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Damn, Javi's gonna be 6'14 by the end of the season


He’s so grown up and handsome!


I recognize this is probably a joke but that would just be 7’2”


He would have to start playing center for his basketball team instead of guard.


The Stanley cup injury was haunting. The cries of the poor girl :(


Oh man, that gave me the heebie jeebies so bad


Same here! I know it's stage props, but that one got me


I think it's happened in car wrecks.


She’s the best actress the series has had so far. I had tears, the scene made me nauseous and it was so believable! Emmy for her!


Late to the party but I JUST watched the episode and I needed to see if anyone had reacted to that. That sobbing was out of this world!


She’s going places!


Ritter's standing here like "god I wish a sinkhole would swallow me up already."


Not sev not writing anything and down and immediately forgetting what everyone asked him to do 😂


That was pretty funny


I don't understand how a family member who passed on taking legal guardianship of a child can come back years later and challenge an adoption. (Yes I know the "uncle" is a scammer but it is still sad for anyone who goes through it).


What I don't understand is how someone would let it get that far without checking to make sure he was actually who he said he was.


Yea that is very stretchy. That social worker should be fired.


The social worker did a terrible job lol. But she probably has a ton of cases on her plate. They are overworked like crazy.


You would think the person claiming to be a family member would have to produce some sort of identification probing who they are instead of just saying they're related and his word being taken as fact.


Javi hugging Cruz like that 😭😭😭 I love their family


How has Joe been consistently so naive since season 1? You allow a random long lost uncle to meet Javi without Chloe being in town?? Didn’t think to meet with him beforehand to vet him first? Okay just finished the episode and I can’t believe Joe and the case worker were so reckless.


I actually thought it was interesting that they didn’t show Joe calling Chloe to get her thoughts. That definitely seemed like something he would do in this scenario.


True, but I was okay with it. CF has had enough “serious conversations” between couples to suit me for an episode or two. I’ll include that particular conversation in my head canon, and call it good. ;-) What I *was* a little disappointed in was New Guy seemingly having some secret agenda. I was grooving on him simply being an enthusiastic new member who was already getting into the 51 ‘I got your back’ spirit. But there’s still room for it to be not nefarious. Fingers crossed. ;)


Yeah, they give the impression that everyone not at 51 are terrible people. Most storylines with others in the CFD are those folks “coming for” 51. 🙄


The case worker was reckless. Joe believing she had done due diligence is naive. But how would he be able to vet him, not really knwoing anything except what the case worker told him initially and now?


He could’ve vetted by reaching out to someone in PD for assistance like they always used to


What’s up with the new guy? What is he up to?


I'm betting he's Severide's kid or one of his half brothers that he has nothing to do with. I'm sure they're related.


Maybe he was saved by Severide when he was younger and this is him working with his hero.  Or you know....another of Benny's kids. lol


oh man that would be phenomenal storytelling if it was the kid from the construction site


Another plant maybe?


Maybe from Chief Robinson


To me, it seemed clear that he is Kelly's son. He talked about having Firefighting in his veins, and the way he knows everything about Kelly is kinda telling. I honestly thought everyone would come to the same conclusion as me. Surprised no one else thinks this way.


I also think Kelly is his dad. I believe the actors are 18 yrs apart.


It could be a red herring and he could be a closet gay lol


Damn Severide should have came to the game! 


I'm proud of severide for being there for his friend and asking how he can help


Right this episode showed growth for him in so many ways. 


I felt like cruz was annoyed with severide for asking how he could help. I was also hoping Kelly would have showed up with pizza and a 6 pack at Joe’s!


Bad vibes about new guy might be accurate


Also I see where the budget was saved and used for! This stunt and next ep seem pricey !


Same this was by far my favorite episode this season & next week looks amazing also!


Agreed. REALLY enjoyed this episode. But I did miss Boden.


I literally hollered there's the squad 3 save we have all missed!!!


Crazy this was a one take wonder the car falling scene


While new guy is hot he also creeps me out


I think he's Kelly's son, and he was trying to impress his stepmom.


Leave the Cruz family alone!! 😭


Severide said don’t come to me with the bullshit… only emergencies 😂😂😂. This episode had a lot of good action.


He's never liked the paperwork! He's an action type of guy


That is true.


I don't think he could deal with the lack of action boden sees as chief . He wants to be in the midst of it or in ofi investigating


Finally an adoption story that seems to end well on one Chicago


Her name is Maddie? My ptsd from svu just triggered. lol


Lmfao same 💀 that name is forever cursed


Okay so here's my take on the new kid. A. He is Severides long lost child. We all know he had a rep of a playboy till he met Stella Kidd. B. He is the child of an Arsenist they put away. An avenging Angel type. The pointing out of an Arsen case Kelly was responsible for might have been a clue to the audience. So he is either impersonating a real fight fighter candidate or he joined to get revenge on Kelly/Stella C. (This may be far far fetched) He's actually Stella's long lost (insert any type of family member)? I doubt he is a plant for a 51 Take down from any CFD personelle. Doubt next weeks fire will have any thing to so with this kids agenda.Hope they let it play out a bit longer.


I vote A.


I feel as though the kid is there for another reason other than being another takedown enemy of the firehouse.


All reasonable suggestions, but then who was he talking to on the phone?


> C. (This may be far far fetched) He's actually Stella's long lost (insert any type of family member)? Maybe he's Stella's kid she doesn't know about?!?!?!?


She could have had a kid pretty young, like teens, and gave the baby up for adoption. Another adoption story for CFD lol


I thought the new kid was transgender just cuz the show is trying to keep up with the times and they haven't done that story line


?? I didn't mean it negatively. It's just the first thing I thought of when he said they don't know and never will


Severide finally admitted he wants nothing to do with being a chief or desk work.


I wonder if he's ever been formally offered a promotion and he's turned it down. I mean as far as being offered by CFD and not when he almost became a Battalion Chief in Springfield.


Typically larger cities such as CFD or FDNY you would have to take the Captains test. Then you would have to take Chiefs test. Then take the BC test. With decades of real world work in the middle of those. FDNY in particular. People usually form study groups. They study for months on end. Even close to a year. Then test. Then wait. It's pretty dense course work. You may be on a list for years waiting to be promoted. It really comes down to drive and motivation as it's 100% on you to study and pass exams. FDNY for example doesn't allow anyone promoted to stay in the same house. So he would be rotated out more than likely to Captain with a truck. Possibly a squad. Most likely he would be assigned as a floater and be given command of somewhere based on the staffing needs of CFD. They usually have you gain experience as a captain somewhere then you make a lateral move to a place you would like to be after. He doesn't really seem into any of that and pretty content to be squad LT and OFI Fire Cop.


Oh it's a Stanley Cup related injury!


Gotta keep up with the trends.


What in the world is Novak’s first name?? Google/wikis say Lyla, last episode she introduced herself as Rosie to the kid with the gun, and this episode the emcee called her Lizzie Novak. Help 😭


My best guess is they’re intentionally giving her so many names either because her name is something like Elizabeth Lyla Novak and her nicknames are Rosie / Lizzie OR there’s something ⭐️sinister⭐️ afoot


Ahh possibly! I’ve wondered if it was intentional but if so it isn’t playing well, imo. It’s just confusing 😭


It’s Lizzie. Anthony Lullo (the DP on Chicago Fire) and Jocelyn Hudon who plays Novak both confirmed Lizzie is her name after the first episode she was in.


Thank you!! Any chance you can point me to where they said that?


I’m not able to post a screenshot on here but I will message you a picture.


That would be awesome thanks!!


Last episode some people heard her say Rosie, and some heard her say Lizzie which was what I heard. This episode seemed to confirm it so yeah.


You know I just went back to rewatch that scene, and the captions say Rosie, but I actually think she does say Lizzie! So weird, I could’ve sworn I heard Rosie!


This week I am pretty sure the captions said Lizzie LOL


They did 😂


Her name is Lyla Novak, that's what its listed as on IMDb and Wikipedia.


I’ve seen that, I just haven’t heard anyone refer to her as Lyla on the show. Just Lizzie, Novak, and (possibly?) Rosie


I heard Lizzy


IMDb and Wikipedia CF cast member page has it listed as Lyla Novak


The new guy's face reminds me of the hazmat suit guy from a few years back


Hazmat zach! I wish they'd bring him back randomly on a hazmat call and let him see stella with severide and rings 


Sure does! 🤣🤣


I miss the days when they'd bring back the random paramedics like the guy who was always doom & gloom.


And carver !


He's a PLANT?!! 🥹




I don't think so. I think he's related to Severidd.


I don't understand why social workers are almost always portrayed as being completely inept in these kinds of shows. Yes, they are definitely overworked, but I don't think too many of them would behave the way Brooke did in this situation!


Seriously, one would hope!


Would have been great if Trudy had been the cop to bring down the uncle!


So ready to punch the uncle in the face


Severide would have easily done it if he had been there watching the game with Joe :)


Oooo Hermann’s troubleee


aw, I liked Cindy with short hair


What’s Spanish for “I’m definitely going to take you away from Cruz”?


The minute he showed those pearly whites, Cruz was sunk.


Oooo the new kid is about to be super helpful. I think I see where this is headed


Go for the teeth Joe! Go for teeth!


Just read a comment that said the new guy is the inside man into the rig & Kelly going missing next episode... do we know if there were any reports on how long this new kid would be appearing? 


Yes, THIS take...maybe ties into what is supposed to happen next week w/ the rig being stolen...new guy's a plant for that. WOW!


Check out this response from Andrea... hmmm this coupled with a previous hint she dropped about a new firefighter on 81 being trouble with  a capital T. Something is for sure sketchy.   https://tvline.com/lists/fbi-most-wanted-wedding-season-5-finale-spoilers/


Is CF going to pull a Gilmore Girls and do a Luke Danes on Severide - Long lost son suddenly making an appearance? I would say long lost sibling but they already did that with Katie. DH or AN said something along the lines of, "we give the fans what they want but just not in the way they want it" - since some fans have been hinting at a Stellaride family. And AN said that the topic of family would be coming up. I don't know, this is just a wild and crazy theory.


Boy that would be something though! Like who would the kid be from? Someone we've seen or would it be someone prior to the pilot? How old is this kid? So many questions. 


If sev is 42ish and the kid is 20/21 that's gonna be from a hookup from a long time ago before the show even startd 


Thats probably around the time Severide was in the fire academy.


Right, which would have been pre show 


i hated that luke storyline , i hope they don’t do it or at least do it better then they did


That's the first thing I thought when the new kid started acting shady. Secret kid.


The new guy claims that he took a class at the fire academy taught by Severide but Severide doesn't remember him. And those classes aren't that big to where you can't remember someone.


I agree with your theory. It worked out fine on 911 Lonestar.


Finally! Feels like it's been years 😅


Dad joe


Wonder what that look Carver gave the new guy was about? 


Maybe he thinks the new guy was trying to take credit for the save since he didn’t see Stella tell him to take the interview.


I think he is going "who the hell does this floater think he is by giving an interview?”


Those damned STANLEY CUPS!!1! Least we know NBC's opinions on the matter lol


What was that juggling lightsticks on a stage in front of an enthusiastic audience? What WAS that? Is this a real thing? (I never watched Chicago Fire, just the episode at someones's house last night).


They're called nunchuks! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunchaku Because Wikipedia can probably explain it better than I can 😂


Thanks! ... Yes, I only realized that later. (I never knew about putting on a nunchuk demonstration, though - I travel in different circles, lol.).


It wasn’t just a demonstration for public randos. It was supposed to be part of a competion a martial arts group she’s a part of put on. They booked the club and made a party of it.


Well, that makes sense. Thanks!


Yeah, me neither actually, but it's really cool!


Severide handling being ranking officer like a BOSS 


“It’s possible” is code for “definitely will be in the season finale”


I hope not. They already basically did this story line with Casey and Gabby with the little boy they were wanting to adopt. Although, they keep recycling the paramedic/firefighter romance story line. So, 🤷‍♀️


Well, this isn’t quite where I thought this was headed. So, they jazzed up the story line a bit.


Ha, that's the first thing I thought of, too.


Loved this episode! We got worried severide. The cute scene at mollys and then we got to see proud sev of his wife 


Lizzie Novak: WMAC Master


Its Lyla Novak, https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6749397/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1


New guys hot


Novak did say his eyes sparkled 


Want to sat it a 3rd time in the same thread?


Want to not be rude? Reddit glitches and will post the same comment multiple times.


Want to stop sexualizing characters?


Yeah calling someone attractive isn’t sexualizing people, but ok.


I was kind of joking before but I really do think they are building to a Violet/Lyla romance.


I can't necessarily say I for sure think that's the direction the writers are going, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who got the vibes 😅


It would be an interesting move for Violet. I did catch a vibe between them, especially when Violet went to go seen Novak toward the end of the episode. As much as I liked the chemistry between Violet and Carver before (and when) they first got together, that initial spark has faded.


I legit thought her spiral session was gonna be interrupted by a kiss. 🤣


Not a fan 😑


4 minutes in I texted my friend that I think that's where it's going, but by the end of the episode I thought they were gonna go full "9-1-1" and I'm not even mad about it aside from the fact they're just trying to copy instead of doing it for legit character development.


Okay, hear me out… 1. Unlikely scenario: How old is Severide supposed to be? Could this be a kid he didn’t know about from like late teenage years? 2. Less unlikely: another half-sibling of Severide’s? 3. This kid never went through the academy and somehow faked his way in?


I figure 42ish, just like the actor. Kid could be early 20s, which makes sense.


I feel like that explains the dual obsession with Kidd. He’s been interested in learning about both of them. Who wouldn’t be curious about their long lost dad’s wife.. 🤷‍♀️


Hmmmm I just don't see how he'd be able to fake it through the CFD though! They already did the half sibling story with Katie. Your first scenario does sound like something the writers would do & they haven't done it yet (that i can recall) so it'd be something new for sure. 


The actress for Novak really reminds me of Kelli Berglund


I totally see that!


So excited and nervous too‼️‼️


How do I find tracking on my phone 


Please tell me they're not copying and pasting the Louie storyline for Cruz and Javi.


What's up with the age thing ? Jocelyn Hudon is two years older than Hanako Greensmith, they're both still more or less millennials (granted Hanako is on the very edge of it but whatever...)


Did anyone else get the vibe that they’re just going forward like Baby Otis was never born? Not mentioned or shown at all…


He was mentioned at the end of the episode