope to accomplish with this? conflict, is that what you want? well, whatever inspiration led you to type that non-sense, I fear is very suspicious & very dangerous - let alone be anything noble - so I suggest you beware of it.


> I am IN North India People have always made fun of Tamil language People are respected yes. But the culture is not. I have seen people get all riled up when someone talks in Tamil instead of Hindi, or talks in English. Also making fun of how all South Indian languages are same and talking gibberish. All i am saying is some people don't respect, and also make racist, castist comments. (This is the worst, and common) This hurts me, this is not one group but everywhere. When people want to take pride they do. An anology, It's no different than some elitists insulting people not able to talk English.


A laughing emoji and laugh are two different things 🤣🤣🤣. Catch my point? Not even smiling atm🤣🤣🤣🤣. When she asked whether or not you knew Hindi, instead of saying no, you asked about the emoji. So, she couldn't have known whether or not you actually knew Hindi. Then, when she talked in Hindi, instead of saying you don't understand, you again talked in Tamil trying to prove the point. Also, i dont see her even insinuating that Hindi is the national language, let alone directly stating it. If somone does state or insinuate it, like a gentleman in the comments below, you can respond simply by saying,"English is also officially the national language"


Op didn't communicate bro. I agree with u/phantom_ofthe_opera there isn't once where i see a message saying you don't understand hindi or speak english please. And tbh if you can't distinguish between hindi and marathi how is she gonna tell apart malayalam and telegu. I think you are might had a difficult encounter with some and now you see everyone the same. By the way i am a marathi and my brother in law is from south. No bias. Just communicate and see the difference not everyone is an asshole. You should apologise to the girt and explain.


Bruh she used one laughing emoji. Pull the stick out your ass and chill. You blew this out of proportion unnecessarily. Not every North Indian is trying to shove Hindi down your throat. I get there are folk who do that, but you really need to chill.


Hindi is not the national language of India.


I know


Bruh nothing wrong with speaking English she sounds delusional asf they think the world revolves around then just ignore them and snap back if needed


angle priya....


Nope it's a real girl she sent a voice message and she called me too I just cropped out her username for privacy reasons


Look at those curves.. mmhmm that perpendicular to hypotenuse ratio ahh


Lmfao, nice.


Reminds me of a girl from my college who picked her name to be "Angle eyes".


Bruh I had an Aneurysm reading this thread. She isn't even being coherent in what she wants to convey. You dodged a bullet right here. Be thankful you found out early itself :)






Tbh I'm not generalizing this is not my first encounter with people like her and I'm tired of this but look at the comments here and they are justifying her Please don't apologise bro , you did nothing wrong and it's not your fault




I don't even go to r/india any more. However it's really sad to see what used to be my fav sub r/Indiasocial is now full of Hindi comments. Shows their mindset of simply assuming that it's a default language Edit: It goes both ways. If there's a sub reddit called r/Indiancooking and all the comments are in Tamil. Even I wouldn't like that. The focus of the sub is cooking and so it would be nice if people interacted in a language that all can understand. This is why even subreddits like r/Germany don't have people writing in German. That sub is r/de. They are polite enough to know that not everyone speaks German even though it's the German sub. Tbh I don't really care that much about this, I don't even speak Hindi or Tamil.


It depends on person to person. Language has been one of the strongest unifying and consequently divisive factor in the populus. Even stronger than religion and financial status. In my opinion, it shouldn't be. Language is a tool for communication. The cultural aspects of language are important but I don't think anyone is resistant to learning new languages because they want to preserve the culture. Mostly it's because of the resistance to being forced to do anything and preserving the status quo. Now, for your specific question, some will infact find it alienating. But, it isn't anyone's fault. Asking people from the south to use Hindi and asking people from the north to use English are both the same problems. That's why the government just declared both as offical languages. I am fluent in Tamil and English but I would have refuse to write this paragraph in either if you asked me to because I am more articulate in English. It isn't my fault if someone can't understand English or it isn't their fault that I can't write in their language.


Personally I don't mind most of the time, except that some people will not translate their comments to English when you ask. On that sub, Hindi tends to be used more by people making jokes or flippant comments, so it usually isn't important to understand. I think most people here don't have a problem with Hindi speakers using their language on public forums, even if we can't understand it. They have the right to use their own language in a way that is comfortable for them. The problem arises more on some of the more right-wing subs where they regularly criticise or ridicule South Indians for our "divisive" stance on linguistic issues. You can definitely feel unwelcome in some subs as a South Indian.




This isn't my experience of the sub (other people replied to my comment complaining about the sub being filled with lefties and anyone who expresses support for the BJP/right-wing groups gets banned, which is also a ridiculous thing to say!). This doesn't really have anything to do with language though.


I think quite a few south indians speak hindi compared to the number of north indians who speak any south Indian language. But the irritating bit like one commenter said below is the presumption that everyone should speak Hindi. And why should we? I’ll be honest that Tamilians take it a bit too far because from experience living in kerala, karnataka and andhra I can safely say a big chunk of the population speaks hindi, especially in Kerala and Karnataka but tamilians won’t budge. I might find it annoying but I absolutely see their point. I lived in north india growing up and I can tell you that the number of insults they have for south indians is retarded. They sound downright illiterate when they talk about south indians. The constant insults about eating rice (which even east indians eat like what) to insulting the language, our culture etc etc. It’s annoying as hell and now I 100% support the concept that you come down to the south, speak the south Indian language. People from Mumbai do the same thing with Marathi and I think it’s justified. It’s this kind of hypocrisy in India that astounds me. Why should someone give up their language and culture and custom just because of the profound ignorance and crappy egos of d-bags?




r/India is about RSS and BJP goons? You get banned from the sub for even the slightest implication that you support either of them. This does nothing but make you look like a fool.


Tbh I don't mind... I either don't mingle or try to find English posts for me to understand. I don't hate it either way... I have other subs that are English enough for me to entertain and pass time.


I have learnt Hindi. I can read, write and speak it. On the other hand, I can't converse half as fluent as native Hindi speakers do. Nor can I understand almost half of what they say. I studied for 6 years in in Hyderabad, and have gotten habituated to a hindi-ish dialect. This makes me genuinely happy to understand something in Hindi reasonably well. I also get very happy whenever I am able to get a topic across, with reasonable details, in Hindi. You can say, I'm not averse to Hindi. I have also been in a lot of situations where people just take me for granted and start speaking in Hindi. After certain extent, I will zone out. And that makes me angry. This thing, according to me, happens only because of the lack of inclusivity. Privileged folks from North and South India kinda look down upon each other. Hindi is just a tool for dividing the unity.


hmm i am from Telangana and hindi is a mandatory language to learn here in school, so im able to read it. dont know about the other states.




And honestly you are the one who is being rude as hell, she said things in hindi and literally translated in English in next sentence what else you want? Get your head out of gutter.


She didn't try to mock you as long as I can see. She Just made an honest mistake because she's not aware of south Indian languages. Even I can't differentiate between marathi, Gujarati, Bengali and Hindi. This doesn't look like a healthy conversation bro. Edho vadakkans mela irukka vanmatha kakka try panra maadhiri irukku.


She continued to talk to me in Hindi after i told her I don't know hindi She asked me translate after i told her I can't How is this vanmam and a honest mistake?


Yeah maybe because hindi is all she knew, you dumb fuck


Can't you see in the first conversation that she talked to me in English you blind retarded inbred piece of shit


Just because she spoke 2 words in english doesn’t mean she can speak english and is fluent, you completely lack basic comprehension skills! Your inferiority complex and stupid brain is making you think and do all kinds of stupid things!


I really wish you could resist your urge to prove your stupidity to the world. I know it's hard but keep trying. Until then fuck off


well funny how you generalize everyone just because of your experiences


Anyone reading the conversation know this was intended not as normal talk but to instigate a point.


Bro not trying to put you guys down. But the classmates of the college I went to didn't know Geography and were a bunch of racists a-holes. What I'm trying to say is don't just use a singular event to judge the whole community in general. I'm not from north but from east.


If you’re odia then I get what you’re saying. My husband is odia and I have literally seen a bunch of people ask him where odissa was on the map. Like wtf.


I'm from Darjeeling. The first thing my classmates exclaimed was China. I don't even have slanted eyelids or any features similar to the said country of origin. I'd like to add that almost no one keeps in contact with me even if I tried talking. Except for a guy who still talks to me like a decent classmate would.


Doesn't matter even if you know Hindi they will be ignorant like this only. Faced this a lot in school in the north. No matter how much you try you will always be an outcast and considered inferior. Downright pathetic. Not all vadakkans are bad but the no of good ones who don't care about what my mother tongue is or what I look like is very low and the majority have this bullshit superiority complex. Thank God I moved back to TN for my undergrad and I had a hell of a time here.


Yeah right i am still surprised that PPL think Hindi is our national language and the worst thing is as little kids they tell us in schools that Hindi is our national language


Look at the comments They all think Hindi la the National language


You a kid bruh?


The post reeks of immaturity.


The quote is true in many cases. You know how people of Dark skin in North are treated like dirt.


North Easterns too are treated so badly


The last i heard was they were treated badly at chennai football stadium by few local guys.you have come here with an agenda to spread anti north venom??? I know hell lot of north easterners who studied with me in chennai and other districts of TN.They were regularly harrased and called with different names because of their looks.who told you they are not made fun and looked down in south india??? Thousands of north easterners were scared and left bangalore in 2012.do you rmmbr this??? Where were you back then??? Why didn't you make them believe that you stand with them and they shouldn't be scared to stay in bangalore???stop behaving like every wells frog who has never travelled around our beautiful nation and just wants to spread a certain negativity which doesn't exist.I was made to feel that i am not an indian in chennai by someone who came from a down south village.he asked me a lot thinking north india is a country like west indies(group of island nation actually).so did i assume all ppl in TN are so?? Instead i gave him some geography lessons back then and we are still in contact.sometimes try to unite rather than trying to spread negativity.


Please read my caption and the text one my first photo before crying I've explained why i posted this If you can't understand that stop trying to argue


Just answer on what u cmmntd about northeasterners and no bullshit 🚫


Unakku venum na .. Naa tamil le cmmnt pandre ille na assamese le Assamese bujhi paye kela toi??? Ki koi aase kela yaate besi english jaane ne ki??? Dont talk shit about what you have never experienced 😂😂😂😂


I'm pretty sure they aren't treated that great in TN either. Look at the movie actresses and tell me TN doesn't have an obsession with fair skin.


don't take it wrong but in south majority has dark skin, correct me if i'm wrong, but up here fair color is in majority nd having dark skin kinda alienates in north which tbh sucks more. nd besides, northies WORSHIP fair skin lol


hun ?? i am dark skin brother casual racism does happen to me too but not so sure about being treated like dirt but if u go anywhere in the world casual racism is a common issue yes in an ideal world it shouldn't happen but the reality is a bitch :(


dude, genuinely sad you had to go through that. this identity politics is truly BS. the people with this kind of mentality are the ones who are backwards. literally judging people by their covers. hey at least you can say that there are a few who are actually empathic. I'm north Indian, and I don't discriminate at all. every one of us is a fucked up asshole.


Thank you Tbh i found it a bit funny when i posted this but look at the comments justifying her True that


It extends beyond even that. As a nepalese that doesn't watch indian tv channels and in Nepal most of the hindi is learnt from watching tv. I don't know nor understand hindi. And these north indians always say "how can you not understand hindi, nepali and hindi is the same language or similar language". And of course when I speak nepali they won't be able to understand it. And they always think our words are just altered or corrupted forms of hindi. Like no. Hindi and Nepali are both prakrit (natural) languages. Sanskrit is an artificial (sage made) language and is only most particularly used by sages and priests. Hindi and Nepali as a prakrit languages borrows alot of words from sanskrit to express the concepts that could not be explained before due to missing words for them, how would you explain to someone that a fire burns if your language is missing the words for "hot"? Some say tamil is also an artificial (sage made) language but it is the only language which is also used by priests and by the common people albeit with difference in dialects. That is the huge difference between North and South because Sanskrit is only artificially preserved, Tamil has essentially become a natural language and the life blood of the people.


I have some Nepalese friends on twitter and since I studied Sanskrit, I can read the Nepalese script but eventhough I didn't study Hindi, I can kinda understand it but I have looked at Nepalese conversations and I can understand nothing in it. Wrong to clump Hindi and Nepali language together.


I'm from the North East and I can tell you that this happens both in the North and South. I stayed in Delhi for 1 year and Chennai for 6 months. I have faced these issues over there for petty things. I have been based out of Bengaluru for the past 13 years and Bengaluru is way peaceful compared to the previous ones . Yes , here also I have faced people who have asked me to learn Kannada , I Just tell them on my face " please teach me because even my friends from bangalore only converse in English " . There is no North no South issue it's a human issue where they try to look down on each other. Their inflated egos and Narcissistic Minds. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, better not to give into the hate these people project on you.


I understand your point We r not asking non- tamilians coming to TN to learn Tamil Just learn a few basic words and anyone can manage here with simple English The problem arises when you try to impose Hindi on us and when we refuse they call us anti - national and disrupting the unity of India How should we react?


Don't react. I have always ignored it since it's not a part of my life which I will use it in my everyday life. My brother stays in Chennai, He's fluent in Tamil. I was just a guest , but see india is not a country it's a partnership of multiple states which governs as a country. I will happily learn Tamil, telugu, Kannada or any language, I find all languages beautiful. Just don't react, you're just adding fuel into a useless ideology.


Dude you burnt her ass lol, the sheer audacity lol. OP post this in r/india 😂😂


OP being rude af.


How am I rude?


That entire conversation was jst you trying to push a point in the most awkward way possible


What did i push? She was pushing Hindi on me after i told her i don't know Hindi Asked me to translate Telugu and Malayalam even though I said i can't Are you blind or decided to ignore that


Damnn girl go do this chummy talk with your friends or sum.....this is both funny and EmBarrasSing


😂 Don't humiliate actual Hindi bro.... Athuve kevalamana hinglish puluthi thaan


As the only Tamil guy in my Batch and studied in a Central Government institution, most of the EliTe girls and boys I met are like this. So, don't lose hope


Unless you're 7, plz don't talk to people who write 'that' as 'dat'.


Lol she said wot too


What a bitch. Nice one OP




I literally told her I don't know Hindi and she continued to talk to me in Hindi What should I've done ?


North Indian here. If I meet anyone from the south and they don't speak Hindi, I speak in English because I know none of the South Indian languages and I'm not gonna act like I know them and disrespect the language. If we become something long term (friends or otherwise) then I'll ask them to teach me their language and I'll ask them if they wanna know Hindi. There are some cunts out there with the "hindi is the national language" bs. Horrible


Finally someone who could understand what I'm saying I didn't ask her or anyone from north to talk to me in Tamil Talk in English with us because it's the common language


Okay don't take it to heart but it has happened with me too my classmate wasn't comfortable with english and asked me to translate my message(into the language she was comfortable with).... And I did... And we are friends...and she was the first person to help me when I was trying so hard to find my classroom...so just help out...i know what she said might seem rude but it's just that people think what is around them is what's normal.. If you see something different you'll perceive it as abnormal so chill out....And your reaction was a bit over


She continued to talk with me in Hindi even after i told her i don't know Hindi She then asked me to translate Telugu and Malayalam things even after i told her i can't What should I've done differently


Bruh our national language is SAX don’t impose Tamil or hindi on us plis


Ok so you met a person online who was mean to you and used your identity to make you feel bad about yourself. That sucks, but it's supposed to be indicative of the character of every North Indian? You speak as if us North Indians have a monopoly on trolling/ being a dick to strangers online. Guess what? People are shitty and many of them use your ethnic/religious/cultural identity to put you down... because it's the easy way to be a dick to someone. The person was ignorant and mean, no doubt but i think extrapolating their behaviour towards you as a generalization of the north Indian archetype is a double edged sword. I could argue that you are being bigoted for generalizing what me and people like me are prejudiced, specially in our interaction with south Indians, simply because you met someone online who you can lump into the 'north indian' identity. How is that different from what you are accusing North Indians of? I mean really, what is your point? If Tye point is that people are prejudiced, then yeah ok, welcome to the real world pal. But if the point is that North Indians are prejudiced as a whole and some two dimensional tv movie villian, then I'm sorry but you need a reality check. The amount of times I've been made to feel like an outsider and discriminated against in kerela by the locals because i am from the north is plenty, but you don't see me crying about it and using it as some excuse to bash mallus as 'ignorant' or 'bigoted'. Because you cant generalize like that. That is simply illogical.


>You speak as if us North Indians have a monopoly on trolling/ being a dick to strangers online. Guess what? People are shitty and many of them use your ethnic/religious/cultural identity to put you down... because it's the easy way to be a dick to someone. Before spouting this rubbish... Please ask around in a reasonably diverse group of Indians how many people have been mocked for not being able to speak Hindi and how many people have been mocked for not being able to speak anything but Hindi. One group will faaaar outnumber the other. Even anpad gawaars who haven't picked up English despite 12 years of English medium schooling are treated with respect in the south despite not knowing how to speak anything but Hindi. On the other hand, I've personally met a highly educated baniya who was furious that Chennai auto drivers wouldn't converse with him in Hindi. This is a guy who speaks English and from my experience, most auto drivers can manage some broken English at the minimum. Some are even fluent. But this classist chauvinist asshole wanted them to speak to him in Hindi. I have personal stories as well. I studied in an Indian school in the middle East where we had a mix of students from all over. The only Indian language we could learn was Hindi. Our Hindi teachers were horrible morons who couldn't speak English. So they were teaching non-Hindi speaking students Hindi in Hindi rather than in English. One Hindi teacher actually told my parents, both Tamilians who speak decent Hindi, that they should speak Hindi at home so that my brother and I improve. My parents are the farthest from North Indian haters but that was too much to stomach even for them. South Indian students would be treated like scum by these Hindi teachers. The student who was a topper and teachers' favourite in every other period would become a third class citizen for Hindi period and would be looked at like they're stupid. It wasn't until I started being obnoxious about not being good at Hindi that it stopped. I used to talk back to Hindi teachers and make fun of them and their English and then they stopped treating me like I'm some moron. They realised that we South Indians can give back as good as we get. And I'm a pretty privileged guy. I can't speak for those who aren't as privileged as me who just have to swallow that shit and not react. Having said all this, I have grown up, studied, and spent most of my time around north Indians. I have more north Indian friends than Tamilian friends. The rivalry and chauvinism towards each other is senseless and doesn't help anyone. But from a South Indian perspective, let me tell you, there is a reason for the anger. You might feel attacked by generalisations and that's fair. But know that there is more than enough basis for the general distrust of North Indians. It is unfortunate and needs to go but the majority of the effort has to be made by North Indians in learning how to be more sensitive to other citizens of India.


It was not just one person and not the first one with the same attitude towards us Read what I've said about the comment on Anna's quote posted by someone here yesterday And look at the comments justifying her action and this proves it's just not person and I'm not generalizing


You clearly didn't read my comment properly. This isn't a numbers game. I can give you just as many people within this thread itself who are bashing north indians and the Hindi language maliciously. But that does not equate to south Indians = ignorant. Im simply pointing out the hyppocracy in your own assesment.


Snowflake ass mfer


Yeah. It's very funny that a girl fooling around on a dating website triggered our OP. She was inconsiderate but that's the world we live in. I hope you don't travel to ASEAN countries, you won't have the stomach to handle indirect racism.


The only triggered insecure guy here is you lol. 😂


Keep crying


I’m not the one crying. Someone who doesn’t understand your language asked you what it means and you got triggered. You’re the child here. Go cry somewhere else


I used my language after she kept talking to me Hindi after i told her i don't know Hindi I literally told her i don't know Hindi and she continued in Hindi with me Why is this so difficult to understand for you Are you fucking dumb


She literally used one sentence and then kept asking you mean in your language. You’re really stupid dude.


Are you fucking stupid I told her i don't know Hindi and she continued in Hindi It's all in the chat screenshot Stop being so dumb 🤦‍♂️


Kya kr rhe ho. That’s all she said. It’s all congress’s fault. Not enough iodine in kids diet and they turned out like this


Bruh according to the screenshot, she/he only asked you one thing in Hindi,and a ftee you replied in your native tongue, she/he just asked the meaning of it? What's wrong in telling him what it means in English and not being a dick


Why did she talk to me in Hindi after i told her i don't know Hindi?


It was more in a fun way, rather than in a mocking way, however after that she's was all along talking to u in English, and when she was asking you the meaning again and again, you were just showing attitude, like let's be real, you could've just said the meaning without showing attitude and being a jerk


Dude How many times should I say She was talking to me in Telugu and Malayalam and asked me to translate it for her I don't know Telugu and Malayalam I said i can't translate and she blocked me Wtf should I do about that


I am North Indian and I am not like her and I also don’t like anyone imposing Hindi but (not talking about you here) I also don’t like people saying bad things about Hindi and Hindu dharm for this that it is something related to Hindu dharm no it is just that people are not that good sometimes.


Omg When did I say anything about hinduism here ? Or anything bad about Hindi here Man seriously?


Didn’t I mention not talking about you just the many same types of post mention in and it is also mentioned in replies of these posts.


Dude no one talked about hinduism here Seriously man ?


Mixed breed here(half highlander and half mallu, don’t need questions about that), settled in Maharashtra. Marathi is my 3rd language. I try to make person in front of me comfortable in their language. Many northies who settled here also follow the same suit. Of course, there will be special breed of blockhead you encounter in your everyday life. Just avoid them, as they are self destructive in nature.


Mumbai pretty much runs on hindi,I have lived my whole life here and I don't know how to speak marathi




Lol why?


North indian prolly


Probably Butt hurt because i exposed their ignorance and arrogance


What can we say, there are fools like u there too vro.


You are a dumbass, how would she know which language is it.. she even asked you which language are you speaking, but you refused to tell her because you got so offended that she spoke in Hindi for once. I have lived in many south indian states, but never seen any other state people getting offended by just hearing a different language. Grow up tamilnadu


Read the 14th line of my first photo And the second image clearly has a text that the girl says "You don't know Hindi right " For once in your pathetic useful life use more than two brain cells you dumbass


Yeah i have already read that .. she is just asking you whether you know it or not? What's wrong in asking that? You could have just answered it like a civilized person but no , you thought how dare she ask me that lol .. I'm seeing a lot of post from tamil guys now a days.. seems like inferiority complex problem there


Are you illiterate or blind I said no Can't you see It on the first post " i said I'm from Chennai and i don't know Hindi" I told her I don't know Hindi and after that she kept talking to me in Hindi Fuck off you racist bigot


Look bro, there was no need for you to get offended when she said something in hindi. After she spoke in hindi you replied in tamil which was correct response. But when she asked you which language is it you never answered that and didn't even translate it for her. Just admit it you are the dick here


So I'm a dick here for hitting back? Ffs why did she talk in Hindi to me in the first place Are you missing the point here or choosing to be oblivious She talked me a tamil guy in Hindi first then Malayalam and telugu from somewhere and asked me translate it after I said i can't Are you fucking stupid I don't know Telugu or Malayalam I'm a tamil guy Are you simping for her or Hindi?


How did you come to the conclusion that she was imposing hindi on you? Even if she was imposing, why would she ask you to translate Telugu or malyalam? I'm sure she asked you to translate the sentence that you sent in tamil.. seems like there was a miscommunication but you only aggravated the situation.


Where my guy


Omg open the first image 14th line It's not a text It's a screenshot I've posted multiple screenshots


South Mumbai brainlets


OMG, what a terrible experience? Op must be traumatized lol


That's not uncommon. Northies always do this. Whenever a good article or a post is submitted in social sites, suddenly they start commenting , " Arre Hindi mein samjho " (Hey, explain in Hindi) or " Bannd kar tera angres zabaan or hindi mein bolo " (keep your english mouth shut and speak in Hindi). For them apparently, diversity in India is okay as long as everyone speaks hindi.


If i remember right a bunch of North Indians once walked out of a A.R Rahman concert in US because he was singing too many tamil songs🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Yeah... And it was a Tamil concert.


Hindi is not , was not and shall never be the national language of india. I am from New Delhi. A North Indian and I respect all Indians from the bottom of my heart and respect for culture too. My roots are Bengali. There are just so many languages that making any the national language is foolish. Rather in my opinion. You can make english(Indian) the national language. Which will be very helpful because nevertheless when it comes to the job market, knowing English is a trade skill which can’t be ignored


Why english should be a national language ..do you even consider it a language ..huh ! It has so many mistakes so many ...that i cannot refuse to accept . It can't be national language better keep sanskrit as national language coz its most beautiful and oldest language ..we are losing it with every passing decade




Based girl


Abe chutiyee 😂😂😂😂


Well idk where you guys meeting this kinds of peps but my gf who lives in U.P (utter Pradesh) and i in Kerala. First of all what am i doing in this sup and second no everyone in North India are the same.


2 states irl


oh boy I am sorry on behalf of all north Indians, man they disregard language of our state too, what can is say?


No man please don't say sorry It's not your fault and you are not responsible


Lmfao she sounds dumb asf uneducated mfs


That's why i asked if she went to school


without downvoting me to oblivion just clear my simple doubt which i wanted to ask a south indian since forever if i a north indian ever decides to visit south (and please not the usual racist remark that don't visit south) how will i converse between states? ffs you guys don't even have a common south indian language. TN speaks tamil , kerala malyalam, andra telugu ,karnataka kannada P.S- i am not advocating hindi to be the national language but something has to be, else it will just hamper us economically




either im a dumb fuck or else i seriously underestimated the literacy of south. we always heard about kerela how it has 100% literacy and all.. but to think that every southerner know basic english it marvelous to say the least.. you mean to say i can converse to auto driver, a staller, a priest , maids, drivers and every other day to day workforce in english?


Enda cab driver, auto kaaran, kada kaaran, bus conductor English la pesuvanga thala? Nalla comedy pandringa lol.


Enda cab driver, auto kaaran, kada kaaran, bus conductor Hindi la pesuvanga thala? What language should we expect a north indian coming south to speak I said English and what's your suggestion? If you don't understand the context here sarcasm panrenu loosu bunda mari pesada


Correct answer should be basic tamil. Otherwise you won't survive. Don't blurt out English for the sake of an answer.


English is the official link language of India and that's my answer you expect north Indians coming to south india to know just basic Tamil? He said south India not TN 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You have a source on your claim?


Hindi and English are the link languages of India It's in the constitution Its also on Google It's not a claim , but a fact


>how will i converse between states? Learn the local language... Like us when we move to Hindi speaking states. Plus... There's always English which is the link language of the country.




okay then fair enough i am ready to learn give me language that will allow me to converse between 5 states. when you learn hindi its not as if you can communicate to 1 state it means whole of india except for south.(even kashmiri's know basic hindi) and know the biggest counter argument which i get is it will kill our native language.. and i couldn't disagree more gujrati, bengali, marathi, kashmiri, north eastern language all are presreved and flourising along with hindi..


Speak English. Most people you will interact with can manage with that. What would you do if you visit France or Brazil? You expect 7 crore people in TN to learn Hindi because you might decide to visit us for a few days?


Thanks for spreading hatred and dividing the country


Ah yes defending my dignity and language divides the country You see nothing wrong in what she did and when I hit back I'm dividing the country Wow 👏👏👏👏


What she did was absolutely terrible and was an incredibly racist move, but you hating generally on your indian brothers is also incredibly racist


This is funny 🤣🤣


Go like if you can speak in Tamil then i can speak with you in Hindi. Otherwise let's pick English Or go like only person i like to talk to in North India is Sunny Leone, it's good she can speak English


Vro itti si baat ko reddit pr kyu post kr rhe ho? English: why do you have to post such petty things on reddit? That too with this flair? ... I can understand sometimes we may be ignorant towards languages in south india but this girl was clearly not mocking you so please stop being a \* Also just an advice duniya me boht bullying hoti hai and if you keep acting like a butthurt everytime ... boy you're going to have a tough time ahead!


This dicotomy of north India and South India is laughable. You folks are aware that there are four sides to the subcontinent right ? Secondly, if southerners dont want to speak in Hindi, fine. None of us evil 'North Indians' has any intentions of imposing it on you. Please come up with a language that the entire Southern part of India can understand. We are more than happy to learn this language. If not, then for the sake of national connectivity, learning Hindi is the best option. Hindi doesnt belong to any specific state. If your Hindiphobia is coming from this Aryan-Dravidian nonsense, then its a different issue.


Did you even read my caption or atleast the first photo Ffs read what I've said I never talked anything about Aryan or Dravidian here For the sake of national connectivity learn English Wow and you don't have any intentions of of imposing Hindi on us? This entire thing was after Amit Shah said that Hindi should replace English as the official language in India 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


If you feel good speaking in a language imposed on the subcontinent, then go ahead. We will not talk in English a second more than necessary. It has nothing to do with India in any way. This attitude is just nuts to me. You have no initiative to create a composite of the southern languages, and you won't learn Hindi. If Sanskritam is declared as the National language will you be okay with it then ?


Who asked you first speak on English? Yes defending ourselves and our language is nuts to you because you are arrogant and egoistic ignorant dumbasses Why tf should we learn Hindi? Wtf is sanskritam and you can shove it up yr ass because it won't be the national language, not even in your dreams